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LICENSE 0 → 100644
Copyright (c) 2018 Klaus Hartke
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain
name: mango-compiler
author: Klaus Hartke
license: MIT
license-file: LICENSE
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable mango
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Mango.Compiler.Binder, Mango.Compiler.CodeGen, Mango.Compiler.Emitter, Mango.Compiler.Error, Mango.Compiler.Lexer, Mango.Compiler.Parser, Mango.Compiler.Symbols, Mango.Compiler.Syntax, Mango.Compiler.Verifier
other-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables
build-depends: base >=4.10 && <4.11, mtl >=2.2 && <2.3, vector >=0.12 && <0.13, bytestring >=0.10 && <0.11, megaparsec >=6.3 && <6.4, containers >=0.5 && <0.6, parser-combinators >=0.2 && <0.3, text >=1.2 && <1.3, transformers >=0.5 && <0.6, parallel >=3.2 && <3.3, cryptonite >=0.24 && <0.25, memory >=0.14 && <0.15, array >=0.5 && <0.6
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -O -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
This diff is collapsed.
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Main (
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bool
import Data.Either
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import Mango.Compiler.CodeGen
import Mango.Compiler.Emitter
import Mango.Compiler.Error
import Mango.Compiler.Parser
import Mango.Compiler.Syntax
import Mango.Compiler.Verifier
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import System.IO (IO, FilePath, putStr, putStrLn)
data Options = Options { options_outputFile :: !(Maybe String), options_defaultOutputFile :: !String, options_asC :: !Bool, options_asDump :: !Bool, options_help :: !Bool }
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options Nothing "a.package" False False False
optDescrs :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)]
optDescrs = [
Option ['o'] [ ] (ReqArg (\f o -> o { options_outputFile = Just f }) "<file>") "write output to <file>",
Option ['c'] [ ] (NoArg (\ o -> o { options_defaultOutputFile = "", options_asC = True, options_asDump = False }) ) "emit modules as C code",
Option [ ] ["dump"] (NoArg (\ o -> o { options_defaultOutputFile = "a.txt", options_asDump = True, options_asC = False }) ) "emit modules as text dump",
Option [ ] ["help"] (NoArg (\ o -> o { options_help = True }) ) "display this help and exit"]
compiler :: (Options, [FilePath]) -> CompilerT Diagnostic IO ()
compiler (options, paths) = do
syntaxTrees <- parseFiles paths
verified <- verify (Compilation syntaxTrees)
package <- compile verified
let outputPath = fromMaybe (options_defaultOutputFile options) (options_outputFile options)
if options_asC options then
liftIO (emitPackageAsC outputPath package)
else if options_asDump options then
liftIO (dumpPackage outputPath package)
liftIO (emitPackage outputPath package)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case getOpt Permute optDescrs args of
(options, paths, []) -> do
let options' = foldl (flip id) defaultOptions options
if options_help options' then do
putStrLn (usageInfo header optDescrs)
else do
result <- runCompilerT (compiler (options', paths))
case result of
Left diagnostics -> do
mapM_ (putStr . ("\n" ++) . diagnosticPretty' 4) diagnostics
Right () -> do
(_, _, errors) -> do
putStr (concat errors)
putStrLn (usageInfo header optDescrs)
header = "Usage: mango [options] <inputs>"
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Mango.Compiler.Binder (
-- Semantic Model
-- Declared Symbols
-- Instructions
) where
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bool
import Data.Either (Either (..))
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Int (Int)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..), fromJust, maybe)
import Data.Ord
import Mango.Compiler.Error
import Mango.Compiler.Symbols
import Mango.Compiler.Syntax
import Prelude (Num (..), Integer, fromIntegral, undefined)
import qualified Data.Array as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Vector as V
createSemanticModel :: Compilation -> SemanticModel
createSemanticModel compilation =
semanticModel = SemanticModel modules moduleGraph
modules = map (makeModuleSymbol semanticModel) $ zip [0..] $ concatMap (compilationUnitSyntax_modules . syntaxTree_root) (compilation_syntaxTrees compilation)
adjacencyList = [[moduleSymbol_index import_ | import_@ModuleSymbol {} <- moduleSymbol_imports module_] | module_ <- modules]
moduleGraph = A.listArray (0, length adjacencyList - 1) adjacencyList
makeModuleSymbol :: SemanticModel -> (Int, ModuleDeclarationSyntax) -> ModuleSymbol
makeModuleSymbol semanticModel (index, moduleDeclaration) =
symbol = ModuleSymbol semanticModel name index imports types functions entryPoint (syntaxLocation moduleDeclaration) []
name = displayName (moduleDeclarationSyntax_name moduleDeclaration)
imports = [bindModule symbol importDirective | importDirective <- moduleDeclarationSyntax_imports moduleDeclaration]
types = [makeTypeSymbol symbol typeDeclaration | typeDeclaration@TypeDeclarationSyntax {} <- moduleDeclarationSyntax_members moduleDeclaration]
functions = [makeFunctionSymbol symbol functionDeclaration | functionDeclaration@FunctionDeclarationSyntax {} <- moduleDeclarationSyntax_members moduleDeclaration]
entryPoint = findEntryPoint symbol
makeTypeSymbol :: ModuleSymbol -> ModuleMemberSyntax -> TypeSymbol
makeTypeSymbol container typeDeclaration =
symbol = StructuredTypeSymbol container name fields layout (syntaxLocation typeDeclaration) []
name = displayName (typeDeclarationSyntax_name typeDeclaration)
((alignment, size), fields) = case typeDeclarationSyntax_fields typeDeclaration of
[] -> ((1, 1), [])
fs -> mapAccumL (makeFieldSymbol symbol) (1, 0) fs
layout = TypeLayout alignment ((size + (alignment - 1)) .&. (complement (alignment - 1)))
makeFieldSymbol :: TypeSymbol -> (Int, Int) -> FieldDeclarationSyntax -> ((Int, Int), FieldSymbol)
makeFieldSymbol container (alignment, offset) fieldDeclaration =
((alignment', offset'), symbol)
symbol = FieldSymbol container name fieldType fieldOffset (syntaxLocation fieldDeclaration) []
name = displayName (fieldDeclarationSyntax_name fieldDeclaration)
fieldType = resolveType (containingModule container) (fieldDeclarationSyntax_type fieldDeclaration)
fieldOffset = (offset + (fieldAlignment - 1)) .&. (complement (fieldAlignment - 1))
alignment' = max alignment fieldAlignment
offset' = fieldOffset + fieldSize
TypeLayout fieldAlignment fieldSize = typeLayout fieldType
makeFunctionSymbol :: ModuleSymbol -> ModuleMemberSyntax -> FunctionSymbol
makeFunctionSymbol moduleSymbol functionDeclaration@FunctionDeclarationSyntax { functionDeclarationSyntax_body = Left functionBody } =
symbol = FunctionSymbol moduleSymbol name returnType parameters locals labels Nothing (syntaxLocation functionDeclaration) []
name = displayName (functionDeclarationSyntax_name functionDeclaration)
returnType = resolveType moduleSymbol (functionDeclarationSyntax_returnType functionDeclaration)
parameters = [makeParameterSymbol symbol parameterDeclaration | parameterDeclaration <- functionDeclarationSyntax_parameters functionDeclaration]
locals = [makeLocalSymbol symbol localDeclaration | localDeclaration <- functionBodySyntax_locals functionBody]
labels = concatMap (makeLabelSymbols symbol) (V.indexed (functionBodySyntax_instructions functionBody))
makeFunctionSymbol moduleSymbol functionDeclaration@FunctionDeclarationSyntax { functionDeclarationSyntax_body = Right ordinal } =
symbol = FunctionSymbol moduleSymbol name returnType parameters [] [] (Just (parseLiteral ordinal)) (syntaxLocation functionDeclaration) []
name = displayName (functionDeclarationSyntax_name functionDeclaration)
returnType = resolveType moduleSymbol (functionDeclarationSyntax_returnType functionDeclaration)
parameters = [makeParameterSymbol symbol parameterDeclaration | parameterDeclaration <- functionDeclarationSyntax_parameters functionDeclaration]
makeFunctionSymbol _ TypeDeclarationSyntax {} =
makeParameterSymbol :: FunctionSymbol -> ParameterDeclarationSyntax -> ParameterSymbol
makeParameterSymbol container parameterDeclaration =
symbol = ParameterSymbol container name parameterType (syntaxLocation parameterDeclaration) []
name = displayName (parameterDeclarationSyntax_name parameterDeclaration)
parameterType = resolveType (containingModule container) (parameterDeclarationSyntax_type parameterDeclaration)
makeLocalSymbol :: FunctionSymbol -> LocalDeclarationSyntax -> LocalSymbol
makeLocalSymbol container localDeclaration =
symbol = LocalSymbol container name localType (syntaxLocation localDeclaration) []
name = displayName (localDeclarationSyntax_name localDeclaration)
localType = resolveType (containingModule container) (localDeclarationSyntax_type localDeclaration)
makeLabelSymbols :: FunctionSymbol -> (Int, InstructionSyntax) -> [LabelSymbol]
makeLabelSymbols container (index, instruction@LabeledInstructionSyntax {}) =
symbol = LabelSymbol container name index (syntaxLocation instruction) []
name = displayName (labeledInstructionSyntax_label instruction)
symbols = makeLabelSymbols container (index, labeledInstructionSyntax_instruction instruction)
makeLabelSymbols _ _ =
declaredModule :: SemanticModel -> ModuleDeclarationSyntax -> ModuleSymbol
declaredModule SemanticModel { semanticModel_modules = modules } moduleDeclaration =
fromJust (find match modules)
match symbol = syntaxLocation moduleDeclaration == symbolLocation symbol
declaredType :: ModuleSymbol -> ModuleMemberSyntax -> TypeSymbol
declaredType ModuleSymbol { moduleSymbol_types = types } typeDeclaration@TypeDeclarationSyntax {} =
fromJust (find match types)
match symbol = syntaxLocation typeDeclaration == symbolLocation symbol
declaredType _ _ =
declaredField :: TypeSymbol -> FieldDeclarationSyntax -> FieldSymbol
declaredField StructuredTypeSymbol { structuredTypeSymbol_fields = fields } fieldDeclaration =
fromJust (find match fields)
match symbol = syntaxLocation fieldDeclaration == symbolLocation symbol
declaredField _ _ =
declaredFunction :: ModuleSymbol -> ModuleMemberSyntax -> FunctionSymbol
declaredFunction ModuleSymbol { moduleSymbol_functions = functions } functionDeclaration@FunctionDeclarationSyntax {} =
fromJust (find match functions)
match symbol = syntaxLocation functionDeclaration == symbolLocation symbol
declaredFunction _ _ =
declaredParameter :: FunctionSymbol -> ParameterDeclarationSyntax -> ParameterSymbol
declaredParameter FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_parameters = parameters } parameterDeclaration =
fromJust (find match parameters)
match symbol = syntaxLocation parameterDeclaration == symbolLocation symbol
declaredParameter _ _ =
declaredLocal :: FunctionSymbol -> LocalDeclarationSyntax -> LocalSymbol
declaredLocal FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_locals = locals } localDeclarationSyntax =
fromJust (find match locals)
match symbol = syntaxLocation localDeclarationSyntax == symbolLocation symbol
declaredLocal _ _ =
declaredLabel :: FunctionSymbol -> InstructionSyntax -> LabelSymbol
declaredLabel FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_labels = labels } labeledInstruction@LabeledInstructionSyntax {} =
fromJust (find match labels)
match symbol = syntaxLocation labeledInstruction == symbolLocation symbol
declaredLabel _ _ =
bindModule :: (Symbol a) => a -> ImportDirectiveSyntax -> ModuleSymbol
bindModule context importDirective =
findModule (containingModel context) (importDirectiveSyntax_name importDirective)
bindType :: (Symbol a) => a -> InstructionSyntax -> TypeSymbol
bindType context instruction =
resolveType context (typedInstructionSyntax_type instruction)
bindField :: (Symbol a) => a -> InstructionSyntax -> FieldSymbol
bindField context instruction = do
findField containingType_ (fieldInstructionSyntax_fieldName instruction) fieldType
containingModule_ = case fieldInstructionSyntax_moduleName instruction of
Nothing -> containingModule context
Just moduleName -> findModule (containingModel context) moduleName
containingType_ = findType containingModule_ (fieldInstructionSyntax_typeName instruction)
fieldType = resolveType context (fieldInstructionSyntax_fieldType instruction)
bindFunction :: (Symbol a) => a -> InstructionSyntax -> FunctionSymbol
bindFunction context instruction =
findFunction containingModule_ (functionInstructionSyntax_functionName instruction) returnType parameterTypes
containingModule_ = case functionInstructionSyntax_moduleName instruction of
Nothing -> containingModule context
Just moduleName -> findModule (containingModel context) moduleName
returnType = resolveType context (functionInstructionSyntax_returnType instruction)
parameterTypes = map (resolveType context) (functionInstructionSyntax_parameterTypes instruction)
bindParameter :: (Symbol a) => a -> InstructionSyntax -> ParameterSymbol
bindParameter context instruction =
findParameter (containingFunction context) (argumentInstructionSyntax_parameterName instruction)
bindLocal :: (Symbol a) => a -> InstructionSyntax -> LocalSymbol
bindLocal context instruction =
findLocal (containingFunction context) (localInstructionSyntax_localName instruction)
bindLabel :: (Symbol a) => a -> InstructionSyntax -> LabelSymbol
bindLabel context instruction =
findLabel (containingFunction context) (branchInstructionSyntax_target instruction)
resolveType :: (Symbol a) => a -> TypeSyntax -> TypeSymbol
resolveType context =
go (BoolTypeSyntax _) = BoolTypeSymbol
go (Int8TypeSyntax _) = Int8TypeSymbol
go (Int16TypeSyntax _) = Int16TypeSymbol
go (Int32TypeSyntax _) = Int32TypeSymbol
go (Int64TypeSyntax _) = Int64TypeSymbol
go (UInt8TypeSyntax _) = UInt8TypeSymbol
go (UInt16TypeSyntax _) = UInt16TypeSymbol
go (UInt32TypeSyntax _) = UInt32TypeSymbol
go (UInt64TypeSyntax _) = UInt64TypeSymbol
go (Float32TypeSyntax _) = Float32TypeSymbol
go (Float64TypeSyntax _) = Float64TypeSymbol
go (VoidTypeSyntax _) = VoidTypeSymbol
go (ArrayTypeSyntax elementType length_) = ArrayTypeSymbol (go elementType) (parseLiteral length_)
go (DeclaredTypeSyntax Nothing typeName) = findType (containingModule context) typeName
go (DeclaredTypeSyntax (Just moduleName) typeName) = findType (findModule (containingModel context) moduleName) typeName
go (FunctionTypeSyntax returnType parameterTypes) = FunctionTypeSymbol (go returnType) (map go parameterTypes)
go (ReferenceTypeSyntax referencedType) = ReferenceTypeSymbol (go referencedType)
go (SpanTypeSyntax elementType) = SpanTypeSymbol (go elementType)
parseLiteral :: LiteralSyntax -> Integer
parseLiteral NumericLiteralSyntax { numericLiteralSyntax_minus = minus, numericLiteralSyntax_token = token } =
maybe id (const negate) minus $ B.foldl' (\a w -> a * 10 + fromIntegral (w - 48)) 0 (syntaxToken_value token)
findModule :: SemanticModel -> ModuleNameSyntax -> ModuleSymbol
findModule semanticModel moduleName =
case filter match (semanticModel_modules semanticModel) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> ErrorModuleSymbol semanticModel (displayName moduleName) [] [] [] Nothing (syntaxLocation moduleName) [bindError moduleName symbols]
match ModuleSymbol { moduleSymbol_name = moduleName' } = moduleName' == displayName moduleName
match _ = False
findType :: ModuleSymbol -> SimpleNameSyntax -> TypeSymbol
findType container typeName =
case filter match (moduleSymbol_types container) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> ErrorTypeSymbol container (displayName typeName) [] (TypeLayout 1 0) (syntaxLocation typeName) [bindError typeName symbols]
match StructuredTypeSymbol { structuredTypeSymbol_name = typeName' } = typeName' == displayName typeName
match _ = False
findField :: TypeSymbol -> SimpleNameSyntax -> TypeSymbol -> FieldSymbol
findField container fieldName fieldType =
case filter match (structuredTypeSymbol_fields container) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> ErrorFieldSymbol container (displayName fieldName) fieldType 0 (syntaxLocation fieldName) [bindError fieldName symbols]
match FieldSymbol { fieldSymbol_name = fieldName' } = fieldName' == displayName fieldName
match _ = False
findFunction :: ModuleSymbol -> SimpleNameSyntax -> TypeSymbol -> [TypeSymbol] -> FunctionSymbol
findFunction container functionName returnType parameterTypes =
case filter match (moduleSymbol_functions container) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> let symbol = ErrorFunctionSymbol container (displayName functionName) returnType (map (\t -> ParameterSymbol symbol "?" t (syntaxLocation functionName) []) parameterTypes) [] [] Nothing (syntaxLocation functionName) [bindError functionName symbols] in symbol
match FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_name = functionName', functionSymbol_returnType = returnType', functionSymbol_parameters = parameters' } = functionName' == displayName functionName && returnType' == returnType && map parameterSymbol_parameterType parameters' == parameterTypes
match _ = False
findParameter :: FunctionSymbol -> SimpleNameSyntax -> ParameterSymbol
findParameter container parameterName =
case filter match (functionSymbol_parameters container) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> ErrorParameterSymbol container (displayName parameterName) (syntaxLocation parameterName) [bindError parameterName symbols]
match ParameterSymbol { parameterSymbol_name = parameterName' } = parameterName' == displayName parameterName
match _ = False
findLocal :: FunctionSymbol -> SimpleNameSyntax -> LocalSymbol
findLocal container localName =
case filter match (functionSymbol_locals container) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> ErrorLocalSymbol container (displayName localName) (syntaxLocation localName) [bindError localName symbols]
match LocalSymbol { localSymbol_name = localName' } = localName' == displayName localName
match _ = False
findLabel :: FunctionSymbol -> SimpleNameSyntax -> LabelSymbol
findLabel container labelName =
case filter match (functionSymbol_labels container) of
[symbol] -> symbol
symbols -> ErrorLabelSymbol container (displayName labelName) (syntaxLocation labelName) [bindError labelName symbols]
match LabelSymbol { labelSymbol_name = labelName' } = labelName' == displayName labelName
match _ = False
findEntryPoint :: ModuleSymbol -> Maybe FunctionSymbol
findEntryPoint container =
case filter match (moduleSymbol_functions container) of
[symbol] -> Just symbol
_ -> Nothing
match FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_name = "@main", functionSymbol_returnType = VoidTypeSymbol, functionSymbol_parameters = [] } = True
match _ = False
bindError :: (SyntaxNode n, NameSyntax n, Symbol a) => n -> [a] -> Diagnostic
bindError name candidates = BindError (syntaxLocation name) (displayName name) (map symbolPretty candidates)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Mango.Compiler.Error (
-- Error Reporting
-- Diagnostics
Diagnostic (..),
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (..), runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT (..), runStateT, get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict (WriterT (..), runWriterT)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parMap, rseq)
import Data.Bool
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either (Either (..), partitionEithers)
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int (Int)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..), maybe)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.String (String)
import Data.Tuple
import Mango.Compiler.Syntax
import Prelude (Num (..), mod)
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (ErrorItem, showErrorComponent)
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos (unPos)
import Text.Show
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Set as E
type CompilerT e m = MaybeT (WriterT [e] m)
compilerT :: (Monad m) => m (Either [e] a) -> CompilerT e m a
compilerT = MaybeT . WriterT . fmap go
go (Right x) = (Just x, [])
go (Left es) = (Nothing, es)
runCompilerT :: (Monad m) => CompilerT e m a -> m (Either [e] a)
runCompilerT = fmap go . runWriterT . runMaybeT
go (Just x, []) = Right x
go (_, es) = Left es
mapCompilerT :: (Monad m, Monad n) => (m (Either [e] a) -> n (Either [e'] b)) -> CompilerT e m a -> CompilerT e' n b
mapCompilerT f = compilerT . f . runCompilerT
sequentialC :: (Monad m) => [CompilerT e m a] -> CompilerT e m [a]
sequentialC = MaybeT . fmap sequence . mapM runMaybeT
parallelC :: (Monad m) => [CompilerT e Identity a] -> CompilerT e m [a]
parallelC = compilerT . return . eitherPartitions . partitionEithers . parMap rseq (runIdentity . runCompilerT)
eitherPartitions :: ([[a]], b) -> Either [a] b
eitherPartitions ([], x) = Right x
eitherPartitions (es, _) = Left (concat es)
report :: (Monad m) => e -> CompilerT e m ()
report = reportMany . (:[])
reportMany :: (Monad m) => [e] -> CompilerT e m ()
reportMany = MaybeT . WriterT . return . (,) (Just ())
stop :: (Monad m) => CompilerT e m a
stop = (MaybeT . WriterT . return . (,) Nothing) []
stopOnError :: (Monad m) => CompilerT e m a -> CompilerT e m a
stopOnError = mapCompilerT id
mapAccumM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> m (a, c)) -> a -> [b] -> m (a, [c])
mapAccumM f a l = fmap swap (runStateT (mapM go l) a)
go i = do
s <- get
(s', r) <- lift (f s i)
put s'
return r
data Diagnostic
= GenericError { diagnostic_location :: !Location, genericError_message :: String }
| SyntaxError { diagnostic_location :: !Location, syntaxError_unexpected :: Maybe (ErrorItem SyntaxToken), syntaxError_expecting :: E.Set (ErrorItem SyntaxToken) }
| BindError { diagnostic_location :: !Location, bindError_name :: String, bindError_candidates :: [String] }
diagnosticPretty :: Diagnostic -> String
diagnosticPretty diagnostic =
show (diagnostic_location diagnostic) <> ":\n" <>
errorMessage diagnostic
diagnosticPretty' :: Int -> Diagnostic -> String
diagnosticPretty' tabWidth diagnostic =
show (diagnostic_location diagnostic) <> ":\n" <>
linePretty tabWidth (location_sourceText (diagnostic_location diagnostic)) (location_sourcePos (diagnostic_location diagnostic)) <>
errorMessage diagnostic
errorMessage :: Diagnostic -> String
errorMessage GenericError { genericError_message = message } =
message ++ "\n"
errorMessage SyntaxError { syntaxError_unexpected = unexpected, syntaxError_expecting = expecting } =
errorItemsPretty "unexpected " (maybe E.empty E.singleton unexpected) ++
errorItemsPretty "expecting " expecting
errorMessage BindError { bindError_name = name, bindError_candidates = [] } =
"\"" ++ name ++ "\" is not declared\n"
errorMessage BindError { bindError_name = name, bindError_candidates = candidates } =
"\"" ++ name ++ "\" is ambiguous between the following declarations:" ++ concatMap ("\n " ++) candidates ++ "\n"
errorItemsPretty :: String -> E.Set (ErrorItem SyntaxToken) -> String
errorItemsPretty prefix ts
| E.null ts = ""
| otherwise = prefix <> orList (E.toAscList ( showErrorComponent ts)) <> "\n"
orList :: [String] -> String
orList [] = ""
orList [x] = x
orList [x, y] = x <> " or " <> y
orList xs = intercalate ", " (init xs) <> ", or " <> last xs
linePretty :: Int -> ByteString -> SourcePos -> String
linePretty w s p =
padding <> " |\n" <>
lineNumber <> " | " <> rline <> "\n" <>
padding <> " | " <> rpadding <> "^\n"
line = C.unpack (selectLine (unPos (sourceLine p) - 1) s)
lineNumber = show (unPos (sourceLine p))
padding = replicate (length lineNumber) ' '
rline = expandTab w line
rpadding = expandPad w (take (unPos (sourceColumn p) - 1) line)
selectLine :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
selectLine l = go 0
go !n !s
| n == l = s1
| B.null s2 = B.empty
| B.head s2 == 13 && B.length s2 > 1 && B.index s2 1 == 10 = go (n + 1) (B.drop 2 s2)
| otherwise = go (n + 1) (B.tail s2)
(s1, s2) = B.break (\x -> x == 13 || x == 10) s
expandTab :: Int -> String -> String
expandTab w = go 0
go _ [] = []
go !n ('\t':xs) = replicate (w - mod n w) ' ' <> go 0 xs
go !n ( x:xs) = (if x < ' ' then ' ' else x):go (n + 1) xs
expandPad :: Int -> String -> String
expandPad w = go 0
go _ [] = []
go !n ('\t':xs) = replicate (w - mod n w) ' ' <> go 0 xs
go !n ( _:xs) = ' ':go (n + 1) xs
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Mango.Compiler.Lexer (
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative (..))
import Control.Monad (Monad (..), ap, mapM)
import Data.Bool
import Data.ByteString
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.Int (Int)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
import Data.Ord
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Mango.Compiler.Syntax
import Prelude (Num (..))
import System.IO (IO, FilePath)
import Text.Megaparsec.Pos
import qualified Data.Set as E
newtype Lexer a
= Lexer { runLexer :: (ByteString, SourcePos, ByteString) -> (a, ByteString, SourcePos, ByteString) }
instance Functor Lexer where
fmap f x = x >>= (pure . f)
instance Applicative Lexer where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Lexer where
return a = Lexer (\(b, p, t) -> (a, b, p, t))
m >>= k = Lexer (\s -> let (a, b', p', t') = runLexer m s in runLexer (k a) (b', p', t'))
at :: Lexer Location
at = Lexer (\(b, p, t) -> (Location p t, b, p, t))
eol :: Lexer ()
eol = Lexer (\(b, p, t) -> ((), b, p { sourceLine = sourceLine p <> pos1, sourceColumn = pos1 }, t))
eat :: (ByteString -> (a, ByteString)) -> Lexer a
eat f = Lexer (\(b, p, t) -> let (x, b') = f b in (x, b', p { sourceColumn = mkPos (unPos (sourceColumn p) + (length b - length b')) }, t))
set :: (ByteString -> ByteString) -> Lexer ()
set f = eat (\b -> ((), f b))
get :: (ByteString -> a) -> Lexer a
get f = Lexer (\(b, p, t) -> (f b, b, p, t))
peek :: Int -> Lexer (Maybe Word8)
peek i = get (\b -> if i < length b then Just (index b i) else Nothing)
run :: Lexer a -> Lexer (a, ByteString)
run m = Lexer (\(b, p, t) -> let (x, b', p', t') = runLexer m (b, p, t) in ((x, take (length b - length b') b), b', p', t'))
keywords :: E.Set ByteString
keywords = E.fromList [
"bool", "i8", "u8", "i16", "u16", "i32", "u32", "i64", "u64", "f32" , "f64", "void",
"module", "import", "type", "field", "declare", "define", "local",
"nop", "break", "pop", "dup",
"newobj", "newarr", "ldlen",
"call", "calli", "syscall", "ret",
"br", "brfalse", "brtrue", "beq", "bge", "bgt", "ble", "blt", "bne",
"ldc", "ldftn", "ldnull",
"ldarg", "ldarga", "starg",
"ldloc", "ldloca", "stloc",
"ldind", "stind",
"ldfld", "ldflda", "stfld",
"ldelem", "ldelema", "stelem",
"add", "div", "mul", "rem", "sub", "neg",
"and", "or", "xor", "shl", "shr", "not",
"ceq", "cge", "cgt", "cle", "clt", "cne",
"_", "$", "%", "@", "null", "true", "false"]
scanMultiLineComment :: Lexer Bool
scanMultiLineComment =
set (drop 2) >> go
go = do
set (dropWhile (\x -> not (x == 42 || x == 13 || x == 10)))
eof <- get null
if eof then
return False
else do
next <- get head
case next of
42 -> do
next' <- peek 1
case next' of
Just 47 -> set (drop 2) >> return True
_ -> set (drop 1) >> go
13 -> do
next' <- peek 1
case next' of
Just 10 -> set (drop 2)
_ -> set (drop 1)
10 -> do
set (drop 1)
_ -> do
set (drop 1)
scanTrivia :: Bool -> Lexer [SyntaxTrivia]
scanTrivia isTrailing = do
eof <- get null
if eof then
return []
else do
next <- get head
case next of
32 -> do
value <- eat (span isWhiteSpace)
rest <- scanTrivia isTrailing
return (WhitespaceTrivia value:rest)
13 -> do
next' <- peek 1
value <- case next' of
Just 10 -> eat (splitAt 2)
_ -> eat (splitAt 1)
rest <- if isTrailing then pure [] else scanTrivia isTrailing
return (EndOfLineTrivia value:rest)
10 -> do
value <- eat (splitAt 1)
rest <- if isTrailing then pure [] else scanTrivia isTrailing
return (EndOfLineTrivia value:rest)
47 -> do
next' <- peek 1
case next' of
Just 47 -> do
value <- eat (break (\x -> x == 13 || x == 10))
rest <- scanTrivia isTrailing
return (SingleLineCommentTrivia value:rest)
Just 42 -> do
(success, value) <- run scanMultiLineComment
rest <- scanTrivia isTrailing
if success then
return (MultiLineCommentTrivia value:rest)
return (ErrorTrivia value:rest)
_ -> return []
x | isWhiteSpace x -> do
value <- eat (span isWhiteSpace)
rest <- scanTrivia isTrailing
return (WhitespaceTrivia value:rest)
| otherwise -> do
return []
isWhiteSpace x = (x == 32) || (x == 9) || (x == 11) || (x == 12)
scanIdentifierOrKeyword :: [SyntaxTrivia] -> Lexer SyntaxToken
scanIdentifierOrKeyword leadingTrivia = do
pos <- at
end <- get (\s -> 1 + length (takeWhile isIdContinue (tail s)))
identifier <- get (take end)
if E.member identifier keywords then do
next <- peek end
end' <- case next of
Just 46 -> get (\s -> end + length (takeWhile isIdContinue' (drop end s)))
_ -> return end
keyword <- eat (splitAt end')
trailingTrivia <- scanTrivia True
return (KeywordToken leadingTrivia keyword trailingTrivia pos)
else do
set (drop end)
trailingTrivia <- scanTrivia True
return (IdentifierToken leadingTrivia identifier trailingTrivia pos)
isIdContinue x = (x >= 65) && (x <= 90) || (x >= 97) && (x <= 122) || (x >= 48) && (x <= 57) || (x == 95)
isIdContinue' x = (isIdContinue x) || (x == 46)
scanNumericLiteral :: [SyntaxTrivia] -> Lexer SyntaxToken
scanNumericLiteral leadingTrivia = do
pos <- at
literal <- eat (span isDigit)
trailingTrivia <- scanTrivia True
return (NumericLiteralToken leadingTrivia literal trailingTrivia pos)
isDigit x = (x >= 48) && (x <= 57)
scanPunctuator :: [SyntaxTrivia] -> Lexer SyntaxToken
scanPunctuator leadingTrivia = do
pos <- at
punctuator <- eat (splitAt 1)
trailingTrivia <- scanTrivia True
return (PunctuatorToken leadingTrivia punctuator trailingTrivia pos)
scanBad :: [SyntaxTrivia] -> Lexer SyntaxToken
scanBad leadingTrivia = do
pos <- at
character <- eat (splitAt 1)
trailingTrivia <- scanTrivia True
return (BadToken leadingTrivia character trailingTrivia pos)
scanToken :: Lexer SyntaxToken
scanToken = do
leadingTrivia <- scanTrivia False
eof <- get null
if eof then do
pos <- at
return (EndOfFileToken leadingTrivia empty [] pos)
else do
next <- get head
case next of
33 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
35 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
38 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
40 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
41 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
42 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
43 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
44 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
45 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
46 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
47 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
58 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
59 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
60 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
61 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
62 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
63 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
91 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
92 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
93 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
94 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
96 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
123 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
124 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
125 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
126 -> scanPunctuator leadingTrivia
x | isIdStart x -> scanIdentifierOrKeyword leadingTrivia
| isDigit x -> scanNumericLiteral leadingTrivia
| otherwise -> scanBad leadingTrivia
isIdStart x = (x >= 65) && (x <= 90) || (x >= 97) && (x <= 122) || (x == 95) || (x == 36) || (x == 37) || (x == 64)
isDigit x = (x >= 48) && (x <= 57)
scanTokens :: Lexer [SyntaxToken]
scanTokens = do
token <- scanToken
case token of
EndOfFileToken {} -> do
return [token]
_ -> do
tokens <- scanTokens
return (token:tokens)
tokenizeText :: FilePath -> Text -> [SyntaxToken]
tokenizeText path text =
tokenizeBytes path (encodeUtf8 text)
tokenizeBytes :: FilePath -> ByteString -> [SyntaxToken]
tokenizeBytes path text =
(tokens, _, _, _) = runLexer scanTokens (text, initialPos path, text)
tokenizeFile :: FilePath -> IO [SyntaxToken]
tokenizeFile path =
tokenizeBytes path <$> readFile path
tokenizeFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO [[SyntaxToken]]
tokenizeFiles paths =
mapM tokenizeFile paths
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Mango.Compiler.Parser (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Combinators
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, readFile)
import Data.Char (Char)
import Data.Either (Either (..))
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe (..))
import Data.String (String)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Mango.Compiler.Error
import Mango.Compiler.Lexer
import Mango.Compiler.Syntax
import System.IO (FilePath)
import Text.Megaparsec (ParsecT, MonadParsec (token), (<?>), runParser)
import Text.Megaparsec.Error (ErrorItem (..), ErrorFancy (..), ParseError (..))
import Text.Show
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Set as E
import qualified Data.Vector as V
type Parser = ParsecT Void [SyntaxToken] Identity
identifierToken :: Parser SyntaxToken
identifierToken = token test Nothing <?> "identifier"
test x@IdentifierToken {} = Right x
test x = Left (pure (Tokens (x:|[])), E.empty)
numericLiteralToken :: Parser SyntaxToken
numericLiteralToken = token test Nothing <?> "numeric literal"
test x@NumericLiteralToken {} = Right x
test x = Left (pure (Tokens (x:|[])), E.empty)
keywordToken :: String -> Parser SyntaxToken
keywordToken k = token test Nothing <?> show k
test x@KeywordToken { syntaxToken_value = value } | C.pack k == value = Right x
test x = Left (pure (Tokens (x:|[])), E.empty)
punctuatorToken :: Char -> Parser SyntaxToken
punctuatorToken p = token test Nothing <?> show p
test x@PunctuatorToken { syntaxToken_value = value } | C.singleton p == value = Right x
test x = Left (pure (Tokens (x:|[])), E.empty)
endOfFileToken :: Parser SyntaxToken
endOfFileToken = token test Nothing <?> "end of file"
test x@EndOfFileToken {} = Right x
test x = Left (pure (Tokens (x:|[])), E.empty)
simpleNameSyntax :: Parser SimpleNameSyntax
simpleNameSyntax = SimpleNameSyntax <$> identifierToken
moduleNameSyntax :: Parser ModuleNameSyntax
moduleNameSyntax = ModuleNameSyntax <$> sepBy1 identifierToken (punctuatorToken '.')
literalSyntax :: Parser LiteralSyntax
literalSyntax = NumericLiteralSyntax <$> optional (punctuatorToken '-') <*> numericLiteralToken
typeSyntax :: Parser TypeSyntax
typeSyntax = flip (L.foldl (flip (.)) id) <$> (predefinedTypeSyntax <|> declaredTypeSyntax) <*> many (referenceTypeSyntax <|> arrayOrSpanTypeSyntax <|> functionTypeSyntax)
predefinedTypeSyntax = choice [
BoolTypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "bool",
Int8TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "i8",
Int16TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "i16",
Int32TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "i32",
Int64TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "i64",
UInt8TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "u8",
UInt16TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "u16",
UInt32TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "u32",
UInt64TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "u64",
Float32TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "f32",
Float64TypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "f64",
VoidTypeSyntax <$> keywordToken "void"]
declaredTypeSyntax = DeclaredTypeSyntax <$> option Nothing (Just <$> between (punctuatorToken '<') (punctuatorToken '>') moduleNameSyntax) <*> simpleNameSyntax
referenceTypeSyntax = ReferenceTypeSyntax <$ punctuatorToken '&'
functionTypeSyntax = flip FunctionTypeSyntax <$> between (punctuatorToken '(') (punctuatorToken ')') (sepBy typeSyntax (punctuatorToken ','))
arrayOrSpanTypeSyntax = between (punctuatorToken '[') (punctuatorToken ']') (option SpanTypeSyntax (flip ArrayTypeSyntax <$> literalSyntax))
compilationUnitSyntax :: Parser CompilationUnitSyntax
compilationUnitSyntax = do
modules <- many moduleDeclarationSyntax
_ <- endOfFileToken
return (CompilationUnitSyntax modules)
moduleDeclarationSyntax :: Parser ModuleDeclarationSyntax
moduleDeclarationSyntax = do
moduleKeyword <- keywordToken "module"
moduleName <- moduleNameSyntax
_ <- punctuatorToken '{'
importDirectives <- many importDirectiveSyntax
moduleMembers <- many moduleMemberSyntax
_ <- punctuatorToken '}'
return (ModuleDeclarationSyntax moduleKeyword moduleName importDirectives moduleMembers)
importDirectiveSyntax :: Parser ImportDirectiveSyntax
importDirectiveSyntax = do
importKeyword <- keywordToken "import"
moduleName <- moduleNameSyntax
return (ImportDirectiveSyntax importKeyword moduleName)
moduleMemberSyntax :: Parser ModuleMemberSyntax
moduleMemberSyntax = typeDeclarationSyntax <|> functionDeclarationSyntax
typeDeclarationSyntax :: Parser ModuleMemberSyntax
typeDeclarationSyntax = do
typeKeyword <- keywordToken "type"
typeName <- simpleNameSyntax
_ <- punctuatorToken '{'
fieldDeclarations <- many fieldDeclarationSyntax
_ <- punctuatorToken '}'
return (TypeDeclarationSyntax typeKeyword typeName fieldDeclarations)
fieldDeclarationSyntax :: Parser FieldDeclarationSyntax
fieldDeclarationSyntax = do
fieldKeyword <- keywordToken "field"
fieldType <- typeSyntax
fieldName <- simpleNameSyntax
return (FieldDeclarationSyntax fieldKeyword fieldType fieldName)
functionDeclarationSyntax :: Parser ModuleMemberSyntax
functionDeclarationSyntax =
functionDeclaration <|> functionDefinition
functionDeclaration :: Parser ModuleMemberSyntax
functionDeclaration = do
functionKeyword <- keywordToken "declare"
returnType <- typeSyntax
functionName <- simpleNameSyntax
parameterDeclarations <- between (punctuatorToken '(') (punctuatorToken ')') (sepBy parameterDeclarationSyntax (punctuatorToken ','))
systemCallOrdinal <- literalSyntax
return (FunctionDeclarationSyntax functionKeyword returnType functionName parameterDeclarations (Right systemCallOrdinal))
functionDefinition :: Parser ModuleMemberSyntax
functionDefinition = do
functionKeyword <- keywordToken "define"
returnType <- typeSyntax
functionName <- simpleNameSyntax
parameterDeclarations <- between (punctuatorToken '(') (punctuatorToken ')') (sepBy parameterDeclarationSyntax (punctuatorToken ','))
functionBody <- functionBodySyntax
return (FunctionDeclarationSyntax functionKeyword returnType functionName parameterDeclarations (Left functionBody))
parameterDeclarationSyntax :: Parser ParameterDeclarationSyntax
parameterDeclarationSyntax = do
parameterType <- typeSyntax
parameterName <- simpleNameSyntax
return (ParameterDeclarationSyntax parameterType parameterName)
functionBodySyntax :: Parser FunctionBodySyntax
functionBodySyntax = do
_ <- punctuatorToken '{'
localDeclarations <- many localDeclarationSyntax
instructions <- many (instructionSyntax <|> labeledInstructionSyntax)
_ <- punctuatorToken '}'
return (FunctionBodySyntax localDeclarations (V.fromList instructions))
localDeclarationSyntax :: Parser LocalDeclarationSyntax
localDeclarationSyntax = do
localKeyword <- keywordToken "local"
localType <- typeSyntax
localName <- simpleNameSyntax
return (LocalDeclarationSyntax localKeyword localType localName)
labeledInstructionSyntax :: Parser InstructionSyntax
labeledInstructionSyntax = do
name <- simpleNameSyntax
_ <- punctuatorToken ':'
instruction <- instructionSyntax
return (LabeledInstructionSyntax name instruction)
instructionSyntax :: Parser InstructionSyntax
instructionSyntax =
choice [
noneInstruction AddInstructionSyntax "add",
noneInstruction AndInstructionSyntax "and",
nameInstruction BeqSInstructionSyntax "beq.s",
nameInstruction BeqInstructionSyntax "beq",
nameInstruction BgeUnSInstructionSyntax "bge.un.s",
nameInstruction BgeUnInstructionSyntax "bge.un",
nameInstruction BgeSInstructionSyntax "bge.s",
nameInstruction BgeInstructionSyntax "bge",
nameInstruction BgtUnSInstructionSyntax "bgt.un.s",
nameInstruction BgtUnInstructionSyntax "bgt.un",
nameInstruction BgtSInstructionSyntax "bgt.s",
nameInstruction BgtInstructionSyntax "bgt",
nameInstruction BleUnSInstructionSyntax "ble.un.s",
nameInstruction BleUnInstructionSyntax "ble.un",
nameInstruction BleSInstructionSyntax "ble.s",
nameInstruction BleInstructionSyntax "ble",
nameInstruction BltUnSInstructionSyntax "blt.un.s",
nameInstruction BltUnInstructionSyntax "blt.un",
nameInstruction BltSInstructionSyntax "blt.s",
nameInstruction BltInstructionSyntax "blt",
nameInstruction BneUnSInstructionSyntax "bne.un.s",
nameInstruction BneUnInstructionSyntax "bne.un",
noneInstruction BreakInstructionSyntax "break",
nameInstruction BrfalseSInstructionSyntax "brfalse.s",
nameInstruction BrfalseInstructionSyntax "brfalse",
nameInstruction BrSInstructionSyntax "br.s",
nameInstruction BrInstructionSyntax "br",
nameInstruction BrtrueSInstructionSyntax "brtrue.s",
nameInstruction BrtrueInstructionSyntax "brtrue",
typeInstruction CalliInstructionSyntax "calli",
functionInstruction CallInstructionSyntax "call",
noneInstruction CeqInstructionSyntax "ceq",
noneInstruction CgtUnInstructionSyntax "cgt.un",
noneInstruction CgtInstructionSyntax "cgt",
noneInstruction CltUnInstructionSyntax "clt.un",
noneInstruction CltInstructionSyntax "clt",
typeInstruction ConvUnInstructionSyntax "conv.un",
typeInstruction ConvInstructionSyntax "conv",
noneInstruction DivUnInstructionSyntax "div.un",
noneInstruction DivInstructionSyntax "div",
noneInstruction DupInstructionSyntax "dup",
nameInstruction LdargaInstructionSyntax "ldarga",
nameInstruction LdargInstructionSyntax "ldarg",
constantInstruction LdcInstructionSyntax "ldc",
typeInstruction LdelemaInstructionSyntax "ldelema",
typeInstruction LdelemInstructionSyntax "ldelem",
fieldInstruction LdfldaInstructionSyntax "ldflda",
fieldInstruction LdfldInstructionSyntax "ldfld",
functionInstruction LdftnInstructionSyntax "ldftn",
typeInstruction LdindInstructionSyntax "ldind",
noneInstruction LdlenInstructionSyntax "ldlen",
nameInstruction LdlocaInstructionSyntax "ldloca",
nameInstruction LdlocInstructionSyntax "ldloc",
noneInstruction LdnullInstructionSyntax "ldnull",
noneInstruction MulInstructionSyntax "mul",
noneInstruction NegInstructionSyntax "neg",
typeInstruction NewarrInstructionSyntax "newarr",
functionInstruction NewobjInstructionSyntax "newobj",
noneInstruction NopInstructionSyntax "nop",
noneInstruction NotInstructionSyntax "not",
noneInstruction OrInstructionSyntax "or",
noneInstruction PopInstructionSyntax "pop",
noneInstruction RemUnInstructionSyntax "rem.un",
noneInstruction RemInstructionSyntax "rem",
noneInstruction RetInstructionSyntax "ret",
noneInstruction ShlInstructionSyntax "shl",
noneInstruction ShrUnInstructionSyntax "shr.un",
noneInstruction ShrInstructionSyntax "shr",
nameInstruction StargInstructionSyntax "starg",
typeInstruction StelemInstructionSyntax "stelem",
fieldInstruction StfldInstructionSyntax "stfld",
typeInstruction StindInstructionSyntax "stind",
nameInstruction StlocInstructionSyntax "stloc",
noneInstruction SubInstructionSyntax "sub",
functionInstruction SyscallInstructionSyntax "syscall",
noneInstruction XorInstructionSyntax "xor"]
constantInstruction constructor keyword = do
keyword' <- keywordToken keyword
constantType <- typeSyntax
constantValue <- literalSyntax
return (constructor keyword' constantType constantValue)
fieldInstruction constructor keyword = do
keyword' <- keywordToken keyword
fieldType <- typeSyntax
moduleName <- option Nothing (Just <$> between (punctuatorToken '<') (punctuatorToken '>') moduleNameSyntax)
typeName <- simpleNameSyntax
_ <- punctuatorToken '/'
fieldName <- simpleNameSyntax
return (constructor keyword' fieldType moduleName typeName fieldName)
functionInstruction constructor keyword = do
keyword' <- keywordToken keyword
returnType <- typeSyntax
moduleName <- option Nothing (Just <$> between (punctuatorToken '<') (punctuatorToken '>') moduleNameSyntax)
functionName <- simpleNameSyntax
parameterTypes <- between (punctuatorToken '(') (punctuatorToken ')') (sepBy typeSyntax (punctuatorToken ','))
return (constructor keyword' returnType moduleName functionName parameterTypes)
nameInstruction constructor keyword = do
keyword' <- keywordToken keyword
name <- simpleNameSyntax
return (constructor keyword' name)
noneInstruction constructor keyword = do
keyword' <- keywordToken keyword
return (constructor keyword')
typeInstruction constructor keyword = do
keyword' <- keywordToken keyword
instructionType <- typeSyntax
return (constructor keyword' instructionType)
parseText :: (Monad m) => FilePath -> Text -> CompilerT Diagnostic m SyntaxTree
parseText path text =
parseBytes path (encodeUtf8 text)
parseBytes :: (Monad m) => FilePath -> ByteString -> CompilerT Diagnostic m SyntaxTree
parseBytes path text =
case runParser compilationUnitSyntax path (tokenizeBytes path text) of
Right root -> return (SyntaxTree root path text)
Left (TrivialError (pos:|_) us ps) -> report (SyntaxError (Location pos text) us ps) >> stop
Left (FancyError (pos:|_) es) -> reportMany [GenericError (Location pos text) e | ErrorFail e <- E.toAscList es] >> stop
parseFile :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> CompilerT Diagnostic m SyntaxTree
parseFile path =
liftIO (readFile path) >>= parseBytes path
parseFiles :: (MonadIO m) => [FilePath] -> CompilerT Diagnostic m [SyntaxTree]
parseFiles paths =
sequentialC (fmap parseFile paths)
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Mango.Compiler.Symbols (
-- Semantic Model
SemanticModel (..),
ModuleSymbol (..),
TypeSymbol (..),
FieldSymbol (..),
FunctionSymbol (..),
ParameterSymbol (..),
LocalSymbol (..),
LabelSymbol (..),
Symbol (..),
TypeLayout (..),
) where
import Data.Bool
import Data.Eq
import Data.Function
import Data.Graph (Graph, reachable)
import Data.Int (Int)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String (String)
import Mango.Compiler.Error
import Mango.Compiler.Syntax (Location (..), SourcePos (..))
import Prelude (Num (..), Integer, fromIntegral, undefined)
import Text.Show
data SemanticModel
= SemanticModel { semanticModel_modules :: [ModuleSymbol], semanticModel_moduleGraph :: Graph }
data ModuleSymbol
= ModuleSymbol { moduleSymbol_containingModel :: !SemanticModel, moduleSymbol_name :: !String, moduleSymbol_index :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, moduleSymbol_imports :: [ModuleSymbol], moduleSymbol_types :: [TypeSymbol], moduleSymbol_functions :: [FunctionSymbol], moduleSymbol_entryPoint :: Maybe FunctionSymbol, moduleSymbol_location :: !Location, moduleSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorModuleSymbol { moduleSymbol_containingModel :: !SemanticModel, moduleSymbol_name :: !String, moduleSymbol_imports :: [ModuleSymbol], moduleSymbol_types :: [TypeSymbol], moduleSymbol_functions :: [FunctionSymbol], moduleSymbol_entryPoint :: Maybe FunctionSymbol, moduleSymbol_location :: !Location, moduleSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
data TypeSymbol
= BoolTypeSymbol
| Int8TypeSymbol
| Int16TypeSymbol
| Int32TypeSymbol
| Int64TypeSymbol
| UInt8TypeSymbol
| UInt16TypeSymbol
| UInt32TypeSymbol
| UInt64TypeSymbol
| Float32TypeSymbol
| Float64TypeSymbol
| VoidTypeSymbol
| ArrayTypeSymbol { arrayTypeSymbol_elementType :: !TypeSymbol, arrayTypeSymbol_length :: !Integer }
| StructuredTypeSymbol { structuredTypeSymbol_containingSymbol :: !ModuleSymbol, structuredTypeSymbol_name :: !String, structuredTypeSymbol_fields :: ![FieldSymbol], structuredTypeSymbol_layout :: TypeLayout, structuredTypeSymbol_location :: !Location, structuredTypeSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorTypeSymbol { structuredTypeSymbol_containingSymbol :: !ModuleSymbol, structuredTypeSymbol_name :: !String, structuredTypeSymbol_fields :: ![FieldSymbol], structuredTypeSymbol_layout :: TypeLayout, structuredTypeSymbol_location :: !Location, structuredTypeSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| FunctionTypeSymbol { functionTypeSymbol_returnType :: !TypeSymbol, functionTypeSymbol_parameterTypes :: ![TypeSymbol] }
| ReferenceTypeSymbol { referenceTypeSymbol_referencedType :: !TypeSymbol }
| SpanTypeSymbol { spanTypeSymbol_elementType :: !TypeSymbol }
| NullTypeSymbol
data FieldSymbol
= FieldSymbol { fieldSymbol_containingSymbol :: !TypeSymbol, fieldSymbol_name :: !String, fieldSymbol_fieldType :: TypeSymbol, fieldSymbol_offset :: Int, fieldSymbol_location :: !Location, fieldSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorFieldSymbol { fieldSymbol_containingSymbol :: !TypeSymbol, fieldSymbol_name :: !String, fieldSymbol_fieldType :: TypeSymbol, fieldSymbol_offset :: Int, fieldSymbol_location :: !Location, fieldSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
data FunctionSymbol
= FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_containingSymbol :: !ModuleSymbol, functionSymbol_name :: !String, functionSymbol_returnType :: TypeSymbol, functionSymbol_parameters :: [ParameterSymbol], functionSymbol_locals :: [LocalSymbol], functionSymbol_labels :: [LabelSymbol], functionSymbol_ordinal :: !(Maybe Integer), functionSymbol_location :: !Location, functionSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorFunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_containingSymbol :: !ModuleSymbol, functionSymbol_name :: !String, functionSymbol_returnType :: TypeSymbol, functionSymbol_parameters :: [ParameterSymbol], functionSymbol_locals :: [LocalSymbol], functionSymbol_labels :: [LabelSymbol], functionSymbol_ordinal :: !(Maybe Integer), functionSymbol_location :: !Location, functionSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
data ParameterSymbol
= ParameterSymbol { parameterSymbol_containingSymbol :: !FunctionSymbol, parameterSymbol_name :: !String, parameterSymbol_parameterType :: TypeSymbol, parameterSymbol_location :: !Location, parameterSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorParameterSymbol { parameterSymbol_containingSymbol :: !FunctionSymbol, parameterSymbol_name :: !String, parameterSymbol_location :: !Location, parameterSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
data LocalSymbol
= LocalSymbol { localSymbol_containingSymbol :: !FunctionSymbol, localSymbol_name :: !String, localSymbol_localType :: TypeSymbol, localSymbol_location :: !Location, localSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorLocalSymbol { localSymbol_containingSymbol :: !FunctionSymbol, localSymbol_name :: !String, localSymbol_location :: !Location, localSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
data LabelSymbol
= LabelSymbol { labelSymbol_containingSymbol :: !FunctionSymbol, labelSymbol_name :: !String, labelSymbol_index :: !Int, labelSymbol_location :: !Location, labelSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
| ErrorLabelSymbol { labelSymbol_containingSymbol :: !FunctionSymbol, labelSymbol_name :: !String, labelSymbol_location :: !Location, labelSymbol_diagnostics :: [Diagnostic] }
class Symbol a where
containingModel :: a -> SemanticModel
containingModule :: a -> ModuleSymbol
containingType :: a -> TypeSymbol
containingFunction :: a -> FunctionSymbol
symbolName :: a -> String
symbolLocation :: a -> Location
symbolPretty :: a -> String
instance Symbol ModuleSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel
containingModule = id
containingType = undefined
containingFunction = undefined
symbolName = moduleSymbol_name
symbolLocation = moduleSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["module ", moduleSymbol_name s, " at ", show (moduleSymbol_location s)]
instance Symbol TypeSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel . structuredTypeSymbol_containingSymbol
containingModule = structuredTypeSymbol_containingSymbol
containingType = undefined
containingFunction = undefined
symbolName = structuredTypeSymbol_name
symbolLocation = structuredTypeSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["type ", structuredTypeSymbol_name s, " at ", show (structuredTypeSymbol_location s)]
instance Symbol FieldSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel . structuredTypeSymbol_containingSymbol . fieldSymbol_containingSymbol
containingModule = structuredTypeSymbol_containingSymbol . fieldSymbol_containingSymbol
containingType = fieldSymbol_containingSymbol
containingFunction = undefined
symbolName = fieldSymbol_name
symbolLocation = fieldSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["field ", fieldSymbol_name s, " at ", show (fieldSymbol_location s)]
instance Symbol FunctionSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel . functionSymbol_containingSymbol
containingModule = functionSymbol_containingSymbol
containingType = undefined
containingFunction = id
symbolName = functionSymbol_name
symbolLocation = functionSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["function ", show (functionSymbol_returnType s), " ", functionSymbol_name s, "(", intercalate ", " (map (show . parameterSymbol_parameterType) (functionSymbol_parameters s)), ") at ", show (functionSymbol_location s)]
instance Symbol ParameterSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel . functionSymbol_containingSymbol . parameterSymbol_containingSymbol
containingModule = functionSymbol_containingSymbol . parameterSymbol_containingSymbol
containingType = undefined
containingFunction = parameterSymbol_containingSymbol
symbolName = parameterSymbol_name
symbolLocation = parameterSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["parameter ", show (parameterSymbol_parameterType s), " ", show (parameterSymbol_name s), " at ", show (parameterSymbol_location s)]
instance Symbol LocalSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel . functionSymbol_containingSymbol . localSymbol_containingSymbol
containingModule = functionSymbol_containingSymbol . localSymbol_containingSymbol
containingType = undefined
containingFunction = localSymbol_containingSymbol
symbolName = localSymbol_name
symbolLocation = localSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["local ", show (localSymbol_localType s), " ", show (localSymbol_name s), " at ", show (localSymbol_location s)]
instance Symbol LabelSymbol where
containingModel = moduleSymbol_containingModel . functionSymbol_containingSymbol . labelSymbol_containingSymbol
containingModule = functionSymbol_containingSymbol . labelSymbol_containingSymbol
containingType = undefined
containingFunction = labelSymbol_containingSymbol
symbolName = labelSymbol_name
symbolLocation = labelSymbol_location
symbolPretty s = concat ["label ", show (labelSymbol_name s), " at ", show (labelSymbol_location s), ")"]
instance Eq ModuleSymbol where
(ModuleSymbol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ location _) == (ModuleSymbol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorModuleSymbol _ name _ _ _ _ location _) == (ErrorModuleSymbol _ name' _ _ _ _ location' _) = sourceName (location_sourcePos location) == sourceName (location_sourcePos location') && name == name'
_ == _ = False
instance Eq TypeSymbol where
BoolTypeSymbol == BoolTypeSymbol = True
Int8TypeSymbol == Int8TypeSymbol = True
Int16TypeSymbol == Int16TypeSymbol = True
Int32TypeSymbol == Int32TypeSymbol = True
Int64TypeSymbol == Int64TypeSymbol = True
UInt8TypeSymbol == UInt8TypeSymbol = True
UInt16TypeSymbol == UInt16TypeSymbol = True
UInt32TypeSymbol == UInt32TypeSymbol = True
UInt64TypeSymbol == UInt64TypeSymbol = True
Float32TypeSymbol == Float32TypeSymbol = True
Float64TypeSymbol == Float64TypeSymbol = True
VoidTypeSymbol == VoidTypeSymbol = True
(ArrayTypeSymbol elementType length_) == (ArrayTypeSymbol elementType' length_') = elementType == elementType' && length_ == length_'
(StructuredTypeSymbol _ _ _ _ location _) == (StructuredTypeSymbol _ _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorTypeSymbol container name _ _ _ _) == (ErrorTypeSymbol container' name' _ _ _ _) = container == container' && name == name'
(FunctionTypeSymbol returnType parameterTypes) == (FunctionTypeSymbol returnType' parameterTypes') = returnType == returnType' && parameterTypes == parameterTypes'
(ReferenceTypeSymbol referencedType) == (ReferenceTypeSymbol referencedType') = referencedType == referencedType'
(SpanTypeSymbol elementType) == (SpanTypeSymbol elementType') = elementType == elementType'
NullTypeSymbol == NullTypeSymbol = True
_ == _ = False
instance Eq FieldSymbol where
(FieldSymbol _ _ _ _ location _) == (FieldSymbol _ _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorFieldSymbol container name _ _ _ _) == (ErrorFieldSymbol container' name' _ _ _ _) = container == container' && name == name'
_ == _ = False
instance Eq FunctionSymbol where
(FunctionSymbol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ location _) == (FunctionSymbol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorFunctionSymbol container name _ _ _ _ _ _ _) == (ErrorFunctionSymbol container' name' _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = container == container' && name == name'
_ == _ = False
instance Eq ParameterSymbol where
(ParameterSymbol _ _ _ location _) == (ParameterSymbol _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorParameterSymbol container name _ _) == (ErrorParameterSymbol container' name' _ _) = container == container' && name == name'
_ == _ = False
instance Eq LocalSymbol where
(LocalSymbol _ _ _ location _) == (LocalSymbol _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorLocalSymbol container name _ _) == (ErrorLocalSymbol container' name' _ _) = container == container' && name == name'
_ == _ = False
instance Eq LabelSymbol where
(LabelSymbol _ _ _ location _) == (LabelSymbol _ _ _ location' _) = location == location'
(ErrorLabelSymbol container name _ _) == (ErrorLabelSymbol container' name' _ _) = container == container' && name == name'
_ == _ = False
instance Show TypeSymbol where
show BoolTypeSymbol = "bool"
show Int8TypeSymbol = "i8"
show Int16TypeSymbol = "i16"
show Int32TypeSymbol = "i32"
show Int64TypeSymbol = "i64"
show UInt8TypeSymbol = "u8"
show UInt16TypeSymbol = "u16"
show UInt32TypeSymbol = "u32"
show UInt64TypeSymbol = "u64"
show Float32TypeSymbol = "f32"
show Float64TypeSymbol = "f64"
show VoidTypeSymbol = "void"
show (ArrayTypeSymbol elementType length_) = concat [show elementType, "[", show length_, "]"]
show (StructuredTypeSymbol container name _ _ _ _) = concat ["<", symbolName container, "> ", name]
show (ErrorTypeSymbol container name _ _ _ _) = concat ["<", symbolName container, "> ", name]
show (FunctionTypeSymbol returnType parameterTypes) = concat [show returnType, "(", intercalate ", " (map show parameterTypes), ")"]
show (ReferenceTypeSymbol referencedType) = concat [show referencedType, "&"]
show (SpanTypeSymbol elementType) = concat [show elementType, "[]"]
show NullTypeSymbol = "null"
data TypeLayout
= TypeLayout { typeLayout_alignment :: Int, typeLayout_size :: Int }
typeLayout :: TypeSymbol -> TypeLayout
typeLayout BoolTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 1 1
typeLayout Int8TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 1 1
typeLayout Int16TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 2 2
typeLayout Int32TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 4
typeLayout Int64TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 8
typeLayout UInt8TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 1 1
typeLayout UInt16TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 2 2
typeLayout UInt32TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 4
typeLayout UInt64TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 8
typeLayout Float32TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 4
typeLayout Float64TypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 8
typeLayout VoidTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 1 0
typeLayout t@ArrayTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout a (s * (fromIntegral (arrayTypeSymbol_length t))) where TypeLayout a s = typeLayout (arrayTypeSymbol_elementType t)
typeLayout t@StructuredTypeSymbol {} = structuredTypeSymbol_layout t
typeLayout t@ErrorTypeSymbol {} = structuredTypeSymbol_layout t
typeLayout FunctionTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 4
typeLayout ReferenceTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 4
typeLayout SpanTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 8
typeLayout NullTypeSymbol {} = TypeLayout 4 4
moduleDependencies :: ModuleSymbol -> [ModuleSymbol]
moduleDependencies moduleSymbol =
map (modules!!) $ nub $ concat [reachable moduleGraph (moduleSymbol_index symbol) | symbol@ModuleSymbol {} <- moduleSymbol_imports moduleSymbol]
modules = semanticModel_modules (containingModel moduleSymbol)
moduleGraph = semanticModel_moduleGraph (containingModel moduleSymbol)
functionType :: FunctionSymbol -> TypeSymbol
functionType functionSymbol =
FunctionTypeSymbol (functionSymbol_returnType functionSymbol) (map parameterSymbol_parameterType (functionSymbol_parameters functionSymbol))
returnsVoid :: FunctionSymbol -> Bool
returnsVoid FunctionSymbol { functionSymbol_returnType = VoidTypeSymbol } = True
returnsVoid _ = False
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