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Commit afe0ce81 authored by Bob Lantz's avatar Bob Lantz
Browse files

Added simple console tool demo.

The console tool spawns and monitors a bunch of nodes.
parent e10abba0
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""" bring up a bunch of miniature consoles on a virtual network
This demo shows how to monitor a set of nodes by using
Tkinter's createfilehandler() and Node()'s monitor().
from Tkinter import *
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.topolib import TreeNet
class Console( Frame ):
"A simple console on a host."
def __init__( self, parent, node, height=16, width=32 ):
Frame.__init__( self, parent )
self.node = node
self.height, self.width = height, width
self.text = self.makeWidgets( )
def makeWidgets( self ):
"Make a label, a text area, and a scroll bar."
labelStyle = {
'font': 'Monaco 7',
'relief': 'sunken'
textStyle = {
'font': 'Monaco 7',
'bg': 'black',
'fg': 'green',
'width': self.width,
'height': self.height,
'relief': 'sunken'
label = Label( self,, **labelStyle )
label.pack( side='top', fill='x' )
text = Text( self, wrap='word', **textStyle )
ybar = Scrollbar( self, orient='vertical', command=text.yview )
text.configure( yscrollcommand=ybar.set )
text.pack( side='left', expand=True, fill='both' )
ybar.pack( side='right', fill='y' )
return text
def bindEvents( self ):
"Bind keyboard and file events."
self.text.bind( '<Return>', self.handleReturn )
self.text.bind( '<Control-c>', self.handleInt )
self.text.bind( '<KeyPress>', self.handleKey )
# This is not well-documented, but it is the correct
# way to trigger a file event handler from Tk's
# event loop! self.node.stdout, READABLE,
self.handleReadable )
def append( self, text ):
"Append something to our text frame."
self.text.insert( 'end', text )
self.text.mark_set( 'insert', 'end' )
self.text.see( 'insert' )
def handleKey( self, event ):
"Handle a regular key press."
self.append( event.char )
def handleReturn( self, event ):
"Handle a carriage return."
print "handleReturn"
def handleInt( self, event=None ):
"Handle control-c."
def sendCmd( self, cmd ):
"Send a command to our node."
text, node = self.text, self.node
node.sendCmd( cmd )
def handleReadable( self, file, mask ):
data = self.node.monitor()
self.append( data )
class Consoles( Frame ):
def __init__( self, nodes, parent=None, width=4 ):
Frame.__init__( self, parent )
self.nodes = nodes
self.createMenuBar( font='Geneva 7' )
self.consoles = self.createConsoles( nodes, width )
self.pack( expand=True, fill='both' )
def createConsoles( self, nodes, width ):
"Create a grid of consoles in a frame."
f = Frame( self )
# Create consoles
consoles = []
index = 0
for node in nodes:
console = Console( f, node )
consoles.append( console )
row = int( index / width )
column = index % width
console.grid( row=row, column=column, sticky='nsew' )
index += 1
f.rowconfigure( row, weight=1 )
f.columnconfigure( column, weight=1 )
f.pack( expand=True, fill='both' )
return consoles
def createMenuBar( self, font ):
"Create and return a menu (really button) bar."
f = Frame( self )
buttons = [
( 'Ping', ),
( 'Interrupt', self.stop ),
( 'Quit', self.quit )
for name, cmd in buttons:
b = Button( f, text=name, command=cmd, font=font )
b.pack( side='left' )
f.pack( padx=4, pady=4, fill='x' )
return f
def ping( self ):
"Tell each console to ping the next one."
consoles = self.consoles
count = len( consoles )
i = 1
for console in consoles:
ip = consoles[ i ].node.IP()
console.sendCmd( 'ping ' + ip )
i = ( i + 1 ) % count
def stop( self ):
"Interrupt all consoles."
for console in self.consoles:
if __name__ == '__main__':
setLogLevel( 'info' )
net = TreeNet( depth=2, fanout=2 )
app = Consoles( net.hosts, width=2 )
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