diff --git a/mininet/test/test_switchdpidassignment.py b/mininet/test/test_switchdpidassignment.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 61833e94cb2d683acfe889acac87a1e2d88b1d2a..367866729c81cb3a8aa6fe971887080d41f9ed34
--- a/mininet/test/test_switchdpidassignment.py
+++ b/mininet/test/test_switchdpidassignment.py
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 import unittest
 import sys
-from functools import partial
-import re
 from mininet.net import Mininet
 from mininet.node import Host, Controller
@@ -16,13 +14,16 @@
 from mininet.util import quietRun
 from mininet.clean import cleanup
-class testSwitchDpidAssignmentCommon ( object ):
-    """Verify Switch dpid assignment."""
-    switchClass = None # overridden in subclasses
+class TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS( unittest.TestCase ):
+    "Verify Switch dpid assignment."
+    switchClass = OVSSwitch # overridden in subclasses
     def tearDown( self ):
         "Clean up if necessary"
+        # satisfy pylint
+        assert self
         if sys.exc_info != ( None, None, None ):
@@ -33,12 +34,19 @@ def testDefaultDpid ( self ):
                           self.switchClass, Host, Controller ).addSwitch( 's1' )
         self.assertEqual( switch.defaultDpid(), switch.dpid )
+    def dpidFrom( self, num ):
+        "Compute default dpid from number"
+        fmt = ( '%0' + str( self.switchClass.dpidLen ) + 'x' )
+        return fmt % num
     def testActualDpidAssignment( self ):
         """Verify that Switch dpid is the actual dpid assigned if dpid is
         passed in switch creation."""
+        dpid = self.dpidFrom( 0xABCD )
         switch = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass,
-                          Host, Controller ).addSwitch( 'A', dpid = '000000000000ABCD' )
-        self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, '000000000000ABCD' )
+                          Host, Controller ).addSwitch(
+                              's1', dpid=dpid )
+        self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, dpid )
     def testDefaultDpidAssignmentFailure( self ):
         """Verify that Default dpid assignment raises an Exception if the
@@ -58,49 +66,37 @@ def testDefaultDpidLen( self ):
         in switch name."""
         switch = Mininet( Topo(), self.switchClass,
                           Host, Controller ).addSwitch( 's123' )
-        dpid = hex( int(re.findall( r'\d+', switch.name ) [0]) ) [ 2: ]
-        try:
-            if issubclass(UserSwitch, self.switchClass):
-                # Dpid lenght of UserSwitch = 12
-                self.assertEqual( switch.dpid,
-                                  '0' * (12 - len(dpid)) + str(dpid) )
-            else:
-                self.assertEqual( switch.dpid,
-                                  '0' * (16 - len(dpid)) + str(dpid) )
-        except TypeError:
-            # Switch is OVS User Switch
-            self.assertEqual( switch.dpid,
-                              '0' * (16 - len(dpid)) + str(dpid) )
-class testSwitchOVSKernel( testSwitchDpidAssignmentCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
-    """Test dpid assignnment of OVS Kernel Switch."""
-    switchClass = OVSSwitch
-class testSwitchOVSUser( testSwitchDpidAssignmentCommon, unittest.TestCase ):
-    """Test dpid assignnment of OVS User Switch."""
-    switchClass = partial(OVSSwitch, datapath = 'user')
+        self.assertEqual( switch.dpid, self.dpidFrom( 123 ) )
+class OVSUser( OVSSwitch):
+    "OVS User Switch convenience class"
+    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
+        kwargs.update( datapath='user' )
+        OVSSwitch.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
+class testSwitchOVSUser( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
+    "Test dpid assignnment of OVS User Switch."
+    switchClass = OVSUser
 @unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ovs-openflowd' ),
                       'OVS Legacy Kernel switch is not installed' )
-class testSwitchOVSLegacyKernel( testSwitchDpidAssignmentCommon,
-                                 unittest.TestCase ):
-    """Test dpid assignnment of OVS Legacy Kernel Switch."""
+class testSwitchOVSLegacyKernel( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
+    "Test dpid assignnment of OVS Legacy Kernel Switch."
     switchClass = OVSLegacyKernelSwitch
-@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ), 'IVS switch is not installed' )
-class testSwitchIVS( testSwitchDpidAssignmentCommon,
-                     unittest.TestCase ):
-    """Test dpid assignment of IVS switch."""
+@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ivs-ctl' ),
+                      'IVS switch is not installed' )
+class testSwitchIVS( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
+    "Test dpid assignment of IVS switch."
     switchClass = IVSSwitch
-@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ), 'Reference user switch is not installed' )
-class testSwitchUserspace( testSwitchDpidAssignmentCommon,
-                           unittest.TestCase ):
-    """Test dpid assignment of Userspace switch."""
+@unittest.skipUnless( quietRun( 'which ofprotocol' ),
+                      'Reference user switch is not installed' )
+class testSwitchUserspace( TestSwitchDpidAssignmentOVS ):
+    "Test dpid assignment of Userspace switch."
     switchClass = UserSwitch
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     setLogLevel( 'warning' )