@@ -204,10 +204,17 @@ function install_apps_selected {
# ask for confirmation
dialog --title$"Add applications"\
--yesno$"\nYou have chosen to install $n apps.\n\n$installs\n\nIf you choose 'yes' then these will now be installed.\n\nAre you sure that you wish to continue?" 15 60
if[$n-eq 1 ];then
dialog --title$"$installs"\
--yesno$"\nYou have chosen to install the $installs app.\n\nIf you select 'yes' then the install will go ahead.\n\nAre you sure that you wish to continue?" 15 60
dialog --title$"Add applications"\
--yesno$"\nYou have chosen to install $n apps.\n\n$installs\n\nIf you select 'yes' then these will now be installed.\n\nAre you sure that you wish to continue?" 15 60