@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ time, are stored in the following directories by default:\n\n/lib\n/lib64\n/usr/
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ time, are stored in the following directories by default:\n\n/lib\n/lib64\n/usr/
V-78252) log_msg $2'netcat (nc) should not be installed on this system'
V-78252) log_msg $2'netcat (nc) should not be installed on this system'
if[$2-ne 0 ];then
if[$2-ne 0 ];then
printf'\n######################\n\nSTIG-ID:WTF-05-000179\n\nHaving netcat present on the system makes life extra convenient for anyone breaking into your system.\nMake them do the work of installing it or downloading it, which increases the defensive possibilities.\n\n######################\n\n'>>$LOG
printf'\n######################\n\nSTIG-ID:WTF-05-000179\n\nHaving netcat present makes life extra convenient for anyone breaking into your system.\nMake them do the work of installing it or downloading it, which increases the defensive possibilities.\n\n######################\n\n'>>$LOG