diff --git a/src/freedombone-app-gnusocial b/src/freedombone-app-gnusocial
index c77ee6346141ce9c76f534e8f58efe58f5435980..f6afd221697fa0395cb17e1eaaf8241bfa0918e8 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-app-gnusocial
+++ b/src/freedombone-app-gnusocial
-# Sharings plugin for gnusocial
 # Number of months after which posts expire
@@ -61,10 +55,7 @@ gnusocial_variables=(ONION_ONLY
-                     GNUSOCIAL_MARKDOWN_REPO
-                     SHARINGS_REPO
-                     SHARINGS_THEME_REPO
@@ -797,129 +788,6 @@ function install_gnusocial_main {
     install_completed gnusocial_main
-function install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings {
-    if [ ! -d /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins ]; then
-        echo $'No local/plugins directory found for the gnusocial'
-        exit 72945
-    fi
-    apt-get -yq install liblocale-msgfmt-perl gettext
-    # update to the next commit
-    function_check set_repo_commit
-    set_repo_commit /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins "gnusocial sharings plugin commit" "$SHARINGS_COMMIT" $SHARINGS_REPO
-    if [[ $(app_is_installed gnusocial_plugin_sharings) == "1" ]]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins
-    if [ -d /repos/sharings ]; then
-        mkdir Sharings
-        cp -r -p /repos/sharings/. Sharings
-        cd Sharings
-        git pull
-    else
-        function_check git_clone
-        git_clone $SHARINGS_REPO Sharings
-    fi
-    if [ ! -d /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings ]; then
-        echo $'Unable to clone gnusocial sharings plugin'
-        exit 36738
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings
-    git stash
-    git checkout master
-    git branch -D $SHARINGS_COMMIT
-    # enable the plugin
-    if ! grep -q "addPlugin('Sharings');" /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/config.php; then
-        echo "addPlugin('Sharings');" >> /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/config.php
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs
-    php scripts/checkschema.php
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings
-    php scripts/seedsharings.php
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs
-    php scripts/upgrade.php
-    php scripts/checkschema.php
-    # Languages
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
-    msgfmt -o Sharings.mo Sharings.po
-    if [ ! -f Sharings.po ]; then
-        echo $'English translations for gnusocial sharings plugin were not created'
-        exit 84352
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES
-    msgfmt -o Sharings.mo Sharings.po
-    if [ ! -f Sharings.po ]; then
-        echo $'English (GB) translations for gnusocial sharings plugin were not created'
-        exit 84352
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES
-    msgfmt -o Sharings.mo Sharings.po
-    if [ ! -f Sharings.po ]; then
-        echo $'English (US) translations for gnusocial sharings plugin were not created'
-        exit 84352
-    fi
-    # Looks like this update function isn't supported by the current php version
-    sed -i 's|ActivityVerb::UPDATE, ||g' /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/SharingsPlugin.php
-    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs
-    set_completion_param gnusocial "sharings plugin commit" "$SHARINGS_COMMIT"
-    install_completed gnusocial_plugin_sharings
-function install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme {
-    if [ ! -d /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins ]; then
-        echo $'No local/plugins directory found for the gnusocial'
-        exit 74458
-    fi
-    # update to the next commit
-    function_check set_repo_commit
-    set_repo_commit /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins "gnusocial sharings theme plugin commit" "$SHARINGS_THEME_COMMIT" $SHARINGS_THEME_REPO
-    if [[ $(app_is_installed gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme) == "1" ]]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins
-    function_check git_clone
-    git_clone $SHARINGS_THEME_REPO SharingsTheme
-    if [ ! -d /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/SharingsTheme ]; then
-        echo $'Unable to clone gnusocial sharings plugin theme'
-        exit 639253
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/local/plugins/SharingsTheme
-    git stash
-    git checkout master
-    git branch -D $SHARINGS_THEME_COMMIT
-    # enable the plugin
-    if ! grep -q "addPlugin('SharingsTheme');" /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/config.php; then
-        echo "addPlugin('SharingsTheme');" >> /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs/config.php
-    fi
-    cd /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs
-    php scripts/checkschema.php
-    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs
-    set_completion_param "gnusocial sharings plugin theme commit" "$SHARINGS_THEME_COMMIT"
-    install_completed gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme
 function install_gnusocial_markdown {
@@ -977,8 +845,8 @@ function install_gnusocial {
     expire_gnusocial_posts "$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME" "gnusocial" "$GNUSOCIAL_EXPIRE_MONTHS"
     install_qvitter "$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME" "gnusocial"
-    #install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings
-    #install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme
+    install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings "$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME" "gnusocial"
+    install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme "$GNUSOCIAL_DOMAIN_NAME" "gnusocial"
     # Currently Pleroma won't install on ARM systems
     # because it uses node-sass which doesn't support ARM
diff --git a/src/freedombone-app-postactiv b/src/freedombone-app-postactiv
index cf6e8694a04bf2520deb474c9904b79eeeeceba2..690c64c95d7bd28203817f459f05ec69a393b0cc 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-app-postactiv
+++ b/src/freedombone-app-postactiv
@@ -807,7 +807,8 @@ function install_postactiv {
     install_qvitter "$POSTACTIV_DOMAIN_NAME" "postactiv"
+    install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings "$POSTACTIV_DOMAIN_NAME" "postactiv"
+    install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme "$POSTACTIV_DOMAIN_NAME" "postactiv"
     #function_check install_nodejs
     #install_nodejs pleroma-postactiv
diff --git a/src/freedombone-utils-gnusocialtools b/src/freedombone-utils-gnusocialtools
index fe931bda128fcdfddded0b58031fff8f2c2ef310..ad9b97e6a2d534f60fb923d8d3a7fb5401544d59 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-utils-gnusocialtools
+++ b/src/freedombone-utils-gnusocialtools
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ PLEROMA_COMMIT='7d46e3965d06e039537066eeb5fac99ebcab978d'
 function qvitter_update_background {
@@ -877,4 +882,131 @@ function gnusocial_use_armadillo {
     systemctl restart nginx
+function install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings {
+    domain_name=$1
+    social_app_name=$2
+    if [ ! -d /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins ]; then
+        mkdir -p /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins
+    fi
+    apt-get -yq install liblocale-msgfmt-perl gettext
+    # update to the next commit
+    function_check set_repo_commit
+    set_repo_commit /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins "$social_app_name sharings plugin commit" "$SHARINGS_COMMIT" $SHARINGS_REPO
+    if [[ $(app_is_installed ${social_app_name}_plugin_sharings) == "1" ]]; then
+        return
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins
+    if [ -d /repos/sharings ]; then
+        mkdir Sharings
+        cp -r -p /repos/sharings/. Sharings
+        cd Sharings
+        git pull
+    else
+        function_check git_clone
+        git_clone $SHARINGS_REPO Sharings
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings ]; then
+        echo $"Unable to clone $social_app_name sharings plugin"
+        exit 36738
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings
+    git stash
+    git checkout master
+    git branch -D $SHARINGS_COMMIT
+    # enable the plugin
+    if ! grep -q "addPlugin('Sharings');" /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/config.php; then
+        echo "addPlugin('Sharings');" >> /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/config.php
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs
+    php scripts/checkschema.php
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings
+    php scripts/seedsharings.php
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs
+    php scripts/upgrade.php
+    php scripts/checkschema.php
+    # Languages
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
+    msgfmt -o Sharings.mo Sharings.po
+    if [ ! -f Sharings.po ]; then
+        echo $"English translations for $social_app_name sharings plugin were not created"
+        exit 782923
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES
+    msgfmt -o Sharings.mo Sharings.po
+    if [ ! -f Sharings.po ]; then
+        echo $"English (GB) translations for $social_app_name sharings plugin were not created"
+        exit 23528
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/locale/en_US/LC_MESSAGES
+    msgfmt -o Sharings.mo Sharings.po
+    if [ ! -f Sharings.po ]; then
+        echo $"English (US) translations for $social_app_name sharings plugin were not created"
+        exit 567382
+    fi
+    # Looks like this update function isn't supported by the current php version
+    sed -i 's|ActivityVerb::UPDATE, ||g' /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/Sharings/SharingsPlugin.php
+    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs
+    set_completion_param gnusocial "$social_app_name sharings plugin commit" "$SHARINGS_COMMIT"
+    install_completed ${social_app_name}_plugin_sharings
+function install_gnusocial_plugin_sharings_theme {
+    domain_name=$1
+    social_app_name=$2
+    if [ ! -d /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins ]; then
+        mkdir -p /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins
+    fi
+    # update to the next commit
+    function_check set_repo_commit
+    set_repo_commit /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins "$social_app_name sharings theme plugin commit" "$SHARINGS_THEME_COMMIT" $SHARINGS_THEME_REPO
+    if [[ $(app_is_installed ${social_app_name}_plugin_sharings_theme) == "1" ]]; then
+        return
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins
+    function_check git_clone
+    git_clone $SHARINGS_THEME_REPO SharingsTheme
+    if [ ! -d /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/SharingsTheme ]; then
+        echo $"Unable to clone $social_app_name sharings plugin theme"
+        exit 639253
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/local/plugins/SharingsTheme
+    git stash
+    git checkout master
+    git branch -D $SHARINGS_THEME_COMMIT
+    # enable the plugin
+    if ! grep -q "addPlugin('SharingsTheme');" /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/config.php; then
+        echo "addPlugin('SharingsTheme');" >> /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs/config.php
+    fi
+    cd /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs
+    php scripts/checkschema.php
+    chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/$domain_name/htdocs
+    set_completion_param "$social_app_name sharings plugin theme commit" "$SHARINGS_THEME_COMMIT"
+    install_completed ${social_app_name}_plugin_sharings_theme
 # NOTE: deliberately there is no "exit 0"