diff --git a/examples/controlnet.py b/examples/controlnet.py
index 3d5dd9d1476b4a3d3e8c142328250be26bb72aa4..0b36dd7ff8ffc8507605e266047fdf22cad26c22 100755
--- a/examples/controlnet.py
+++ b/examples/controlnet.py
@@ -31,30 +31,43 @@ def checkListening( self ):
-class CLI2( CLI ):
-    "CLI that can talk to two networks"
+class MininetFacade:
+    "TODO: CLI that can talk to two or more networks"
-    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
-        "cnet: second network"
-        self.cnet = kwargs.pop( 'cnet' )
-        CLI.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs )
-    def updateVars( self ):
-        "Update variables to include cnet"
-        cnet = self.cnet
-        nodes2 = cnet.controllers + cnet.switches + cnet.hosts
-        self.nodelist += nodes2
-        for node in nodes2:
-            self.nodemap[ node.name ] = node
-        self.locals[ 'cnet' ] = cnet
-        self.locals.update( self.nodemap )
-    def cmdloop( self, *args, **kwargs ):
-        "Patch to add cnet if needed"
-        if 'cnet' not in self.locals:
-            self.updateVars()
-        CLI.cmdloop( self, *args, **kwargs )
+    def __init__( self, *args ):
+        self.nets = args
+    # default is first net
+    def __getattr__( self, name ):
+        return getattr( self.nets[ 0 ], name )
+    def __getitem__( self, key ):
+        for net in self.nets:
+            if key in net:
+                return net[ key ]
+    def __iter__( self ):
+        for net in self.nets:
+            for node in net:
+                yield node
+    def __len__( self ):
+        count = 0
+        for net in self.nets:
+            count += len(net)
+        return count
+    def __contains__( self, key ):
+        return key in self.keys()
+    def keys( self ):
+        return list( self )
+    def values( self ):
+        return [ self[ key ] for key in self ]
+    def items( self ):
+        return zip( self.keys(), self.values() )
 # A real control network!
@@ -83,32 +96,33 @@ def __init__( self, n, dataController=DataController, **kwargs ):
 info( '* Creating Control Network\n' )
 ctopo = ControlNetwork( n=4, dataController=DataController )
-cnet = Mininet( topo=ctopo, ipBase='', build=False )
+cnet = Mininet( topo=ctopo, ipBase='', controller=None )
 info( '* Adding Control Network Controller\n')
-cnet.addController( 'cc0' )
+cnet.addController( 'cc0', controller=Controller )
 info( '* Starting Control Network\n')
-dataControllers = cnet.hosts[ : -1 ]  # ignore 'root' node
 info( '* Creating Data Network\n' )
 topo = TreeTopo( depth=2, fanout=2 )
 # UserSwitch so we can easily test failover
-net = Mininet( topo=topo, switch=UserSwitch, build=False )
+net = Mininet( topo=topo, switch=UserSwitch, controller=None )
 info( '* Adding Controllers to Data Network\n' )
-net.controllers = dataControllers
+for host in cnet.hosts:
+    if isinstance(host, Controller):
+        net.addController( host )
 info( '* Starting Data Network\n')
-CLI2( net, cnet=cnet )
+mn = MininetFacade( net, cnet )
+CLI( mn )
 info( '* Stopping Data Network\n' )
 info( '* Stopping Control Network\n' )
-# dataControllers have already been stopped
-cnet.hosts = list( set( cnet.hosts ) - set( dataControllers ) )
+# dataControllers have already been stopped -- now terminate is idempotent
+#cnet.hosts = list( set( cnet.hosts ) - set( dataControllers ) )
diff --git a/mininet/net.py b/mininet/net.py
index 91ec40eabb1fa394614a88af1811adb30a025204..37b1f4fed7c0f41f766eb0f7e9d96ec92ba777ab 100755
--- a/mininet/net.py
+++ b/mininet/net.py
@@ -209,9 +209,16 @@ def addSwitch( self, name, cls=None, **params ):
     def addController( self, name='c0', controller=None, **params ):
         """Add controller.
            controller: Controller class"""
+        #Get controller class
         if not controller:
             controller = self.controller
-        controller_new = controller( name, **params )
+        #Construct new controller if one is not given
+        if isinstance(name, Controller):
+            controller_new = name
+            name = controller_new.name
+        else:
+            controller_new = controller( name, **params )
+        #Add new controller to net
         if controller_new:  # allow controller-less setups
             self.controllers.append( controller_new )
             self.nameToNode[ name ] = controller_new
@@ -230,9 +237,9 @@ def get( self, *args ):
         return self.getNodeByName( *args )
     # Even more convenient syntax for node lookup and iteration
-    def __getitem__( self, *args ):
+    def __getitem__( self, key ):
         """net [ name ] operator: Return node(s) with given name(s)"""
-        return self.getNodeByName( *args )
+        return self.nameToNode[ key ]
     def __iter__( self ):
         "return iterator over nodes"
@@ -246,15 +253,17 @@ def __len__( self ):
     def __contains__( self, item ):
         "returns True if net contains named node"
-        return item in self.keys()
+        return item in self.nameToNode
     def keys( self ):
         "return a list of all node names or net's keys"
-        return list( self.__iter__() )
+        #TODO: fix this
+        return list( self )
     def values( self ):
         "return a list of all nodes or net's values"
-        return [ self[name] for name in self.__iter__() ]
+        #TODO: fix this
+        return [ self[name] for name in self ]
     def items( self ):
         "return (key,value) tuple list for every node in net"
@@ -307,7 +316,7 @@ def buildFromTopo( self, topo=None ):
         info( '*** Creating network\n' )
-        if not self.controllers:
+        if not self.controllers and self.controller:
             # Add a default controller
             info( '*** Adding controller\n' )
             classes = self.controller
diff --git a/mininet/node.py b/mininet/node.py
index 951b870232f6ca2659cc360e70d8855c1ec92638..895c73109281252cf7f922370f95667e7e7aa77a 100644
--- a/mininet/node.py
+++ b/mininet/node.py
@@ -183,7 +183,8 @@ def write( self, data ):
     def terminate( self ):
         "Send kill signal to Node and clean up after it."
-        os.kill( self.pid, signal.SIGKILL )
+        if self.shell:
+            os.kill( self.pid, signal.SIGKILL )
     def stop( self ):
@@ -1240,3 +1241,4 @@ def checkListening( self ):
         if 'Unable' in listening:
             warn( "Unable to contact the remote controller"
                   " at %s:%d\n" % ( self.ip, self.port ) )