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#!/usr/bin/env python

Mininet runner
author: Brandon Heller (

To see options:
  sudo mn -h

Example to pull custom params (topo, switch, etc.) from a file:
  sudo mn --custom ~/mininet/custom/

from optparse import OptionParser
import sys
# Fix setuptools' evil madness, and open up (more?) security holes
if 'PYTHONPATH' in os.environ:
    sys.path = os.environ[ 'PYTHONPATH' ].split( ':' ) + sys.path

from mininet.clean import cleanup
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import lg, LEVELS, info, debug, error
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from import Mininet, MininetWithControlNet, VERSION
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from mininet.node import ( Host, CPULimitedHost, Controller, OVSController,
                           NOX, RemoteController, UserSwitch, OVSKernelSwitch,
                           OVSLegacyKernelSwitch )
from import Link, TCLink
from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, LinearTopo, SingleSwitchReversedTopo
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from mininet.topolib import TreeTopo
from mininet.util import custom, customConstructor
from mininet.util import buildTopo
# built in topologies, created only when run
TOPODEF = 'minimal'
TOPOS = { 'minimal': lambda: SingleSwitchTopo( k=2 ),
          'linear': LinearTopo,
          'reversed': SingleSwitchReversedTopo,
          'single': SingleSwitchTopo,
          'tree': TreeTopo }
SWITCHDEF = 'ovsk'
SWITCHES = { 'user': UserSwitch,
             'ovsk': OVSKernelSwitch,
             'ovsl': OVSLegacyKernelSwitch }
HOSTDEF = 'proc'
HOSTS = { 'proc': Host,
          'rt': custom( CPULimitedHost, sched='rt' ),
          'cfs': custom( CPULimitedHost, sched='cfs' ) }
CONTROLLERS = { 'ref': Controller,
                'nox': NOX,
                'remote': RemoteController,
                'none': lambda name: None }
LINKDEF = 'default'
LINKS = { 'default': Link,
          'tc': TCLink }
# optional tests to run
TESTS = [ 'cli', 'build', 'pingall', 'pingpair', 'iperf', 'all', 'iperfudp',
ALTSPELLING = { 'pingall': 'pingAll',
                'pingpair': 'pingPair',
                'iperfudp': 'iperfUdp',
                'iperfUDP': 'iperfUdp' }
def addDictOption( opts, choicesDict, default, name, helpStr=None ):
    """Convenience function to add choices dicts to OptionParser.
       opts: OptionParser instance
       choicesDict: dictionary of valid choices, must include default
       default: default choice key
       name: long option name
       help: string"""
    if default not in choicesDict:
        raise Exception( 'Invalid  default %s for choices dict: %s' %
    if not helpStr:
        helpStr = ( '|'.join( sorted( choicesDict.keys() ) ) +
    opts.add_option( '--' + name,
                     default = default,
                     help = helpStr )
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def version( *_args ):
    "Print Mininet version and exit"
    print "%s" % VERSION
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class MininetRunner( object ):
    "Build, setup, and run Mininet."
    def __init__( self ):
        self.options = None
        self.args = None  # May be used someday for more CLI scripts
        self.validate = None
    def setCustom( self, name, value ):
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        "Set custom parameters for MininetRunner."
        if name in ( 'topos', 'switches', 'hosts', 'controllers' ):
            # Update dictionaries
            param = name.upper()
            globals()[ param ].update( value )
        elif name == 'validate':
            # Add custom validate function
            self.validate = value
            # Add or modify global variable or class
            globals()[ name ] = value
    def parseCustomFile( self, fileName ):
        "Parse custom file and add params before parsing cmd-line options."
        customs = {}
        if os.path.isfile( fileName ):
            execfile( fileName, customs, customs )
            for name, val in customs.iteritems():
                self.setCustom( name, val )
            raise Exception( 'could not find custom file: %s' % fileName )
    def parseArgs( self ):
        """Parse command-line args and return options object.
           returns: opts parse options dict"""
        if '--custom' in sys.argv:
            index = sys.argv.index( '--custom' )
            if len( sys.argv ) > index + 1:
                filename = sys.argv[ index + 1 ]
                self.parseCustomFile( filename )
                raise Exception( 'Custom file name not found' )

        desc = ( "The %prog utility creates Mininet network from the\n"
                 "command line. It can create parametrized topologies,\n"
                 "invoke the Mininet CLI, and run tests." )

        usage = ( '%prog [options]\n'
                  '(type %prog -h for details)' )

        opts = OptionParser( description=desc, usage=usage )
        addDictOption( opts, SWITCHES, SWITCHDEF, 'switch' )
        addDictOption( opts, HOSTS, HOSTDEF, 'host' )
        addDictOption( opts, CONTROLLERS, CONTROLLERDEF, 'controller' )
        addDictOption( opts, LINKS, LINKDEF, 'link' )
        addDictOption( opts, TOPOS, TOPODEF, 'topo' )
        opts.add_option( '--clean', '-c', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help='clean and exit' )
        opts.add_option( '--custom', type='string', default=None,
                         help='read custom topo and node params from .py' +
                         'file' )
        opts.add_option( '--test', type='choice', choices=TESTS,
                         default=TESTS[ 0 ],
                         help='|'.join( TESTS ) )
        opts.add_option( '--xterms', '-x', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help='spawn xterms for each node' )
        opts.add_option( '--ipbase', '-i', type='string', default='',
                         help='base IP address for hosts' )
        opts.add_option( '--mac', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help='automatically set host MACs' )
        opts.add_option( '--arp', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help='set all-pairs ARP entries' )
        opts.add_option( '--verbosity', '-v', type='choice',
                         choices=LEVELS.keys(), default = 'info',
                         help = '|'.join( LEVELS.keys() )  )
        opts.add_option( '--innamespace', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help='sw and ctrl in namespace?' )
        opts.add_option( '--listenport', type='int', default=6634,
                         help='base port for passive switch listening' )
        opts.add_option( '--nolistenport', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help="don't use passive listening " +
        opts.add_option( '--pre', type='string', default=None,
                         help='CLI script to run before tests' )
        opts.add_option( '--post', type='string', default=None,
                         help='CLI script to run after tests' )
        opts.add_option( '--pin', action='store_true',
                         default=False, help="pin hosts to CPU cores "
                         "(requires --host cfs or --host rt)" )
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        opts.add_option( '--version', action='callback', callback=version )
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        self.options, self.args = opts.parse_args()
        # We don't accept extra arguments after the options
        if self.args:

    def setup( self ):
        "Setup and validate environment."

        # set logging verbosity
        if LEVELS[self.options.verbosity] > LEVELS['output']:
            print ( '*** WARNING: selected verbosity level (%s) will hide CLI '
                    'Please restart Mininet with -v [debug, info, output].'
                    % self.options.verbosity )
        lg.setLogLevel( self.options.verbosity )
    def begin( self ):
        "Create and run mininet."
        if self.options.clean:

        start = time.time()

        topo = buildTopo( TOPOS, self.options.topo )
        switch = customConstructor( SWITCHES, self.options.switch )
        host = customConstructor( HOSTS, )
        controller = customConstructor( CONTROLLERS, self.options.controller )
        link = customConstructor( LINKS, )
        if self.validate:
            self.validate( self.options )
        inNamespace = self.options.innamespace
        Net = MininetWithControlNet if inNamespace else Mininet
        ipBase = self.options.ipbase
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        xterms = self.options.xterms
        mac = self.options.mac
        arp = self.options.arp
        pin =
        listenPort = None
        if not self.options.nolistenport:
            listenPort = self.options.listenport
        mn = Net( topo=topo,
                  switch=switch, host=host, controller=controller,
                  xterms=xterms, autoSetMacs=mac,
                  autoStaticArp=arp, autoPinCpus=pin,
                  listenPort=listenPort )
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        if self.options.pre:
            CLI( mn, script=self.options.pre )
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        test = self.options.test
        test = ALTSPELLING.get( test, test )
        elif test == 'all':
        elif test == 'cli':
            CLI( mn )
        elif test != 'build':
            getattr( mn, test )()

            CLI( mn, )

        elapsed = float( time.time() - start )
        info( 'completed in %0.3f seconds\n' % elapsed )

if __name__ == "__main__":
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        info( "Keyboard Interrupt. Shutting down and cleaning up...")
    except Exception:
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        # Print exception
        type_, val_, trace_ = sys.exc_info()
        errorMsg = ( "-"*80 + "\n" +
                     "Caught exception. Cleaning up...\n\n" +
                     "%s: %s\n" % ( type_.__name__, val_ ) +
                     "-"*80 + "\n" )
        error( errorMsg )
        # Print stack trace to debug log
        import traceback
        stackTrace = traceback.format_exc()
        debug( stackTrace + "\n" )