from subprocess import check_output as co
from sys import exit
# Actually run bin/mn rather than importing via python path
version = 'Mininet ' + co( 'PYTHONPATH=. bin/mn --version', shell=True )
version = version.strip()
# Find all Mininet path references
lines = co( "grep -or 'Mininet \w\+\.\w\+\.\w\+[+]*' *", shell=True )
error = False
for line in lines.split( '\n' ):
if line and 'Binary' not in line:
fname, fversion = line.split( ':' )
if version != fversion:
print "%s: incorrect version '%s' (should be '%s')" % (
fname, fversion, version )
error = True
if error:
exit( 1 )