diff --git a/src/freedombone-app-rocketchat b/src/freedombone-app-rocketchat
deleted file mode 100755
index eadbea97cb1bcdc8c9fb4147491c87e1388ad072..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/freedombone-app-rocketchat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-#  _____               _           _
-# |   __|___ ___ ___ _| |___ _____| |_ ___ ___ ___
-# |   __|  _| -_| -_| . | . |     | . | . |   | -_|
-# |__|  |_| |___|___|___|___|_|_|_|___|___|_|_|___|
-#                              Freedom in the Cloud
-# License
-# =======
-# Copyright (C) 2018 Bob Mottram <bob@freedombone.net>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-VARIANTS='full full-vim'
-                      ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME
-                      ROCKETCHAT_CODE
-                      DDNS_PROVIDER
-                      MY_USERNAME)
-function logging_on_rocketchat {
-    echo -n ''
-function logging_off_rocketchat {
-    echo -n ''
-function remove_user_rocketchat {
-    remove_username="$1"
-    "${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$remove_username" --rmapp rocketchat
-function add_user_rocketchat {
-    new_username="$1"
-    new_user_password="$2"
-    "${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$new_username" -a rocketchat -p "$new_user_password"
-    echo '0'
-function install_interactive_rocketchat {
-    if [ ! "$ONION_ONLY" ]; then
-        ONION_ONLY='no'
-    fi
-    if [[ "$ONION_ONLY" != "no" ]]; then
-        ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME='rocketchat.local'
-    else
-        interactive_site_details "rocketchat" "ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" "ROCKETCHAT_CODE"
-    fi
-function change_password_rocketchat {
-    curr_username="$1"
-    new_user_password="$2"
-    read_config_param 'ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME'
-    "${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$curr_username" -a rocketchat -p "$new_user_password"
-function rocketchat_create_database {
-    if [ -f $IMAGE_PASSWORD_FILE ]; then
-        ROCKETCHAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(printf "%d" "$(cat "")")"
-    else
-        if [ ! $ROCKETCHAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD ]; then
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [ ! $ROCKETCHAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD ]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    create_database_mongodb rocketchat "$ROCKETCHAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD" $MY_USERNAME
-function reconfigure_rocketchat {
-    # This is used if you need to switch identity. Dump old keys and generate new ones
-    echo -n ''
-function configure_interactive_rocketchat {
-    W=(1 $"Option 1"
-       2 $"Option 2")
-    while true
-    do
-        # shellcheck disable=SC2068
-        selection=$(dialog --backtitle $"Freedombone Administrator Control Panel" --title $"rocketchat" --menu $"Choose an operation, or ESC for main menu:" 14 70 3 "${W[@]}" 3>&2 2>&1 1>&3)
-        if [ ! "$selection" ]; then
-            break
-        fi
-        case $selection in
-            1) # call some function for option 1
-            ;;
-            2) # call some function for option 2
-            ;;
-        esac
-    done
-function upgrade_rocketchat {
-    CURR_ROCKETCHAT_COMMIT=$(get_completion_param "rocketchat commit")
-        return
-    fi
-    if grep -q "rocketchat domain" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then
-        ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(get_completion_param "rocketchat domain")
-    fi
-    # update to the next commit
-    set_repo_commit "/etc/rocketchat" "rocketchat commit" "$ROCKETCHAT_COMMIT" "$ROCKETCHAT_REPO"
-    chown -R rocketchat:rocketchat "/etc/rocketchat"
-    systemctl restart rocketchat
-function backup_local_rocketchat {
-    ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME='rocketchat'
-    if grep -q "rocketchat domain" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then
-        ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(get_completion_param "rocketchat domain")
-    fi
-    source_directory=/etc/rocketchat
-    suspend_site "${ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME}"
-    systemctl stop rocketchat
-    dest_directory=rocketchat
-    backup_directory_to_usb "$source_directory" $dest_directory
-    backup_database_to_usb rocketchat
-    restart_site
-    systemctl start rocketchat
-function restore_local_rocketchat {
-    if ! grep -q "rocketchat domain" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then
-        return
-    fi
-    ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(get_completion_param "rocketchat domain")
-    if [ ! "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    suspend_site "${ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME}"
-    systemctl stop rocketchat
-    temp_restore_dir=/root/temprocketchat
-    rocketchat_dir=/etc/rocketchat
-    rocketchat_create_database
-    restore_database rocketchat
-    if [ -d $temp_restore_dir ]; then
-        rm -rf $temp_restore_dir
-    fi
-    restore_directory_from_usb $temp_restore_dir rocketchat
-    if [ -d $temp_restore_dir ]; then
-        if [ -d "$temp_restore_dir$rocketchat_dir" ]; then
-            cp -rp "$temp_restore_dir$rocketchat_dir"/* "$rocketchat_dir"/
-        else
-            if [ ! -d "$rocketchat_dir" ]; then
-                mkdir "$rocketchat_dir"
-            fi
-            cp -rp "$temp_restore_dir"/* "$rocketchat_dir"/
-        fi
-        chown -R rocketchat:rocketchat "$rocketchat_dir"
-        rm -rf $temp_restore_dir
-    fi
-    systemctl start rocketchat
-    restart_site
-function backup_remote_rocketchat {
-    ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME='rocketchat'
-    if grep -q "rocketchat domain" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then
-        ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(get_completion_param "rocketchat domain")
-    fi
-    source_directory=/etc/rocketchat
-    suspend_site "${ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME}"
-    systemctl stop rocketchat
-    dest_directory=rocketchat
-    backup_directory_to_friend "$source_directory" $dest_directory
-    backup_database_to_friend rocketchat
-    systemctl start rocketchat
-    restart_site
-function restore_remote_rocketchat {
-    if ! grep -q "rocketchat domain" "$COMPLETION_FILE"; then
-        return
-    fi
-    ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME=$(get_completion_param "rocketchat domain")
-    if [ ! "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    suspend_site "${ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME}"
-    systemctl stop rocketchat
-    temp_restore_dir=/root/temprocketchat
-    rocketchat_dir=/etc/rocketchat
-    rocketchat_create_database
-    restore_database_from_friend rocketchat
-    if [ -d "$temp_restore_dir" ]; then
-        rm -rf $temp_restore_dir
-    fi
-    restore_directory_from_friend $temp_restore_dir rocketchat
-    if [ -d $temp_restore_dir ]; then
-        if [ -d "$temp_restore_dir$rocketchat_dir" ]; then
-            cp -rp "$temp_restore_dir$rocketchat_dir"/* "$rocketchat_dir"/
-        else
-            if [ ! -d "$rocketchat_dir" ]; then
-                mkdir "$rocketchat_dir"
-            fi
-            cp -rp $temp_restore_dir/* "$rocketchat_dir"/
-        fi
-        chown -R rocketchat:rocketchat "$rocketchat_dir"
-        rm -rf $temp_restore_dir
-    fi
-    systemctl start rocketchat
-    restart_site
-function remove_rocketchat {
-    nginx_dissite "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    remove_certs "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    if [ -f /etc/systemd/system/rocketchat.service ]; then
-        systemctl stop rocketchat
-        systemctl disable rocketchat
-        rm /etc/systemd/system/rocketchat.service
-    fi
-    userdel -r rocketchat
-    remove_nodejs rocketchat
-    if [ -d "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then
-        rm -rf "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    fi
-    if [ -f "/etc/nginx/sites-available/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then
-        rm "/etc/nginx/sites-available/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    fi
-    drop_database_mongodb rocketchat
-    remove_onion_service rocketchat "${ROCKETCHAT_ONION_PORT}"
-    if grep -q "rocketchat" /etc/crontab; then
-        sed -i "/rocketchat/d" /etc/crontab
-    fi
-    remove_app rocketchat
-    remove_completion_param install_rocketchat
-    sed -i '/rocketchat/d' "$COMPLETION_FILE"
-    remove_ddns_domain "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-function install_rocketchat {
-    apt-get install -yq curl graphicsmagick
-    install_mongodb
-    install_nodejs rocketchat
-    if [ ! "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" ]; then
-        echo $'No domain name was given'
-        exit 3568356
-    fi
-    if [ -d "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs" ]; then
-        rm -rf "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs"
-    fi
-    if [ -d /repos/rocketchat ]; then
-        mkdir "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs"
-        cp -r -p /repos/rocketchat/. "/etc/rocketchat"
-        cd "/etc/rocketchat" || exit 36487365
-        git pull
-    else
-        git_clone "$ROCKETCHAT_REPO" "/etc/rocketchat"
-    fi
-    if [ ! -d "/etc/rocketchat" ]; then
-        echo $'Unable to clone rocketchat repo'
-        exit 87525
-    fi
-    cd "/etc/rocketchat" || exit 3463754637
-    set_completion_param "rocketchat commit" "$ROCKETCHAT_COMMIT"
-    chmod g+w "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs"
-    chown -R www-data:www-data "/var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs"
-    rocketchat_create_database
-    cd "/etc/rocketchat" || exit 46327437
-    if ! npm install; then
-        exit 36483563
-    fi
-    add_ddns_domain "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    ROCKETCHAT_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(add_onion_service rocketchat 80 "${ROCKETCHAT_ONION_PORT}")
-    rocketchat_nginx_site=/etc/nginx/sites-available/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME
-    if [[ "$ONION_ONLY" == "no" ]]; then
-        nginx_http_redirect "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" "index index.html"
-        { echo 'server {';
-          echo '  listen 443 ssl;';
-          echo '  #listen [::]:443 ssl;';
-          echo "  server_name $ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME;";
-          echo ''; } >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-        nginx_compress "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-        echo '' >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-        echo '  # Security' >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-        nginx_ssl "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-        nginx_security_options "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-        { echo '  add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;';
-          echo '';
-          echo '  # Logs';
-          echo '  access_log /dev/null;';
-          echo '  error_log /dev/null;';
-          echo '';
-          echo '  # Root';
-          echo "  root /var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs;";
-          echo '';
-          echo '  index index.html;';
-          echo '  # Location';
-          echo '  location / {'; } >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-        nginx_limits "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" '15m'
-        { echo "    proxy_pass http://localhost:$ROCKETCHAT_PORT_INTERNAL;";
-          echo '    proxy_http_version 1.1;';
-          echo "    proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;";
-          echo "    proxy_set_header Connection \"upgrade\";";
-          echo "    proxy_set_header Host \$http_host;";
-          echo '';
-          echo "    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;";
-          echo "    proxy_set_header X-Forward-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;";
-          echo '    proxy_set_header X-Forward-Proto http;';
-          echo '    proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true;';
-          echo '';
-          echo '    proxy_redirect off;';
-          echo '  }';
-          echo '}'; } >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-    else
-        echo -n '' > "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-    fi
-    { echo 'server {';
-      echo "    listen$ROCKETCHAT_ONION_PORT default_server;";
-      echo "    server_name $ROCKETCHAT_ONION_HOSTNAME;";
-      echo ''; } >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-    nginx_compress "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    echo '' >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-    nginx_security_options "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    { echo '';
-      echo '  # Logs';
-      echo '  access_log /dev/null;';
-      echo '  error_log /dev/null;';
-      echo '';
-      echo '  # Root';
-      echo "  root /var/www/$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME/htdocs;";
-      echo '';
-      echo '  index index.html;';
-      echo '  # Location';
-      echo '  location / {'; } >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-    nginx_limits "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" '15m'
-    { echo "    proxy_pass http://localhost:$ROCKETCHAT_PORT_INTERNAL;";
-      echo '    proxy_http_version 1.1;';
-      echo "    proxy_set_header Upgrade \$http_upgrade;";
-      echo "    proxy_set_header Connection \"upgrade\";";
-      echo "    proxy_set_header Host \$http_host;";
-      echo '';
-      echo "    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr;";
-      echo "    proxy_set_header X-Forward-For \$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;";
-      echo '    proxy_set_header X-Forward-Proto http;';
-      echo '    proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Proxy true;';
-      echo '';
-      echo '    proxy_redirect off;';
-      echo '  }';
-      echo '}'; } >> "$rocketchat_nginx_site"
-    adduser --system --home="/etc/rocketchat" --group rocketchat
-    { echo '[Unit]';
-      echo 'Description=rocketchat';
-      echo 'After=syslog.target';
-      echo 'After=network.target';
-      echo '';
-      echo '[Service]';
-      echo 'Type=simple';
-      echo 'User=rocketchat';
-      echo 'Group=rocketchat';
-      echo 'WorkingDirectory=/etc/rocketchat';
-      echo 'ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/node main.js';
-      echo 'Environment=USER=rocketchat';
-      echo 'Restart=always';
-      echo 'StandardError=syslog';
-      echo 'Environment=NODE_ENV=production';
-      echo "Environment=PORT=${ROCKETCHAT_PORT_INTERNAL}";
-      echo "Environment=ROOT_URL=http://localhost:${ROCKETCHAT_PORT_INTERNAL}";
-      echo "Environment=MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo:${MONGODB_PORT}/rocketchat";
-      echo '';
-      echo '[Install]';
-      echo 'WantedBy=multi-user.target'; } >> "/etc/systemd/system/rocketchat.service"
-    systemctl enable rocketchat
-    chown -R rocketchat:rocketchat "/etc/rocketchat"
-    systemctl start rocketchat
-    create_site_certificate "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME" 'yes'
-    nginx_ensite "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    systemctl restart nginx
-    "${PROJECT_NAME}-pass" -u "$MY_USERNAME" -a rocketchat -p "$ROCKETCHAT_ADMIN_PASSWORD"
-    set_completion_param "rocketchat domain" "$ROCKETCHAT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-# NOTE: deliberately there is no "exit 0"
diff --git a/src/freedombone-image-customise b/src/freedombone-image-customise
index 18fa721da47cdc98c2d4023dd80f49dfb6b4dbfb..75ec9e02eab63430bced0accda24d21f2db0a759 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-image-customise
+++ b/src/freedombone-image-customise
@@ -1986,8 +1986,6 @@ image_preinstall_repos() {
     git clone "$BDSMAIL_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/bdsmail"
     #git clone "$WEKAN_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/wekan"
     #git clone "$FLOW_ROUTER_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/flowrouter"
-    #git clone "$METEOR_USERACCOUNTS_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/meteoruseraccounts"
-    #git clone "$METEOR_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/meteor"
     #git clone "$ZERONET_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/zeronet"
     #git clone "$QTOX_REPO" "$rootdir/repos/qtox"
diff --git a/src/freedombone-utils-meteor b/src/freedombone-utils-meteor
deleted file mode 100755
index d98be54759bbd78888bc531bd98358dabf9abc11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/freedombone-utils-meteor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#  _____               _           _
-# |   __|___ ___ ___ _| |___ _____| |_ ___ ___ ___
-# |   __|  _| -_| -_| . | . |     | . | . |   | -_|
-# |__|  |_| |___|___|___|___|_|_|_|___|___|_|_|___|
-#                              Freedom in the Cloud
-# Functions for installing meteor
-# See meteor.com
-# License
-# =======
-# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Bob Mottram <bob@freedombone.net>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-function meteor_cleanUp {
-    rm -rf "$TARBALL_FILE"
-    rm -rf "$INSTALL_TMPDIR"
-function install_meteor_script {
-    meteor_dir="$1"
-    if [ ! "$meteor_dir" ]; then
-        echo $'No meteor install directory specified'
-        exit 692025
-    fi
-    if [ ! -d "$meteor_dir" ]; then
-        echo $'Meteor install directory not found'
-        exit 845382
-    fi
-    if [[ "$(arch)" == "arm"* ]]; then
-        echo 'meteor does not support ARM'
-        exit 8362952
-    fi
-    if [[ "$(arch)" == "i386" || "$(arch)" == "x86_32" ]]; then
-        PLATFORM="os.linux.x86_32"
-    else
-        PLATFORM="os.linux.x86_64"
-    fi
-    DIR_PREFIX="/usr/local"
-    TARBALL_URL="https://meteorinstall-4168.kxcdn.com/packages-bootstrap/${RELEASE}/meteor-bootstrap-${PLATFORM}.tar.gz"
-    INSTALL_TMPDIR="$meteor_dir/.meteor-install-tmp"
-    TARBALL_FILE="$meteor_dir/.meteor-tarball-tmp"
-    # Remove temporary files now in case they exist.
-    meteor_cleanUp
-    if [ -d "$INSTALL_TMPDIR" ]; then
-        rm -rf "$INSTALL_TMPDIR"
-    fi
-    mkdir "$INSTALL_TMPDIR"
-    if [ ! -f "${TARBALL_FILE}" ]; then
-        echo "Downloading Meteor distribution"
-        # keep trying to curl the file until it works (resuming where possible)
-        MAX_ATTEMPTS=10
-        set +e
-        ATTEMPTS=0
-        while [ $ATTEMPTS -lt $MAX_ATTEMPTS ]
-        do
-            ATTEMPTS=$((ATTEMPTS + 1))
-            if curl --progress-bar --fail --continue-at - \
-                    "$TARBALL_URL" --output "$TARBALL_FILE"; then
-                break
-            fi
-            echo "Retrying download in $RETRY_DELAY_SECS seconds..."
-            sleep $RETRY_DELAY_SECS
-        done
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f "${TARBALL_FILE}" ]; then
-        echo $'meteor tarball could not be downloaded'
-        exit 7272452
-    fi
-    tar -xzf "$TARBALL_FILE" -C "$INSTALL_TMPDIR" -o
-    if [ ! -f "${INSTALL_TMPDIR}/.meteor/meteor" ]; then
-        echo $'tarball not extracted'
-        exit 693252
-    fi
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    mv ${INSTALL_TMPDIR}/.meteor $meteor_dir
-    meteor_cleanUp
-    echo ''
-    echo "Meteor ${RELEASE} has been installed in $meteor_dir/.meteor"
-    METEOR_SYMLINK_TARGET="$(readlink "$meteor_dir/.meteor/meteor")"
-    LAUNCHER="$meteor_dir/.meteor/$METEOR_TOOL_DIRECTORY/scripts/admin/launch-meteor"
-    if cp "$LAUNCHER" "$DIR_PREFIX/bin/meteor" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-        echo "Writing a launcher script to $DIR_PREFIX/bin/meteor for your convenience."
-        cat <<"EOF"
-To get started fast:
-  $ meteor create ~/my_cool_app
-  $ cd ~/my_cool_app
-  $ meteor
-Or see the docs at:
-  docs.meteor.com
-    elif type sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-        echo "Writing a launcher script to $DIR_PREFIX/bin/meteor for your convenience."
-        echo "This may prompt for your password."
-        # New macs (10.9+) don't ship with /usr/local, however it is still in
-        # the default PATH. We still install there, we just need to create the
-        # directory first.
-        # XXX this means that we can run sudo too many times. we should never
-        #     run it more than once if it fails the first time
-        if [ ! -d "$DIR_PREFIX/bin" ] ; then
-            sudo mkdir -m 755 "$DIR_PREFIX" || true
-            sudo mkdir -m 755 "$DIR_PREFIX/bin" || true
-        fi
-        if sudo cp "$LAUNCHER" "$DIR_PREFIX/bin/meteor"; then
-            cat <<"EOF"
-To get started fast:
-  $ meteor create ~/my_cool_app
-  $ cd ~/my_cool_app
-  $ meteor
-Or see the docs at:
-  docs.meteor.com
-        else
-            cat <<EOF
-Couldn't write the launcher script. Please either:
-  (1) Run the following as root:
-        cp "$LAUNCHER" /usr/bin/meteor
-  (2) Add "\$meteor_dir/.meteor" to your path, or
-  (3) Rerun this command to try again.
-Then to get started, take a look at 'meteor --help' or see the docs at
-        fi
-    else
-        cat <<EOF
-Now you need to do one of the following:
-  (1) Add "\$meteor_dir/.meteor" to your path, or
-  (2) Run this command as root:
-        cp "$LAUNCHER" /usr/bin/meteor
-Then to get started, take a look at 'meteor --help' or see the docs at
-    fi
-function install_meteor {
-    apt-get -yq install curl
-    if [ ! -d "$INSTALL_DIR/meteor" ]; then
-        mkdir "$INSTALL_DIR/meteor"
-    fi
-    cd "$INSTALL_DIR/meteor" || exit 72345274
-    install_meteor_script
-function remove_meteor {
-    if [ -f /usr/local/bin/meteor ]; then
-        rm /usr/local/bin/meteor
-    fi
-    if [ -f /usr/bin/meteor ]; then
-        rm /usr/bin/meteor
-    fi
-# NOTE: deliberately no exit 0