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module Examples where
import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower)
import StateMonad
import qualified SimpleRefs as SR
import Refs
import WriterMonad
-- examples for writer monad
ex1 :: Writer String Int
ex1 = do let a= 3+4
tell $ "Calculated a " ++ show a ++ "\n"
let b= 8* 3
tell $ "Calculated b " ++ show b ++ "\n"
return $ a+ b
ex1a :: Logger Int
ex1a = do let a= 3+4
logger $ "Calculated a: " ++ show a
let b= 8* 3
logger $ "Calculated b: " ++ show b
return $ a+ b
-- examples for state Monad
-- Example using a very simple state
type WithCounter alpha = State Int alpha
-- This function is like toLower, but also counts the number of upper-case
-- characters converted to lower.
cntToLower :: String-> (String, Int)
cntToLower s = run (cntToL s) 0
-- Main function : we can now use monad syntax!
cntToL :: String-> WithCounter String
cntToL [] = return ""
cntToL (x:xs)
| isUpper x = do ys<- cntToL xs
set (+1)
return (toLower x: ys)
| otherwise = do { ys<- cntToL xs; return (x: ys) }
-- Examples for references
ex2 :: SR.Stateful Int String
ex2 = do r<- SR.newRef 43
s<- SR.newRef 17
SR.writeRef r 99
SR.writeRef s 17
v<- SR.readRef r
w<- SR.readRef s
return $ "r= "++ show v++ ", s= "++ show w
ex3 :: Stateful String
ex3 = do r<- newRef ""
s<- newRef (0 :: Int)
writeRef r "Foo"
writeRef s 43
vr <- readRef r
vs <- readRef s
return $ vr ++ show vs
module ListMonad where
-- List Monad Instance
import Prelude hiding ((++))
data List a = Nil | a :! (List a)
deriving (Read, Show)
(++) :: List a-> List a-> List a
Nil ++ bs = bs
(a:! as) ++ bs = a :! (as ++ bs)
instance Functor List where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (a:!as) = f a :! fmap f as
instance Applicative List where
pure a = a :! Nil
f :! fs <*> a :! as = f a :! (fs <*> as)
_ <*> _ = Nil
instance Monad List where
a :! as >>= g = g a ++ (as >>= g)
Nil >>= g = Nil
return a = a :! Nil
module MaybeMonad where
-- Maybe and Either Monad Instances
import Prelude hiding (Maybe, Just, Nothing, Either, Left, Right)
data Maybe alpha = Just alpha | Nothing
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
fmap f Nothing = Nothing
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure a = Just a
Just f <*> Just b = Just (f b)
_ <*> _ = Nothing
instance Monad Maybe where
Just a >>= g = g a
Nothing >>= g = Nothing
return = Just
data Either alpha beta = Left alpha | Right beta
instance Functor (Either alpha) where
fmap f (Right b) = Right (f b)
fmap f (Left a) = Left a
instance Applicative (Either alpha) where
pure = Right
Right f <*> Right b = Right (f b)
_ <*> Left b = Left b
instance Monad (Either alpha) where
Right b >>= g = g b
Left a >>= _ = Left a
return = Right
module Perms where
-- Ohne Monaden-Notation
ins' :: alpha-> [alpha]-> [[alpha]]
ins' x [] = [[x]]
ins' x (y:ys) = [x:y:ys] ++ map (y :) (ins' x ys)
perms' :: [alpha]-> [[alpha]]
perms' [] = [[]]
perms' (x:xs) = [is | ps <- perms' xs, is <- ins' x ps ]
-- In Monaden-Notation:
ins :: alpha-> [alpha]-> [[alpha]]
ins x [] = return [x]
ins x (y:ys) = [x:y:ys] ++ do
is <- ins x ys
return $ y:is
perms :: [alpha]-> [[alpha]]
perms [] = return []
perms (x:xs) = do
ps <- perms xs
is <- ins x ps
return is
module ReaderMonad where
data Reader sigma alpha = R {run :: sigma-> alpha}
instance Functor (Reader sigma) where
fmap f (R g) = R (f. g)
instance Applicative (Reader sigma) where
pure a = R (const a)
R g <*> R f = R $ \s-> g s (f s)
instance Monad (Reader sigma) where
return a = R (const a)
R f >>= g = R $ \s-> run (g (f s)) s
--Elementary operations: reading the state
get :: (sigma-> alpha)-> Reader sigma alpha
get f = R $ \s-> f s
-- equivalent to get = R
module Refs(
, Stateful
, readRef
, writeRef
, newRef
, runSt
) where
-- Typed references
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import Text.Printf
import Data.Dynamic
import StateMonad
newtype Ref alpha = Ref Int
-- The memory maps references to alpha values, and keeps track of the next
-- fresh reference.
data Mem = Mem { fresh :: Int, mem :: Map Int Dynamic }
-- A stateful computation is a state monad with a memory as a state
type Stateful beta = State Mem beta
-- This is slightly unsafe because the type synonym is not opaque
-- Elementary operations
readRef :: Typeable alpha=> Ref alpha-> Stateful alpha
readRef (Ref i) = get $ \m->
case Map.lookup i (mem m) of
Just a -> case fromDynamic a of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> error $ printf "readRef: Refence %06x ill-typed" i
Nothing -> error $ printf "readRef: Reference %06x not defined" i
writeRef :: Typeable alpha=> Ref alpha-> alpha-> Stateful ()
writeRef (Ref i) a = set $ \m-> m{mem = Map.insert i (toDyn a) (mem m)}
newRef :: Typeable alpha=> alpha-> Stateful (Ref alpha)
newRef a = do i <- get fresh
set $ \m-> m {mem= Map.insert i (toDyn a) (mem m), fresh= i+1}
return $ Ref i
-- Run alpha stateful computation with an empty state
runSt :: Stateful beta -> beta
runSt s = fst $ s $ Mem { fresh= 0, mem= Map.empty }
module SimpleRefs(
, Stateful
, readRef
, writeRef
, newRef
, runSt
) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map(Map)
import Text.Printf
import StateMonad
newtype Ref = Ref Int
-- The memory maps references to a values, and keeps track of the next
-- fresh reference.
data Mem alpha = Mem { fresh :: Int, mem :: Map Int alpha }
-- A stateful computation is a state monad with a memory as a state
type Stateful alpha beta = State (Mem alpha) beta
-- Elementary operations
readRef :: Ref-> Stateful alpha alpha
readRef (Ref i) = get $ \m->
case Map.lookup i (mem m) of
Just a -> a
Nothing -> error $ printf "readRef: Reference %08x not defined." i
writeRef :: Ref-> alpha-> Stateful alpha ()
writeRef (Ref i) a = set $ \m-> m{mem = Map.insert i a (mem m)}
newRef :: alpha-> Stateful alpha Ref
newRef a = do i <- get fresh
set $ \m-> m { mem= Map.insert i a (mem m), fresh= i+1 }
return $ Ref i
-- Run a stateful computation with a new state
runSt :: Stateful alpha beta -> beta
runSt s = fst $ s $ Mem { fresh= 0, mem= Map.empty }
module SimpleState where
import Prelude hiding (curry, uncurry, map)
import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower)
curry :: ((alpha, beta) -> gamma)-> alpha-> beta-> gamma
uncurry :: (alpha-> beta-> gamma)-> (alpha, beta) -> gamma
curry f a b = f (a, b)
uncurry f (a, b)= f a b
-- A very simple ``state transformer''
-- Type representing a state transforming function
type State sigma alpha = sigma-> (alpha, sigma)
-- Composition of two state transformers
comp :: State sigma alpha-> (alpha-> State sigma beta)-> State sigma beta
comp f g = uncurry g . f
-- Lifting: the trivial state transformer
lift :: alpha-> State sigma alpha
lift = curry id
-- Transforming functions
map :: (alpha-> beta)-> State sigma alpha-> State sigma beta
map f g = (\(a, s)-> (f a, s)) . g
-- Basic operations
-- Reading the state
get :: (sigma-> alpha)-> State sigma alpha
get f s = (f s, s)
-- Setting the state
set :: (sigma-> sigma)-> State sigma ()
set g s = ((), g s)
-- Example using a very simple state
type WithCounter alpha = State Int alpha
-- This function is like toLower, but also counts the number of upper-case
-- characters converted to lower.
cntToLower :: String-> (String, Int)
cntToLower s = cntToL s 0
-- Main function
cntToL :: String-> WithCounter String
cntToL [] = lift ""
cntToL (x:xs)
| isUpper x = cntToL xs `comp`
\ys-> set (+1) `comp`
\()-> lift (toLower x: ys)
| otherwise = cntToL xs `comp` \ys-> lift (x: ys)
module StateMonad(
, get
, set
, run
) where
-- The simple state transformer as a monad
-- Type representing a state transforming function
-- We need to wrap this in a datatype to be able to make it into an instance
data State sigma alpha = St { run :: sigma-> (alpha, sigma) }
-- Transforming functions: Functor instance
instance Functor (State sigma) where
fmap f g = St $ \s-> (\(a, s1)-> (f a, s1)) (run g s)
-- Applicate instance
instance Applicative (State sigma) where
pure a = St $ \s-> (a, s)
p <*> q = St $ \s-> let (f, s') = run p s
(a, s'') = run q s'
in (f a, s'')
-- Composition and lifting: Monad instance
instance Monad (State sigma) where
f >>= g = St $ \s -> let (a, s')= run f s
in run (g a) s'
return a = St $ \s-> (a, s)
-- Basic operations
-- Reading the state
get :: (sigma-> alpha)-> State sigma alpha
get f = St $ \s-> (f s, s)
-- Setting the state
set :: (sigma-> sigma)-> State sigma ()
set g = St $ \s-> ((), g s)
module WriterMonad where
import Data.Monoid
data Writer sigma alpha = W sigma alpha
instance Functor (Writer sigma) where
fmap f (W s a) = W s $ f a
instance Monoid sigma=> Applicative (Writer sigma) where
pure a = W mempty a
W s1 f <*> W s2 a = W (s1 `mappend` s2) $ f a
instance Monoid sigma=> Monad (Writer sigma) where
return a = W mempty a
(W s1 a) >>= g = let W s2 b = g a
in W (s1 `mappend` s2) b
tell :: sigma-> Writer sigma ()
tell s = W s ()
runW :: Writer sigma a-> (sigma, a)
runW (W s a) = (s, a)
-- A logging monad
type Logger = Writer [String]
logger :: String-> Logger ()
logger s = tell [s]
runLog :: Logger a-> IO a
runLog c = let (l, a) = runW c
in do putStrLn $ unlines l; return a
import scala.util.Try
enum Operator:
case Plus
case Times
case Minus
case DivideBy
override def toString: String = this match
case Plus => "+"
case Times => "*"
case Minus => "-"
case DivideBy => "/"
enum Expr:
case Binary(operator: Operator, left: Expr, right: Expr)
case Const(value: Int)
case Variable(identifier: String)
override def toString: String = this match
case Binary(op,l,r) => s"$l $op $r"
case Const(v) => v.toString
case Variable(i) => i
object Expr:
def eval(expr: Expr, env: Map[String,Int]): Option[Int] =
expr match
case Const(v) => Some(v)
case Binary(op,l,r) =>
val f: (Int,Int) => Int = op match
case Operator.Plus => _ + _
case Operator.Minus => _ - _
case Operator.Times => _ * _
case Operator.DivideBy => _ / _
l <- eval(l,env)
r <- eval(r,env)
res <- Try(f(l,r)).recover{ case e if !e.isInstanceOf[ArithmeticException] => throw e }.toOption
yield res
case Variable(i) =>
enum Order:
case LessThan
case Equal
case GreaterThan
trait Ordered[T]:
def compare(a: T, b: T): Order
def compare[T](a: T, b: T)(implicit order: Ordered[T]): Order =,b)
implicit class OrderOperators[T](a: T)(implicit order: Ordered[T]):
def >(b: T): Boolean = compare(a,b) == Order.GreaterThan
def <(b: T): Boolean = compare(a,b) == Order.LessThan
\ No newline at end of file
case class Rational(num: Int, denom: Int)
object Rational:
implicit object OrderedRational extends Ordered[Rational]:
def compare(a: Rational, b: Rational): Order =
a.num * b.denom - b.num * a.denom match
case x if x > 0 => Order.GreaterThan
case x if x < 0 => Order.LessThan
case _ => Order.Equal
\ No newline at end of file
module Example where
import Control.Monad.Identity
import StateMonadT
import ExnMonadT
type State = Int
type Error = String
type ResMonad a = StateT (ExnT Identity Error) State a
exm1 :: ResMonad Int
exm1 = do a<- get id
if (a == 0) then lift $ err "NULL!"
else set $ \_ -> a+1
return a
module ExnMonadT where
-- Maybe and Either Monad Instances
{- This is predefined:
data Either alpha beta = Left alpha | Right beta
data ExnT m e a = ExnT { runEx :: m (Either e a) }
instance Functor m=> Functor (ExnT m e) where
fmap f (ExnT a) = ExnT (fmap (fmap f) a)
instance Monad m=> Applicative (ExnT m e) where
pure = ExnT . pure . Right
ExnT fm <*> ExnT ma = ExnT $ do ef<- fm; ea<- ma; return $ ef <*> ea
instance Monad m=> Monad (ExnT m e) where
return = ExnT . return . Right
ExnT ma >>= g = ExnT $ do e <- ma
case e of Right a -> runEx (g a)
Left err -> return (Left err)
-- Operations:
err :: Monad m=> e-> ExnT m e a
err = ExnT. return. Left
module EvalFull where
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Expr2
import ResMonad
import qualified Data.Map as M
type State = M.Map String Double
eval :: Expr -> Res State Double
eval (Var i) = get (M.! i)
eval (Num n) = return n
eval (Plus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x+ y
eval (Minus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x- y
eval (Times a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x* y
eval (Div a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b
if y == 0 then fail else return $ x / y
eval (Pick a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; join x y
-- Examples:
s = M.fromList[("a", 3), ("b", 7)]
run (eval (Plus (Var "a") (Var "b"))) s
run (eval (Plus (Num 3) (Div (Var "b") (Minus (Num 3) (Var "a"))))) s
run (eval (Plus (Num 3) (Div (Var "a") (Var "b")))) s
run (eval (Div (Pick (Var "a") (Num 5)) (Pick (Var "b") (Num 0)))) s
module EvalND where
import Expr2
eval :: Expr -> [Double]
eval (Var i) = return 0
eval (Num n) = return n
eval (Plus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x+ y
eval (Minus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x- y
eval (Times a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x* y
eval (Div a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x/ y
eval (Pick a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; [x, y]
-- Examples:
eval (Plus (Num 3) (Pick (Num 4) (Num 5)))
eval (Times (Pick (Num 4) (Num 5)) (Pick (Num 1) (Num 0)))
module EvalPartial where
import Expr
eval :: Expr -> Maybe Double
eval (Var _) = return 0
eval (Num n) = return n
eval (Plus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x+ y
eval (Minus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x- y
eval (Times a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x* y
eval (Div a b) = do
x<- eval a; y<- eval b; if y == 0 then Nothing else Just $ x/ y
-- Examples:
eval (Plus (Num 3) (Div (Times (Num 4) (Num 5)) (Minus (Num 3) (Num 3))))
eval (Plus (Num 3) (Div (Times (Num 4) (Num 5)) (Minus (Num 4) (Num 3))))
module EvalPlain where
import Expr
eval :: Expr -> Double
eval (Var _) = 0
eval (Num n) = n
eval (Plus a b) = eval a+ eval b
eval (Minus a b) = eval a- eval b
eval (Times a b) = eval a* eval b
eval (Div a b) = eval a/ eval b
module EvalStateful where
import Expr
import ReaderMonad
import qualified Data.Map as M
type State = M.Map String Double
eval :: Expr -> Reader State Double
eval (Var i) = get (M.! i)
eval (Num n) = return n
eval (Plus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x+ y
eval (Minus a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x- y
eval (Times a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x* y
eval (Div a b) = do x<- eval a; y<- eval b; return $ x/ y
-- Example:
s = M.fromList[("a", 3), ("b", 7)]
run (eval (Plus (Var "a") (Var "b"))) s
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