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Example to create a Mininet topology and connect it to the internet via NAT
through eth0 on the host.

Glen Gibb, February 2011

(slight modifications by BL, 5/13)

from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import lg, info
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.topolib import TreeNet
from mininet.util import quietRun

def startNAT( root, inetIntf='eth0', subnet='10.0/8' ):
    """Start NAT/forwarding between Mininet and external network
    root: node to access iptables from
    inetIntf: interface for internet access
    subnet: Mininet subnet (default 10.0/8)="""

    # Identify the interface connecting to the mininet network
    localIntf =  root.defaultIntf()

    # Flush any currently active rules
    root.cmd( 'iptables -F' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -F' )

    # Create default entries for unmatched traffic
    root.cmd( 'iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -P FORWARD DROP' )

    # Configure NAT
    root.cmd( 'iptables -I FORWARD -i', localIntf, '-d', subnet, '-j DROP' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -A FORWARD -i', localIntf, '-s', subnet, '-j ACCEPT' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -A FORWARD -i', inetIntf, '-d', subnet, '-j ACCEPT' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ', inetIntf, '-j MASQUERADE' )

    # Instruct the kernel to perform forwarding
    root.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1' )

def stopNAT( root ):
    """Stop NAT/forwarding between Mininet and external network"""
    # Flush any currently active rules
    root.cmd( 'iptables -F' )
    root.cmd( 'iptables -t nat -F' )

    # Instruct the kernel to stop forwarding
    root.cmd( 'sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0' )

def fixNetworkManager( root, intf ):
    """Prevent network-manager from messing with our interface,
       by specifying manual configuration in /etc/network/interfaces
       root: a node in the root namespace (for running commands)
       intf: interface name"""
    cfile = '/etc/network/interfaces'
    line = '\niface %s inet manual\n' % intf
    config = open( cfile ).read()
    if ( line ) not in config:
        print '*** Adding', line.strip(), 'to', cfile
        with open( cfile, 'a' ) as f:
            f.write( line )
    # Probably need to restart network-manager to be safe -
    # hopefully this won't disconnect you
    root.cmd( 'service network-manager restart' )

def connectToInternet( network, switch='s1', rootip='10.254', subnet='10.0/8'):
    """Connect the network to the internet
       switch: switch to connect to root namespace
       rootip: address for interface in root namespace
       subnet: Mininet subnet"""
    switch = network.get( switch )
    prefixLen = subnet.split( '/' )[ 1 ]
    routes = [ subnet ]  # host networks to route to

    # Create a node in root namespace
    root = Node( 'root', inNamespace=False )

    # Prevent network-manager from interfering with our interface
    fixNetworkManager( root, 'root-eth0' )

    # Create link between root NS and switch
    link = network.addLink( root, switch )
    link.intf1.setIP( rootip, prefixLen )

    # Start network that now includes link to root namespace

    # Start NAT and establish forwarding
    startNAT( root )

    # Establish routes from end hosts
    for host in network.hosts:
        host.cmd( 'ip route flush root 0/0' )
        host.cmd( 'route add -net', subnet, 'dev', host.defaultIntf() )
        host.cmd( 'route add default gw', rootip )

    return root

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lg.setLogLevel( 'info')
    net = TreeNet( depth=1, fanout=4 )
    # Configure and start NATted connectivity
    rootnode = connectToInternet( net )
    print "*** Hosts are running and should have internet connectivity"
    print "*** Type 'exit' or control-D to shut down network"
    CLI( net )
    # Shut down NAT
    stopNAT( rootnode )