##The operating system must employ cryptographic mechanisms to protect information in storage.
dmsetup status | grep-i"crypt">/dev/null 2>&1 &
stig_spinner $!
output "V-38659"$?${SETLANG}
##The operating system must protect the confidentiality and integrity of data at rest.
#dmsetup status | grep -i "crypt" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
stig_spinner $!
output "V-38661"$?${SETLANG}
##The operating system must employ cryptographic mechanisms to prevent unauthorized disclosure of data at rest unless otherwise protected by alternative physical measures.
#dmsetup status | grep -i "crypt" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
stig_spinner $!
output "V-38662"$?${SETLANG}
##There must be no world-writable files on the system.