Opencast Download Button
A Firefox Extension to enable the Opencast Download Button
This Extension Intercepts the config.json of the paella player and overrides the keys that enable the Download Button.2
Download the .xpi file from the repo and install it in the Firefox Add-Ons Preference page
#Customisation You can customise the overrides to the config.json in the Firefox Extension Preferences to enable different plugins e.g: Disable Mamoto usertracking:
"org.opencast.usertracking.MatomoSaverPlugIn": { "enabled": false }
Or Add more playback speed options:
"es.upv.paella.playbackRatePlugin": { "availableRates": [0.25,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2,2.5,3,4,5,10] },
Read for more options