#!/usr/bin/python """ Translate from PEP8 Python style to Mininet (i.e. Arista-like) Python style usage: unpep8 < old.py > new.py - Reinstates CapWords for methods and instance variables - Gets rid of triple single quotes - Eliminates triple quotes on single lines - Inserts extra spaces to improve readability - Fixes Doxygen (or doxypy) ugliness Does the following translations: ClassName.method_name(foo = bar) -> ClassName.methodName( foo=bar ) Triple-single-quotes -> triple-double-quotes @param foo description -> foo: description @return description -> returns: description @author me -> author: me @todo(me) -> TODO(me) Bugs/Limitations: - Hack to restore strings is ugly - Multiline strings get mangled - Comments are mangled (which is arguably the "right thing" to do, except that, for example, the left hand sides of the above would get translated!) - Doesn't eliminate unnecessary backslashes - Has no opinion on tab size - complicated indented docstrings get flattened - We don't (yet) have a filter to generate Doxygen/Doxypy - Currently leaves indents on blank comment lines - May lead to namespace collisions (e.g. some_thing and someThing) Bob Lantz, rlantz@cs.stanford.edu 1/24/2010 """ import re, sys def fixUnderscoreTriplet( match ): "Translate a matched triplet of the form a_b to aB." triplet = match.group() return triplet[ :-2 ] + triplet[ -1 ].capitalize() def reinstateCapWords( text ): underscoreTriplet = re.compile( r'[A-Za-z0-9]_[A-Za-z0-9]' ) return underscoreTriplet.sub( fixUnderscoreTriplet, text ) def replaceTripleApostrophes( text ): "Replace triple apostrophes with triple quotes." return text.replace( "'''", '"""') def simplifyTripleQuotes( text ): "Fix single-line doc strings." r = re.compile( r'"""([^\"\n]+)"""' ) return r.sub( r'"\1"', text ) def insertExtraSpaces( text ): "Insert extra spaces inside of parentheses and brackets/curly braces." lparen = re.compile( r'\((?![\s\)])' ) text = lparen.sub( r'( ', text ) rparen = re.compile( r'([^\s\(])(?=\))' ) text = rparen.sub( r'\1 ', text) # brackets lbrack = re.compile( r'\[(?![\s\]])' ) text = lbrack.sub( r'[ ', text ) rbrack = re.compile( r'([^\s\[])(?=\])' ) text = rbrack.sub( r'\1 ', text) # curly braces lcurly = re.compile( r'\{(?![\s\}])' ) text = lcurly.sub( r'{ ', text ) rcurly = re.compile( r'([^\s\{])(?=\})' ) text = rcurly.sub( r'\1 ', text) return text def fixDoxygen( text ): """Translate @param foo to foo:, @return bar to returns: bar, and @author me to author: me""" param = re.compile( r'@param (\w+)' ) text = param.sub( r'\1:', text ) returns = re.compile( r'@return' ) text = returns.sub( r'returns:', text ) author = re.compile( r'@author' ) text = author.sub( r'author:', text) # @todo -> TODO text = text.replace( '@todo', 'TODO' ) return text def removeCommentFirstBlankLine( text ): "Remove annoying blank lines after first line in comments." line = re.compile( r'("""[^\n]*\n)\s*\n', re.MULTILINE ) return line.sub( r'\1', text ) def fixArgs( match, kwarg = re.compile( r'(\w+) = ' ) ): "Replace foo = bar with foo=bar." return kwarg.sub( r'\1=', match.group() ) def fixKeywords( text ): "Change keyword argumentsfrom foo = bar to foo=bar." args = re.compile( r'\(([^\)]+)\)', re.MULTILINE ) return args.sub( fixArgs, text ) # Unfortunately, Python doesn't natively support balanced or recursive # regular expressions. We could use PyParsing, but that opens another can # of worms. For now, we just have a cheap hack to restore strings, # so we don't end up accidentally mangling things like messages, search strings, # and regular expressions. def lineIter( text ): "Simple iterator over lines in text." for line in text.splitlines(): yield line def stringIter( strList ): "Yield strings in strList." for s in strList: yield s def restoreRegex( regex, old, new ): "Find regexes in old and restore them into new." oldStrs = regex.findall( old ) # Sanity check - count should be the same! newStrs = regex.findall( new ) assert len( oldStrs ) == len( newStrs ) # Replace newStrs with oldStrs siter = stringIter( oldStrs ) reps = lambda dummy: siter.next() return regex.sub( reps, new ) # This is a cheap hack, and it may not work 100%, since # it doesn't handle multiline strings. # However, it should be mostly harmless... def restoreStrings( oldText, newText ): "Restore strings from oldText into newText, returning result." oldLines, newLines = lineIter( oldText ), lineIter( newText ) quoteStrings = re.compile( r'("[^"]*")' ) tickStrings = re.compile( r"('[^']*')" ) result = '' # It would be nice if we could blast the whole file, but for # now it seems to work line-by-line for newLine in newLines: oldLine = oldLines.next() newLine = restoreRegex( quoteStrings, oldLine, newLine ) newLine = restoreRegex( tickStrings, oldLine, newLine ) result += newLine + '\n' return result # This might be slightly controversial, since it uses # three spaces to line up multiline comments. However, # I much prefer it. Limitations: if you have deeper # indents in comments, they will be eliminated. ;-( def fixComment( match, indentExp=re.compile( r'\n([ ]*)(?=[^/s])', re.MULTILINE ), trailingQuotes=re.compile( r'\s+"""' ) ): "Re-indent comment, and join trailing quotes." originalIndent = match.group( 1 ) comment = match.group( 2 ) indent = '\n' + originalIndent # Exception: leave unindented things unindented! if len( originalIndent ) is not 0: indent += ' ' comment = indentExp.sub( indent, comment ) return originalIndent + trailingQuotes.sub( '"""', comment ) def fixCommentIndents( text ): "Fix multiline comment indentation." comments = re.compile( r'^([ ]*)("""[^"]*""")$', re.MULTILINE ) return comments.sub( fixComment, text ) def removeBogusLinefeeds( text ): "Remove extra linefeeds at the end of single-line comments." bogusLfs = re.compile( r'"([^"\n]*)\n"', re.MULTILINE ) return bogusLfs.sub( '"\1"', text) def convertFromPep8( program ): oldProgram = program # Program text transforms program = reinstateCapWords( program ) program = fixKeywords( program ) program = insertExtraSpaces( program ) # Undo string damage program = restoreStrings( oldProgram, program ) # Docstring transforms program = replaceTripleApostrophes( program ) program = simplifyTripleQuotes( program ) program = fixDoxygen( program ) program = fixCommentIndents( program ) program = removeBogusLinefeeds( program ) # Destructive transforms (these can delete lines) program = removeCommentFirstBlankLine( program ) return program if __name__ == '__main__': print convertFromPep8( sys.stdin.read() )