diff --git a/mininet/link.py b/mininet/link.py
index 3e325380ef2779abef042dd8e47a2c02a2687ebe..e9df6cc85c8f84234fda2bd0a9b05c198e2ca878 100644
--- a/mininet/link.py
+++ b/mininet/link.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class Intf( object ):
     "Basic interface object that can configure itself."
-    def __init__( self, name, node=None, port=None, link=None, **params ):
+    def __init__( self, name, node=None, port=None, link=None, mac=None, **params ):
         """name: interface name (e.g. h1-eth0)
            node: owning node (where this intf most likely lives)
            link: parent link if we're part of a link
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ def __init__( self, name, node=None, port=None, link=None, **params ):
         self.node = node
         self.name = name
         self.link = link
-        self.mac, self.ip, self.prefixLen = None, None, None
+        self.mac = mac
+        self.ip, self.prefixLen = None, None
+        if self.name == 'lo':
+            self.ip = ''
         # Add to node (and move ourselves if necessary )
         node.addIntf( self, port=port )
         # Save params for future reference
@@ -147,7 +150,6 @@ def setParam( self, results, method, **param ):
     def updateAddr( self ):
         "instead of updating ip and mac separately, use one ifconfig call to do it simultaneously"
         ifconfig = self.ifconfig()
-        print ifconfig
         ips = self._ipMatchRegex.findall( ifconfig )
         macs = self._macMatchRegex.findall( ifconfig )
         self.ip = ips[ 0 ] if ips else None
@@ -170,7 +172,6 @@ def config( self, mac=None, ip=None, ifconfig=None,
         self.setParam( r, 'setIP', ip=ip )
         self.setParam( r, 'isUp', up=up )
         self.setParam( r, 'ifconfig', ifconfig=ifconfig )
-        #should combine these next two operations into one. this is unecessary
@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ class Link( object ):
        Other types of links could be tunnels, link emulators, etc.."""
     def __init__( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
-                  intfName1=None, intfName2=None,
+                  intfName1=None, intfName2=None, addr1=None, addr2=None,
                   intf=Intf, cls1=None, cls2=None, params1=None,
                   params2=None ):
         """Create veth link to another node, making two new interfaces.
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@ def __init__( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
         if not intfName2:
             intfName2 = self.intfName( node2, port2 )
-        self.makeIntfPair( intfName1, intfName2 )
+        self.makeIntfPair( intfName1, intfName2, addr1, addr2 )
         if not cls1:
             cls1 = intf
@@ -377,9 +378,9 @@ def __init__( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
             params2 = {}
         intf1 = cls1( name=intfName1, node=node1, port=port1,
-                      link=self, **params1  )
+                      link=self, mac=addr1, **params1  )
         intf2 = cls2( name=intfName2, node=node2, port=port2,
-                      link=self, **params2 )
+                      link=self, mac=addr2, **params2 )
         # All we are is dust in the wind, and our two interfaces
         self.intf1, self.intf2 = intf1, intf2
@@ -390,13 +391,13 @@ def intfName( cls, node, n ):
         return node.name + '-eth' + repr( n )
-    def makeIntfPair( cls, intf1, intf2 ):
+    def makeIntfPair( cls, intf1, intf2, addr1=None, addr2=None ):
         """Create pair of interfaces
            intf1: name of interface 1
            intf2: name of interface 2
            (override this class method [and possibly delete()]
            to change link type)"""
-        makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2  )
+        makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2, addr1, addr2 )
     def delete( self ):
         "Delete this link"
diff --git a/mininet/net.py b/mininet/net.py
index 4224b974dacef4b24a20cb77f99a5cc09f1e9685..5be34f8a31df688a1033bfc803758931f7885c1a 100755
--- a/mininet/net.py
+++ b/mininet/net.py
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@
 import re
 import select
 import signal
+import random
 import copy
 from time import sleep
 from itertools import chain, groupby
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
 from mininet.util import quietRun, fixLimits, numCores, ensureRoot
 from mininet.util import macColonHex, ipStr, ipParse, netParse, ipAdd
 from mininet.term import cleanUpScreens, makeTerms
-from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
+from multiprocessing import Process
 # Mininet version: should be consistent with README and LICENSE
 VERSION = "2.1.0+"
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ def __init__( self, topo=None, switch=OVSKernelSwitch, host=Host,
         self.terms = []  # list of spawned xterm processes
-        self.pool = ThreadPool( 64 )
+        #self.pool = Pool( 64 )
         Mininet.init()  # Initialize Mininet if necessary
@@ -306,6 +307,21 @@ def items( self ):
         "return (key,value) tuple list for every node in net"
         return zip( self.keys(), self.values() )
+    def generateMac( self ):
+        newMac = True
+        while True:
+            macList = [ 0x00 ]
+            for i in xrange ( 0, 5 ):
+                macList.append( random.randint( 0x00, 0xff ) )
+            mac = ':'.join( map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, macList ) )
+            for node in self.switches + self.hosts:
+                for intf in node.ports:
+                    if intf.mac == mac:
+                        newMac = False
+                        break
+            if newMac:
+                return mac
     def addLink( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
                  cls=None, **params ):
         """"Add a link from node1 to node2
@@ -314,8 +330,12 @@ def addLink( self, node1, node2, port1=None, port2=None,
             port1: source port
             port2: dest port
             returns: link object"""
+        mac1 = self.generateMac()
+        mac2 = self.generateMac()
         defaults = { 'port1': port1,
                      'port2': port2,
+                     'addr1': mac1,
+                     'addr2': mac2,
                      'intf': self.intf }
         defaults.update( params )
         if not cls:
@@ -383,8 +403,7 @@ def buildFromTopo( self, topo=None ):
             params = topo.linkInfo( srcName, dstName )
             srcPort, dstPort = topo.port( srcName, dstName )
             self.addLink( src, dst, srcPort, dstPort, **params )
-            #self.pool.apply( self.addLink,  ( src, dst, srcPort, dstPort, params, ) )
-            #self.pool.apply_async( self.addLink, args = ( src, dst )+ params, kwds = { 'Port1':srcPort, 'Port2':dstPort } )
+            #self.pool.apply_async( self.addLink,  ( src, dst, srcPort, dstPort, params ) )
             info( '(%s, %s) ' % ( src.name, dst.name ) )
diff --git a/mininet/node.py b/mininet/node.py
index d9052fab7e6f1a8a5134044edc6f869e08e2a05a..bf1afb9f30b206b39a7b0a2ab54596de0ddddc61 100644
--- a/mininet/node.py
+++ b/mininet/node.py
@@ -1082,11 +1082,9 @@ def start( self, controllers ):
         if self.inNamespace:
             raise Exception(
                 'OVS kernel switch does not work in a namespace' )
-        # We should probably call config instead, but this
-        # requires some rethinking...
-        self.cmd( 'ifconfig lo up' )
         # Annoyingly, --if-exists option seems not to work
-        self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br', self )
+        self.sendCmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br', self )
+        self.waiting = False
         int( self.dpid, 16 ) # DPID must be a hex string
         # Interfaces and controllers
         intfs = ' '.join( '-- add-port %s %s ' % ( self, intf ) +
@@ -1107,10 +1105,12 @@ def start( self, controllers ):
                     '-- set-controller %s %s ' % ( self, clist ) )
         # Construct ovs-vsctl commands for old versions of OVS
-            self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br', self )
+            self.sendCmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br', self )
+            self.waiting = False
             for intf in self.intfList():
                 if not intf.IP():
-                    self.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port', self, intf )
+                    self.sendCmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port', self, intf )
+                    self.waiting = False
             cmd = ( 'ovs-vsctl set Bridge %s ' % self +
                     'other_config:datapath-id=%s ' % self.dpid +
                     '-- set-fail-mode %s %s ' % ( self, self.failMode ) +
diff --git a/mininet/util.py b/mininet/util.py
index b4d213a046d78373bf09ce9b00b51208f38fd35b..1a866fab641d8b6fdcc7edaa6d244843c70a87f0 100644
--- a/mininet/util.py
+++ b/mininet/util.py
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def isShellBuiltin( cmd ):
 # live in the root namespace and thus do not have to be
 # explicitly moved.
-def makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2 ):
+def makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2, addr1=None, addr2=None ):
     """Make a veth pair connecting intf1 and intf2.
        intf1: string, interface
        intf2: string, interface
@@ -156,7 +156,11 @@ def makeIntfPair( intf1, intf2 ):
     quietRun( 'ip link del ' + intf1 )
     quietRun( 'ip link del ' + intf2 )
     # Create new pair
-    cmd = 'ip link add name ' + intf1 + ' type veth peer name ' + intf2
+    if addr1 is None and addr2 is None:
+        cmd = 'ip link add name ' + intf1 + ' type veth peer name ' + intf2
+    else:
+        cmd = ( 'ip link add name ' + intf1 + ' address ' + addr1 +
+                ' type veth peer name ' + intf2 + ' address ' + addr2 )
     cmdOutput = quietRun( cmd )
     if cmdOutput == '':
         return True