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Commit bcefa65e authored by Meike Wienholt's avatar Meike Wienholt
Browse files

Fixed cam in mini game

parent 76cda384
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1 merge request!16Meike develope
Greta/Assets/PAC Engine/Graphics/lupe.png

4.52 KiB

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......@@ -12596,13 +12596,17 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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- cursorId: 3
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offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ public class ClickManager : MonoBehaviour {
else if (h)
//clicking the ground (causing the player to move)
switch (h.collider.gameObject.tag)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
//This script is responsible for changing cursors
public class CursorChanger : MonoBehaviour {
public static CursorChanger core;
public static CursorChanger core;
//a List of all cursors
public List<cursorState> cursors = new List<cursorState>();
//a List of all cursors
public List<cursorState> cursors = new List<cursorState>();
//active cursor ID
private int activeCursor = -1;
private int initialActiveCursor;
//active cursor ID
private int activeCursor = -1;
private int initialActiveCursor;
public int normalCursorId;
public int highlightCursorId;
public int normalCursorId;
public int highlightCursorId;
public int searchCursorId;
public int usingCursorId;
public bool showNormalCursor;
public bool showNormalCursor;
public bool showHighlightCursor;
public bool showHighlightCursor;
public bool showSearchCursor;
public bool showUsingCursor;
......@@ -34,17 +39,34 @@ public class CursorChanger : MonoBehaviour {
//Has the cursor changed?
void Update() {
//which cursor should be used ?
if (showNormalCursor) {
if (showNormalCursor)
activeCursor = normalCursorId;
} else if (showHighlightCursor) {
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("Wimmelbild"))
searchCursorId = 0;
normalCursorId = 3;
activeCursor = searchCursorId;
else if (showHighlightCursor)
activeCursor = highlightCursorId;
} else if (showUsingCursor) {
else if (showUsingCursor)
activeCursor = usingCursorId;
} else {
activeCursor = -1;
else if (showSearchCursor)
activeCursor = searchCursorId;
activeCursor = -1;
if (initialActiveCursor != activeCursor && activeCursor != -1) {
initialActiveCursor = activeCursor;
......@@ -58,6 +80,9 @@ public class CursorChanger : MonoBehaviour {
Cursor.SetCursor(null,, cursorMode);
public void switchCursor (int showCursorNo) {
......@@ -65,14 +90,24 @@ public class CursorChanger : MonoBehaviour {
showNormalCursor = true;
showHighlightCursor = false;
showUsingCursor = false;
showSearchCursor = false;
} else if (showCursorNo == 1) {
showNormalCursor = false;
showHighlightCursor = true;
showUsingCursor = false;
} else if (showCursorNo == 2) {
showSearchCursor = false;
} else if (showCursorNo == 2) {
showNormalCursor = false;
showHighlightCursor = false;
showUsingCursor = true;
showSearchCursor = false;
} else if (showCursorNo == 3)
showNormalCursor = false;
showHighlightCursor = false;
showUsingCursor = false;
showSearchCursor = false;
......@@ -97,6 +132,7 @@ public class CursorChanger : MonoBehaviour {
int findCursorIndexById (int id) {
var counter = 0;
foreach (cursorState cursor in cursors) {
if (cursor.cursorId == id) {
return counter;
} else {
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class LevelLoader : MonoBehaviour {
//this function is to be called when loading a level
//Note: level id is the id of the level in the database, not the build settings index
public void load (int levelId, bool loadingSave, PlayerData data) {
print("Im trying to load a new level");
//print("Im trying to load a new level");
//let's find build settings index
var index = SupportFunctions.core.findBuildSettingsIndexById(levelId);
//lets find location name
......@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ public class TestCamera : MonoBehaviour
var entity = Database.core.entities[SupportFunctions.core.findEntityIndexById(115)];
//Scene scene = S
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
Debug.Log(SupportFunctions.core.findLocationNameById(i) + i );
if (LevelLoader.core.loaded_Scenes.Contains(6))
minX = SchaffnerMinX;
......@@ -41,14 +46,15 @@ public class TestCamera : MonoBehaviour
z = -8;
print("I changed");
if (LevelLoader.core.loaded_Scenes.Contains(11))
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals(SupportFunctions.core.findLocationNameById(11)))
minX = MiniGameMinX;
maxX = MiniGameMaxX;
cam.transform.position = new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, -10);
minX = -0.4f;
maxX = -0.4f;
z = -5;
if (player.transform.position.x < maxX && player.transform.position.x > minX)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class ChangeCamera : MonoBehaviour
public class SwitchCursor : MonoBehaviour
public static ChangeCamera core;
public bool changeCam;
public float camPosX;
public float camPosY;
//private GameObject cam = GameObject.Find("GameManager");
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
var cam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");
var newCam = GameObject.Find("Camera");
if (changeCam)
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......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ TagManager:
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locked: 1
0% Loading or .
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