diff --git a/bin/mn b/bin/mn
index bba2353b7898412b0cc6e3e3732b883f087e94ca..5e1c2e90cba3ddbaa969a815d7a7f03b8f2d9211 100755
--- a/bin/mn
+++ b/bin/mn
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ from mininet.log import lg, LEVELS, info
 from mininet.net import Mininet, MininetWithControlNet, VERSION
 from mininet.node import ( Host, CPULimitedHost, Controller, OVSController,
                            NOX, RemoteController, UserSwitch, OVSKernelSwitch,
-                           OVSLegacyKernelSwitch )
+                           OVSLegacyKernelSwitch, IVSSwitch )
 from mininet.link import Link, TCLink
 from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo, LinearTopo, SingleSwitchReversedTopo
 from mininet.topolib import TreeTopo
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ TOPOS = { 'minimal': lambda: SingleSwitchTopo( k=2 ),
 SWITCHDEF = 'ovsk'
 SWITCHES = { 'user': UserSwitch,
              'ovsk': OVSKernelSwitch,
-             'ovsl': OVSLegacyKernelSwitch }
+             'ovsl': OVSLegacyKernelSwitch,
+             'ivs': IVSSwitch }
 HOSTDEF = 'proc'
 HOSTS = { 'proc': Host,
diff --git a/mininet/node.py b/mininet/node.py
index d6a66ba24ebbf9f14b53f40aec58b2070a57afbb..edb46de04cb952206f203e11a77f52fd77c7e3ea 100644
--- a/mininet/node.py
+++ b/mininet/node.py
@@ -1018,6 +1018,71 @@ def stop( self ):
 OVSKernelSwitch = OVSSwitch
+class IVSSwitch(Switch):
+    """IVS virtual switch
+       Currently only works in the root namespace.
+    """
+    def __init__( self, name, **kwargs ):
+        Switch.__init__( self, name, **kwargs )
+        self.process = None
+        if self.inNamespace:
+            error( "IVSSwitch currently only works"
+                   " in the root namespace.\n" )
+            exit( 1 )
+    @classmethod
+    def setup( cls ):
+        "Make sure IVS is installed"
+        pathCheck( 'ivs-ctl', 'ivs',
+                   moduleName="Indigo Virtual Switch (projectfloodlight.org)" )
+        out, err, exitcode = errRun( 'ivs-ctl show' )
+        if exitcode:
+            error( out + err +
+                   'ivs-ctl exited with code %d\n' % exitcode +
+                   '*** The openvswitch kernel module might '
+                   'not be loaded. Try modprobe openvswitch.\n' )
+            exit( 1 )
+    def start( self, controllers ):
+        "Start up a new IVS switch"
+        args = ['ivs']
+        args.extend( ['--name', self.name] )
+        args.extend( ['--dpid', self.dpid] )
+        args.extend( ['--verbose'] )
+        for intf in self.intfs.values():
+            if not intf.IP():
+                args.extend( ['-i', intf.name] )
+        for c in controllers:
+            args.extend( ['-c', '%s:%d' % (c.IP(), c.port)] )
+        with open( '/tmp/ivs.%s.log' % self.name, 'w' ) as logfile:
+            with open( '/dev/null', 'w' ) as nullfile:
+                self.process = Popen( args, stdout=logfile, stderr=STDOUT,
+                                      stdin=nullfile, preexec_fn=os.setsid )
+        self.execed = False
+    def stop( self ):
+        "Terminate IVS switch."
+        if self.process:
+            self.process.terminate()
+            self.process.wait()
+            self.process = None
+        self.deleteIntfs()
+    def attach( self, intf ):
+        "Connect a data port"
+        self.cmd( 'ivs-ctl', 'add-port', '--datapath', self.name, intf )
+    def detach( self, intf ):
+        "Disconnect a data port"
+        self.cmd( 'ivs-ctl', 'del-port', '--datapath', self.name, intf )
+    def dpctl( self, *args ):
+        "Run dpctl command"
+        return "dpctl not supported\n" or args or self # satisfy pylint
 class Controller( Node ):
     """A Controller is a Node that is running (or has execed?) an
        OpenFlow controller."""