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Das Bibliotheksprojekt aus SWP-2 WS13/14
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Prototyp für das Stundenplanprojekt in SWP-1 und SWP-2 im SoSe 2014 bzw. WiSe 2014/15.
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An implementation of the Delegated CoAP Authentication and Authorization Framework (DCAF) see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-gerdes-ace-dcaf-authorize
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Prototyp für das Stundenplanprojekt in SWP-1 und SWP-2 im SoSe 2014 bzw. WiSe 2014/15.
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Suite for Automated Testing of Filesystems on Nandflash
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Clone of the igh_eml upstream from http://hg.code.sf.net/p/etherlabmaster/code
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KitchenAid is a small piece of software I created for my bachelor thesis. It compares cooking instructions with a large corpus and tries to build new ECG constructions to expand an existing grammar in a copy and paste manner.
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