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Resolve "Allow plugins to provide own JVM_ARGS and examples"

JVM options

It is possible for plugins to require additional JVM parameters when calling EvoAl. Therefore, a file named src/main/options/JVM_OPTS is needed. It contains a single variable called JVM_OPTS that contains all necessary parameters as an array:

JVM_OPTS=( --add-exports io.jenetics.base/io.jenetics.internal.math=de.evoal.core.ea \
           --add-exports io.jenetics.base/io.jenetics.internal.collection=de.evoal.core.ea \
           --add-exports io.jenetics.base/io.jenetics.internal.util=de.evoal.core.ea )

The file needs to be copied to the final plugin directory. The from the template repository does this automatically for you. The paths.env loaded by all EvoAl scripts will then read the JVM_OPTS and append the value to the command line build for calling EvoAl.


The location of the scripts changed from scripts to src/main/scripts


The examples are now in src/main/examples, allowing every plugin to provide examples. This is only to keep track of which examples belong to which features.

Closes #57 (closed)

Merge request reports