Arff is the file format used by WEKA. EvoAl can read and write Arff files to exchange data with WEKA. Currently, there are three ways of using the arff plugin.
Generating a DDL file
EvoAl can generate a DDL file based on an Arff file. Therefore, EvoAl reads the structure section of the Arff file and makes guesses on the scale type of the data. Please make sure you verify these settings afterwards.
bash input.arff output.ddl
Converting an Arff file into an EvoAl JSON file
You can also convert an Arff file into a JSON file EvoAl can read (you don't have to, but you can). The conversion will convert each entry to a properties instance and write the resulting instance to the JSON file. This way, the unset values of the arff files will be removed.
bash input.arff specification.ddl output.json
Read the Arff directly
It is optional to convert your Arff into a JSON file. Instead, EvoAl can directly use the Arff file whenever a JSON file is expected. Nevertheless, you will need a corresponding DDL file.