diff --git a/examples/sshd.py b/examples/sshd.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad18ddd2e5d7c3acd9d360dc5ac823c4e7332aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/sshd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+"Create a network and start sshd on the hosts."
+from mininet import init, Node, createLink, TreeNet, Cli
+def nets( hosts ):
+   "Return list of networks (/24) for hosts."
+   nets = {}
+   for host in hosts:
+      net = host.IP().split( '.' )[ : -1 ]
+      net = '.'.join ( net ) + '.0/24'
+      nets[ net ] = True
+   return nets.keys()
+def addRoutes( node, nets, intf ):
+   """Add routes from node to nets through intf, assuming
+      a 24-bit netmask."""
+   for net in nets:
+      node.cmdPrint( 'route add -net ' + net + ' dev ' + intf )
+def removeRoutes( node, nets ):
+   "Remove routes to nets from node."
+   for net in nets:
+      node.cmdPrint( 'route del -net ' + net )
+def sshd( network ):
+   "Start sshd up on each host, routing appropriately."
+   controllers, switches, hosts = (
+      network.controllers, network.switches, network.hosts )
+   # Create a node in root ns and link to switch 0
+   root = Node( 'root', inNamespace=False )
+   createLink( root, switches[ 0 ] )
+   ip = ''
+   root.setIP( root.intfs[ 0 ], ip, '/24' )
+   network.start()
+   # Add routes
+   routes = nets( hosts )
+   addRoutes( root, routes, root.intfs[ 0 ] )
+   # Start up sshd on each host
+   for host in hosts: host.cmdPrint( '/usr/sbin/sshd' )
+   # Dump out IP addresses and run CLI
+   print
+   print "*** Hosts are running sshd at the following addresses:"
+   for host in hosts: print host.name, host.IP()
+   print
+   print "*** Starting Mininet CLI - type 'exit' or ^D to exit"
+   network.runTest( Cli )
+   network.stop()
+   removeRoutes( root, routes )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+   init()
+   network = TreeNet( depth=1, fanout=2, kernel=True )
+   sshd( network )
diff --git a/examples/xterms.py b/examples/xterms.py
index 40ef1b0cebab68c65ff48bf09f0202f7462ff7a0..9ef419e59a86deeb8e85ebed507018a397dd3e24 100755
--- a/examples/xterms.py
+++ b/examples/xterms.py
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
 def makeXterm( node, title ):
    "Run screen on a node, and hook up an xterm."
    node.cmdPrint( 'screen -dmS ' + node.name )
-   cmd = 'xterm -title ' + title + ':' + node.name
-   cmd += ' -e screen -D -RR -S ' + node.name
-   return Popen( cmd.split( ' ' ) )
+   title += ': ' + node.name
+   if not node.inNamespace:
+      title += ' (root ns)'
+   cmd = [ 'xterm', '-title', title ]
+   cmd += [ '-e', 'screen', '-D', '-RR', '-S', node.name ]
+   return Popen( cmd )
 def makeXterms( nodes, title ):
    terms = []
@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ def xterms( controllers, switches, hosts ):
 def treeXterms():
    print "Running xterms on", os.environ[ 'DISPLAY' ]
-   network = TreeNet( depth=2, fanout=4, kernel=True )
+   network = TreeNet( depth=2, fanout=2, kernel=True )
    network.run( xterms )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/mininet.py b/mininet.py
index 22e98529471149c89ed7465926314d1920b098da..53aacb2a5f173760ee1a2cba5360ceeb009c04f2 100755
--- a/mininet.py
+++ b/mininet.py
@@ -445,15 +445,12 @@ def __init__( self, kernel=True, startAddr=( 192, 168, 123, 1) ):
          print "*** Error: ofdatapath not loaded:",
          print " kernel datapath not supported"
          exit( 1 )
-   # In progress: we probably want to decouple creating/starting/stopping
-   # the network and running tests, since we might wish to run
-   # multiple tests on the same network. It's not clear if the network
-   # should always be started/stopped for each test or not. Probably
-   # not...
-   def run( self, test ):
+      # Create network, but don't start things up yet!
+      self.prepareNet()
+   def prepareNet( self ):
       """Create a network by calling makeNet as follows: 
          (switches, hosts ) = makeNet()
-         and then run test( controller, switches, hosts ) on it."""
+         Create a controller here as well."""
       kernel = self.kernel
       if kernel: print "*** Using kernel datapath"
       else: print "*** Using user datapath"
@@ -467,21 +464,39 @@ def run( self, test ):
          configRoutedControlNetwork( controller, switches )
       print "*** Configuring hosts"
       configHosts( hosts, self.startAddr )
+      self.controllers = [ controller ]
+      self.switches = switches
+      self.hosts = hosts
+   def start( self ):
+      "Start controller and switches"
       print "*** Starting reference controller"
-      controller.start()
-      print "*** Starting", len( switches ), "switches"
-      for switch in switches:
-         switch.start( controller )
-      print "*** Running test"
-      result = test( [ controller ], switches, hosts )
+      for controller in self.controllers:
+         controller.start()
+      print "*** Starting", len( self.switches ), "switches"
+      for switch in self.switches:
+         switch.start( self.controllers[ 0 ] )
+   def stop( self ):
+      "Stop the controller(s), switches and hosts"
       print "*** Stopping controller"
-      controller.stop(); controller.terminate()
+      for controller in self.controllers:
+         controller.stop(); controller.terminate()
       print "*** Stopping switches"
-      for switch in switches:
+      for switch in self.switches:
          switch.stop() ; switch.terminate()
       print "*** Stopping hosts"
-      for host in hosts: host.terminate()
+      for host in self.hosts: 
+         host.terminate()
       print "*** Test complete"
+   def runTest( self, test ):
+      "Run a given test, called as test( controllers, switches, hosts)"
+      return test( self.controllers, self.switches, self.hosts )
+   def run( self, test ):
+      """Perform a complete start/test/stop cycle; test is of the form
+         test( controllers, switches, hosts )"""
+      self.start()
+      print "*** Running test"
+      result = self.runTest( test )
+      self.stop()
       return result
    def interact( self ):
       "Create a network and run our simple CLI."