From 0c37bcd89a68bae3a342e22d5fc05a1873082538 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Mottram <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 10:32:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Notification if disk space is getting low

 src/freedombone-addremove             | 5 ++++-
 webadmin/translations/af_ZA.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/ar_SA.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/ca_ES.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/cs_CZ.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/da_DK.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/de_DE.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/el_GR.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/es_ES.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/eu_ES.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/fi_FI.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/fr_FR.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/he_IL.utf8.txt  | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/hi_IN.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/is_IS.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/it_IT.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/ja_JP.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/ko_KR.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/nl_NL.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/pl.UTF-8.txt    | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/pt_PT.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/ru_RU.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/sv_SE.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/tr_TR.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/uk_UA.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/vi_VN.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/zh_CN.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 webadmin/translations/zh_TW.UTF-8.txt | 3 ++-
 28 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/freedombone-addremove b/src/freedombone-addremove
index 662c5a81c..f8ae3a9f3 100755
--- a/src/freedombone-addremove
+++ b/src/freedombone-addremove
@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ function addremove_check_disk_space {
     # shellcheck disable=SC2086
     if [ $disk_use_percent -ge 90 ]; then
-        echo $'Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.'
+        msgstr='Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.'
+        echo "$msgstr"
+        disk_space_low_msg=$(web_admin_translate_text "$msgstr")
+        ${PROJECT_NAME}-notification -s "[${PROJECT_NAME}] ${disk_space_low_msg}" -m "${disk_space_low_msg}"
         android_update_apps yes
         exit 63284635
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/af_ZA.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/af_ZA.UTF-8.txt
index f6a1bed74..2a926fac4 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/af_ZA.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/af_ZA.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Die program kon nie geïnstalleer word nie
 Add a new member|Voeg 'n nuwe lid by
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban het gefokus op eenvoud en minimalisme
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|E-pos, klets of sosiale netwerkposte sal geblokkeer word as hulle die volgende woorde of frases bevat
-Muted words|Gedempte woorde
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Gedempte woorde
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Skyfspasie word te laag. Installasie gestop.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/ar_SA.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/ar_SA.UTF-8.txt
index cfda23b04..bdcc66184 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/ar_SA.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/ar_SA.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|لا يمكن تثبيت التطبيق
 Add a new member|أضف عضوًا جديدًا
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|كانبان يركز على البساطة والسلاسة
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|سيتم حظر الرسائل الإلكترونية أو الدردشة أو المشاركات عبر الشبكات الاجتماعية إذا كانت تحتوي على الكلمات أو العبارات التالية
-Muted words|الكلمات المخفية
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|الكلمات المخفية
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|مساحة القرص تصبح منخفضة للغاية. توقف التثبيت.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/ca_ES.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/ca_ES.UTF-8.txt
index 740fa2956..6c5d165c9 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/ca_ES.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/ca_ES.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|No s'ha pogut instal·lar l'aplicació
 Add a new member|Afegeix un nou membre
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban es va centrar en la simplicitat i el minimalisme
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Els correus electrònics, xats o publicacions de la xarxa social seran bloquejades si contenen les següents paraules o frases
-Muted words|Paraules silenciades
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Paraules silenciades
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|L'espai de disc s'està massa baix. S'ha aturat la instal·lació.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/cs_CZ.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/cs_CZ.UTF-8.txt
index 6212e25c3..7f61dcb4f 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/cs_CZ.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/cs_CZ.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Aplikaci nelze nainstalovat
 Add a new member|Přidejte nového člena
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban se soustředil na jednoduchost a minimalismus
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Emaily, příspěvky v chatu nebo sociální sítě budou blokovány, pokud budou obsahovat následující slova nebo fráze
-Muted words|Zmatená slova
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Zmatená slova
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Místo na disku je příliš nízké. Instalace byla zastavena.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/da_DK.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/da_DK.UTF-8.txt
index 2bc728957..48620dbfb 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/da_DK.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/da_DK.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|App'en kunne ikke installeres
 Add a new member|Tilføj et nyt medlem
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban fokuserede på enkelhed og minimalisme
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Emails, chat eller sociale netværksindlæg vil blive blokeret, hvis de indeholder følgende ord eller sætninger
-Muted words|Udstødte ord
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Udstødte ord
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Diskpladsen bliver for lav. Installationen er stoppet.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/de_DE.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/de_DE.UTF-8.txt
index c61785053..bb1eec989 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/de_DE.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/de_DE.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Die App konnte nicht installiert werden
 Add a new member|Neues Mitglied hinzufügen
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban konzentrierte sich auf Einfachheit und Minimalismus
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|E-Mails, Chat- oder Social-Network-Beiträge werden blockiert, wenn sie die folgenden Wörter oder Ausdrücke enthalten
-Muted words|Gedämpfte Worte
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Gedämpfte Worte
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Der Speicherplatz wird zu niedrig. Die Installation wurde gestoppt.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/el_GR.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/el_GR.UTF-8.txt
index 23c97c8ae..d2763b2f8 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/el_GR.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/el_GR.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εγκατάστ
 Add a new member|Προσθέστε ένα νέο μέλος
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Ο Kanban επικεντρώθηκε στην απλότητα και τον μινιμαλισμό
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Τα μηνύματα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, οι συνομιλίες ή οι αναρτήσεις κοινωνικού δικτύου θα αποκλειστούν εάν περιέχουν τις ακόλουθες λέξεις ή φράσεις
-Muted words|Μειωμένες λέξεις
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Μειωμένες λέξεις
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Ο χώρος στο δίσκο είναι πολύ χαμηλός. Η εγκατάσταση σταμάτησε.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/es_ES.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/es_ES.UTF-8.txt
index 486d84b97..a4f72fe0f 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/es_ES.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/es_ES.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|La aplicación no pudo ser instalada
 Add a new member|Añadir un nuevo miembro
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban enfocado en la simplicidad y el minimalismo.
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Los correos electrónicos, mensajes de chat o de redes sociales se bloquearán si contienen las siguientes palabras o frases
-Muted words|Palabras silenciadas
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Palabras silenciadas
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|El espacio en disco está disminuyendo. Instalación detenida.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/eu_ES.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/eu_ES.UTF-8.txt
index 8a6dc2ec4..43e928463 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/eu_ES.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/eu_ES.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Ezin izan da aplikazioa instalatu
 Add a new member|Gehitu kide berria
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban sinpletasun eta minimalismoan oinarritua
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Posta elektronikoak, txatak edo sare sozialen mezuak blokeatu egingo dira hitz edo esaldi hauek baldin badituzu
-Muted words|Mututu hitzak
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Mututu hitzak
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Diskoaren espazioa txikiegia da. Instalazioa gelditu egin da.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/fi_FI.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/fi_FI.UTF-8.txt
index a390d3308..914d6eb4a 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/fi_FI.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/fi_FI.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Sovellusta ei voitu asentaa
 Add a new member|Lisää uusi jäsen
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban keskittyi yksinkertaisuuteen ja minimalismiin
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Sähköposti-, chat- tai sosiaalisen verkoston viestit estetään, jos ne sisältävät seuraavat sanat tai lauseet
-Muted words|Poistettu sanat
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Poistettu sanat
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Levytila on liian alhainen. Asennus pysähtyi.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/fr_FR.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/fr_FR.UTF-8.txt
index a53c4945d..e25f707fa 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/fr_FR.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/fr_FR.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|L'application n'a pas pu être installée
 Add a new member|Ajouter un nouveau membre
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban misant sur la simplicité et le minimalisme
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Les courriels, discussions en ligne ou messages sur les réseaux sociaux seront bloqués s'ils contiennent les mots ou expressions suivants
-Muted words|Mots en sourdine
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Mots en sourdine
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|L'espace disque devient trop faible. L'installation s'est arrêtée.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/he_IL.utf8.txt b/webadmin/translations/he_IL.utf8.txt
index 6b6e5b7bb..03a1de45f 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/he_IL.utf8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/he_IL.utf8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|לא ניתן להתקין את האפליקצי
 Add a new member|הוסף חבר חדש
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban התמקד בפשטות מינימליזם
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|הודעות אימייל, צ'אט או רשתות חברתיות ייחסמו אם הן מכילות את המילים או הביטויים הבאים
-Muted words|מילים שהושתקו
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|מילים שהושתקו
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|שטח הדיסק מתחיל להיות נמוך מדי. ההתקנה הופסקה.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/hi_IN.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/hi_IN.UTF-8.txt
index 5ec5e076c..97099f18a 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/hi_IN.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/hi_IN.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|ऐप इंस्टॉल नहीं कि
 Add a new member|एक नया सदस्य जोड़ें
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|कानबान ने सादगी और minimalism पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|यदि वे निम्नलिखित शब्द या वाक्यांश होते हैं तो ईमेल, चैट या सोशल नेटवर्क पोस्ट अवरुद्ध हो जाएंगे
-Muted words|म्यूट किए गए शब्द
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|म्यूट किए गए शब्द
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|डिस्क स्थान बहुत कम हो रहा है। स्थापना बंद हो गई।
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/is_IS.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/is_IS.UTF-8.txt
index 12ef7b3a9..89be6298e 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/is_IS.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/is_IS.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Forritið gat ekki verið sett upp
 Add a new member|Bæta við nýjum meðlimi
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban áherslu á einfaldleika og naumhyggju
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Tölvupóst, spjall eða félagslegur netpóstur verður lokað ef þau innihalda eftirfarandi orð eða orðasambönd
-Muted words|Muted orð
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Muted orð
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Diskur rúm er að verða of lágt. Uppsetning hætt.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/it_IT.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/it_IT.UTF-8.txt
index e000c86cd..b49b951a5 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/it_IT.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/it_IT.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|L'app non può essere installata
 Add a new member|Aggiungi un nuovo membro
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban si è concentrato sulla semplicità e sul minimalismo
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Messaggi di posta elettronica, chat o social network verranno bloccati se contengono le seguenti parole o frasi
-Muted words|Parole silenziose
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Parole silenziose
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Lo spazio su disco sta diventando troppo basso. Installazione interrotta.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/ja_JP.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/ja_JP.UTF-8.txt
index 75c639e96..0ba469c05 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/ja_JP.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/ja_JP.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|アプリをインストールできませんで
 Add a new member|新しいメンバーを追加する
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanbanはシンプルさとミニマムに焦点を当てた
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|メール、チャット、ソーシャルネットワークの投稿には、次の単語やフレーズが含まれているとブロックされます
-Muted words|黙った言葉
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|黙った言葉
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|ディスク容量が少なくなっています。 インストールが停止しました。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/ko_KR.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/ko_KR.UTF-8.txt
index ed406b812..108a079bb 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/ko_KR.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/ko_KR.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|앱을 설치할 수 없습니다.
 Add a new member|새 회원 추가
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban은 단순함과 미니멀리즘에 중점을 두었습니다.
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|다음 단어 나 문구가 포함 된 이메일, 채팅 또는 소셜 네트워크 게시물은 차단됩니다.
-Muted words|음소거 된 단어
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|음소거 된 단어
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|디스크 공간이 너무 작습니다. 설치가 중지되었습니다.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/nl_NL.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/nl_NL.UTF-8.txt
index 59d3230c4..fd12fd63f 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/nl_NL.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/nl_NL.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|De app kan niet worden geïnstalleerd
 Add a new member|Voeg een nieuw lid toe
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban richtte zich op eenvoud en minimalisme
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|E-mails, chat- of sociale netwerkposten worden geblokkeerd als ze de volgende woorden of zinsdelen bevatten
-Muted words|Gedempte woorden
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Gedempte woorden
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Schijfruimte wordt te laag. Installatie gestopt.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/pl.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/pl.UTF-8.txt
index 249e28868..d92fb7ae8 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/pl.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/pl.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Nie można zainstalować aplikacji
 Add a new member|Dodaj nowego członka
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban skupił się na prostocie i minimalizmie
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|E-maile, czat lub posty w serwisach społecznościowych będą blokowane, jeśli zawierają poniższe słowa lub wyrażenia
-Muted words|Wyciszone słowa
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Wyciszone słowa
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Przestrzeń dyskowa jest zbyt mała. Instalacja zatrzymana.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/pt_PT.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/pt_PT.UTF-8.txt
index 6bc6a15c3..f61015557 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/pt_PT.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/pt_PT.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|O aplicativo não pôde ser instalado
 Add a new member|Adicione um novo membro
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban focado na simplicidade e minimalismo
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Mensagens de e-mail, bate-papo ou redes sociais serão bloqueadas se contiverem as seguintes palavras ou frases
-Muted words|Palavras silenciadas
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Palavras silenciadas
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|O espaço em disco está ficando muito baixo. Instalação parada.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/ru_RU.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/ru_RU.UTF-8.txt
index cb93f837b..2be7782c0 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/ru_RU.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/ru_RU.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Приложение не может быть у
 Add a new member|Добавить нового участника
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Канбан сосредоточился на простоте и минимализме
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Сообщения электронной почты, чата или социальной сети будут заблокированы, если они содержат следующие слова или фразы
-Muted words|Приглушенные слова
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Приглушенные слова
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Дисковое пространство становится слишком низким. Установка остановлена.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/sv_SE.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/sv_SE.UTF-8.txt
index 136e83eac..bc8cb0d33 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/sv_SE.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/sv_SE.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Appen kunde inte installeras
 Add a new member|Lägg till en ny medlem
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban fokuserade på enkelhet och minimalism
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Emails, chatt eller sociala nätverkstjänster blockeras om de innehåller följande ord eller fraser
-Muted words|Dämpade ord
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Dämpade ord
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Diskutrymme blir för lågt. Installation stoppad.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/tr_TR.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/tr_TR.UTF-8.txt
index 140376005..b5f5ee571 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/tr_TR.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/tr_TR.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Uygulama yüklenemedi
 Add a new member|Yeni üye ekle
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban sadelik ve minimalizme odaklandı
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Aşağıdaki kelimeleri veya cümleleri içeren e-postalar, sohbet veya sosyal ağ yayınları engellenir
-Muted words|Sessiz kelimeler
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Sessiz kelimeler
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Disk alanı çok düşük oluyor. Yükleme durduruldu.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/uk_UA.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/uk_UA.UTF-8.txt
index aa87f3b5c..bbf36c6fc 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/uk_UA.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/uk_UA.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Додаток не може бути встан
 Add a new member|Додати нового учасника
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Канбан зосередився на простоті та мінімалізмі
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Повідомлення електронної пошти, чату або соціальної мережі будуть заблоковані, якщо вони містять такі слова або фрази
-Muted words|Заглушені слова
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Заглушені слова
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Дисковий простір стає надто низьким. Установка зупинена.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/vi_VN.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/vi_VN.UTF-8.txt
index 1f9113346..e79b84b5d 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/vi_VN.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/vi_VN.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|Không thể cài đặt ứng dụng
 Add a new member|Thêm thành viên mới
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|Kanban tập trung vào sự đơn giản và tối giản
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|Các bài đăng trên email, trò chuyện hoặc mạng xã hội sẽ bị chặn nếu chúng chứa các từ hoặc cụm từ sau
-Muted words|Từ bị tắt tiếng
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|Từ bị tắt tiếng
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|Dung lượng đĩa quá thấp. Đã ngừng cài đặt.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/zh_CN.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/zh_CN.UTF-8.txt
index 0a0fe5b71..4d95df0bc 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/zh_CN.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/zh_CN.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|该应用无法安装
 Add a new member|添加新成员
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|看板专注于简约和极简主义
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|如果电子邮件,聊天或社交网络帖子包含以下字词或短语,则会被阻止
-Muted words|无言的话
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|无言的话
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|磁盘空间过低。 安装停止了。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webadmin/translations/zh_TW.UTF-8.txt b/webadmin/translations/zh_TW.UTF-8.txt
index 787ffefa5..bf4883040 100644
--- a/webadmin/translations/zh_TW.UTF-8.txt
+++ b/webadmin/translations/zh_TW.UTF-8.txt
@@ -483,4 +483,5 @@ The app could not be installed|該應用無法安裝
 Add a new member|添加新成員
 Kanban focussed on simplicity and minimalism|看板專注於簡約和極簡主義
 Emails, chat or social network posts will be blocked if they contain the following words or phrases|如果電子郵件,聊天或社交網絡帖子包含以下字詞或短語,則會被阻止
-Muted words|無言的話
\ No newline at end of file
+Muted words|無言的話
+Disk space is getting too low. Installation stopped.|磁盤空間過低。 安裝停止了。
\ No newline at end of file