From ebf91c686dbdc3fb33a6615a3d9134ee2e4d56cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Mottram <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 15:45:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Change passwords from control panel

 src/freedombone-controlpanel   | 165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 src/freedombone-utils-selector |  29 ++++++
 2 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/freedombone-controlpanel b/src/freedombone-controlpanel
index 3f9f588a4..08eb84c75 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-controlpanel
+++ b/src/freedombone-controlpanel
@@ -108,6 +108,95 @@ function any_key {
     read -n1 -r -p $"Press any key to continue..." key
+function passwords_select_user {
+    users_array=($(ls /home))
+    delete=(mirrors git)
+    for del in ${delete[@]}
+    do
+        users_array=(${users_array[@]/$del})
+    done
+    i=0
+    W=()
+    name=()
+    for u in ${users_array[@]}
+    do
+        if [[ $(is_valid_user "$u") == "1" ]]; then
+            i=$((i+1))
+            W+=($i "$u")
+            name+=("$u")
+        fi
+    done
+    if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then
+        SELECTED_USERNAME="${name[0]}"
+    else
+        user_index=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" --title $"Select User" --menu $"Select one of the following:" 24 40 17 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
+        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+            SELECTED_USERNAME="${name[$((user_index-1))]}"
+        fi
+    fi
+function passwords_show_apps {
+    select_all_apps=$1
+    applist=""
+    n=1
+    app_index=0
+    for a in "${APPS_AVAILABLE[@]}"
+    do
+        applist="$applist $n $a off"
+        n=$[n+1]
+        app_index=$[app_index+1]
+    done
+    selected_app_index=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" --title $"Select App" --menu $"Select one of the following:" 24 40 17 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+        SELECTED_APP="${name[$((selected_app_index-1))]}"
+    fi
+function view_or_change_passwords {
+    passwords_select_user
+    if [ ! $SELECTED_USER ]; then
+        return
+    fi
+    detect_installed_apps
+    passwords_show_apps
+    if [ ! $SELECTED_APP ]; then
+        return
+    fi
+    data=$(tempfile 2>/dev/null)
+    trap "rm -f $data" 0 1 2 5 15
+    dialog --title $"View or Change Password" \
+           --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \
+           --inputbox $"${SELECTED_APP} password for ${SELECTED_USER}. Copy or change it if you wish." 8 60 "$CURR_PASSWORD" 2>$data
+    sel=$?
+    case $sel in
+        0)
+            CURR_PASSWORD=$(<$data)
+            if [ ${#CURR_PASSWORD} -gt 8 ]; then
+                if [[ $(function_exists change_password_${SELECTED_APP}) == "1" ]]; then
+                    ${PROJECT_NAME}-pass -u ${SELECTED_USER} -a ${SELECTED_APP} -p ${CURR_PASSWORD}
+                    change_password_${SELECTED_APP} ${SELECTED_USER} "${CURR_PASSWORD}"
+                    dialog --title $"Change password" \
+                           --msgbox $"The password was changed" 6 40
+                fi
+            fi
+            ;;
+    esac
 function check_for_updates {
     if [ ! -f /etc/cron.weekly/$UPGRADE_SCRIPT_NAME ]; then
         dialog --title $"Check for updates" \
@@ -1809,26 +1898,27 @@ function menu_top_level {
         trap "rm -f $data" 0 1 2 5 15
         dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Control Panel" \
                --title $"Control Panel" \
-               --radiolist $"Choose an operation:" 27 70 20 \
+               --radiolist $"Choose an operation:" 28 70 21 \
                1 $"About this system" off \
-               2 $"Backup and Restore" off \
-               3 $"Show Firewall" off \
-               4 $"Reset Tripwire" off \
-               5 $"App Settings" off \
-               6 $"Add/Remove Apps" off \
-               7 $"Logging on/off" off \
-               8 $"Ping enable/disable" off \
-               9 $"Manage Users" off \
-               10 $"Email Menu" off \
-               11 $"Security Settings" off \
-               12 $"Set the main repository (repo mirrors)" off \
-               13 $"Change the name of this system" off \
-               14 $"Set a static local IP address" off \
-               15 $"Wifi menu" off \
-               16 $"Check for updates" off \
-               17 $"Power off the system" off \
-               18 $"Restart the system" off \
-               19 $"Exit" on 2> $data
+               2 $"Passwords" off \
+               3 $"Backup and Restore" off \
+               4 $"Show Firewall" off \
+               5 $"Reset Tripwire" off \
+               6 $"App Settings" off \
+               7 $"Add/Remove Apps" off \
+               8 $"Logging on/off" off \
+               9 $"Ping enable/disable" off \
+               10 $"Manage Users" off \
+               11 $"Email Menu" off \
+               12 $"Security Settings" off \
+               13 $"Set the main repository (repo mirrors)" off \
+               14 $"Change the name of this system" off \
+               15 $"Set a static local IP address" off \
+               16 $"Wifi menu" off \
+               17 $"Check for updates" off \
+               18 $"Power off the system" off \
+               19 $"Restart the system" off \
+               20 $"Exit" on 2> $data
         case $sel in
             1) exit 1;;
@@ -1836,24 +1926,25 @@ function menu_top_level {
         case $(cat $data) in
             1) show_about;;
-            2) menu_backup_restore;;
-            3) show_firewall;;
-            4) reset_tripwire;;
-            5) menu_app_settings;;
-            6) ${PROJECT_NAME}-addremove;;
-            7) logging_on_off;;
-            8) ping_enable_disable;;
-            9) menu_users;;
-            10) menu_email;;
-            11) security_settings;;
-            12) set_main_repo;;
-            13) change_system_name;;
-            14) set_static_IP;;
-            15) menu_wifi;;
-            16) check_for_updates;;
-            17) shut_down_system;;
-            18) restart_system;;
-            19) break;;
+            2) view_or_change_passwords;;
+            3) menu_backup_restore;;
+            4) show_firewall;;
+            5) reset_tripwire;;
+            6) menu_app_settings;;
+            7) ${PROJECT_NAME}-addremove;;
+            8) logging_on_off;;
+            9) ping_enable_disable;;
+            10) menu_users;;
+            11) menu_email;;
+            12) security_settings;;
+            13) set_main_repo;;
+            14) change_system_name;;
+            15) set_static_IP;;
+            16) menu_wifi;;
+            17) check_for_updates;;
+            18) shut_down_system;;
+            19) restart_system;;
+            20) break;;
diff --git a/src/freedombone-utils-selector b/src/freedombone-utils-selector
index ee10acc98..f45689b67 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-utils-selector
+++ b/src/freedombone-utils-selector
@@ -320,6 +320,35 @@ function detect_installable_apps {
+function detect_installed_apps {
+    FILES=/usr/share/${PROJECT_NAME}/apps/${PROJECT_NAME}-app-*
+    function_check app_variants
+    function_check app_is_installed
+    function_check item_in_array
+    # for all the app scripts
+    for filename in $FILES
+    do
+        app_name=$(echo "${filename}" | awk -F '-app-' '{print $2}')
+        if [[ $(app_is_installed $app_name) ]]; then
+            item_in_array "${app_name}" "${APPS_AVAILABLE[@]}"
+            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+                variants_list=$(app_variants $filename)
+                if [ ${#variants_list} -gt 0 ]; then
+                    APPS_AVAILABLE+=("${app_name}")
+                    APPS_INSTALLED_NAMES+=("$app_name")
+                fi
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
 # creates the APPS_AVAILABLE and APPS_CHOSEN arrays based on
 # the given variant name
 function choose_apps_for_variant {