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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Mininet install script for Debian
# Brandon Heller (

# Fail on error
set -e
# Fail on unset var usage
set -o nounset

# Location of CONFIG_NET_NS-enabled kernel(s)

# Kernel params
# These kernels have been tried:
#KERNEL_NAME=`uname -r`

# Kernel Deb pkg to be removed:

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Brandon Heller committed
OVS_RELEASE=openvswitch # release 1.0.1 doesn't work with veth pairs.

function kernel {
	echo "Install new kernel..."
	sudo apt-get update

    # Until we build ext4 into our kernel image
    ext2=`mount | head -1 | egrep 'ext2|ext3'`
    if [ "$ext2" == "" ]; then
        echo "Kernel package requires ext2 or ext3 root filesystem"
        exit 1
	# The easy approach: download pre-built linux-image and linux-headers packages:

	#Install custom linux headers and image:

	# The next two steps are to work around a bug in newer versions of
	# kernel-package, which fails to add initrd images with the latest kernels.
	# See
	# Generate initrd image if the .deb didn't install it:
	if ! test -e /boot/initrd.img-${KERNEL_NAME}; then
		sudo update-initramfs -c -k ${KERNEL_NAME}
	# Ensure /boot/grub/menu.lst boots with initrd image:
	sudo update-grub

	# The default should be the new kernel. Otherwise, you may need to modify /boot/grub/menu.lst to set the default to the entry corresponding to the kernel you just installed.

function kernel_clean {
	echo "Cleaning kernel..."

	# To save disk space, remove previous kernel
	sudo apt-get -y remove $KERNEL_IMAGE_OLD

	#Also remove downloaded packages:
	rm -f ~/linux-headers-* ~/linux-image-*

# Install Mininet deps
function mn_deps {
	#Install dependencies:
	sudo apt-get install -y screen psmisc xterm ssh iperf iproute python-setuptools

	#Add sysctl parameters as noted in the INSTALL file to increase kernel limits to support larger setups:
	sudo su -c "cat $HOME/mininet/util/sysctl_addon >> /etc/sysctl.conf"

	#Load new sysctl settings:
	sudo sysctl -p

# The following will cause a full OF install, covering:
# -user switch
# -dissector
# The instructions below are an abbreviated version from
# ... modified to use Debian Lenny rather than unstable.
function of {
	echo "Installing OpenFlow and its tools..."

	sudo apt-get install -y git-core automake m4 pkg-config libtool make libc6-dev autoconf autotools-dev gcc
	git clone git://
	cd ~/openflow

	# Resume the install:
	sudo make install

	# Install dissector:
	sudo apt-get install -y wireshark libgtk2.0-dev
	cd ~/openflow/utilities/wireshark_dissectors/openflow
	sudo make install

	# Copy coloring rules: OF is white-on-blue:
	mkdir -p ~/.wireshark
	cp ~/mininet/util/colorfilters ~/.wireshark

	# Remove avahi-daemon, which may cause unwanted discovery packets to be sent during tests, near link status changes:
	sudo apt-get remove -y avahi-daemon

	# Disable IPv6.  Add to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist:
	sudo sh -c "echo 'blacklist net-pf-10\nblacklist ipv6' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"

# Install OpenVSwitch
# Instructions derived from OVS INSTALL, INSTALL.OpenFlow and README files.
function ovs {
	echo "Installing OpenVSwitch..."

    if [ "$DIST" = "Debian" ]; then
        #Install Autoconf 2.63+ backport from Debian Backports repo:
        #Instructions from
        sudo su -c "echo 'deb lenny-backports main contrib non-free' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install debian-backports-keyring
        sudo apt-get -y --force-yes -t lenny-backports install autoconf

	#Install OVS from release
	cd ~/
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Brandon Heller committed
	#tar xzf ${OVS_RELEASE}.tar.gz
	git clone git://
    mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
	./configure $opts
# Install NOX with tutorial files
	echo "Installing NOX w/tutorial files..."
	sudo apt-get -y install autoconf automake g++ libtool python python-twisted swig  libxerces-c2-dev libssl-dev make
    if [ "$DIST" == "Debian" ]; then
        sudo apt-get -y install libboost1.35-dev
    elif [ "$DIST" == "Ubuntu" ]; then
        sudo apt-get -y install python-dev libboost-dev 
        sudo apt-get -y install libboost-filesystem-dev
        sudo apt-get -y install libboost-test-dev
	#Install NOX optional deps:
	sudo apt-get install -y libsqlite3-dev python-simplejson

	#Install NOX:
	git clone git:// noxcore
	# With later autoconf versions this doesn't quite work:
	./ --apps-core || true
    if [ "$DIST" == "Debian" ]; then
        # So use this instead:
        autoreconf --install --force
	mkdir build
	cd build
	../configure --with-python=yes
	#make check

	# Add NOX_CORE_DIR env var:
	sed -i -e 's|# for examples$|&\nexport NOX_CORE_DIR=~/noxcore/build/src|' ~/.bashrc

	# To verify this install:
	#cd ~/noxcore/build/src
    #./nox_core -v -i ptcp:

# Install OFtest
function oftest {
    echo "Installing oftest..."

    #Install deps:
    sudo apt-get install -y tcpdump python-scapy

    #Install oftest:
    cd ~/
    git clone git://
    cd oftest
    cd tools/munger
    sudo make install

# Install cbench
function cbench {
    echo "Installing cbench..."
    sudo apt-get install -y libsnmp-dev libpcap-dev
    cd ~/
    git clone git://
    cd oflops
    ./configure --with-openflow-src-dir=$HOME/openflow
    sudo make install || true # make install fails; force past this

function other {
	echo "Doing other setup tasks..."

	#Enable command auto completion using sudo; modify ~/.bashrc:
	sed -i -e 's|# for examples$|&\ncomplete -cf sudo|' ~/.bashrc

	#Install tcpdump and tshark, cmd-line packet dump tools.  Also install gitk,
	#a graphical git history viewer.
	sudo apt-get install -y tcpdump tshark gitk

    #Install common text editors
    sudo apt-get install -y vim nano emacs

    #Install NTP
    sudo apt-get install -y ntp

	#Set git to colorize everything.
	git config --global color.diff auto
	git config --global color.status auto
	git config --global color.branch auto

	#Reduce boot screen opt-out delay. Modify timeout in /boot/grub/menu.lst to 1:
	sudo sed -i -e 's/^timeout.*$/timeout         1/' /boot/grub/menu.lst

    # Clean unneeded debs:
    rm -f ~/linux-headers-* ~/linux-image-*
# Script to copy built OVS kernel module to where modprobe will
# find them automatically.  Removes the need to keep an environment variable
# for insmod usage, and works nicely with multiple kernel versions.
# The downside is that after each recompilation of OVS you'll need to
# re-run this script.  If you're using only one kernel version, then it may be
# a good idea to use a symbolic link in place of the copy below.
function modprobe {
	echo "Setting up modprobe for OVS kmod..."

	sudo cp $OVS_DIR/datapath/linux-2.6/$OVS_KMOD $DRIVERS_DIR
	sudo depmod -a ${KERNEL_NAME}

function all {
	echo "Running all commands..."
	echo "Please reboot, then run ./mininet/util/ -c to remove unneeded packages."
	echo "Enjoy Mininet!"

# Restore disk space and remove sensitive files before shipping a VM.
function vm_clean {
	echo "Cleaning VM..."
	sudo apt-get clean
	sudo rm -rf /tmp/*
	sudo rm -rf openvswitch*.tar.gz

	# Remove sensistive files
	history -c
	rm ~/.bash_history # need to clear in memory and remove on disk
	rm -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa* ~/.ssh/known_hosts
	sudo rm ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2

	# Remove Mininet files
	#sudo rm -f /lib/modules/python2.5/site-packages/mininet*
	#sudo rm -f /usr/bin/mnexec
	# Clear optional dev script for SSH keychain load on boot
	rm ~/.bash_profile

	# Clear git changes
	git config --global "None"
	git config --global "None"

	#sudo rm -rf ~/mininet
    printf "Usage: %s: [-acdfhkmntvxy] args\n" $(basename $0) >&2
    printf "This install script attempts to install useful packages\n" >&2
    printf "for Mininet. It should (hopefully) work on Ubuntu 10.04 and\n" >&2
    printf "Debian 5.0 (Lenny). If you run into trouble, try\n" >&2
    printf "installing one thing at a time, and looking at the \n" >&2
    printf "specific installation function in this script.\n" >&2
    printf "\noptions:\n" >&2
    printf "-a: install (A)ll packages - good luck!\n" >&2
    printf "-c: (C)lean up after kernel install\n" >&2
    printf "-d: (D)elete some sensitive files from a VM image\n" >&2    
    printf "-f: install open(F)low\n" >&2
    printf "-h: print this (H)elp message\n" >&2
    printf "-k: install new (K)ernel\n" >&2
    printf "-m: install Open vSwitch kernel (M)odule\n" >&2
    printf "-n: install mini(N)et dependencies\nn" >&2
    printf "-t: install o(T)her stuff\n" >&2
    printf "-v: install open (V)switch\n" >&2
    printf "-x: install NOX(X) OpenFlow contoller\n" >&2
    printf "-y: install (A)ll packages\n" >&2    
function lenny {
    echo "Installing for Lenny"

	while getopts 'acdfhkmntvx' OPTION
      a)    all;;
	  c)    kernel_clean;;
	  d)    vm_clean;;
	  f)    of;;
	  h)	usage;;
	  k)    kernel;;
	  m)    modprobe;;
	  n)    mn_deps;;
	  t)    other;;
	  v)    ovs;;
	  x)    nox;;
	  ?)    usage;;
	shift $(($OPTIND - 1))