Martin Roberto Castillo Hund authoredMartin Roberto Castillo Hund authored
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Setup ----- 1. Change the 'WORHPD:=' line in the Makefile so that it contains the absolute path of the directory containing 'lib/libworhp.so' and 'include/worhp/worhp.h'. You should then be able to build haven: $ make 2. When 'haven' is run, it expects the worhp license to be called 'worhp.lic' in the current working directory or at whatever place the environment variable WORHP_LICENSE_FILE points to. If you run haven from this directory, do: $ ln -s /path/to/your/worhp.lic . 3. You need to write your polygon points into 'polygon' (or the file passed with the -i argument). Every line contains the x and y coordinates of a single point as decimal, separated by whitespace. Example: -8<-snip->8- 1 0 3 0.5 2 2.1 -8<-snip->8- 4. You should be able to run haven now. It prints the outputfile's name at the end. $ ./haven Give --help as argument for more info. Instead of ./haven you can invoke ./hav, which calls ./haven and logs the used arguments in a file, so they can be shown in the plots. 5. To plot the result using MATLAB(R) or GNU Octave run the script file worhp.m. > worhp If you want to see an older solution with another resolution, set the variable 'DataName' to the filename of the result > DataName = "c-40x40" or set the variables 'res' and 'shape' > res = [50, 100] > shape = "c" and then call > worhp