@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Connect the server box to one of the sockets on your internet router using the e
Plug in the power supply and power on.
* Internet Router Setup
Most internet routers come with [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-configuration_networking][zeroconf/mDNS]] enabled so that you can plug in network printers or other gadgets. If this isn't enabled then access your router's settings page and turn that on. Usually internet routers are accessed via a lofcal IP address, such as or
Most internet routers come with [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-configuration_networking][zeroconf/mDNS]] enabled so that you can plug in network printers or other gadgets. If this isn't enabled then access your router's settings page and turn that on. Usually internet routers are accessed via a local IP address, such as or
* Box Setup
Using a smartphone or laptop/desktop open a browser and navigate to [[http://freedombone/admin][http://freedombone/admin]]. Don't use a Tor browser for this, because you're accessing only the home network. The default browser should be good enough.
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Plug in the power supply and power on.
<h2id="sec-2">Internet Router Setup</h2>
Most internet routers come with <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-configuration_networking">zeroconf/mDNS</a> enabled so that you can plug in network printers or other gadgets. If this isn't enabled then access your router's settings page and turn that on. Usually internet routers are accessed via a lofcal IP address, such as or
Most internet routers come with <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-configuration_networking">zeroconf/mDNS</a> enabled so that you can plug in network printers or other gadgets. If this isn't enabled then access your router's settings page and turn that on. Usually internet routers are accessed via a local IP address, such as or