EvoAl uses continuous integration and delivery to create nightly builds and releases.
Based on the state of the release branch, an official release is produced every six months (in April and October), and its version numbers will be YYYY.MM.VV
, e.g. 2024.10.0
or 2025.3.0
Versioning Strategy
The git graph below shows an overview of the fundamental CI/CD process.
The repository has two main branches (release
and develop
) and several feature branches.
%%{init: { 'logLevel': 'debug', 'theme': 'base', 'gitGraph': {'showBranches': true, 'showCommitLabel':true,'mainBranchName': 'release'}} }%%
commit id: "2024.3.0"
branch develop
checkout develop
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.2"
branch feature1
checkout feature1
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.3"
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.4"
checkout develop
merge feature1
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.5"
branch feature2
checkout feature2
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.6"
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.7"
checkout develop
merge feature2
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.8"
checkout release
merge develop
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.9"
checkout develop
branch feature3
checkout feature3
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.10"
checkout develop
merge feature3
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.11"
checkout release
merge develop
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.12"
commit id: "2024.10.0-alpha.13" tag: "2024.10.0"
checkout develop
commit id: "2025-03.0-alpha.14"
The actual development takes place in feature branches, which correspond to an issue each.
Every change committed to a feature branch is automatically compiled by the CI and tested using the existing unit tests.
When the feature is complete, a merge request against the develop
branch is created to merge the feature into the develop
Merge Request to The merge request should be configured with the following settings:
- Delete source branch when merge request is accepted
- Squash commits when merge request is accepted
During the merge process, all existing unit and integration tests have to pass. Thus, it might happen that a feature branch that compiles correctly cannot be integrated due to a broken integration test. In such a case, the feature branch has to be fixed accordingly to allow a successful merge.
The develop
branch is the integration area that continuously integrates features when their implementation is finished.
The branch passes the unit and integration tests.
Merge Request to The develop
branch is automatically merged into the release
branch using an automated script.
The merge request should be configured with the following settings:
- Do not delete source branch when merge request is accepted
- Do not squash commits when merge request is accepted
- Auto merge on success
During the merge process, unit, integration, and regression tests are executed, and the code coverage is measured.
Release Branch
The release
branch is comparable to nightly build versions that were successfully tested using all existing tests.
Official Release
We create an official release by creating a tag with the release version. Then, the build process is triggered, and a release is created and registered in GitLab.
Version Numbering
The version number of a release is given by the pattern YYYY-MM
, e.g. 2024.03
. After creating a release, we have to switch to the next release version number in the repository to, e.g. 2024.10.0.$CI_PIPELINE_IID
. The part -alpha-$CI_PIPELINE_IID
is for maven smaller than the final version 2024.10.0
, thus making the maven repository magic work. The variable $CI_PIPELINE_IID
is set by GitLab automatically and corresponds to a project-specific increasing build number.
The version number is stored in two places, and we have to adapt both locations for and after a release:
: Here, we construct the version number based on the CI pipeline variable. -
: Here, we have a hardcoded version for manual build on the developer's machines. It is set to a large value (to be larger than the CI build number).
Within a release cycle, we first switch to an -alpha
version. It is possible that we add additional intermediate "versions" if we want to add additional build milestones. The order would be:
- alpha
- beta
- milestone
- rc
- snapshot