diff --git a/examples/ripcord.py b/examples/ripcord.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 1c9c15d05e3e27c981a6b5e4059feee6f1be8f8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/examples/ripcord.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-"A FatTree network, using Brandon Heller's ripcord system."
-from ripcord.topo import StructuredNode, StructuredNodeSpec, FatTreeTopo, VL2T
-from mininet import Controller, Network, Host, pingTest
-class NoxController( Controller ):
-   "A customized Controller that uses NOX."
-   def __init__( self, name, **kwargs ):
-      Controller.__init__( self, name, 
-         controller='nox_core', cargs='-i ptcp pyswitch', 
-         cdir='/usr/local/bin', **kwargs)
-class FatTree( Network ):
-   "A customized Network that uses ripcord's FatTree."
-   def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
-      Network.__init__( self, depth, **kwargs )
-   def makeNetwork( self, controller ):
-      ft = FatTreeTopo( depth )
-      graph = ft.g
-      switches = []
-      hosts = []
-      hostnames = nameGen( 'h0' )
-      switchnames = nameGen( 's0' )
-      graphToMini = {}
-      miniToGraph = {}
-      # Create nodes
-      for graphNode in graph.nodes():
-         print "found node", graphNode
-         isLeaf = len( graph.neighbors( graphNode ) ) = 1
-         if isLeaf:
-            mininetNode = Node( hostnames.next() )
-            hosts += [ mininetNode ]
-         else:
-            mininetNode = self.Switch( switchnames.next() )
-            switches += [ mininetNode ]
-            miniToGraph[ mininetNode ] = graphNode
-            graphToMini[ graphNode ] = mininetNode
-      # Create Links
-      for switch in switches:
-         for neighbor in miniToGraph[ switches ]:
-            makeLink( switch, graphToMini[ neighbor ] )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-   init()   
-   network = FatTree( depth=4, kernel=True, Controller=NoxController)
-   network.run( pingTest )
diff --git a/examples/ripcordtest.py b/examples/ripcordtest.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..719ec6d6874ec81d210b9b94b1df399706e8c289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/ripcordtest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+"A FatTree network, using Brandon Heller's ripcord system."
+import ripcord
+from ripcord.topo import FatTreeTopo
+from mininet import init, Controller, Network, Host, nameGen, Cli
+from mininet import createLink, flush
+class NoxController( Controller ):
+   "A customized Controller that uses NOX."
+   def __init__( self, name, **kwargs ):
+      Controller.__init__( self, name, 
+         controller='nox_core', cargs='-i ptcp pyswitch', 
+         cdir='/usr/local/bin', **kwargs)
+class FatTree( Network ):
+   "A customized Network that uses ripcord's FatTree."
+   def __init__( self, depth, **kwargs ):
+      self.depth = depth
+      Network.__init__( self, **kwargs )
+   def makeNet( self, controller ):
+      ft = FatTreeTopo( self.depth )
+      graph = ft.g
+      switches = []
+      hosts = []
+      hostnames = nameGen( 'h' )
+      switchnames = nameGen( 's' )
+      dpnames = nameGen( 'nl:')
+      graphToMini = {}
+      miniToGraph = {}
+      # Create nodes
+      for graphNode in graph.nodes():
+         isLeaf = len( graph.neighbors( graphNode ) ) == 1
+         if isLeaf:
+            mininetNode = Host( hostnames.next() )
+            hosts += [ mininetNode ]
+         else:
+            mininetNode = self.Switch( switchnames.next(), dpnames.next() )
+            switches += [ mininetNode ]
+         print mininetNode.name, ; flush()
+         miniToGraph[ mininetNode ] = graphNode
+         graphToMini[ graphNode ] = mininetNode
+      print
+      print "*** Creating links"
+      for switch in switches:
+         currentNeighbors = [ switch.connection[ intf ][ 0 ] 
+            for intf in switch.intfs ]
+         for neighbor in graph.neighbors( miniToGraph[ switch ] ):
+            miniNeighbor = graphToMini[ neighbor ]
+            if miniNeighbor not in currentNeighbors:
+               print ".", ; flush()
+               createLink( switch, graphToMini[ neighbor ] )
+      print
+      return switches, hosts
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+   init()   
+   network = FatTree( depth=4, kernel=True, Controller=NoxController)
+   network.run( Cli )
diff --git a/mininet.py b/mininet.py
index 2ecc011335dc6216680641965396c94831a54738..6adc3046b3fe5d11f9c63b940e8538afe733a8bd 100755
--- a/mininet.py
+++ b/mininet.py
@@ -451,7 +451,6 @@ def __init__( self,
       Controller=Controller, Switch=Switch, 
       hostIpGen=ipGen, hostIpStart=( 192, 168, 123, 1 ) ):
-      print "NETWORK: Controller=", Controller
       self.kernel = kernel
       self.Controller = Controller
       self.Switch = Switch