If you do not want to use the cmd, you can use following tools:
- smartGit
## Visual Studio & Unity
As our code idle we decided on Visual Studio 2017- It is easy to use and beginner friendly. As of now, you can also use Visual Studio Code 19 becaue i did not saw any changes or problems between Visual Studio and Unity.
If you want to see our current script just follow this path in our git project:
Greta/greta/Greta/Assets/PAC Engine/Scripts
Here you can just edit the code without opening Unity. But sometimes it is important to work with both programs together to see if your code worked the way you wanted it to work.
It is important to understand how the Plugin works to create good code. Especially if you want to create code with which you want to get more than basic stuff done in the game. Important is the Database. At the beginning it will seem a little bit confusing, but it gets better. Just for example, I created a chart with two examples for the Database. The first is a simple one with the background sounds. The second is more complicated than I could show in this basic flowchart. It describes the pure and easiest way how the database and an random entity works together.
If you want to use the progress of the game an important factor with the game play you will need to use the database. After you understand how it works it is quite handy to use it for simple tasks, e.g. changing the scenery (Our ChangeScenery.cs for example) or also to make workarounds possible.
Now I want to show what I mean.
if (Database.core.entities[SupportFunctions.core.findEntityIndexById(entityID)].entityStageId == stage)
In this snippet of code, you see how the script will enter the Database and uses the SupportFunctions with which it is quite easy to make an if-statement for such easy scripts.
Here is a list with good scripts you kinda have to understand to work with the game and it's code core.
1. Database, it is getting old, but it is still very important because it is everywhere - from Music, Voices to Quests.
2. SupportFunctions. This in combination with our Database is a quick and quite safe way to find the information you want. It does not matter if you only want to know which Entity is in which stage, but also if you want to find out if item X is currently in the possesion of our player or if he finished quest Y.
3. ItemAction. Here we store everything that is possible to achieve with usage of specific items. It can get quite long and the current code is ugly, but it works and honestly I did not found a way to make the code cleaner and easier. Especially because each case is quite different and only works with specific GameObjects.
And last, this plugin was only updated once. Lisa and I saw some of its shortcomings. If we want to customize our game more and more we have to create our own code and can not rely to much on the Plugin. It is just the base for the rest of our code.
To find more information about Unity and how the basics work, click here: