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Commit f35e3703 authored by Martin Ring's avatar Martin Ring
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module Expr where
data Expr = Var String
| Num Double
| Plus Expr Expr
| Minus Expr Expr
| Times Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
evalM :: Monad m=> (String-> m a) -> (a-> a-> m a)-> Expr-> m a
evalM f p (Var i) = f i
evalM f p (Plus a b) = do x<- evalM f p a; y <- evalM f p b; p x y
module Expr2 where
data Expr = Var String
| Num Double
| Plus Expr Expr
| Minus Expr Expr
| Times Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
| Pick Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
module ListMonad where
-- List Monad Instance
import Prelude hiding ((++))
data List a = Nil | a :! (List a)
deriving (Read, Show)
(++) :: List a-> List a-> List a
Nil ++ bs = bs
(a:! as) ++ bs = a :! (as ++ bs)
instance Functor List where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (a:!as) = f a :! fmap f as
instance Applicative List where
pure a = a :! Nil
f :! fs <*> a :! as = f a :! (fs <*> as)
_ <*> _ = Nil
instance Monad List where
a :! as >>= g = g a ++ (as >>= g)
Nil >>= g = Nil
return a = a :! Nil
module MaybeMonad where
-- Maybe and Either Monad Instances
import Prelude hiding (Maybe, Just, Nothing, Either, Left, Right)
data Maybe alpha = Just alpha | Nothing
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
fmap f Nothing = Nothing
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure a = Just a
Just f <*> Just b = Just (f b)
_ <*> _ = Nothing
instance Monad Maybe where
Just a >>= g = g a
Nothing >>= g = Nothing
return = Just
data Either alpha beta = Left alpha | Right beta
instance Functor (Either alpha) where
fmap f (Right b) = Right (f b)
fmap f (Left a) = Left a
instance Applicative (Either alpha) where
pure = Right
Right f <*> Right b = Right (f b)
_ <*> Left b = Left b
instance Monad (Either alpha) where
Right b >>= g = g b
Left a >>= _ = Left a
return = Right
module ReaderMonad where
data Reader sigma alpha = R {run :: sigma-> alpha}
instance Functor (Reader sigma) where
fmap f (R g) = R (f. g)
instance Applicative (Reader sigma) where
pure a = R (const a)
R g <*> R f = R $ \s-> g s (f s)
instance Monad (Reader sigma) where
return a = R (const a)
R f >>= g = R $ \s-> run (g (f s)) s
--Elementary operations: reading the state
get :: (sigma-> alpha)-> Reader sigma alpha
get f = R $ \s-> f s
-- equivalent to get = R
module ResMonad(
, run
, get
, fail
, join
) where
import Prelude hiding (fail)
-- The result monad: a combination of reader monad, list monad and maybe monad.
data Res sigma alpha = Res { run :: sigma-> [Maybe alpha] }
instance Functor (Res sigma) where
fmap f (Res g) = Res $ fmap (fmap f). g
instance Applicative (Res sigma) where
pure a = Res (const [Just a])
Res f <*> Res a = Res $ \s-> do h<-f s; i<- a s; return $ h <*> i
instance Monad (Res sigma) where
return a = Res (const [Just a])
Res f >>= g = Res $ \s-> do ma<- f s
case ma of
Just a-> run (g a) s
Nothing-> return Nothing
-- Elementary operations:
get :: (sigma-> alpha)-> Res sigma alpha
get f = Res $ \s-> [Just $ f s]
fail :: Res sigma alpha
fail = Res $ const [Nothing]
join :: alpha-> alpha-> Res sigma alpha
join a b = Res $ \s-> [Just a, Just b]
module Absy where
-- Abstract syntax for a small imperative language
data Cmd = (:=) Var Expr
| Block [Cmd]
| Print String Expr
| Read Var
| While BExpr Cmd
| If BExpr Cmd Cmd
| Break
| Throw String
| Catch Cmd (String-> Cmd)
type Var = String
data Expr = Num Int
| Var Var
| Plus Expr Expr
| Minus Expr Expr
| Times Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
| Mod Expr Expr
data BExpr = Eq Expr Expr
| Less Expr Expr
| Not BExpr
| And BExpr BExpr
| Or BExpr BExpr
| BTrue
module Examples where
import Absy
import IMP
-- The factorial
p1 = Block [ Read "x"
, "n" := Num 1
, Print "Input: " (Var "x")
, While (Less (Num 0) (Var "x")) $
Block [ "n" := Times (Var "n") (Var "x")
, "x" := Minus (Var "x") (Num 1)
, Print "The result is " (Var "n")
-- Collatz conjecture
p2 = Block [ Read "x"
, "c" := Num 0
, While BTrue $
Block [ Print "Tracing: x= " (Var "x")
, If (Eq (Num 0) (Mod (Var "x") (Num 2)))
("x" := Div (Var "x") (Num 2))
("x" := Plus (Times (Var "x") (Num 3)) (Num 1))
, If (Eq (Var "x") (Num 1)) Break (Block [])
, "c" := Plus (Var "c") (Num 1)
, Print "Number of steps: " (Var "c")
module IMP where
-- A small imperative language
import Text.Read(readMaybe)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Absy
data St = St { mem :: Map.Map Var Int
, stdin :: [Int]
initialState :: [Int]-> St
initialState i = St Map.empty i
-- Exceptions
data Exn = BreakExn
| User String
| Error String
deriving Show
type Imp a = StateT St (WriterT [String] (ExceptT Exn Identity)) a
readVar :: Var-> Imp Int
readVar var = do
s<- get
case Map.lookup var (mem s) of
Just i -> return i
Nothing -> throwError (Error $ "Invalid variable access "++ var)
writeVar :: Var-> Int-> Imp ()
writeVar v w = modify $ \s-> s{mem = Map.insert v w (mem s)}
output :: String-> Int-> Imp ()
output msg i = tell [msg ++ show i]
input :: Imp Int
input = do
s<- get
case stdin s of
i:is -> do put $ s{stdin = is}
return i
[] -> throwError (Error $ "Premature EOF")
catch :: Imp ()-> (String-> Imp ())-> Imp ()
catch i handler =
i `catchError` \e-> case e of User str-> handler str; _ -> throwError e
-- Evaluate an expression.
liftBinOp :: (Int-> Int-> a)-> Expr-> Expr-> Imp a
liftBinOp f e1 e2 = do i1<- evalA e1; i2<- evalA e2; return $ f i1 i2
evalA :: Expr-> Imp Int
evalA (Num i) = return i
evalA (Var l) = readVar l
evalA (Plus e1 e2) = liftBinOp (+) e1 e2
evalA (Minus e1 e2) = liftBinOp (-) e1 e2
evalA (Times e1 e2) = liftBinOp (*) e1 e2
evalA (Mod e1 e2) = do v1 <- evalA e1
v2 <- evalA e2
when (v2 == 0) $ throwError (Error $ "Division by zero")
return $ v1 `mod` v2
evalA (Div e1 e2) = do v1 <- evalA e1
v2 <- evalA e2
when (v2 == 0) $ throwError (Error $ "Division by zero")
return $ v1 `div` v2
evalB :: BExpr -> Imp Bool
evalB BTrue = return True
evalB (Eq e1 e2) = liftBinOp (==) e1 e2
evalB (Less e1 e2) = liftBinOp (<) e1 e2
evalB (Not b) = do r<- evalB b; return (not r)
evalB (And b1 b2) = do r1<- evalB b1; r2<- evalB b2; return (r1 && r2)
evalB (Or b1 b2) = do r1<- evalB b1; r2<- evalB b2; return (r1 || r2)
eval :: Cmd-> Imp ()
eval (l := e) = do v<- evalA e; writeVar l v
eval (Block cs) = forM_ cs eval
eval (Print str e) = do i<- evalA e; output str i
eval (Read l) = do i<- input; writeVar l i
eval w@(While c i) =
do { b <- evalB c; if b then eval i >> eval w else return () }
`catchError` \e-> case e of BreakExn -> return (); _ -> throwError e
eval (If c p q) =
do b <- evalB c;
if b then eval p else eval q
eval Break = throwError BreakExn
eval (Throw exn) = throwError $ User exn
eval (Catch i handler) = eval i `catch` \s-> eval $ handler s
readLines :: IO [String]
readLines = do
s <- getLine
m <- if (null s) then return [] else readLines
return $ s: m
run :: Cmd-> IO ()
run i = do
putStrLn "Please provide input (one number per line, end with empty line):"
l <- readLines
let ints= mapMaybe readMaybe l
let ws = runStateT (eval i) (initialState ints)
let out = execWriterT ws
case runExcept out of
Left ex -> putStrLn $ "*** ERROR: " ++ show ex
Right o -> putStr (unlines o)
case class State[S,A](run: S => (A,S)):
def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S,B]): State[S,B] = State { s =>
val (a,s2) = run(s)
def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] =
flatMap(a => State(s => (f(a),s)))
def eval(s: S): A = run(s)._1
def exec(s: S): S = run(s)._2
object State:
def get[S]: State[S,S] = new State(s => (s,s))
def put[S](s_ : S): State[S,Unit] = new State(s => ((),s_))
def modify[S](f: S => S): State[S,Unit] = get.flatMap(x => put(f(x)))
object Example:
def push[A](x: A): State[List[A],Unit] = State.modify(x :: _)
def pop[A]: State[List[A],A] = for
xs <- State.get
_ <- State.put(xs.tail)
yield xs.head
def example: State[List[Int],Int] = for
_ <- push(10)
_ <- push(20)
a <- pop
b <- pop
_ <- push (a+b)
_ <- push(30)
a <- pop
b <- pop
_ <- push (a*b)
result <- pop
yield result
\ No newline at end of file
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Monad[M[*]]:
def pure[A](a: A): M[A]
def bind[A,B](m: M[A], f: A => M[B]): M[B]
object Monad:
implicit class MonadOps[M[*], A](m: M[A])(implicit instance: Monad[M]):
def flatMap[B](f: A => M[B]): M[B] = instance.bind(m, f)
def map[B](f: A => B): M[B] = flatMap(f andThen instance.pure)
enum Failable[A]:
case Success(value: A)
case Failure(e: Throwable)
def success[A](value: A): Failable[A] = Success(value)
def fail[A](e: Throwable): Failable[A] = Failure[A](e)
implicit object MonadInstance extends Monad[Failable]:
def pure[A](a: A): Failable[A] = Success(a)
def bind[A, B](m: Failable[A], f: A => Failable[B]): Failable[B] =
m match
case Success(a) => f(a)
case Failure(e) => Failure(e)
import Monad._
def example = for
a <- success(4)
b <- fail[Int](new Exception("whaaat?"))
c <- success(7)
yield c
case class StateT[M[*],S,A](run: S => M[(A,S)])
object StateT:
implicit def monadInstance[M[*],S](implicit m: Monad[M]) =
new Monad[({type λ[Y] = StateT[M,S,Y]})#λ]:
override def pure[A](a: A): StateT[M, S, A] =
StateT(s => m.pure((a,s)))
override def bind[A, B](f: StateT[M, S, A], g: A => StateT[M, S, B]): StateT[M, S, B] =
StateT[M,S,B](s =>
m.bind[(A,S),(B,S)](, { case (a,s2) => g(a).run(s2) }))
def get[M[*],S](implicit m: Monad[M]): StateT[M,S,S] = new StateT(s => m.pure(s,s))
def put[M[*],S](s_ : S)(implicit m: Monad[M]): StateT[M,S,Unit] = new StateT(s => m.pure((),s_))
implicit def lift[M[*],S,A](v: M[A])(implicit m: Monad[M]): StateT[M,S,A] =
StateT(s => m.bind(v,(a: A) => m.pure((a,s))))
import Monad._
def example = for
a <- get[Failable,Int]
yield a
\ No newline at end of file
name := "02"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "3.1.1"
scalaSource in Compile := baseDirectory.value
unmanagedSources / excludeFilter := "StateT.scala"
module StateMonadT where
-- Type representing a state transforming function
data StateT m s a = St { runSt :: s-> m (a, s) }
-- Functor instance
instance Functor m=> Functor (StateT m s) where
fmap f st1 = St $ \s-> fmap (\(a1, s1)-> (f a1, s1)) (runSt st1 s)
-- Applicate instance
instance Monad m=> Applicative (StateT m s) where
pure a = St $ \s-> return (a, s)
p <*> q = St $ \s-> do (f, s') <- runSt p s
(a, s'') <- runSt q s'
return (f a, s'')
-- Composition: Monad instance
instance Monad m=> Monad (StateT m s) where
f >>= g = St $ \s -> do (a, s') <- runSt f s
runSt (g a) s'
return a = St $ \s-> return (a, s)
-- Lifting
lift :: Monad m=> m a-> StateT m s a
lift ma = St $ \s-> do a<- ma; return (a, s)
-- Basic operations
-- Reading the state
get :: Monad m=> (s-> a)-> StateT m s a
get f = St $ \s-> return (f s, s)
-- Setting the state
set :: Monad m=> (s-> s)-> StateT m s ()
set g = St $ \s-> return ((), g s)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
-- Catch an error call inside an IO action.
catcherr :: IO ()-> IO ()
catcherr io = catch io handler where
-- Need explicit signature for handler here
handler :: ErrorCall -> IO ()
handler e = putStrLn "An error call has been caught (and ignored)."
ex1 :: IO ()
ex1 = do
m <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (do {s<- takeMVar m; putStrLn s})
threadDelay (100000)
catcherr $ putMVar m (error "FOO!")
ex2 :: IO ()
ex2 = do
m <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (catcherr (do {s<- takeMVar m; putStrLn s}))
threadDelay (100000)
putMVar m (error "FOO!")
ex3 :: IO ()
ex3 = catcherr $ do
m <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO (do {s<- takeMVar m; putStrLn s})
threadDelay (100000)
putMVar m (error "FOO!")
module Robots3 where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Random
data Robot = Robot {id :: Int, pos :: Int, battery :: Int}
instance Show Robot where
show (Robot i p b) = "Robot #"++ show i++ " at "++ show p++ " [battery: "++ show b++ "]"
-- Move given robot by n units in separate thread,
-- return a future which gets filled once movement is complete
move :: Robot-> Int-> IO (MVar Robot)
move r n = do
f <- newEmptyMVar; forkIO (mv f r n); return f where
mv f r n
| n <= 0 || battery r <= 0 = putMVar f r
| otherwise = do
m<- randomRIO(0,10); threadDelay(m*100000)
putStrLn $ "Bleep, bleep: "++ show r
mv f r{pos= pos r+ 1, battery= battery r- 1} (n-1)
module RobotsEx1 where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Random
import Robots3
ex :: IO ()
ex = do
let swarm = [Robot i 0 5 | i<- [1..6]]
fs <- mapM (\r-> do { n <- randomRIO (0, 10); move r n }) swarm
putStrLn "Started moving robots..."
module RobotsEx2 where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.Random
import Robots3
ex :: IO ()
ex = do
let swarm = [Robot i 0 5 | i<- [1..6]]
fs <- mapM (\r-> do { n <- randomRIO (0, 10); move r n }) swarm
putStrLn "Started moving robots..."
mapM_ (\f-> takeMVar f >>= putStrLn. show) fs
putStrLn "Finished moving robots"
module RobotsEx3 where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad(when)
import System.Random
import Robots3
ex :: IO ()
ex = do
let swarm = [Robot i 0 10 | i<- [1 .. numRobots]]
fs <- mapM (\r-> do { n <- randomRIO (0, 10); move r n }) swarm
putStrLn "Started moving robots..."
cnt <- newMVar numRobots
finished <- newEmptyMVar
mapM_ (\v-> forkIO (watchRobot v cnt finished)) fs
takeMVar finished
putStrLn "Finished moving robots..."
numRobots = 6
watchRobot v cnt f = do
r<- takeMVar v
c<- modifyMVar cnt $ \c-> return (c-1, c-1)
putStrLn $ "Finished: "++ show r++ "(" ++ show c ++ " robots left.)"
when (c == 0) $ putMVar f ()
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