diff --git a/README b/README
index 4142c9227c8c133ae45b792865444c1eec2529e0..6e9754a483d307dfa43f28c9c6e7b02235da0d48 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-	Mininet: A Simple Virtual Testbed for OpenFlow
-						aka
+    Mininet: A Simple Virtual Testbed for OpenFlow
+                        aka
 How to Squeeze a 1024-node OpenFlow Network onto your Laptop
 (Extremely Experimental Development Version 0.1, December 2009)
@@ -10,40 +10,44 @@ How to Squeeze a 1024-node OpenFlow Network onto your Laptop
 Mininet creates simple OpenFlow test networks by using process-based
 virtualization and network namespaces.
-Simulated hosts (as well as switches and controllers with the user datapath)
-are created as processes in separate network namespaces. This allows a
-complete OpenFlow network to be simulated on top of a single Linux kernel.
+Simulated hosts (as well as switches and controllers with the user
+datapath) are created as processes in separate network namespaces. This
+allows a complete OpenFlow network to be simulated on top of a single
+Linux kernel.
 In order to run Mininet, you must have:
 * A Linux 2.6.26 or greater kernel compiled with network namespace support
-  enabled. (Debian-testing should work.)
+  enabled. (Debian 5.0 or greater should work.)
-* The OpenFlow reference implementation (either the user or kernel datapath
-  may be used, and the tun or ofdatapath kernel modules must be loaded,
-  respectively)
+* The OpenFlow reference implementation (either the user or kernel
+  datapath may be used, and the tun or ofdatapath kernel modules must be
+  loaded, respectively)
 * Python, Bash, etc.
 * Root privilieges (required for network device access)
-* The netns program or equivalent (included as netns.c)
+* The netns program or equivalent (included as netns.c) installed
+  in an appropriate path location.
+* mininet.py installed in an appropriate Python path location.
 Currently mininet includes:
-	A simple node infrastructure (Host, Switch, Controller classes) for
-	creating virtual OpenFlow networks.
+- A simple node infrastructure (Host, Switch, Controller classes) for
+  creating virtual OpenFlow networks.
-	A simple network infrastructure (class Network and its descendants
-	TreeNet, GridNet and LinearNet) for creating scalable topologies and
-	running experiments (using someNetwork.run( test ) )
+- A simple network infrastructure (class Network and its descendants
+  TreeNet, GridNet and LinearNet) for creating scalable topologies and
+  running experiments (using someNetwork.run( test ) )
-	Some simple tests which can be run by someNetwork.run( test )
+- Some simple tests which can be run using someNetwork.run( test )
-	A simple command-line interface which may be invoked on a network
-	using .run( Cli )
+- A simple command-line interface which may be invoked on a network using
+  .run( Cli )
-	Examples (in examples/ directory) to help you get started.
+- Examples (in examples/ directory) to help you get started.
 Notes and Advice:
diff --git a/examples/bigTreePing64.py b/examples/bigTreePing64.py
index 2ae714331c8f4f9e9c64d45fba39925af89bde4b..27fc9da766fbed91c9537d79c98096fcac5b7274 100755
--- a/examples/bigTreePing64.py
+++ b/examples/bigTreePing64.py
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
+"""Create a tree network of depth 4 and fanout 2, and 
+   test connectivity using pingTest."""
 from mininet import init, TreeNet, iperfTest
 def bigTreePing64():
-   """Create a tree network of depth 4 and fanout 2, and 
-      test connectivity using pingTest."""
    results = {}
    print "*** Testing Mininet with kernel and user datapath"
    for datapath in [ 'kernel', 'user' ]:
       k = datapath == 'kernel'
       results[ datapath ] = []
       for switchCount in range( 1, 4 ):
-         print "*** Creating Linear Network of size", switchCount
-         network = TreeNet( depth=4, fanout=2, kernel=k )
-         testResult = network.run( iperfTest )
+         network = TreeNet( depth=4, fanout=4, kernel=k )
+         testResult = network.run( pingTest )
          results[ datapath ] += testResult
    print "*** Test results:", results
diff --git a/examples/linearBandwidth.py b/examples/linearBandwidth.py
index 7c38dee79ca8ea4ca0b41e17c613383b68ba63fc..bb773bc41894abac7e1ba17dcf9d27e27e937173 100755
--- a/examples/linearBandwidth.py
+++ b/examples/linearBandwidth.py
@@ -1,36 +1,47 @@
+Test bandwidth on a linear network of varying size, using both
+the kernel and user datapaths.
+The network looks like:
+h0 <-> s0 <-> s1 .. sN <-> h1
 from mininet import init, LinearNet, iperfTest
 def linearBandwidthTest():
-   """Test bandwidth on a linear network of varying size, using both
-      the kernel and user datapaths."""
-   print "*** Testing Mininet with kernel and user datapath"
-   datapaths = [ 'kernel' ]
+   datapaths = [ 'kernel', 'user' ]
+   switchCounts = [ 1, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ]
    results = {}
    for datapath in datapaths:
       k = datapath == 'kernel'
       results[ datapath ] = []
-      for switchCount in range( 1, 17, 2 ):
-         print "*** Creating Linear Network of size", switchCount
+      for switchCount in switchCounts: 
+         print "*** Creating linear network of size", switchCount
          network = LinearNet( switchCount, k)
          bandwidth = network.run( iperfTest )
          results[ datapath ] += [ ( switchCount, bandwidth ) ]
    for datapath in datapaths:
-      print "*** Linear network results for", datapath, "datapath"
+      print "*** Linear network results for", datapath, "datapath:"
       result = results[ datapath ]  
+      print "SwitchCount\tiPerf results"
       for switchCount, bandwidth in result:
-         print "switchCount:", switchCount, "bandwidth:", bandwidth[ 0 ]
+         print switchCount, '\t\t', 
+         print bandwidth[ 0 ], 'server, ', bandwidth[ 1 ], 'client'
+      print
+   print
 if __name__ == '__main__':
+   print "*** Running linearBandwidthTest"
    exit( 1 )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/treeInteract.py b/examples/treeInteract.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca95f0f24a2ac374fce3ec399ea45d21fcf53f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/treeInteract.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+"""Create a tree network and run the CLI on it."""
+from mininet import init, TreeNet, Cli
+def treeInteract():
+   network = TreeNet( depth=2, fanout=4, kernel=True )
+   network.run( Cli )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+   init()
+   treeInteract()
diff --git a/examples/xterms.py b/examples/xterms.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40ef1b0cebab68c65ff48bf09f0202f7462ff7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/xterms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+"Create a network and run an xterm (connected via screen) on each host."
+import os
+from subprocess import Popen
+from mininet import init, TreeNet, Cli, quietRun
+def makeXterm( node, title ):
+   "Run screen on a node, and hook up an xterm."
+   node.cmdPrint( 'screen -dmS ' + node.name )
+   cmd = 'xterm -title ' + title + ':' + node.name
+   cmd += ' -e screen -D -RR -S ' + node.name
+   return Popen( cmd.split( ' ' ) )
+def makeXterms( nodes, title ):
+   terms = []
+   for node in nodes:
+      if not node.execed:
+         terms += [ makeXterm( node, title ) ]
+   return terms
+def xterms( controllers, switches, hosts ):
+   terms = []
+   terms += makeXterms( controllers, 'controller' )
+   terms += makeXterms( switches, 'switch' )
+   terms += makeXterms( hosts, 'host' )
+   # Wait for completion
+   for term in terms:
+      os.waitpid( term.pid, 0 )
+def treeXterms():
+   print "Running xterms on", os.environ[ 'DISPLAY' ]
+   network = TreeNet( depth=2, fanout=4, kernel=True )
+   network.run( xterms )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+   init()
+   treeXterms()
diff --git a/mininet.py b/mininet.py
index ac9423353297f95b63524bd4103f2f6f53769ce7..22e98529471149c89ed7465926314d1920b098da 100755
--- a/mininet.py
+++ b/mininet.py
@@ -126,10 +126,16 @@ def __init__( self, name, inNamespace=True ):
       self.ips = {}
       self.connection = {}
       self.waiting = False
+      self.execed = False
+   def cleanup( self ):
+      # Help python collect its garbage
+      self.shell = None
    # Subshell I/O, commands and control
    def read( self, max ): return os.read( self.stdout.fileno(), max )
    def write( self, data ): os.write( self.stdin.fileno(), data )
-   def terminate( self ): os.kill( self.pid, signal.SIGKILL )
+   def terminate( self ):
+      self.cleanup()
+      os.kill( self.pid, signal.SIGKILL )
    def waitReadable( self ): self.pollOut.poll()
    def sendCmd( self, cmd ):
       """Send a command, followed by a command to echo a sentinel,
@@ -251,7 +257,6 @@ class Switch( Node ):
       an OpenFlow switch."""
    def __init__( self, name, datapath=None ):
       self.dp = datapath
-      self.execed = False
       Node.__init__( self, name, inNamespace=( datapath == None ) )
    def startUserDatapath( self, controller ):
       """Start OpenFlow reference user datapath, 
@@ -470,10 +475,12 @@ def run( self, test ):
       print "*** Running test"
       result = test( [ controller ], switches, hosts )
       print "*** Stopping controller"
-      controller.stop()
+      controller.stop(); controller.terminate()
       print "*** Stopping switches"
       for switch in switches:
-         switch.stop()
+         switch.stop() ; switch.terminate()
+      print "*** Stopping hosts"
+      for host in hosts: host.terminate()
       print "*** Test complete"
       return result
    def interact( self ):