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Commit f35e3703 authored by Martin Ring's avatar Martin Ring
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module Sem where
import Control.Concurrent hiding(QSem)
data Sem = Sem (MVar (Bool, [MVar ()]))
-- Create Semaphore
new :: IO Sem
new = do m <- newMVar (True, [])
return (Sem m)
-- "P"
wait :: Sem -> IO ()
wait (Sem sem) = do
(avail, blocked) <- takeMVar sem
if avail then
putMVar sem (False, [])
else do
block <- newEmptyMVar
putMVar sem (False, blocked++ [block])
takeMVar block
-- "V"
signal :: Sem -> IO ()
signal (Sem sem) = do
(_, blocked) <- takeMVar sem
case blocked of
[] -> putMVar sem (True, [])
block:blocked' -> do
putMVar sem (False, blocked')
putMVar block ()
File added
File added
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
write :: Char-> IO ()
write c = do putChar c; write c
main :: IO ()
main = do forkIO (write 'X'); write 'O'
File added
import qualified Sem
import Control.Concurrent
sync :: Sem.Sem-> IO ()-> IO ()
sync s f = do Sem.wait s; f; Sem.signal s
b1 :: IO ()
b1 = do putStrLn "foo"; threadDelay(1000); putStrLn "baz"
-- Synchronized
s1 :: IO ()
s1 = do q<-; forkIO (sync q b1); sync q b1
-- Unsynchronized
us1 :: IO ()
us1 = do q<-; forkIO b1; b1
{- This also works:
q<- Sem.newQSem 1
forkIO (sync q b1) >> (sync q b1)
trait Future[+T] { self =>
def onComplete(callback: Try[T] => Unit): Unit
def map[U](f: T => U) = new Future[U] {
def onComplete(callback: Try[U] => Unit) =
self onComplete (t => callback(
def flatMap[U](f: T => Future[U]) = new Future[U] {
def onComplete(callback: Try[U] => Unit) =
self onComplete { match {
case Success(fu) => fu.onComplete(callback)
case Failure(e) => callback(Failure(e))
} }
def filter(p: T => Boolean) =
map { t => if (!p(t)) throw new NoSuchElementException; t }
object Future {
def apply[T](f: => T) = {
val handlers = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[Try[T] => Unit]
var result: Option[Try[T]] = None
val runnable = new Runnable {
def run = {
val r = Try(f)
handlers.synchronized {
result = Some(r)
(new Thread(runnable)).start()
new Future[T] {
def onComplete(f: Try[T] => Unit) = handlers.synchronized {
result match {
case None => handlers += f
case Some(r) => f(r)
# How to run these examples interactively:
* Compile with scalac ...
* Start interactive scala shell (scala):
> import robots1._
> ....

import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
import scala.concurrent.{Future,Promise}
import scala.util.Random
class LowBatteryException() extends Exception("Low Battery")
case class Robot(id: Int, pos: Int, battery: Int):
private def mv(n: Int): Robot =
if n <= 0 then this
else if (battery > 0) then
Robot(id, pos+1, battery- 1).mv(n-1)
else throw new LowBatteryException
def move(n: Int): Future[Robot] = Future { mv(n) }
override def toString = s"Robot #$id at $pos [battery: $battery]"
\ No newline at end of file
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
object Examples:
def ex1 =
val robotSwarm = List.range(1,6).map{i=> Robot(i,0,10)}
val moved =
println("Started moving...")
def ex2 =
val r= Robot(99, 0, 20)
r1 <- r.move(3)
r2 <- r1.move(5)
r3 <- r2.move(2)
yield r3
\ No newline at end of file
/* Odersky's Try monad */
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
sealed abstract class Try[+T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => Try[U]): Try[U] = this match {
case Success(x) => try f(x) catch { case NonFatal(ex) => Failure(ex) }
case fail: Failure => fail
def map[U](f: T => U): Try[U] = this match {
case Success(x) => Try(f(x))
case fail: Failure => fail
def unit[U]= Try
case class Success[T](x: T) extends Try[T]
case class Failure(ex: Throwable) extends Try[Nothing]
object Try {
def apply[T](expr: => T): Try[T] =
try Success(expr)
catch { case NonFatal(ex) => Failure(ex) }
name := "lecture-03"
scalaVersion := "3.1.1"
Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value
\ No newline at end of file
import{Behavior, ActorRef, ActorSystem}
enum Message:
case Count
case Get(n: ActorRef[Int])
def counter(count: Int): Behavior[Message] = Behaviors.receiveMessage {
case Message.Count =>
counter(count + 1)
case Message.Get(sender) =>
sender ! count
@main def main() =
val testkit = ActorTestKit("hello")
val c = testkit.spawn(counter(0))
c ! Message.Count
c ! Message.Count
c ! Message.Count
val p = testkit.createTestProbe[Int]()
c ! Message.Get(p.ref)
\ No newline at end of file
name := "lecture-03"
scalaVersion := "3.1.1"
val AkkaVersion = "2.6.19"
val Slf4jVersion = "1.7.36"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-typed" % AkkaVersion,
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-testkit-typed" % AkkaVersion,
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % Slf4jVersion,
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % Slf4jVersion
Compile / scalaSource := baseDirectory.value
\ No newline at end of file
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Bank where
import Control.Concurrent
data Message a = Stop | Message {
messageSender :: (ActorRef a),
payload :: a
newtype ActorRef a = ActorRef {
inbox :: MVar (Message a)
data ActorContext a = ActorContext {
self :: ActorRef a,
sender :: ActorRef a
newtype Behavior a = Behavior {
receive :: ActorContext a -> a -> IO (Behavior a)
respond :: ActorContext a -> a -> IO ()
respond context msg =
send (sender context) (self context) msg
send :: ActorRef a -> ActorRef a -> a -> IO ()
send (ActorRef recipient) sender message =
putMVar recipient (Message sender message)
ask :: ActorRef a -> a -> IO a
ask recipient message = do
inbox <- newEmptyMVar
let self = ActorRef inbox
send recipient self message
(Message sender answer) <- takeMVar inbox
return answer
stop :: ActorRef a -> IO ()
stop (ActorRef recipient) = putMVar recipient Stop
become :: (ActorContext a -> a -> IO (Behavior a)) -> IO (Behavior a)
become = return . Behavior
actor :: Behavior a -> IO (ActorRef a)
actor behavior = do
inbox <- newEmptyMVar
let self = ActorRef inbox
let loop (Behavior behavior) = do
msg <- takeMVar inbox
case msg of
Stop -> return ()
(Message sender msg) -> do
let context = ActorContext self sender
newState <- behavior context msg
loop newState
forkIO $ loop behavior
return self
data BankMessage =
CreateAccount | NewBankAccount (ActorRef BankMessage) |
Deposit Integer | Withdraw Integer |
RequestBalance | Balance Integer |
Transfer (ActorRef BankMessage) (ActorRef BankMessage) Integer |
Done | Failed String
data Bank = Bank {
accounts :: [ActorRef BankMessage]
bank :: IO (ActorRef BankMessage)
bank = actor (Behavior receive) where
receive context = \case
CreateAccount -> do
newAccount <- account 0
respond context $ NewBankAccount newAccount
become receive
Transfer from to amount -> do
tf <- wireTransfer
send tf (sender context) (Transfer from to amount)
become receive
account :: Integer -> IO (ActorRef BankMessage)
account balance = actor (Behavior $ receive balance) where
receive balance context = \case
Deposit amount -> do
respond context $ Done
become $ receive (balance + amount)
Withdraw amount ->
if amount <= balance then do respond context $ Done
become $ receive (balance - amount)
else do respond context $ Failed "No sufficient balance"
become $ receive balance
RequestBalance -> do
respond context $ Balance balance
become $ receive balance
wireTransfer :: IO (ActorRef BankMessage)
wireTransfer = actor (Behavior initialState) where
initialState context = \case
t@(Transfer from to amount) -> do
send from (self context) $ Withdraw amount
become $ waitForWithdraw (sender context) t
waitForWithdraw client t@(Transfer from to amount) context = \case
Done -> do
send to (self context) $ Deposit amount
become $ waitForDeposit client t
Failed reason -> do
send client (self context) $ Failed ("Withdrawal failed: " ++ reason)
stop (self context)
become undefined
waitForDeposit client (Transfer from to amount) context = \case
Done -> do
send client (self context) $ Done
stop (self context)
become undefined
Failed reason -> do
send client (self context) $ Failed ("")
stop (self context)
become undefined
test :: IO ()
test = do
theBank <- bank
NewBankAccount account1 <- ask theBank CreateAccount
NewBankAccount account2 <- ask theBank CreateAccount
ask account1 $ Deposit 10000
result <- ask theBank $ Transfer account1 account2 5000
case result of
Done -> putStrLn "Transfer successfull"
Failed reason -> putStrLn reason
Balance balance1 <- ask account1 RequestBalance
Balance balance2 <- ask account2 RequestBalance
putStrLn $ "Konto 1: " ++ (show balance1) ++ ", Konto 2: " ++ (show balance2)
\ No newline at end of file
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
data Ctxt a = Empty
| Le (Ctxt a) (Tree a)
| Ri (Tree a) (Ctxt a)
newtype Loc a = Loc (Tree a, Ctxt a)
top :: Tree a-> Loc a
top t = (Loc (t, Empty))
go_left :: Loc a-> Loc a
go_left (Loc(t, ctx)) = case ctx of
Empty -> error "go_left at empty"
Le c r -> error "go_left of left"
Ri l c -> Loc(l, Le c t)
go_right :: Loc a-> Loc a
go_right (Loc(t, ctx)) = case ctx of
Empty -> error "go_right at empty"
Le c r -> Loc(r, Ri t c)
Ri _ _ -> error "go_right of right"
go_up :: Loc a-> Loc a
go_up (Loc(t, ctx)) = case ctx of
Empty -> error "go_up of empty"
Le c r -> Loc(Node t r, c)
Ri l c -> Loc(Node l t, c)
go_down_left :: Loc a-> Loc a
go_down_left (Loc(t, c)) = case t of
Leaf _ -> error "go_down at leaf"
Node l r -> Loc(l, Le c r)
go_down_right :: Loc a-> Loc a
go_down_right (Loc(t, c)) = case t of
Leaf _ -> error "go_down at leaf"
Node l r -> Loc(r, Ri l c)
ins_left :: Tree a-> Loc a-> Loc a
ins_left t1 (Loc(t, ctx)) = Loc(t, Ri t1 ctx)
ins_right :: Tree a-> Loc a-> Loc a
ins_right t1 (Loc(t, ctx)) = Loc(t, Le ctx t1)
delete :: Loc a-> Loc a
delete (Loc(_, c)) = case c of
Empty -> error "delete of empty"
Le c r -> Loc(r, c)
Ri l c -> Loc(l, c)
update :: Tree a-> Loc a-> Loc a
update t (Loc(_, c)) = Loc(t, c)
// Binary trees with functional updates.
enum Tree[+A]:
case Leaf(value: A)
case Node(left: Tree[A],
right: Tree[A])
enum Context[+A]:
case object Empty
case Left(up: Context[A],
right: Tree[A])
case Right(left: Tree[A],
up: Context[A])
case Loc(tree: Tree[A], context: Context[A])
def goLeft: Loc[A] = context match
case Empty => sys.error("goLeft at empty")
case Left(_,_) => sys.error("goLeft of left")
case Right(l,c) => Loc(l,Left(c,tree))
def goRight: Loc[A] = context match
case Empty => sys.error("goRight at empty")
case Left(c,r) => Loc(r,Right(tree,c))
case Right(_,_) => sys.error("goRight of right")
def goUp: Loc[A] = context match
case Empty => sys.error("goUp of empty")
case Left(c,r) => Loc(Node(tree,r),c)
case Right(l,c) => Loc(Node(l,tree),c)
def goDownLeft: Loc[A] = tree match
case Leaf(_) => sys.error("goDown at leaf")
case Node(l,r) => Loc(l,Left(context,r))
def goDownRight: Loc[A] = tree match
case Leaf(_) => sys.error("goDown at leaf")
case Node(l,r) => Loc(r,Right(l,context))
def insertLeft(t: Tree[A]): Loc[A] =
def insertRight(t: Tree[A]): Loc[A] =
def delete: Loc[A] = context match
case Empty => sys.error("delete of empty")
case Left(c,r) => Loc(r,c)
case Right(l,c) => Loc(l,c)
module EditorBetter where
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
-- A very simple text editor, but more efficient
data Editor = Ed { before :: [Char] -- In reverse order
, cursor :: Maybe Char
, after :: [Char] }
empty :: Editor
empty = Ed [] Nothing []
go_left :: Editor-> Editor
go_left e@(Ed [] _ _) = e
go_left (Ed (a:as) (Just c) bs) = Ed as (Just a) (c: bs)
go_right :: Editor-> Editor
go_right e@(Ed _ _ []) = e
go_right (Ed as (Just c) (b:bs)) = Ed (c:as) (Just b) bs
-- Insert a char to the right of the cursor, move cursor
insert :: Char-> Editor-> Editor
insert t (Ed as Nothing bs) = Ed as (Just t) bs
insert t (Ed as (Just c) bs) = Ed (c:as) (Just t) bs
-- Delete character under the cursor
delete :: Editor-> Editor
delete (Ed as _ (b:bs)) = Ed as (Just b) bs
delete (Ed (a:as) _ []) = Ed as (Just a) []
delete (Ed [] _ []) = Ed [] Nothing []
-- Remove character to the left of cursor
remove :: Editor-> Editor
remove = delete . go_left
-- Insert a string: successively insert characters
insert_str :: String-> Editor-> Editor
insert_str = flip $ foldl (flip insert)
instance Show Editor where
show (Ed as c bs) =
reverse as ++ fromMaybe '?' c:bs ++"\n" ++ replicate (length as) ' ' ++ "^"
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