diff --git a/examples/ripcordtest.py b/examples/ripcordtest.py
index 3f18dba5dacc790cbaddeb2d480c5a3958322559..b27b08672161150eb59cb2c5cabefbd7eab2f652 100755
--- a/examples/ripcordtest.py
+++ b/examples/ripcordtest.py
@@ -1,61 +1,513 @@
-"A FatTree network, using Brandon Heller's ripcord system."
+'''Run a FatTree network from the Ripcord project.
+For verbose printout, set LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT in mininet.py to logging.INFO.
+import os
+import re
+from subprocess import call
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+from mininet.mininet import Switch, Controller, Host, lg
+from mininet.mininet import init, quietRun, checkRun, retry, MOVEINTF_DELAY
-import ripcord
 from ripcord.topo import FatTreeTopo
-from mininet.mininet import init, Controller, Network, Host, nameGen, Cli
-from mininet.mininet import createLink, flush
-class NoxController( Controller ):
-   def __init__( self, name, kernel=False, **kwargs ):
-      Controller.__init__( self, name, kernel=kernel,
-         controller='nox_core', 
-         cargs='-v --libdir=/usr/local/lib -i ptcp:', 
-         cdir='/usr/local/bin', **kwargs)
-class FatTree( Network ):
-   "A customized Network that uses ripcord's FatTree."
-   def __init__( self, depth, **kwargs ):
-      self.depth = depth
-      Network.__init__( self, **kwargs )
-   def makeNet( self, controller ):
-      ft = FatTreeTopo( self.depth )
-      graph = ft.g
-      switches = []
-      hosts = []
-      hostnames = nameGen( 'h' )
-      switchnames = nameGen( 's' )
-      dpnames = nameGen( 'nl:')
-      graphToMini = {}
-      miniToGraph = {}
-      # Create nodes
-      for graphNode in graph.nodes():
-         isLeaf = len( graph.neighbors( graphNode ) ) == 1
-         if isLeaf:
-            mininetNode = Host( hostnames.next() )
-            hosts += [ mininetNode ]
-         else:
-            mininetNode = self.Switch( switchnames.next(), dpnames.next() )
-            switches += [ mininetNode ]
-         print mininetNode.name, ; flush()
-         miniToGraph[ mininetNode ] = graphNode
-         graphToMini[ graphNode ] = mininetNode
-      print
-      print "*** Creating links"
-      for switch in switches:
-         currentNeighbors = [ switch.connection[ intf ][ 0 ] 
-            for intf in switch.intfs ]
-         for neighbor in graph.neighbors( miniToGraph[ switch ] ):
-            miniNeighbor = graphToMini[ neighbor ]
-            if miniNeighbor not in currentNeighbors:
-               print '.', ; flush()
-               createLink( switch, graphToMini[ neighbor ] )
-      print
-      return switches, hosts
+def make_veth_pair(intf1, intf2):
+    '''Create a veth pair connecting intf1 and intf2.
+    @param intf1 string, interface name
+    @param intf2 string, interface name
+    '''
+    # Delete any old interfaces with the same names
+    quietRun('ip link del ' + intf1)
+    quietRun('ip link del ' + intf2)
+    # Create new pair
+    cmd = 'ip link add name ' + intf1 + ' type veth peer name ' + intf2
+    #lg.info('running command: %s\n' % cmd)
+    return checkRun(cmd)
+def move_intf(intf, node):
+    '''Move interface to node.
+    @param intf string interface name
+    @param node Node object
+    @return success boolean, did operation complete?
+    '''
+    cmd = 'ip link set ' + intf + ' netns ' + repr(node.pid)
+    #lg.info('running command: %s\n' % cmd)
+    quietRun(cmd)
+    #lg.info(' output: %s\n' % output)
+    links = node.cmd('ip link show')
+    if not intf in links:
+        lg.error('*** Error: move_intf: % not successfully moved to %s:\n' %
+                 (intf, node.name))
+        return False
+    return True
+class Mininet(object):
+    '''Network emulation with hosts spawned in network namespaces.'''
+    def __init__(self, topo, switch, host, controller, cparams,
+                 build = True, xterms = False, cleanup = False,
+                 in_namespace = False, switch_is_kernel = True):
+        '''Create Mininet object.
+        @param topo Topo object
+        @param switch Switch class
+        @param host Host class
+        @param controller Controller class
+        @param cparams ControllerParams object
+        @param now build now?
+        @param xterms if build now, spawn xterms?
+        @param cleanup if build now, cleanup before creating?
+        @param in_namespace spawn switches and hosts in their own namespace?
+        '''
+        self.topo = topo
+        self.switch = switch
+        self.host = host
+        self.controller = controller
+        self.cparams = cparams
+        self.nodes = {} # dpid to Node{Host, Switch} objects
+        self.controllers = {} # controller name to Controller objects
+        self.dps = 0 # number of created kernel datapaths
+        self.in_namespace = in_namespace
+        self.switch_is_kernel = switch_is_kernel
+        self.kernel = True #temporary!
+        if build:
+            self.build(xterms, cleanup)
+    def _add_host(self, dpid):
+        '''Add host.
+        @param dpid DPID of host to add
+        '''
+        host = self.host('h_' + self.topo.name(dpid))
+        # for now, assume one interface per host.
+        host.intfs.append('h_' + self.topo.name(dpid) + '-eth0')
+        self.nodes[dpid] = host
+        #lg.info('%s ' % host.name)
+    def _add_switch(self, dpid):
+        '''
+        @param dpid DPID of switch to add
+        '''
+        sw = None
+        if self.switch_is_kernel:
+            sw = self.switch('s_' + self.topo.name(dpid), 'nl:' + str(self.dps))
+            self.dps += 1
+        else:
+            sw = self.switch('s_' + self.topo.name(dpid))
+        self.nodes[dpid] = sw
+    def _add_link(self, src, dst):
+        '''Add link.
+        @param src source DPID
+        @param dst destination DPID
+        '''
+        src_port, dst_port = self.topo.port(src, dst)
+        src_node = self.nodes[src]
+        dst_node = self.nodes[dst]
+        src_intf = src_node.intfName(src_port)
+        dst_intf = dst_node.intfName(dst_port)
+        make_veth_pair(src_intf, dst_intf)
+        src_node.intfs.append(src_intf)
+        dst_node.intfs.append(dst_intf)
+        #lg.info('\n')
+        #lg.info('added intf %s to src node %x\n' % (src_intf, src))
+        #lg.info('added intf %s to dst node %x\n' % (dst_intf, dst))
+        if src_node.inNamespace:
+            #lg.info('moving src w/inNamespace set\n')
+            retry(3, MOVEINTF_DELAY, move_intf, src_intf, src_node)
+        if dst_node.inNamespace:
+            #lg.info('moving dst w/inNamespace set\n')
+            retry(3, MOVEINTF_DELAY, move_intf, dst_intf, dst_node)
+        src_node.connection[src_intf] = (dst_node, dst_intf)
+        dst_node.connection[dst_intf] = (src_node, src_intf)
+    def _add_controller(self, controller):
+        '''Add controller.
+        @param controller Controller class
+        '''
+        controller = self.controller('c0', kernel = self.kernel)
+        self.controllers['c0'] = controller
+    # Control network support:
+    #
+    # Create an explicit control network. Currently this is only
+    # used by the user datapath configuration.
+    #
+    # Notes:
+    #
+    # 1. If the controller and switches are in the same (e.g. root)
+    #    namespace, they can just use the loopback connection.
+    #    We may wish to do this for the user datapath as well as the
+    #    kernel datapath.
+    #
+    # 2. If we can get unix domain sockets to work, we can use them
+    #    instead of an explicit control network.
+    #
+    # 3. Instead of routing, we could bridge or use 'in-band' control.
+    #
+    # 4. Even if we dispense with this in general, it could still be
+    #    useful for people who wish to simulate a separate control
+    #    network (since real networks may need one!)
+    def _configureControlNetwork(self):
+        '''Configure control network.'''
+        self._configureRoutedControlNetwork()
+    def _configureRoutedControlNetwork(self):
+        '''Configure a routed control network on controller and switches.
+        For use with the user datapath only right now.
+        @todo(brandonh) Test this code and verify that user-space works!
+        '''
+        # params were: controller, switches, ips
+        controller = self.controllers['c0']
+        lg.info('%s <-> ' % controller.name)
+        for switch_dpid in self.topo.switches():
+            switch = self.nodes[switch_dpid]
+            lg.info('%s ' % switch.name)
+            sip = self.topo.ip(switch_dpid)#ips.next()
+            sintf = switch.intfs[0]
+            node, cintf = switch.connection[sintf]
+            if node != controller:
+                lg.error('*** Error: switch %s not connected to correct'
+                         'controller' %
+                         switch.name)
+                exit(1)
+            controller.setIP(cintf, self.cparams.ip, '/' +
+                             self.cparams.subnet_size)
+            switch.setIP(sintf, sip, '/' + self.cparams.subnet_size)
+            controller.setHostRoute(sip, cintf)
+            switch.setHostRoute(self.cparams.ip, sintf)
+        lg.info('\n')
+        lg.info('*** Testing control network\n')
+        while not controller.intfIsUp(controller.intfs[0]):
+            lg.info('*** Waiting for %s to come up\n', controller.intfs[0])
+            sleep(1)
+        for switch_dpid in self.topo.switches():
+            switch = self.nodes[switch_dpid]
+            while not switch.intfIsUp(switch.intfs[0]):
+                lg.info('*** Waiting for %s to come up\n' % switch.intfs[0])
+                sleep(1)
+            if self.ping_test(hosts=[switch, controller]) != 0:
+                lg.error('*** Error: control network test failed\n')
+                exit(1)
+        lg.info('\n')
+    def _config_hosts( self ):
+        '''Configure a set of hosts.'''
+        # params were: hosts, ips
+        for host_dpid in self.topo.hosts():
+            host = self.nodes[host_dpid]
+            hintf = host.intfs[0]
+            host.setIP(hintf, self.topo.ip(host_dpid),
+                       '/' + str(self.cparams.subnet_size))
+            host.setDefaultRoute(hintf)
+            # You're low priority, dude!
+            quietRun('renice +18 -p ' + repr(host.pid))
+            lg.info('%s ', host.name)
+        lg.info('\n')
+    def build(self, xterms, cleanup):
+        '''Build mininet.
+        At the end of this function, everything should be connected and up.
+        @param xterms spawn xterms on build?
+        @param cleanup cleanup before creating?
+        '''
+        if cleanup:
+            pass # cleanup
+        # validate topo?
+        kernel = self.kernel
+        if kernel:
+            lg.info('*** Using kernel datapath\n')
+        else:
+            lg.info('*** Using user datapath\n')
+        lg.info('*** Adding controller\n')
+        self._add_controller(self.controller)
+        lg.info('*** Creating network\n')
+        lg.info('*** Adding hosts:\n')
+        for host in sorted(self.topo.hosts()):
+            self._add_host(host)
+            lg.info('0x%x ' % host)
+        lg.info('\n*** Adding switches:\n')
+        for switch in sorted(self.topo.switches()):
+            self._add_switch(switch)
+            lg.info('0x%x ' % switch)
+        lg.info('\n*** Adding edges: ')
+        for src, dst in sorted(self.topo.edges()):
+            self._add_link(src, dst)
+            lg.info('(0x%x, 0x%x) ' % (src, dst))
+        lg.info('\n')
+        if not kernel:
+            lg.info('*** Configuring control network\n')
+            self._configureControlNetwork()
+        lg.info('*** Configuring hosts\n')
+        self._config_hosts()
+        if xterms:
+            pass # build xterms
+    def start(self):
+        '''Start controller and switches\n'''
+        lg.info('*** Starting controller\n')
+        self.controllers['c0'].start()
+        #for controller in self.controllers:
+        #    controller.start()
+        lg.info('*** Starting %s switches\n' % len(self.topo.switches()))
+        for switch_dpid in self.topo.switches():
+            switch = self.nodes[switch_dpid]
+            #lg.info('switch = %s' % switch)
+            lg.info('0x%x ' % switch_dpid)
+            switch.start(self.controllers['c0'])
+        lg.info('\n')
+    def stop(self):
+        '''Stop the controller(s), switches and hosts\n'''
+        lg.info('*** Stopping %i hosts\n' % len(self.topo.hosts()))
+        for host_dpid in self.topo.hosts():
+            host = self.nodes[host_dpid]
+            lg.info('%s ' % host.name)
+            host.terminate()
+        lg.info('\n')
+        lg.info('*** Stopping %i switches\n' % len(self.topo.switches()))
+        for switch_dpid in self.topo.switches():
+            switch = self.nodes[switch_dpid]
+            lg.info('%s' % switch.name)
+            switch.stop()
+        lg.info('\n')
+        lg.info('*** Stopping controller\n')
+        #for controller in self.controllers.iteriterms():
+        self.controllers['c0'].stop()
+        lg.info('*** Test complete\n')
+    def run(self, test, **params):
+        '''Perform a complete start/test/stop cycle.'''
+        self.start()
+        lg.info('*** Running test\n')
+        result = test(self, **params)
+        self.stop()
+        return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parse_ping(pingOutput):
+        '''Parse ping output and return packets sent, received.'''
+        r = r'(\d+) packets transmitted, (\d+) received'
+        m = re.search( r, pingOutput )
+        if m == None:
+            lg.error('*** Error: could not parse ping output: %s\n' %
+                     pingOutput)
+            exit(1)
+        sent, received = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))
+        return sent, received
+    def ping_test(self, hosts = None, verbose = False):
+        '''Ping between all specified hosts.
+        @param hosts list of host DPIDs
+        @param verbose verbose printing
+        @return ploss packet loss percentage
+        '''
+        #self.start()
+        # check if running - only then, start?
+        packets = 0
+        lost = 0
+        if not hosts:
+            hosts = self.topo.hosts()
+        for node_dpid in hosts:
+            node = self.nodes[node_dpid]
+            if verbose:
+                lg.info('%s -> ' % node.name)
+            for dest_dpid in hosts:
+                dest = self.nodes[dest_dpid]
+                if node != dest:
+                    result = node.cmd('ping -c1 ' + dest.IP())
+                    sent, received = self._parse_ping(result)
+                    packets += sent
+                    if received > sent:
+                        lg.error('*** Error: received too many packets')
+                        lg.error('%s' % result)
+                        node.cmdPrint('route')
+                        exit( 1 )
+                    lost += sent - received
+                    if verbose:
+                        lg.info(('%s ' % dest.name) if received else 'X ')
+            if verbose:
+                lg.info('\n')
+            ploss = 100 * lost/packets
+        if verbose:
+            lg.info('%d%% packet loss (%d/%d lost)\n' % (ploss, lost, packets))
+            #flush()
+        #self.stop()
+        return ploss
+    def interact(self):
+        '''Start network and run our simple CLI.'''
+        self.run(Cli)
+class Cli(object):
+    '''Simple command-line interface to talk to nodes.'''
+    cmds = ['?', 'help', 'nodes', 'net', 'sh', 'ping_all', 'exit', \
+            'ping_pair'] #'iperf'
+    def __init__(self, mininet):
+        self.mn = mininet
+        self.nodemap = {} # map names to Node objects
+        for node in self.mn.nodes.values():
+            self.nodemap[node.name] = node
+        self.nodemap['c0'] = self.mn.controllers['c0']
+        self.nodelist = self.nodemap.values()
+        self.run()
+    # Commands
+    def help(self, args):
+        '''Semi-useful help for CLI.'''
+        help_str = 'Available commands are:' + str(self.cmds) + '\n' + \
+                   'You may also send a command to a node using:\n' + \
+                   '  <node> command {args}\n' + \
+                   'For example:\n' + \
+                   '  mininet> h0 ifconfig\n' + \
+                   '\n' + \
+                   'The interpreter automatically substitutes IP ' + \
+                   'addresses\n' + \
+                   'for node names, so commands like\n' + \
+                   '  mininet> h0 ping -c1 h1\n' + \
+                   'should work.\n' + \
+                   '\n\n' + \
+                   'Interactive commands are not really supported yet,\n' + \
+                   'so please limit commands to ones that do not\n' + \
+                   'require user interaction and will terminate\n' + \
+                   'after a reasonable amount of time.\n'
+        print(help_str)
+    def nodes(self, args):
+        '''List all nodes.'''
+        lg.info('available nodes are: \n%s\n',
+                ' '.join([node.name for node in sorted(self.nodelist)]))
+    def net(self, args):
+        '''List network connection.'''
+        for switch_dpid in self.mn.topo.switches():
+            switch = self.mn.nodes[switch_dpid]
+            lg.info('%s <->', switch.name)
+            for intf in switch.intfs:
+                node, remoteIntf = switch.connection[intf]
+                lg.info(' %s' % node.name)
+            lg.info('\n')
+    def sh(self, args):
+        '''Run an external shell command'''
+        call( [ 'sh', '-c' ] + args )
+    def ping_all(self, args):
+        '''Ping between all hosts.'''
+        self.mn.ping_test(verbose = True)
+    def ping_pair(self, args):
+        '''Ping between first two hosts, useful for testing.'''
+        hosts_unsorted = sorted(self.mn.topo.hosts())
+        hosts = [hosts_unsorted[0], hosts_unsorted[1]]
+        self.mn.ping_test(hosts = hosts, verbose = True)
+    def run(self):
+        '''Read and execute commands.'''
+        lg.warn('*** Starting CLI:\n')
+        while True:
+            lg.warn('mininet> ')
+            input = sys.stdin.readline()
+            if input == '':
+                break
+            if input[-1] == '\n':
+                input = input[:-1]
+            cmd = input.split(' ')
+            first = cmd[0]
+            rest = cmd[1:]
+            if first in self.cmds and hasattr(self, first):
+                getattr(self, first)(rest)
+            elif first in self.nodemap and rest != []:
+                node = self.nodemap[first]
+                # Substitute IP addresses for node names in command
+                rest = [self.nodemap[arg].IP() if arg in self.nodemap else arg
+                        for arg in rest]
+                rest = ' '.join(rest)
+                # Interactive commands don't work yet, and
+                # there are still issues with control-c
+                lg.warn('*** %s: running %s\n' % (node.name, rest))
+                node.sendCmd( rest )
+                while True:
+                    try:
+                        done, data = node.monitor()
+                        lg.info('%s\n' % data)
+                        if done:
+                            break
+                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                        node.sendInt()
+            elif first == '':
+                pass
+            elif first in ['exit', 'quit']:
+                break
+            elif first == '?':
+                self.help( rest )
+            else:
+                lg.error('CLI: unknown node or command: < %s >\n' % first)
+            #lg.info('*** CLI: command complete\n')
+        return 'exited by user command'
+class NOXController(Controller):
+    '''Controller to run a NOX application.'''
+    def __init__(self, name, nox_args = None, **kwargs):
+        '''Init.
+        @param name name to give controller
+        @param nox_args list of args to use with NOX
+        '''
+        if not nox_args:
+            nox_args = ['packetdump']
+        nox_core_dir = os.environ['NOX_CORE_DIR']
+        if not nox_core_dir:
+            raise Exception('please set NOX_CORE_DIR env var\n')
+        Controller.__init__(self, name,
+            controller = nox_core_dir + '/nox_core',
+            cargs = '--libdir=/usr/local/lib -v -i ptcp: ' + \
+                    ' '.join(nox_args),
+            cdir = nox_core_dir, **kwargs)
+class ControllerParams(object):
+    '''Container for controller IP parameters.'''
+    def __init__(self, ip, subnet_size):
+        '''Init.
+        @param ip integer, controller IP
+        @param subnet_size integer, ex 8 for slash-8, covering 17M
+        '''
+        self.ip = ip
+        self.subnet_size = subnet_size
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-   init()   
-   network = FatTree( depth=4, kernel=True, Controller=NoxController)
-   network.run( Cli )
+    init()
+    controller_params = ControllerParams(0x0a000000, 8) #
+    mn = Mininet(FatTreeTopo(4), Switch, Host, NOXController,
+                      controller_params)
+    mn.interact()
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