Build a simple network from scratch, using mininet primitives.
This is more complicated than using the higher-level classes,
but it exposes the configuration details and allows customization.
import logging
from import init
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.util import createLink
from mininet.log import info
# print out info() messages, including cmdPrint
logging.LOGLEVELDEFAULT = logging.INFO
def scratchNet( cname='controller', cargs='ptcp:'):
# Create Network
print "*** creating Nodes"
controller = Node( 'c0', inNamespace=False )
switch = Node( 's0', inNamespace=False )
h0 = Node( 'h0' )
h1 = Node( 'h1' )
print "*** creating links"
createLink( node1=h0, port1=0, node2=switch, port2=0 )
createLink( node1=h1, port1=0, node2=switch, port2=1 )
# Configure hosts
print "*** configuring hosts"
h0.setIP( h0.intfs[ 0 ], '', '/24' )
h1.setIP( h1.intfs[ 0 ], '', '/24' )
print h0
print h1
# Start network using kernel datapath
controller.cmdPrint( cname + ' ' + cargs + '&' )
switch.cmdPrint( 'dpctl deldp nl:0' )
switch.cmdPrint( 'dpctl adddp nl:0' )
for intf in switch.intfs.values():
switch.cmdPrint( 'dpctl addif nl:0 ' + intf )
switch.cmdPrint( 'ofprotocol nl:0 tcp:localhost &')
# Run test
print h0.cmd( 'ping -c1 ' + h1.IP() )
# Stop network
controller.cmdPrint( 'kill %' + cname)
switch.cmdPrint( 'dpctl deldp nl:0' )
switch.cmdPrint( 'kill %ofprotocol' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
info( '*** Scratch network demo\n' )