Newer and shinier than before, Freedombone 3.1 rests upon the solid foundation of Debian stable and delivers major new self-hosted apps, improved mesh networking and a new logo. It supports version 3 onion addresses and the ability to use [[./usage_email.html][email with onion and I2P addresses]]. New apps are:
Newer and shinier than before, [[./index.html][Freedombone]] 3.1 rests upon the solid foundation of Debian stable and delivers major new self-hosted apps, improved mesh networking and a new logo. It supports version 3 onion addresses and the ability to use [[./usage_email.html][email with onion and I2P addresses]]. New apps are:
* [[./app_akaunting.html][Akaunting]]: Personal or small business accounts
* [[./app_bdsmail.html][bdsmail]]: Avoid PGP complexity by using email over I2P
Newer and shinier than before, Freedombone 3.1 rests upon the solid foundation of Debian stable and delivers major new self-hosted apps, improved mesh networking and a new logo. It supports version 3 onion addresses and the ability to use <ahref="./usage_email.html">email with onion and I2P addresses</a>. New apps are:
Newer and shinier than before, <ahref="./index.html">Freedombone</a> 3.1 rests upon the solid foundation of Debian stable and delivers major new self-hosted apps, improved mesh networking and a new logo. It supports version 3 onion addresses and the ability to use <ahref="./usage_email.html">email with onion and I2P addresses</a>. New apps are:
The simplest way to install is from a pre-made disk image. Images can be <ahref="">downloaded here</a>. You will need to have previously obtained a domain name and have a dynamic DNS account somewhere.
@@ -331,9 +331,9 @@ More detailed installation instructions are linked from <a href="./installmethod