#!/usr/bin/env python """ Run all mininet.examples tests -v : verbose output -quick : skip tests that take more than ~30 seconds """ import unittest import os import sys from mininet.util import ensureRoot from mininet.clean import cleanup def runTests( testDir, verbosity=1 ): "discover and run all tests in testDir" # ensure root and cleanup before starting tests ensureRoot() cleanup() # discover all tests in testDir testSuite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover( testDir ) # run tests unittest.TextTestRunner( verbosity=verbosity ).run( testSuite ) if __name__ == '__main__': # get the directory containing example tests testDir = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath( __file__ ) ) verbosity = 2 if '-v' in sys.argv else 1 runTests( testDir, verbosity )