diff --git a/src/freedombone-adduser b/src/freedombone-adduser
index 12c5f522ecd6948ab6d77c7ccf4a6798a001008d..3a2f8a156b7edf5d0481af9d1c934b0c91edd445 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-adduser
+++ b/src/freedombone-adduser
@@ -185,20 +185,6 @@ fi
 gpg_agent_setup "$ADD_USERNAME"
-# add a monkeysphere subkey
-#echo $'Adding monkeysphere subkey'
-#su -c "monkeysphere gen-subkey" - $ADD_USERNAME
-#echo $'Adding monkeysphere subkey to ssh-agent'
-#su -c "monkeysphere s" - $ADD_USERNAME
-# add authorized GPG email address
-#mkdir /home/$ADD_USERNAME/.monkeysphere
-#chmod 755 /home/$ADD_USERNAME/.monkeysphere
-#echo "$ADD_USERNAME <$ADD_USERNAME@$HOSTNAME>" > /home/$ADD_USERNAME/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids
-#chmod 644 /home/$ADD_USERNAME/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids
-#chown -R $ADD_USERNAME:$ADD_USERNAME /home/$ADD_USERNAME/.monkeysphere
-#echo $'Updating monkeysphere users'
-#monkeysphere-authentication update-users
 if [ -f "/home/$ADD_USERNAME/.muttrc" ]; then
     # encrypt outgoing mail to the "sent" folder
     if ! grep -q "pgp_encrypt_only_command" "/home/$ADD_USERNAME/.muttrc"; then
diff --git a/src/freedombone-controlpanel-user b/src/freedombone-controlpanel-user
index 032c8f8fc9ef52cb1ee8cec58adec4117a00fd82..436744fcfeedde49c07b3bc7459a0ba089f777cb 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-controlpanel-user
+++ b/src/freedombone-controlpanel-user
@@ -728,21 +728,6 @@ function menu_admin {
     sudo /usr/local/bin/control
-function sign_keys {
-    if [ ! -f "/home/$USER/.monkeysphere/server_keys" ]; then
-        return
-    fi
-    dialog --title $"Monkeysphere sign server keys" \
-           --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \
-           --defaultno \
-           --yesno $"\\nMonkeysphere has been enabled and you will need to sign and trust the server keys. Do you want to do that now?" 8 60
-    sel=$?
-    case $sel in
-        0) "${PROJECT_NAME}-sec" --sign yes;;
-    esac
 function menu_run_client_app {
@@ -855,7 +840,6 @@ function menu_top_level {
 gpg_agent_enable "$USER"
diff --git a/src/freedombone-image-customise b/src/freedombone-image-customise
index ac885889db6a36afc20f8983ea0f6210d934de1e..d6442bbbdddf2a6a6973cc6d883b320808de3beb 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-image-customise
+++ b/src/freedombone-image-customise
@@ -1890,10 +1890,6 @@ image_setup_utils() {
     # shellcheck disable=SC2086
     chroot "$rootdir" $INSTALL_PACKAGES duplicity gnupg
-    # monkeysphere
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    #chroot "$rootdir" $INSTALL_PACKAGES monkeysphere msva-perl
     # encrypting email
     # shellcheck disable=SC2086
     chroot "$rootdir" $INSTALL_PACKAGES libmail-gnupg-perl
diff --git a/src/freedombone-sec b/src/freedombone-sec
index 1cc0805941fa6a62c1a34e00a77dbfa84f1ee723..a4693c670acb701a86adb9b26800caccb1ae1165 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-sec
+++ b/src/freedombone-sec
@@ -580,20 +580,6 @@ function interactive_setup {
-function send_monkeysphere_server_keys_to_users {
-    monkeysphere_server_keys=$(monkeysphere-host show-key | grep $"OpenPGP fingerprint" | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}')
-    for d in /home/*/ ; do
-        USERNAME=$(echo "$d" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}')
-        if [[ $(is_valid_user "$USERNAME") == "1" ]]; then
-            if [ ! -d "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere" ]; then
-                mkdir "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere"
-            fi
-            echo "$monkeysphere_server_keys" > "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere/server_keys"
-            chown -R "$USERNAME":"$USERNAME" "/home/$USERNAME/.monkeysphere"
-        fi
-    done
 function regenerate_ssh_host_keys {
     rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
     dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
@@ -602,15 +588,6 @@ function regenerate_ssh_host_keys {
     awk '$5 > 2000' /etc/ssh/moduli > ~/moduli
     mv ~/moduli /etc/ssh/moduli
     echo $'ssh small moduli removed'
-    # update monkeysphere
-    read_config_param "DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    monkeysphere-host import-key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key "ssh://$DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME"
-    SSH_ONION_HOSTNAME=$(grep 'ssh onion domain' "${COMPLETION_FILE}" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}')
-    monkeysphere-host import-key /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key "ssh://$SSH_ONION_HOSTNAME"
-    monkeysphere-host publish-key
-    send_monkeysphere_server_keys_to_users
-    echo $'updated monkeysphere ssh host key'
     systemctl restart ssh
@@ -888,103 +865,6 @@ function update_ciphersuite {
     exit 0
-function enable_monkeysphere {
-    monkey=
-    dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \
-           --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Configuration" \
-           --defaultno \
-           --yesno $"\\nEnable GPG based authentication with monkeysphere ?" 7 60
-    sel=$?
-    case $sel in
-        0) monkey='yes';;
-        255) exit 0;;
-    esac
-    if [ $monkey ]; then
-        read_config_param "MY_USERNAME"
-        if [ ! -f /home/$MY_USERNAME/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids ]; then
-            dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \
-                   --msgbox $"$MY_USERNAME does not currently have any ids within ~/.monkeysphere/authorized_user_ids" 6 40
-            exit 0
-        fi
-        MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_ID=$(gpg_pubkey_from_email "$MY_USERNAME" "$MY_USERNAME@$HOSTNAME")
-        if [ ${#MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_ID} -lt 4 ]; then
-            echo $"monkeysphere unable to get GPG key ID for user $MY_USERNAME@$HOSTNAME"
-            exit 52
-        fi
-        sed -i 's|#AuthorizedKeysFile|AuthorizedKeysFile|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-        sed -i 's|AuthorizedKeysFile.*|AuthorizedKeysFile /var/lib/monkeysphere/authorized_keys/%u|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-        monkeysphere-authentication update-users
-        # The admin user is the identity certifier
-        fpr=$(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint "$MY_GPG_PUBLIC_KEY_ID" | grep fpr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $10}')
-        monkeysphere-authentication add-identity-certifier "$fpr"
-        monkeysphere-host publish-key
-        send_monkeysphere_server_keys_to_users
-    else
-        sed -i 's|#AuthorizedKeysFile|AuthorizedKeysFile|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-        sed -i 's|AuthorizedKeysFile.*|AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys|g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-    fi
-    systemctl restart ssh
-    if [ $monkey ]; then
-        dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \
-               --msgbox $"GPG based authentication was enabled" 6 40
-    else
-        dialog --title $"GPG based authentication" \
-               --msgbox $"GPG based authentication was disabled" 6 40
-    fi
-    exit 0
-function register_website {
-    domain="$1"
-    if [[ ${domain} == *".local" ]]; then
-        echo $"Can't register local domains"
-        return
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f "/etc/ssl/private/${domain}.key" ]; then
-        echo $"No SSL/TLS private key found for ${domain}"
-        return
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${domain}" ]; then
-        echo $"No virtual host found for ${domain}"
-        return
-    fi
-    monkeysphere-host import-key "/etc/ssl/private/${domain}.key" "https://${domain}"
-    monkeysphere-host publish-key
-    echo "0"
-function register_website_interactive {
-    data=$(mktemp 2>/dev/null)
-    dialog --title $"Register a website with monkeysphere" \
-           --backtitle $"Freedombone Security Settings" \
-           --inputbox $"Enter the website domain name (without https://)" 8 60 2>"$data"
-    sel=$?
-    case $sel in
-        0)
-            domain=$(<"$data")
-            if ! register_website "$domain"; then
-                dialog --title $"Register a website with monkeysphere" \
-                       --msgbox "$?" 6 40
-            else
-                dialog --title $"Register a website with monkeysphere" \
-                       --msgbox $"$domain has been registered" 6 40
-            fi
-            ;;
-    esac
-    rm -f "$data"
 function pin_all_tls_certs {
     ${PROJECT_NAME}-pin-cert all
@@ -1518,32 +1398,6 @@ function refresh_gpg_keys {
     exit 0
-function monkeysphere_sign_server_keys {
-    server_keys_file=/home/$USER/.monkeysphere/server_keys
-    if [ ! -f "$server_keys_file" ]; then
-        exit 0
-    fi
-    keys_signed=
-    while read -r line; do
-        echo "$line"
-        if [ ${#line} -gt 2 ]; then
-            fpr=$(gpg --with-colons --fingerprint "$line" | grep fpr | head -n 1 | awk -F ':' '{print $10}')
-            if [ ${#fpr} -gt 2 ]; then
-                if torsocks gpg --sign-key "$fpr"; then
-                    torsocks gpg --update-trustdb
-                    keys_signed=1
-                fi
-            fi
-        fi
-    done <"$server_keys_file"
-    if [ $keys_signed ]; then
-        rm "$server_keys_file"
-    fi
-    exit 0
 function htmly_hash {
     # produces a hash corresponding to a htmly password
@@ -1572,8 +1426,6 @@ function show_help {
     echo $'  -e --export               Export security settings to a file'
     echo $'  -i --import               Import security settings from a file'
     echo $'  -r --refresh              Refresh GPG keys for all users'
-    echo $'  -s --sign                 Sign monkeysphere server keys'
-    echo $'     --register [domain]    Register a https domain with monkeysphere'
     echo $'  -b --htmlyhash [password] Returns the hash of a password for a htmly blog'
     echo ''
     exit 0
@@ -1604,16 +1456,6 @@ do
-        # register a website
-        --register|--reg|--site)
-            shift
-            register_website "$1"
-            ;;
-        # user signs monkeysphere server keys
-        -s|--sign)
-            shift
-            monkeysphere_sign_server_keys
-            ;;
         # get a hash of the given htmly password