#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Mininet runner

@author Brandon Heller (brandonh@stanford.edu)

from optparse import OptionParser
import os.path
import time

    from ripcord.dctopo import TreeTopo, FatTreeTopo, VL2Topo
    USE_RIPCORD = True
except ImportError:
    USE_RIPCORD = False

from mininet.log import lg, LEVELS
from mininet.net import Mininet, init
from mininet.node import KernelSwitch, Host, Controller, ControllerParams, NOX
from mininet.node import RemoteController, UserSwitch, OVSKernelSwitch
from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, LinearTopo, SingleSwitchReversedTopo

# built in topologies, created only when run
TOPO_DEF = 'minimal'
TOPOS = {'minimal': (lambda: SingleSwitchTopo(k = 2)),
         'reversed': (lambda: SingleSwitchReversedTopo(k = 2)),
         'single4': (lambda: SingleSwitchTopo(k = 4)),
         'single100': (lambda: SingleSwitchTopo(k = 100)),
         'linear2': (lambda: LinearTopo(k = 2)),
         'linear100': (lambda: LinearTopo(k = 100))}
         'tree16': (lambda: TreeTopo(depth = 3, fanout = 4)),
         'tree64': (lambda: TreeTopo(depth = 4, fanout = 4)),
         'tree1024': (lambda: TreeTopo(depth = 3, fanout = 32)),
         'fattree4': (lambda: FatTreeTopo(k = 4)),
         'fattree6': (lambda: FatTreeTopo(k = 6)),
         'vl2': (lambda: VL2Topo(da = 4, di = 4)),
         'vl2reduced': (lambda: VL2Topo(da = 4, di = 4, edge_down = 1))}

SWITCH_DEF = 'kernel'
SWITCHES = {'kernel': KernelSwitch,
            'user': UserSwitch,
            'ovsk': OVSKernelSwitch}

HOST_DEF = 'process'
HOSTS = {'process': Host}

# a and b are the name and inNamespace params.
CONTROLLERS = {'ref': Controller,
               'nox_dump': lambda a, b: NOX(a, b, 'packetdump'),
               'nox_pysw': lambda a, b: NOX(a, b, 'pyswitch'),
               'remote': lambda a, b: None,
               'none': lambda a, b: None}

# optional tests to run
TESTS = ['cli', 'build', 'ping_all', 'ping_pair', 'iperf', 'all', 'iperf_udp']

def add_dict_option(opts, choices_dict, default, name, help_str = None):
    '''Convenience function to add choices dicts to OptionParser.

    @param opts OptionParser instance
    @param choices_dict dictionary of valid choices, must include default
    @param default default choice key
    @param name long option name
    @param help string
    if default not in choices_dict:
        raise Exception('Invalid  default %s for choices dict: %s' %
                        (default, name))
    if not help_str:
        help_str = '[' + ' '.join(choices_dict.keys()) + ']'
    opts.add_option('--' + name,
                    type = 'choice',
                    choices = choices_dict.keys(),
                    default = default,
                    help = help_str)

class MininetRunner(object):
    '''Build, setup, and run Mininet.'''

    def __init__(self):
        self.options = None


    def parse_args(self):
        '''Parse command-line args and return options object.

        @return opts parse options dict
        opts = OptionParser()
        add_dict_option(opts, TOPOS, TOPO_DEF, 'topo')
        add_dict_option(opts, SWITCHES, SWITCH_DEF, 'switch')
        add_dict_option(opts, HOSTS, HOST_DEF, 'host')
        add_dict_option(opts, CONTROLLERS, CONTROLLER_DEF, 'controller')

        opts.add_option('--custom', type = 'string', default = None,
                        help = 'read custom mininet from current dir')
        opts.add_option('--test', type = 'choice', choices = TESTS,
                        default = TESTS[0],
                        help = '[' + ' '.join(TESTS) + ']')
        opts.add_option('--xterms', '-x', action = 'store_true',
                        default = False, help = 'spawn xterms for each node')
        opts.add_option('--mac', action = 'store_true',
                        default = False, help = 'set MACs equal to DPIDs')
        opts.add_option('--arp', action = 'store_true',
                        default = False, help = 'set all-pairs ARP entries')
        opts.add_option('--verbosity', '-v', type = 'choice',
                        choices = LEVELS.keys(), default = 'info',
                        help = '[' + ' '.join(LEVELS.keys()) + ']')
        opts.add_option('--ip', type = 'string', default = '',
                        help = '[ip address as a dotted decimal string for a'
                        'remote controller]')
        opts.add_option('--port', type = 'string', default = 6633,
                        help = '[port integer for a listening remote'
                        ' controller]')
        opts.add_option('--in_namespace', action = 'store_true',
                        default = False, help = 'sw and ctrl in namespace?')
        self.options = opts.parse_args()[0]

    def setup(self):
        '''Setup and validate environment.'''

        # set logging verbosity

        # validate environment setup

        # check for invalid combinations
        if self.options.controller == 'ref' and \
            (('fattree' in self.options.topo) or ('vl2' in self.options.topo)):
            raise Exception('multipath topos require multipath-capable '

        if self.options.custom:
            if not os.path.isfile(self.options.custom):
                raise Exception('could not find custom file: %s' %

    def begin(self):
        '''Create and run mininet.'''

        start = time.time()

        topo = TOPOS[self.options.topo]() # build topology object
        switch = SWITCHES[self.options.switch]
        host = HOSTS[self.options.host]
        controller = CONTROLLERS[self.options.controller]
        if self.options.controller == 'remote':
            controller = lambda a, b: RemoteController(a, b,
                             ip_address = self.options.ip,
                             port = self.options.port)

        controller_params = ControllerParams(0x0a000000, 8) #
        in_namespace = self.options.in_namespace
        xterms = self.options.xterms
        mac = self.options.mac
        arp = self.options.arp
        mn = None
        if not self.options.custom:
            mn = Mininet(topo, switch, host, controller, controller_params,
                         in_namespace = in_namespace,
                         xterms = xterms, auto_set_macs = mac,
                         auto_static_arp = arp)
            globals_ = {}
            locals_ = {}
            execfile(self.options.custom, globals_, locals_)
            if 'mn' not in locals_:
                raise Exception('could not find mn var in custom file')
                mn = locals_['mn']

        test = self.options.test
        if test != 'build':
            if test == 'cli':
            elif test == 'all':

        elapsed = float(time.time() - start)
        print ('completed in %0.3f seconds' % elapsed)

if __name__ == "__main__":