Brian O'Connor authoredBrian O'Connor authored
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test_multipoll.py 1.08 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
Test for multipoll.py
import unittest
import pexpect
class testMultiPoll( unittest.TestCase ):
def testMultiPoll( self ):
"Verify that we receive one ping per second per host"
p = pexpect.spawn( 'python -m mininet.examples.multipoll' )
opts = [ "\*\*\* (h\d) :" ,
"(h\d+): \d+ bytes from",
"Monitoring output for (\d+) seconds",
pexpect.EOF ]
pings = {}
while True:
index = p.expect( opts )
if index == 0:
name = p.match.group( 1 )
pings[ name ] = 0
elif index == 1:
name = p.match.group( 1 )
pings[ name ] += 1
elif index == 2:
seconds = int( p.match.group( 1 ) )
self.assertTrue( len( pings ) > 0 )
# make sure we have received at least one ping per second
for count in pings.values():
self.assertTrue( count >= seconds )
if __name__ == '__main__':