diff --git a/src/freedombone-mesh-batman b/src/freedombone-mesh-batman
index f8c0aee0e2ea6d691172d86da12467884eb2c553..3b99417cb6e9b94f343a393dc5954371b70eeb04 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-mesh-batman
+++ b/src/freedombone-mesh-batman
@@ -89,6 +89,15 @@ if [ -e /etc/default/batctl ]; then
     . /etc/default/batctl
+function global_rate_limit {
+    if ! grep -q "tcp_challenge_ack_limit" /etc/sysctl.conf; then
+        echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_challenge_ack_limit = 999999999' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
+    else
+        sed -i 's|net.ipv4.tcp_challenge_ack_limit.*|net.ipv4.tcp_challenge_ack_limit = 999999999|g' /etc/sysctl.conf
+    fi
+    sysctl -p
 function status {
     batctl o
@@ -175,6 +184,8 @@ function start {
         sudo rm /etc/avahi/services/udisks.service
+    global_rate_limit
     # Might have to re-enable wifi
     rfkill unblock $(rfkill list|awk -F: "/phy/ {print $1}") || true
diff --git a/src/freedombone-mesh-reset b/src/freedombone-mesh-reset
index fbd8dee47f0f3ab39255d5be5eb478610e3e6cde..dbbbabeb7c4a7322d86b2dfdea9fe4ad6c45771c 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-mesh-reset
+++ b/src/freedombone-mesh-reset
@@ -32,19 +32,23 @@ export TEXTDOMAIN=${PROJECT_NAME}-mesh-reset
 export TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/locale"
 dialog --title $"New Identity" \
-	   --backtitle $"Freedombone Mesh" \
-	   --defaultno \
-	   --yesno $"\nDo you want to reset your identity? This will reset ALL data for this peer, and you will not be able to recover it." 8 60
+       --backtitle $"Freedombone Mesh" \
+       --defaultno \
+       --yesno $"\nDo you want to reset your identity? This will reset ALL data for this peer, and you will not be able to recover it." 8 60
 case $sel in
-	0) sudo pkill qtox
-	   sudo pkill firefox
-	   sudo pkill iceweasel
-	   sudo ${PROJECT_NAME}-image-mesh $USER new
-	   sudo batman restart
-	   dialog --title $"New Identity" \
-			  --msgbox $"You now have a new identity" 6 40
-	   ;;
+    0) sudo pkill qtox
+       sudo pkill firefox
+       sudo pkill iceweasel
+       sudo ${PROJECT_NAME}-image-mesh $USER new
+       sudo batman restart
+       if [ -f $HOME/mesh-desktop.sh ]; then
+           $HOME/mesh-desktop.sh
+       else
+           dialog --title $"New Identity" \
+                  --msgbox $"You now have a new identity" 6 40
+       fi
+       ;;
 exit 0
diff --git a/src/freedombone-utils-firewall b/src/freedombone-utils-firewall
index 1f994cafd2e5145a55c59784bf5dd416940b80c8..c6dea8c0cd5bdf4181fdf18e31c728d4f683885b 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-utils-firewall
+++ b/src/freedombone-utils-firewall
@@ -37,6 +37,15 @@ function save_firewall_settings {
     chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables
+function global_rate_limit {
+    if ! grep -q "tcp_challenge_ack_limit" /etc/sysctl.conf; then
+        echo 'net.ipv4.tcp_challenge_ack_limit = 999999999' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
+    else
+        sed -i 's|net.ipv4.tcp_challenge_ack_limit.*|net.ipv4.tcp_challenge_ack_limit = 999999999|g' /etc/sysctl.conf
+    fi
+    sysctl -p
 function enable_ipv6 {
     # endure that ipv6 is enabled and can route
     sed -i 's/net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6.*/net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 0/g' /etc/sysctl.conf
@@ -47,10 +56,10 @@ function enable_ipv6 {
 function configure_firewall {
-	if [ $INSTALLING_MESH ]; then
-		mesh_firewall
-		return
-	fi
+    if [ $INSTALLING_MESH ]; then
+        mesh_firewall
+        return
+    fi
     if grep -q "RELATED" /etc/firewall.conf; then
         # recreate the firewall to remove RELATED
         sed -i "/firewall/d" $COMPLETION_FILE
diff --git a/src/freedombone-utils-setup b/src/freedombone-utils-setup
index 2b5db6fe96045b6cfd832b188c4c81d05d91c248..afa5c74116d6fd1fd6fc5ac98aa61a0b0fd428ae 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-utils-setup
+++ b/src/freedombone-utils-setup
@@ -87,474 +87,477 @@ CHECK_MESSAGE="Check your internet connection, /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/
 function initial_setup {
-	if grep -Fxq "initial_setup" $COMPLETION_FILE; then
-		return
-	fi
-	apt-get -y remove --purge apache*
-	apt-get -y dist-upgrade
-	apt-get -y install ca-certificates emacs24 cpulimit
-	apt-get -y install cryptsetup libgfshare-bin obnam sshpass wget
-	apt-get -y install avahi-daemon avahi-utils avahi-discover
-	apt-get -y install connect-proxy
-	if [ ! -d $INSTALL_DIR ]; then
-		mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
-	fi
-	echo 'initial_setup' >> $COMPLETION_FILE
+    if grep -Fxq "initial_setup" $COMPLETION_FILE; then
+        return
+    fi
+    apt-get -y remove --purge apache*
+    apt-get -y dist-upgrade
+    apt-get -y install ca-certificates emacs24 cpulimit
+    apt-get -y install cryptsetup libgfshare-bin obnam sshpass wget
+    apt-get -y install avahi-daemon avahi-utils avahi-discover
+    apt-get -y install connect-proxy
+    if [ ! -d $INSTALL_DIR ]; then
+        mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
+    fi
+    echo 'initial_setup' >> $COMPLETION_FILE
 function search_for_attached_usb_drive {
-	# If a USB drive is attached then search for email,
-	# gpg, ssh keys and emacs configuration
-	if grep -Fxq "search_for_attached_usb_drive" $COMPLETION_FILE; then
-		return
-	fi
-	if [ -b $USB_DRIVE ]; then
-		if [ ! -d $USB_MOUNT ]; then
-			echo $'Mounting USB drive'
-			mkdir $USB_MOUNT
-		fi
-			if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/Maildir ]; then
-				echo $'Maildir found on USB drive'
-			fi
-			if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/.gnupg ]; then
-				echo $'Importing GPG keyring'
-				cp -r $USB_MOUNT/.gnupg /home/$MY_USERNAME
-				chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.gnupg
-				if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.gnupg/secring.gpg ]; then
-					echo $'GPG files did not copy'
-					exit 73529
-				fi
-			fi
-			if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/.procmailrc ]; then
-				echo $'Importing procmail settings'
-				cp $USB_MOUNT/.procmailrc /home/$MY_USERNAME
-				chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc
-			fi
-			if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/private_key.gpg ]; then
-				echo $'GPG private key found on USB drive'
-				MY_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY=$USB_MOUNT/private_key.gpg
-			fi
-			if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/public_key.gpg ]; then
-				echo $'GPG public key found on USB drive'
-				MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY=$USB_MOUNT/public_key.gpg
-			fi
-		fi
-		if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/prosody ]; then
-			if [ ! -d $XMPP_DIRECTORY ]; then
-				mkdir $XMPP_DIRECTORY
-			fi
-			cp -r $USB_MOUNT/prosody/* $XMPP_DIRECTORY
-			chown -R prosody:prosody $XMPP_DIRECTORY
-		fi
-		if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/.ssh ]; then
-			echo $'Importing ssh keys'
-			cp -r $USB_MOUNT/.ssh /home/$MY_USERNAME
-			chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssh
-			# for security delete the ssh keys from the usb drive
-			if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then
-				echo $'ssh files did not copy'
-				exit 8
-			fi
-		fi
-		if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/.emacs ]; then
-			echo $'Importing .emacs file'
-			cp -f $USB_MOUNT/.emacs /home/$MY_USERNAME/.emacs
-			chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.emacs
-		fi
-		if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/.emacs.d ]; then
-			echo $'Importing .emacs.d directory'
-			cp -r $USB_MOUNT/.emacs.d /home/$MY_USERNAME
-			chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.emacs.d
-		fi
-		if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/ssl ]; then
-			echo $'Importing SSL certificates'
-			cp -r $USB_MOUNT/ssl/* /etc/ssl
-			chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/*
-			chmod 400 /etc/ssl/private/*
-			# change ownership of some certificates
-			if [ -d /etc/prosody ]; then
-				chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/private/xmpp.*
-				chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.*
-			fi
-			if [ -d /etc/dovecot ]; then
-				chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.*
-				chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.*
-			fi
-			if [ -f /etc/ssl/private/exim.key ]; then
-				cp /etc/ssl/private/exim.key /etc/exim4
-				cp /etc/ssl/certs/exim.crt /etc/exim4
-				cp /etc/ssl/certs/exim.dhparam /etc/exim4
-				chown root:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
-				chmod 640 /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
-			fi
-		fi
-		if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/personal ]; then
-			echo $'Importing personal directory'
-			cp -r $USB_MOUNT/personal /home/$MY_USERNAME
-			chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/personal
-		fi
-	else
-		if [ -d $USB_MOUNT ]; then
-			umount $USB_MOUNT
-			rm -rf $USB_MOUNT
-		fi
-		echo $'No USB drive attached'
-	fi
-	echo 'search_for_attached_usb_drive' >> $COMPLETION_FILE
+    # If a USB drive is attached then search for email,
+    # gpg, ssh keys and emacs configuration
+    if grep -Fxq "search_for_attached_usb_drive" $COMPLETION_FILE; then
+        return
+    fi
+    if [ -b $USB_DRIVE ]; then
+        if [ ! -d $USB_MOUNT ]; then
+            echo $'Mounting USB drive'
+            mkdir $USB_MOUNT
+            mount $USB_DRIVE $USB_MOUNT
+        fi
+            if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/Maildir ]; then
+                echo $'Maildir found on USB drive'
+                IMPORT_MAILDIR=$USB_MOUNT/Maildir
+            fi
+            if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/.gnupg ]; then
+                echo $'Importing GPG keyring'
+                cp -r $USB_MOUNT/.gnupg /home/$MY_USERNAME
+                chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.gnupg
+                GPG_KEYS_IMPORTED="yes"
+                if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.gnupg/secring.gpg ]; then
+                    echo $'GPG files did not copy'
+                    exit 73529
+                fi
+            fi
+            if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/.procmailrc ]; then
+                echo $'Importing procmail settings'
+                cp $USB_MOUNT/.procmailrc /home/$MY_USERNAME
+                chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.procmailrc
+            fi
+            if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/private_key.gpg ]; then
+                echo $'GPG private key found on USB drive'
+                MY_GPG_PRIVATE_KEY=$USB_MOUNT/private_key.gpg
+            fi
+            if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/public_key.gpg ]; then
+                echo $'GPG public key found on USB drive'
+                MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY=$USB_MOUNT/public_key.gpg
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/prosody ]; then
+            if [ ! -d $XMPP_DIRECTORY ]; then
+                mkdir $XMPP_DIRECTORY
+            fi
+            cp -r $USB_MOUNT/prosody/* $XMPP_DIRECTORY
+            chown -R prosody:prosody $XMPP_DIRECTORY
+        fi
+        if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/.ssh ]; then
+            echo $'Importing ssh keys'
+            cp -r $USB_MOUNT/.ssh /home/$MY_USERNAME
+            chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssh
+            # for security delete the ssh keys from the usb drive
+            if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa ]; then
+                echo $'ssh files did not copy'
+                exit 8
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ -f $USB_MOUNT/.emacs ]; then
+            echo $'Importing .emacs file'
+            cp -f $USB_MOUNT/.emacs /home/$MY_USERNAME/.emacs
+            chown $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.emacs
+        fi
+        if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/.emacs.d ]; then
+            echo $'Importing .emacs.d directory'
+            cp -r $USB_MOUNT/.emacs.d /home/$MY_USERNAME
+            chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/.emacs.d
+        fi
+        if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/ssl ]; then
+            echo $'Importing SSL certificates'
+            cp -r $USB_MOUNT/ssl/* /etc/ssl
+            chmod 640 /etc/ssl/certs/*
+            chmod 400 /etc/ssl/private/*
+            # change ownership of some certificates
+            if [ -d /etc/prosody ]; then
+                chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/private/xmpp.*
+                chown prosody:prosody /etc/ssl/certs/xmpp.*
+            fi
+            if [ -d /etc/dovecot ]; then
+                chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/certs/dovecot.*
+                chown root:dovecot /etc/ssl/private/dovecot.*
+            fi
+            if [ -f /etc/ssl/private/exim.key ]; then
+                cp /etc/ssl/private/exim.key /etc/exim4
+                cp /etc/ssl/certs/exim.crt /etc/exim4
+                cp /etc/ssl/certs/exim.dhparam /etc/exim4
+                chown root:Debian-exim /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
+                chmod 640 /etc/exim4/exim.key /etc/exim4/exim.crt /etc/exim4/exim.dhparam
+            fi
+        fi
+        if [ -d $USB_MOUNT/personal ]; then
+            echo $'Importing personal directory'
+            cp -r $USB_MOUNT/personal /home/$MY_USERNAME
+            chown -R $MY_USERNAME:$MY_USERNAME /home/$MY_USERNAME/personal
+        fi
+    else
+        if [ -d $USB_MOUNT ]; then
+            umount $USB_MOUNT
+            rm -rf $USB_MOUNT
+        fi
+        echo $'No USB drive attached'
+    fi
+    echo 'search_for_attached_usb_drive' >> $COMPLETION_FILE
 function mark_admin_user_account {
-	if ! grep -q "Admin user:" $COMPLETION_FILE; then
-		echo "Admin user:$MY_USERNAME" >> $COMPLETION_FILE
-	fi
+    if ! grep -q "Admin user:" $COMPLETION_FILE; then
+        echo "Admin user:$MY_USERNAME" >> $COMPLETION_FILE
+    fi
 function remove_instructions_from_motd {
-	sed -i '/## /d' /etc/motd
+    sed -i '/## /d' /etc/motd
 function remove_default_user {
-	# make sure you don't use the default user account
-	if [[ $MY_USERNAME == "debian" ]]; then
-		echo 'Do not use the default debian user account. Create a different user with: adduser [username]'
-		exit 68
-	fi
-	# remove the default debian user to prevent it from becoming an attack vector
-	if [ -d /home/debian ]; then
-		userdel -r debian
-		echo 'Default debian user account removed'
-	fi
+    # make sure you don't use the default user account
+    if [[ $MY_USERNAME == "debian" ]]; then
+        echo 'Do not use the default debian user account. Create a different user with: adduser [username]'
+        exit 68
+    fi
+    # remove the default debian user to prevent it from becoming an attack vector
+    if [ -d /home/debian ]; then
+        userdel -r debian
+        echo 'Default debian user account removed'
+    fi
 function create_completion_file {
-	if [ ! -f $COMPLETION_FILE ]; then
-	fi
+    if [ ! -f $COMPLETION_FILE ]; then
+        touch $COMPLETION_FILE
+    fi
 function upgrade_installation {
-	# TODO
-	echo ''
+    # TODO
+    echo ''
 function setup_firewall {
-	function_check create_completion_file
-	create_completion_file
+    function_check create_completion_file
+    create_completion_file
-	function_check configure_firewall
-	configure_firewall
+    function_check configure_firewall
+    configure_firewall
-	function_check configure_firewall_ping
-	configure_firewall_ping
+    function_check configure_firewall_ping
+    configure_firewall_ping
-	function_check configure_firewall_for_dns
-	configure_firewall_for_dns
+    function_check configure_firewall_for_dns
+    configure_firewall_for_dns
-	function_check configure_firewall_for_avahi
-	configure_firewall_for_avahi
+    function_check configure_firewall_for_avahi
+    configure_firewall_for_avahi
+    function_check global_rate_limit
+    global_rate_limit
 function setup_utils {
-	function_check create_completion_file
-	create_completion_file
+    function_check create_completion_file
+    create_completion_file
-	function_check read_configuration
-	read_configuration
+    function_check read_configuration
+    read_configuration
-	function_check upgrade_installation
-	upgrade_installation
+    function_check upgrade_installation
+    upgrade_installation
-	function_check set_default_onion_domains
-	set_default_onion_domains
+    function_check set_default_onion_domains
+    set_default_onion_domains
-	function_check locale_setup
-	locale_setup
+    function_check locale_setup
+    locale_setup
-	function_check parse_args
-	parse_args
+    function_check parse_args
+    parse_args
-	function_check check_domains
-	check_domains
+    function_check check_domains
+    check_domains
-	function_check install_static_network
-	install_static_network
+    function_check install_static_network
+    install_static_network
-	function_check remove_default_user
-	remove_default_user
+    function_check remove_default_user
+    remove_default_user
-	function_check setup_firewall
-	setup_firewall
+    function_check setup_firewall
+    setup_firewall
-	function_check create_repo_sources
-	create_repo_sources
+    function_check create_repo_sources
+    create_repo_sources
-	function_check configure_dns
-	configure_dns
+    function_check configure_dns
+    configure_dns
-	function_check initial_setup
-	initial_setup
+    function_check initial_setup
+    initial_setup
-	function_check install_tor
-	install_tor
+    function_check install_tor
+    install_tor
-	#function_check resolve_dns_via_tor
-	#resolve_dns_via_tor
+    #function_check resolve_dns_via_tor
+    #resolve_dns_via_tor
-	function_check install_command_line_browser
-	install_command_line_browser
+    function_check install_command_line_browser
+    install_command_line_browser
-	function_check enable_ssh_via_onion
-	enable_ssh_via_onion
+    function_check enable_ssh_via_onion
+    enable_ssh_via_onion
-	function_check check_date
-	check_date
+    function_check check_date
+    check_date
-	function_check install_dynamicdns
-	install_dynamicdns
+    function_check install_dynamicdns
+    install_dynamicdns
-	function_check randomize_cron
-	randomize_cron
+    function_check randomize_cron
+    randomize_cron
-	function_check create_freedns_updater
-	create_freedns_updater
+    function_check create_freedns_updater
+    create_freedns_updater
-	function_check mark_admin_user_account
-	mark_admin_user_account
+    function_check mark_admin_user_account
+    mark_admin_user_account
-	function_check enforce_good_passwords
-	enforce_good_passwords
+    function_check enforce_good_passwords
+    enforce_good_passwords
-	function_check install_editor
-	install_editor
+    function_check install_editor
+    install_editor
-	function_check change_login_message
-	change_login_message
+    function_check change_login_message
+    change_login_message
-	function_check enable_zram
-	enable_zram
+    function_check enable_zram
+    enable_zram
-	function_check random_number_generator
-	random_number_generator
+    function_check random_number_generator
+    random_number_generator
-	function_check set_your_domain_name
-	set_your_domain_name
+    function_check set_your_domain_name
+    set_your_domain_name
-	function_check time_synchronisation_tlsdate
-	time_synchronisation_tlsdate
+    function_check time_synchronisation_tlsdate
+    time_synchronisation_tlsdate
-	function_check configure_internet_protocol
-	configure_internet_protocol
+    function_check configure_internet_protocol
+    configure_internet_protocol
-	function_check create_git_project
-	create_git_project
+    function_check create_git_project
+    create_git_project
-	function_check setup_wifi
-	setup_wifi
+    function_check setup_wifi
+    setup_wifi
-	function_check configure_ssh
-	configure_ssh
+    function_check configure_ssh
+    configure_ssh
-	function_check configure_ssh_onion
-	configure_ssh_onion
+    function_check configure_ssh_onion
+    configure_ssh_onion
-	function_check allow_ssh_to_onion_address
-	allow_ssh_to_onion_address
+    function_check allow_ssh_to_onion_address
+    allow_ssh_to_onion_address
-	function_check remove_instructions_from_motd
-	remove_instructions_from_motd
+    function_check remove_instructions_from_motd
+    remove_instructions_from_motd
-	function_check check_hwrng
-	check_hwrng
+    function_check check_hwrng
+    check_hwrng
-	function_check search_for_attached_usb_drive
-	search_for_attached_usb_drive
+    function_check search_for_attached_usb_drive
+    search_for_attached_usb_drive
-	function_check regenerate_ssh_keys
-	regenerate_ssh_keys
+    function_check regenerate_ssh_keys
+    regenerate_ssh_keys
-	function_check create_mirrors
-	create_mirrors
+    function_check create_mirrors
+    create_mirrors
-	function_check create_upgrade_script
-	create_upgrade_script
+    function_check create_upgrade_script
+    create_upgrade_script
-	function_check letsencrypt_renewals
-	letsencrypt_renewals
+    function_check letsencrypt_renewals
+    letsencrypt_renewals
-	function_check install_watchdog_script
-	install_watchdog_script
+    function_check install_watchdog_script
+    install_watchdog_script
-	function_check install_avahi
-	install_avahi
+    function_check install_avahi
+    install_avahi
-	function_check create_avahi_onion_domains
-	create_avahi_onion_domains
+    function_check create_avahi_onion_domains
+    create_avahi_onion_domains
-	#function_check install_atheros_wifi
-	#install_atheros_wifi
+    #function_check install_atheros_wifi
+    #install_atheros_wifi
-	function_check route_outgoing_traffic_through_tor
-	route_outgoing_traffic_through_tor
+    function_check route_outgoing_traffic_through_tor
+    route_outgoing_traffic_through_tor
-	function_check upgrade_golang
-	upgrade_golang
+    function_check upgrade_golang
+    upgrade_golang
-	function_check install_tomb
-	install_tomb
+    function_check install_tomb
+    install_tomb
 function setup_email {
-	function_check create_completion_file
-	create_completion_file
+    function_check create_completion_file
+    create_completion_file
-	function_check install_email
-	install_email
+    function_check install_email
+    install_email
-	function_check create_procmail
-	create_procmail
+    function_check create_procmail
+    create_procmail
-	function_check handle_admin_emails
-	handle_admin_emails
+    function_check handle_admin_emails
+    handle_admin_emails
-	function_check spam_filtering
-	spam_filtering
+    function_check spam_filtering
+    spam_filtering
-	function_check configure_imap
-	configure_imap
+    function_check configure_imap
+    configure_imap
-	#function_check configure_imap_client_certs
-	#configure_imap_client_certs
+    #function_check configure_imap_client_certs
+    #configure_imap_client_certs
-	function_check configure_gpg
-	configure_gpg
+    function_check configure_gpg
+    configure_gpg
-	function_check refresh_gpg_keys
-	refresh_gpg_keys
+    function_check refresh_gpg_keys
+    refresh_gpg_keys
-	function_check configure_backup_key
-	configure_backup_key
+    function_check configure_backup_key
+    configure_backup_key
-	function_check install_monkeysphere
-	install_monkeysphere
+    function_check install_monkeysphere
+    install_monkeysphere
-	function_check encrypt_incoming_email
-	encrypt_incoming_email
+    function_check encrypt_incoming_email
+    encrypt_incoming_email
-	function_check encrypt_outgoing_email
-	encrypt_outgoing_email
+    function_check encrypt_outgoing_email
+    encrypt_outgoing_email
-	function_check email_client
-	email_client
+    function_check email_client
+    email_client
-	function_check email_archiving
-	email_archiving
+    function_check email_archiving
+    email_archiving
-	function_check email_from_address
-	email_from_address
+    function_check email_from_address
+    email_from_address
-	function_check create_public_mailing_list
-	create_public_mailing_list
+    function_check create_public_mailing_list
+    create_public_mailing_list
-	#function check create_private_mailing_list
-	#create_private_mailing_list
+    #function check create_private_mailing_list
+    #create_private_mailing_list
-	function_check encrypt_all_email
-	encrypt_all_email
+    function_check encrypt_all_email
+    encrypt_all_email
-	function_check import_email
-	import_email
+    function_check import_email
+    import_email
 function setup_web {
-	function_check create_completion_file
-	create_completion_file
+    function_check create_completion_file
+    create_completion_file
-	function_check install_web_server
-	install_web_server
+    function_check install_web_server
+    install_web_server
-	function_check install_web_server_access_control
-	install_web_server_access_control
+    function_check install_web_server_access_control
+    install_web_server_access_control
 function upgrade_apps {
-	function_check create_completion_file
-	create_completion_file
-	FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-*
-	# for all the app scripts
-	for filename in $FILES
-	do
-		app_name=$(echo "${filename}" | awk -F '-app-' '{print $2}')
-		if [[ $(item_in_array ${app_name} ${APPS_COMPLETED[@]}) != 0 ]]; then
-			function_check app_is_installed
-			if [[ "$(app_is_installed $a)" == "1" ]]; then
-				APPS_COMPLETED+=("${app_name}")
-				function_check upgrade_${app_name}
-				upgrade_${app_name}
-			fi
-		fi
-	done
+    function_check create_completion_file
+    create_completion_file
+    FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-*
+    # for all the app scripts
+    for filename in $FILES
+    do
+        app_name=$(echo "${filename}" | awk -F '-app-' '{print $2}')
+        if [[ $(item_in_array ${app_name} ${APPS_COMPLETED[@]}) != 0 ]]; then
+            function_check app_is_installed
+            if [[ "$(app_is_installed $a)" == "1" ]]; then
+                APPS_COMPLETED+=("${app_name}")
+                function_check upgrade_${app_name}
+                upgrade_${app_name}
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
 function setup_apps {
-	function_check create_completion_file
-	create_completion_file
+    function_check create_completion_file
+    create_completion_file
-	function_check choose_apps_for_variant
-	choose_apps_for_variant "$SYSTEM_TYPE"
+    function_check choose_apps_for_variant
+    choose_apps_for_variant "$SYSTEM_TYPE"
-	echo $"System variant: $SYSTEM_TYPE"
-	echo $'The following apps have been selected'
-	echo ''
-	function_check list_chosen_apps
-	list_chosen_apps
-	echo ''
+    echo $"System variant: $SYSTEM_TYPE"
+    echo $'The following apps have been selected'
+    echo ''
+    function_check list_chosen_apps
+    list_chosen_apps
+    echo ''
-	function_check upgrade_apps
-	upgrade_apps
+    function_check upgrade_apps
+    upgrade_apps
-	function_check install_apps
-	install_apps
+    function_check install_apps
+    install_apps
 function combine_all_scripts {
-	combined_filename=$1
-	# initial variables
-	cp $PROJECT_INSTALL_DIR/${PROJECT_NAME}-vars $combined_filename
-	# utilities
-	UTILS_FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/utils/${PROJECT_NAME}-utils-*
-	for f in $UTILS_FILES
-	do
-		# this removes the first line, which is #!/bin/bash
-		tail -n +2 "$f" >> $combined_filename
-	done
-	# base system
-	BASE_SYSTEM_FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/base/${PROJECT_NAME}-base-*
-	do
-		tail -n +2 "$f" >> $combined_filename
-	done
-	# apps
-	APP_FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-*
-	for f in $APP_FILES
-	do
-		tail -n +2 "$f" >> $combined_filename
-	done
+    combined_filename=$1
+    # initial variables
+    cp $PROJECT_INSTALL_DIR/${PROJECT_NAME}-vars $combined_filename
+    # utilities
+    UTILS_FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/utils/${PROJECT_NAME}-utils-*
+    for f in $UTILS_FILES
+    do
+        # this removes the first line, which is #!/bin/bash
+        tail -n +2 "$f" >> $combined_filename
+    done
+    # base system
+    BASE_SYSTEM_FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/base/${PROJECT_NAME}-base-*
+    for f in $BASE_SYSTEM_FILES
+    do
+        tail -n +2 "$f" >> $combined_filename
+    done
+    # apps
+    APP_FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-*
+    for f in $APP_FILES
+    do
+        tail -n +2 "$f" >> $combined_filename
+    done
 # NOTE: deliberately no exit 0