From 44720f8b8932d3c968abc8c61d4335e81a82e7ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Bernhard J. Berger" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2023 23:19:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed unit tests.

 ci/                          |   7 +-
 .../search/   |   2 +-
 .../META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl  |  13 -
 .../META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl    |  67 ---
 .../META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl | 434 ------------------
 .../src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/ea.dl    | 201 ++++++++
 .../evoal/core/api/utils/  |   6 +-
 .../META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl  |  13 -
 .../META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl    |  67 ---
 .../META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl | 434 ------------------
 .../src/main/resources/de/evoal/core.dl       | 346 ++++++++++++++
 .../resources/de/evoal/core/constraints.dl    |  15 +
 .../src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/si.ddl   |  67 +++
 .../utils/   |   2 -
 .../api/utils/     |  33 +-
 .../core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol      |   9 +-
 .../de/evoal/core/api/utils/definitions.dl    |   2 +-
 .../META-INF/definitions/generator/main.dl    | 250 ----------
 .../src/main/resources/de/evoal/benchmark.dl  |  11 +
 .../src/main/resources/de/evoal/generator.dl  | 253 ++++++++++
 20 files changed, 925 insertions(+), 1307 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl
 create mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/ea.dl
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl
 create mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core.dl
 create mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/constraints.dl
 create mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/si.ddl
 delete mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/generator/main.dl
 create mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/benchmark.dl
 create mode 100644 src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/generator.dl

diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 211e2796..b8bb8189 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
-set -e -x
 RELEASE_PLUGINS="generator.main surrogate.api surrogate.simple surrogate.svr approximative.density core.arff core.ea"
+rm -rf evoal
 mkdir -p evoal/plugins
 cp src/languages/*.zip "evoal/"
@@ -18,6 +22,7 @@ done
 rm evoal/modules/javax.inject*
 rm evoal/modules/javax.annotation-api-*
 rm evoal/modules/jsr305-*
 # remove multiple definitions of CDI stuff
 rm evoal/modules/jboss-annotations-api*
 rm evoal/modules/jboss-interceptors-api*
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/ea/main/search/ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/ea/main/search/
index 9870a088..f7787e6f 100644
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/ea/main/search/
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/ea/main/search/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ public class EvolutionaryAlgorithmSearch implements OptimisationAlgorithm {
 	private void setup() {
 		final OptimisationModel configuration = board.get(CoreBlackboardEntries.OPTIMISATION_CONFIGURATION);
-		final de.evoal.languages.model.base.Instance alterers = LanguageHelper.lookup(configuration.getAlgorithm().getAlgorithm(), "alterers");
+		final de.evoal.languages.model.base.Instance alterers = LanguageHelper.lookup(configuration.getAlgorithm().getInstance(), "alterers");
 		for(final Attribute category: alterers.getAttributes()) {
 			final String name = category.getDefinition().getName();
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba8690e..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * Sets the variance of some data.
- *
- * <b>Parameters:</b>
- * <ol>
- *   <li>Reference to the data ...</li>
- * </ol>
- */
-def void variance(data reference, float variance);
-def void connection(data ref1, data ref2, float connection);
-def void constraint(expression exp, string category);
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e8f297..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-	cardinal type Newton description : "SI-Unit for force, measure in Newton[N=kg*m/s*s]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Meter description: "SI-Unit for lengths, measured in metres[m]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Second description: "SI-Unit for time, measured in seconds[s]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Kilogram description: "SI-Unit for mass, measured in kilogram[kg]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Ampere description: "SI-Unit for eletric current, measured in ampere[A]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Kelvin description: "SI-Unit for thermodynamic temperature, measured in kelvin[K]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Mole description: "SI-Unit for amount of substance, measure in mole[mol]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Candela description: "SI-Unit for luminous intensity, measured in candela[cd]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Hertz description: "SI-Unit for frequency, measured in hertz[Hz=1/s]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Speed description: "SI-Unit for frequency, measured in metre per second[m/s]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Pascal description: "SI-Unit for pressure, measure in Pascal[Pa=kg/m*s*s]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	cardinal type Celsius description: "SI-Unit for temperature relative to 273.15 K, measured in Celsius[°C=K]"
-		with constraints:
-			value >= -273.15; 
-	;
-	quotient type Area description: "SI-Unit for areas, measured in square meter[m*m]"
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl
deleted file mode 100644
index 91189620..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
- * Root element for an evolutionary algorithm configuration.
- */
-type configuration {
-	/**
-	 * A freely selectable name for the configuration.
-	 */
-	name : string;
-	/**
-	 * The algorithm configuration.
-	 */
-	algorithm : instance algorithm;
-	/**
-	 * Configuration of statistics to measure and to write.
-	 */
-	statistics : instance statistics;
-abstract type algorithm {}
-type 'evolutionary-algorithm' extends 'algorithm' {
-	'number-of-generations' : int;
-	'size-of-population' : int;
-	'maximum-age' : int;
-	maximize : boolean;
-	genotype : array instance chromosome;
-	initialization : instance 'initial-population';
-	handlers : array instance 'handler';
-	selectors : instance selectors;
-	alterers : instance alterers;
-	fitness : instance 'fitness-function';
-	comparator : instance comparator;
-abstract type chromosome {
-	genes : array instance gene;
-type 'bit-chromosome' extends chromosome {
-    scale : int;
-type 'gray-chromosome' extends 'bit-chromosome' {
-    scale : int;
-type 'double-chromosome' extends chromosome {
-type 'integer-chromosome' extends chromosome {
-type gene { content : data; }
-abstract type comparator {}
-type 'weighted-sum' extends comparator {
-	weights : array float;
-type pareto extends comparator {
- * Abstract base class for functions to map the individual to the target values.
- */
-abstract type 'fitness-function' {}
- * Abstract base class for all fitness functions that call a subsequent fitness function during calculation.
- */
-abstract type 'decorated-fitness-function' extends 'fitness-function' {
-	/**
-	 * Fitness function we are calling during the fitness calculation.
-	 */
-	function : instance 'fitness-function';
-type 'malus' extends 'decorated-fitness-function' {
- * Fitness function that calculates the difference between a fitness value and a
- *   target value to optimize to:<br/>
- *
- * <mathml>
- *   <math>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mo>=</mo>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>u</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>c</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>o</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *       <mo>−</mo>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>a</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>g</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *     </mrow>
- *   </math>
- * </mathml>
- */
-type distance extends 'decorated-fitness-function' {
-		target : array instance variable;
-type variable {
-	name : data;
-	val : literal;
-abstract type 'goal-function' extends 'fitness-function' {
-	'maps-to' : array data;
- * Calculating fitness value by using a surrogate function:<br/>
- *
- * <mathml>
- *   <math>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mo>=</mo>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>u</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>o</mi>
- *       <mi>g</mi>
- *       <mi>a</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     </mrow>
- *   </math>
- * </mathml>
- */
-type surrogate extends 'goal-function' {
- * Calculating fitness value by using a known function:<br/>
- *
- * <mathml>
- *   <math>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mo>=</mo>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>o</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>m</mi>
- *       <mi>a</mi>
- *       <mi>l</mi>
- *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     </mrow>
- *   </math>
- * </mathml>
- */
-type normal extends 'fitness-function' {
-abstract type 'initial-population' {}
-type 'random-population' extends 'initial-population' {
-abstract type handler {}
-type 'constraint-handler' extends handler {
-	category : string;
-	calculation : instance normal | 'standard-deviation';
-	'constraint-handling' : instance 'kill-at-birth' | 'malus-for-fitness';
-type 'standard-deviation' {
-	factor : float;
-type 'kill-at-birth' {
-	'repair-strategy' : instance 'repair-strategy';
-abstract type 'repair-strategy' {}
-type 'repair-with-random' extends 'repair-strategy' {}
-type 'malus-for-fitness' {
-	smoothing : float;
-type selectors {
-	survivor : instance selector;
-	offspring : instance selector;
-abstract type selector {
-type 'elite-selector' extends selector {
-	'size-factor' : float;
-	'non-elite-selector' : instance selector;
-type 'boltzmann-selector' extends selector {
-	beta : float;
-type 'exponential-rank-selector' extends selector {
-type 'linear-rank-selector' extends selector {
-	nminus : int;
-type 'monte-carlo-selector' extends selector {
-type 'probability-selector' extends selector {
-type 'stochastic-universal-selector' extends selector {
-type 'tournament-selector' extends selector {
-	'size-factor' : float;
-type 'truncation-selector' extends selector {
-	'worst-rank' : int;
-type alterers {
-	crossover : array instance crossover;
-	mutator : array instance mutator ;
-abstract type crossover {}
-type 'mean-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-mean-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'partial-matched-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-partial-matched-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'line-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	position : float;
-type 'correlation-line-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	position : float;
-type 'multi-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	count : int;
-type 'correlation-multi-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	count : int;
-type 'single-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-single-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'uniform-crossover' extends crossover {
-	'crossover-probability' : float;
-	'swap-probability' : float;
-type 'correlation-uniform-crossover' extends crossover {
-	'crossover-probability' : float;
-	'swap-probability' : float;
-abstract type mutator {
-type 'gaussian-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-gaussian-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-	threshold : float;
-type 'swap-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-swap-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-	threshold : float;
-type 'bit-flip-mutator' extends mutator  {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-bit-flip-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-	threshold : float;
-type statistics {
-	writer : array instance 'statistics-writer';
-abstract type 'statistics-writer' {
- * Creates a file named '<tt>constraint-statistics.csv</tt>' containing
- *   information on each generation and constraint violations:
- *
- * <ul>
- *   <li>generation</li>
- *   <li>for each constraint:
- *      <ul>
- *        <li>number of violating individuals</li>
- *        <li>sum of differences</li>
- *        <li>min of differences</li>
- *        <li>avg of differences</li>
- *        <li>max of differences</li>
- *      </ul>
- *   </li>
- * </ul>
- */
-type 'constraint-statistics' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Creates a file named '<tt>fitness-by-individual.csv</tt>' containing for each individual
- *   of each generation the following information:
- *
- *  <ul>
- *    <li>generation</li>
- *    <li>index of individual</li>
- *    <li>fitness value of each predicted value of the individual</li>
- *  </ul>
- */
-type 'fitness-per-individual' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Creates a file named '<tt>individuals.csv</tt>' containing for each individual
- *   the following information:
- *
- *  <ul>
- *    <li>generation</li>
- *    <li>index of individual</li>
- *    <li>text representation of individual</li>
- *    <li>age</li>
- *    <li>each property value of the individual</li>
- *  </ul>
- */
-type individuals extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Does not write any statistics. Can be used to disable statistics output.
- */
-type none extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Creates a file named '<tt>prediction-by-individual.csv</tt>' containing the
- *   predicted value(s) of each individual for each generation of the EA run:
- *
- * <ul>
- *   <li>generation</li>
- *   <li>index of individual</li>
- *   <li>each predicted value of the individual</li>
- * </ul>
- */
-type 'prediction-per-individual' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/ea.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/ea.dl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e35a4a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.ea/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/ea.dl
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import "definitions" from de.evoal.core;
+module de.evoal.core.ea {
+	type 'evolutionary-algorithm' extends 'algorithm' {
+		'number-of-generations' : int;
+		'size-of-population' : int;
+		'maximum-age' : int;
+		genotype : array instance chromosome;
+		handlers : array instance 'handler';
+		selectors : instance selectors;
+		alterers : instance alterers;
+		fitness : instance 'optimisation-function';
+	}
+	abstract type chromosome {
+		genes : array instance gene;
+	}
+	type 'bit-chromosome' extends chromosome {
+	    scale : int;
+	}
+	type 'gray-chromosome' extends 'bit-chromosome' {
+	    scale : int;
+	}
+	type 'double-chromosome' extends chromosome {
+	}
+	type 'integer-chromosome' extends chromosome {
+	}
+	type gene { content : data; }
+		type pareto extends comparator {
+	}
+	abstract type handler {}
+	type 'constraint-handler' extends handler {
+		category : string;
+		calculation : instance 'constraint-calculation';
+		'constraint-handling' : instance 'constraint-handling';
+	}
+	abstract type 'constraint-calculation' {
+	}
+	type 'standard-deviation' extends 'constraint-calculation' {
+		factor : float;
+	}
+	abstract type 'constraint-handling' {}
+	type 'kill-at-birth' extends 'constraint-handling'{
+		'repair-strategy' : instance 'repair-strategy';
+	}
+	abstract type 'repair-strategy' {}
+	type 'repair-with-random' extends 'repair-strategy' {}
+	type 'malus-for-fitness' extends 'constraint-handling' {
+		smoothing : float;
+	}
+	type selectors {
+		survivor : instance selector;
+		offspring : instance selector;
+	}
+	abstract type selector {
+	}
+	type 'elite-selector' extends selector {
+		'size-factor' : float;
+		'non-elite-selector' : instance selector;
+	}
+	type 'boltzmann-selector' extends selector {
+		beta : float;
+	}
+	type 'exponential-rank-selector' extends selector {
+	}
+	type 'linear-rank-selector' extends selector {
+		nminus : int;
+	}
+	type 'monte-carlo-selector' extends selector {
+	}
+	type 'probability-selector' extends selector {
+	}
+	type 'stochastic-universal-selector' extends selector {
+	}
+	type 'tournament-selector' extends selector {
+		'size-factor' : float;
+	}
+	type 'truncation-selector' extends selector {
+		'worst-rank' : int;
+	}
+	type alterers {
+		crossover : array instance crossover;
+		mutator : array instance mutator ;
+	}
+	abstract type crossover {}
+	type 'mean-alterer' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-mean-alterer' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'partial-matched-alterer' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-partial-matched-alterer' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'line-crossover' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+		position : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-line-crossover' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+		position : float;
+	}
+	type 'multi-point-crossover' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+		count : int;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-multi-point-crossover' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+		count : int;
+	}
+	type 'single-point-crossover' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-single-point-crossover' extends crossover {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'uniform-crossover' extends crossover {
+		'crossover-probability' : float;
+		'swap-probability' : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-uniform-crossover' extends crossover {
+		'crossover-probability' : float;
+		'swap-probability' : float;
+	}
+	abstract type mutator {
+	}
+	type 'gaussian-mutator' extends mutator {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-gaussian-mutator' extends mutator {
+		probability : float;
+		threshold : float;
+	}
+	type 'swap-mutator' extends mutator {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-swap-mutator' extends mutator {
+		probability : float;
+		threshold : float;
+	}
+	type 'bit-flip-mutator' extends mutator  {
+		probability : float;
+	}
+	type 'correlation-bit-flip-mutator' extends mutator {
+		probability : float;
+		threshold : float;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
index d26a3336..ffa77ee2 100644
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
@@ -83,9 +83,11 @@ public final class LanguageHelper {
     private static Object convertToJava(final Object current, final Type type) {
-        if(current instanceof Literal) {
+        if(type instanceof InstanceType) {
+            return (Instance)current;
+        } else if(type instanceof LiteralType) {
             return readLiteral(current, type);
-        } else if(current instanceof Array) {
+        } else if(type instanceof ArrayType) {
             return readArray(current, type);
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ba8690e..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/constraints.dl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- * Sets the variance of some data.
- *
- * <b>Parameters:</b>
- * <ol>
- *   <li>Reference to the data ...</li>
- * </ol>
- */
-def void variance(data reference, float variance);
-def void connection(data ref1, data ref2, float connection);
-def void constraint(expression exp, string category);
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e8f297..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/data/si-units.ddl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-	cardinal type Newton description : "SI-Unit for force, measure in Newton[N=kg*m/s*s]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Meter description: "SI-Unit for lengths, measured in metres[m]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Second description: "SI-Unit for time, measured in seconds[s]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Kilogram description: "SI-Unit for mass, measured in kilogram[kg]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Ampere description: "SI-Unit for eletric current, measured in ampere[A]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Kelvin description: "SI-Unit for thermodynamic temperature, measured in kelvin[K]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Mole description: "SI-Unit for amount of substance, measure in mole[mol]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Candela description: "SI-Unit for luminous intensity, measured in candela[cd]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Hertz description: "SI-Unit for frequency, measured in hertz[Hz=1/s]."
-		with constraints: 
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Speed description: "SI-Unit for frequency, measured in metre per second[m/s]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	quotient type Pascal description: "SI-Unit for pressure, measure in Pascal[Pa=kg/m*s*s]."
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
-	cardinal type Celsius description: "SI-Unit for temperature relative to 273.15 K, measured in Celsius[°C=K]"
-		with constraints:
-			value >= -273.15; 
-	;
-	quotient type Area description: "SI-Unit for areas, measured in square meter[m*m]"
-		with constraints:
-			value >= 0.0;
-	;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl
deleted file mode 100644
index 91189620..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/optimisation/core.dl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
- * Root element for an evolutionary algorithm configuration.
- */
-type configuration {
-	/**
-	 * A freely selectable name for the configuration.
-	 */
-	name : string;
-	/**
-	 * The algorithm configuration.
-	 */
-	algorithm : instance algorithm;
-	/**
-	 * Configuration of statistics to measure and to write.
-	 */
-	statistics : instance statistics;
-abstract type algorithm {}
-type 'evolutionary-algorithm' extends 'algorithm' {
-	'number-of-generations' : int;
-	'size-of-population' : int;
-	'maximum-age' : int;
-	maximize : boolean;
-	genotype : array instance chromosome;
-	initialization : instance 'initial-population';
-	handlers : array instance 'handler';
-	selectors : instance selectors;
-	alterers : instance alterers;
-	fitness : instance 'fitness-function';
-	comparator : instance comparator;
-abstract type chromosome {
-	genes : array instance gene;
-type 'bit-chromosome' extends chromosome {
-    scale : int;
-type 'gray-chromosome' extends 'bit-chromosome' {
-    scale : int;
-type 'double-chromosome' extends chromosome {
-type 'integer-chromosome' extends chromosome {
-type gene { content : data; }
-abstract type comparator {}
-type 'weighted-sum' extends comparator {
-	weights : array float;
-type pareto extends comparator {
- * Abstract base class for functions to map the individual to the target values.
- */
-abstract type 'fitness-function' {}
- * Abstract base class for all fitness functions that call a subsequent fitness function during calculation.
- */
-abstract type 'decorated-fitness-function' extends 'fitness-function' {
-	/**
-	 * Fitness function we are calling during the fitness calculation.
-	 */
-	function : instance 'fitness-function';
-type 'malus' extends 'decorated-fitness-function' {
- * Fitness function that calculates the difference between a fitness value and a
- *   target value to optimize to:<br/>
- *
- * <mathml>
- *   <math>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mo>=</mo>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>u</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>c</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>o</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *       <mo>−</mo>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>a</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>g</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *     </mrow>
- *   </math>
- * </mathml>
- */
-type distance extends 'decorated-fitness-function' {
-		target : array instance variable;
-type variable {
-	name : data;
-	val : literal;
-abstract type 'goal-function' extends 'fitness-function' {
-	'maps-to' : array data;
- * Calculating fitness value by using a surrogate function:<br/>
- *
- * <mathml>
- *   <math>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mo>=</mo>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>u</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>o</mi>
- *       <mi>g</mi>
- *       <mi>a</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     </mrow>
- *   </math>
- * </mathml>
- */
-type surrogate extends 'goal-function' {
- * Calculating fitness value by using a known function:<br/>
- *
- * <mathml>
- *   <math>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <mi>f</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>t</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mi>s</mi>
- *       <mo>=</mo>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>o</mi>
- *       <mi>r</mi>
- *       <mi>m</mi>
- *       <mi>a</mi>
- *       <mi>l</mi>
- *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     </mrow>
- *   </math>
- * </mathml>
- */
-type normal extends 'fitness-function' {
-abstract type 'initial-population' {}
-type 'random-population' extends 'initial-population' {
-abstract type handler {}
-type 'constraint-handler' extends handler {
-	category : string;
-	calculation : instance normal | 'standard-deviation';
-	'constraint-handling' : instance 'kill-at-birth' | 'malus-for-fitness';
-type 'standard-deviation' {
-	factor : float;
-type 'kill-at-birth' {
-	'repair-strategy' : instance 'repair-strategy';
-abstract type 'repair-strategy' {}
-type 'repair-with-random' extends 'repair-strategy' {}
-type 'malus-for-fitness' {
-	smoothing : float;
-type selectors {
-	survivor : instance selector;
-	offspring : instance selector;
-abstract type selector {
-type 'elite-selector' extends selector {
-	'size-factor' : float;
-	'non-elite-selector' : instance selector;
-type 'boltzmann-selector' extends selector {
-	beta : float;
-type 'exponential-rank-selector' extends selector {
-type 'linear-rank-selector' extends selector {
-	nminus : int;
-type 'monte-carlo-selector' extends selector {
-type 'probability-selector' extends selector {
-type 'stochastic-universal-selector' extends selector {
-type 'tournament-selector' extends selector {
-	'size-factor' : float;
-type 'truncation-selector' extends selector {
-	'worst-rank' : int;
-type alterers {
-	crossover : array instance crossover;
-	mutator : array instance mutator ;
-abstract type crossover {}
-type 'mean-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-mean-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'partial-matched-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-partial-matched-alterer' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'line-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	position : float;
-type 'correlation-line-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	position : float;
-type 'multi-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	count : int;
-type 'correlation-multi-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-	count : int;
-type 'single-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-single-point-crossover' extends crossover {
-	probability : float;
-type 'uniform-crossover' extends crossover {
-	'crossover-probability' : float;
-	'swap-probability' : float;
-type 'correlation-uniform-crossover' extends crossover {
-	'crossover-probability' : float;
-	'swap-probability' : float;
-abstract type mutator {
-type 'gaussian-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-gaussian-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-	threshold : float;
-type 'swap-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-swap-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-	threshold : float;
-type 'bit-flip-mutator' extends mutator  {
-	probability : float;
-type 'correlation-bit-flip-mutator' extends mutator {
-	probability : float;
-	threshold : float;
-type statistics {
-	writer : array instance 'statistics-writer';
-abstract type 'statistics-writer' {
- * Creates a file named '<tt>constraint-statistics.csv</tt>' containing
- *   information on each generation and constraint violations:
- *
- * <ul>
- *   <li>generation</li>
- *   <li>for each constraint:
- *      <ul>
- *        <li>number of violating individuals</li>
- *        <li>sum of differences</li>
- *        <li>min of differences</li>
- *        <li>avg of differences</li>
- *        <li>max of differences</li>
- *      </ul>
- *   </li>
- * </ul>
- */
-type 'constraint-statistics' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Creates a file named '<tt>fitness-by-individual.csv</tt>' containing for each individual
- *   of each generation the following information:
- *
- *  <ul>
- *    <li>generation</li>
- *    <li>index of individual</li>
- *    <li>fitness value of each predicted value of the individual</li>
- *  </ul>
- */
-type 'fitness-per-individual' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Creates a file named '<tt>individuals.csv</tt>' containing for each individual
- *   the following information:
- *
- *  <ul>
- *    <li>generation</li>
- *    <li>index of individual</li>
- *    <li>text representation of individual</li>
- *    <li>age</li>
- *    <li>each property value of the individual</li>
- *  </ul>
- */
-type individuals extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Does not write any statistics. Can be used to disable statistics output.
- */
-type none extends 'statistics-writer' {}
- * Creates a file named '<tt>prediction-by-individual.csv</tt>' containing the
- *   predicted value(s) of each individual for each generation of the EA run:
- *
- * <ul>
- *   <li>generation</li>
- *   <li>index of individual</li>
- *   <li>each predicted value of the individual</li>
- * </ul>
- */
-type 'prediction-per-individual' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core.dl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e4fe142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core.dl
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+module de.evoal.core {
+	/**
+	 * The algorithm-independent problem description.
+	 */
+	type problem {
+		/**
+		 * Name of the problem (used for referencing from the algorithm).
+		 */
+		name : string;
+        /**
+         * Description of the optimisation space.
+         */
+	    'optimisation-space' : array data;
+        /**
+         * Optional search space description.
+         */
+    	'search-space' : array data;
+		/**
+		 * An optional optimisation function if known that maps between the
+		 *   search and the optimisation space.
+		 */
+        'function' : instance 'optimisation-function';
+		/**
+		 * Do we have to search for a maximum or a minimum?
+		 */
+		maximise : boolean;
+    }
+	/**
+	 * Abstract base type for functions mapping a solution from the search to
+	 *   the optimisation space.
+	 */
+	abstract type 'optimisation-function' {		
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Abstract base class for optimisation functions that call a subsequent optimisation
+	 *   function during calculation.
+	 */
+	abstract type 'decorated-optimisation-function' extends 'optimisation-function' {
+		/**
+		 * Fitness function we are calling during the fitness calculation.
+		 */
+		function : instance 'optimisation-function';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Place-holder for an unknown optimisation function.
+	 */
+	type 'unknown-function' extends 'optimisation-function' {}
+	/**
+	 * Optimisation function that calculates the difference between a optimisation
+	 *   value and a target value to optimise to:<br/>
+	 *
+	 * <mathml>
+	 *   <math>
+	 *     <mrow>
+	 *       <mi>r</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mi>u</mi>
+	 *       <mi>l</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mo>=</mo>
+	 *       <mi>f</mi>
+	 *       <mi>u</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>c</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>o</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *       <mi>c</mi>
+	 *       <mi>a</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mi>a</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *       <mo>−</mo>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>a</mi>
+	 *       <mi>r</mi>
+	 *       <mi>g</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *     </mrow>
+	 *   </math>
+	 * </mathml>
+	 */
+	type 'optimisation-distance' extends 'decorated-optimisation-function' {
+		/**
+		 * The target to search for. This value may be unset if the value is set
+		 *   by EvoAl itself during evaluation.
+		 */
+		target : array instance variable;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A binding of a variable.
+	 */
+	type variable {
+		/**
+		 * The data to bind.
+		 */
+		name : data;
+		/**
+		 * The actual value.
+		 */
+		val : literal;
+	}
+    /**
+	 * Abstract base type for optimisation algorithms.
+	 */	
+	abstract type algorithm {
+        /**
+         * Source for initial candidates.
+         */
+        'initialisation' : instance 'initial-population';
+        /**
+         * The optimisation function to use.
+         */
+        'function' : instance 'fitness-function';
+        /**
+         * Comparator to use for comparing results of the optimisation function.
+         */
+	    'comparator' : instance comparator;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Comparator for comparing optimisation function results to each other.
+	 */	
+	abstract type comparator {}
+	/**
+	 * Comparator that calculates a weighted sum for multi-dimensional optimisation
+	 *   values.
+	 */
+	type 'weighted-sum' extends comparator {
+		/**
+		 * Weights for summing the dimensions.
+		 */
+		weights : array float;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Comparator for a single number-based fitness value (such as a double).
+	 */
+	type 'numeric-comparator' extends comparator {
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A fitness function during the optimisation (not at the problem-level).
+	 */
+	abstract type 'fitness-function' {}
+	/**
+	 * Abstract base class for all fitness functions that call a subsequent fitness
+	 *   function during calculation.
+	 */
+	abstract type 'decorated-fitness-function' extends 'fitness-function' {
+		/**
+		 * Fitness function we are calling during the fitness calculation.
+		 */
+		function : instance 'optimisation-function';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Modifies the fitness value based on constraint violation.
+	 */	
+	type 'malus' extends 'decorated-fitness-function' {
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Fitness function that calculates the difference between a fitness value and a
+	 *   target value to optimize to:<br/>
+	 *
+	 * <mathml>
+	 *   <math>
+	 *     <mrow>
+	 *       <mi>f</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mi>s</mi>
+	 *       <mi>s</mi>
+	 *       <mo>=</mo>
+	 *       <mi>f</mi>
+	 *       <mi>u</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>c</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>o</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *       <mo>−</mo>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>a</mi>
+	 *       <mi>r</mi>
+	 *       <mi>g</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *     </mrow>
+	 *   </math>
+	 * </mathml>
+	 */
+	type 'fitness-distance' extends 'decorated-fitness-function' {
+		/**
+		 * The target to search for. This value may be unset if the value is set
+		 *   by EvoAl itself during evaluation.
+		 */
+		target : array instance variable;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Calculating fitness value by using a surrogate function:<br/>
+	 *
+	 * <mathml>
+	 *   <math>
+	 *     <mrow>
+	 *       <mi>f</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mi>s</mi>
+	 *       <mi>s</mi>
+	 *       <mo>=</mo>
+	 *       <mi>s</mi>
+	 *       <mi>u</mi>
+	 *       <mi>r</mi>
+	 *       <mi>r</mi>
+	 *       <mi>o</mi>
+	 *       <mi>g</mi>
+	 *       <mi>a</mi>
+	 *       <mi>t</mi>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *     </mrow>
+	 *   </math>
+	 * </mathml>
+	 */
+	type surrogate extends 'fitness-function' {
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Abstract base type for initial population strategies.
+	 */
+	abstract type 'initial-population' {}
+	/**
+	 * Chooses the initial population randomly from the search space. The selection
+	 *   process respects the boundaries defined at the data definition-level.
+	 */
+	type 'random-population' extends 'initial-population' {
+	}	
+	abstract type 'statistics-writer' {
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a file named '<tt>constraint-statistics.csv</tt>' containing
+	 *   information on each generation and constraint violations:
+	 *
+	 * <ul>
+	 *   <li>generation</li>
+	 *   <li>for each constraint:
+	 *      <ul>
+	 *        <li>number of violating individuals</li>
+	 *        <li>sum of differences</li>
+	 *        <li>min of differences</li>
+	 *        <li>avg of differences</li>
+	 *        <li>max of differences</li>
+	 *      </ul>
+	 *   </li>
+	 * </ul>
+	 */
+	type 'constraint-statistics' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a file named '<tt>fitness-by-individual.csv</tt>' containing for each individual
+	 *   of each generation the following information:
+	 *
+	 *  <ul>
+	 *    <li>generation</li>
+	 *    <li>index of individual</li>
+	 *    <li>fitness value of each predicted value of the individual</li>
+	 *  </ul>
+	 */
+	type 'fitness-per-individual' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a file named '<tt>individuals.csv</tt>' containing for each individual
+	 *   the following information:
+	 *
+	 *  <ul>
+	 *    <li>generation</li>
+	 *    <li>index of individual</li>
+	 *    <li>text representation of individual</li>
+	 *    <li>age</li>
+	 *    <li>each property value of the individual</li>
+	 *  </ul>
+	 */
+	type individuals extends 'statistics-writer' {}
+	/**
+	 * Does not write any statistics. Can be used to disable statistics output.
+	 */
+	type none extends 'statistics-writer' {}
+	/**
+	 * Creates a file named '<tt>prediction-by-individual.csv</tt>' containing the
+	 *   predicted value(s) of each individual for each generation of the EA run:
+	 *
+	 * <ul>
+	 *   <li>generation</li>
+	 *   <li>index of individual</li>
+	 *   <li>each predicted value of the individual</li>
+	 * </ul>
+	 */
+	type 'prediction-per-individual' extends 'statistics-writer' {}
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/constraints.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/constraints.dl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7b85a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/constraints.dl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module de.evoal.core.constrainst {
+	/**
+	 * Sets the variance of some data.
+	 *
+	 * <b>Parameters:</b>
+	 * <ol>
+	 *   <li>Reference to the data ...</li>
+	 * </ol>
+	 */
+	def void variance(data reference, float variance);
+	def void connection(data ref1, data ref2, float connection);
+	def void constraint(expression exp, string category);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/si.ddl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/si.ddl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b16797ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/core/si.ddl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+module {
+	types:
+		cardinal type Newton description : "SI-Unit for force, measure in Newton[N=kg*m/s*s]."
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Meter description: "SI-Unit for lengths, measured in metres[m]."
+			with constraints: 
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Second description: "SI-Unit for time, measured in seconds[s]."
+			with constraints: 
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Kilogram description: "SI-Unit for mass, measured in kilogram[kg]."
+			with constraints: 
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Ampere description: "SI-Unit for eletric current, measured in ampere[A]."
+			with constraints: 
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Kelvin description: "SI-Unit for thermodynamic temperature, measured in kelvin[K]."
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Mole description: "SI-Unit for amount of substance, measure in mole[mol]."
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Candela description: "SI-Unit for luminous intensity, measured in candela[cd]."
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Hertz description: "SI-Unit for frequency, measured in hertz[Hz=1/s]."
+			with constraints: 
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Speed description: "SI-Unit for frequency, measured in metre per second[m/s]."
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		quotient type Pascal description: "SI-Unit for pressure, measure in Pascal[Pa=kg/m*s*s]."
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
+		cardinal type Celsius description: "SI-Unit for temperature relative to 273.15 K, measured in Celsius[°C=K]"
+			with constraints:
+				value >= -273.15; 
+		;
+		quotient type Area description: "SI-Unit for areas, measured in square meter[m*m]"
+			with constraints:
+				value >= 0.0;
+		;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
index 6a727174..b79aef00 100644
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
@@ -96,7 +96,5 @@ public class LanguageHelperRegressionTest {
             final Array array2 = (Array) array.getValues().get(0);
             Assertions.assertEquals(10, array2.getValues().size());
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
index bbb3a76a..6784c76d 100644
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/java/de/evoal/core/api/utils/
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLoading() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-//        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
-    // TODO FIXME
-//        Assertions.assertNotNull(instance);
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
+        Assertions.assertNotNull(instance);
     public void testLookupForNullInstance() {
         Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> lookup(null, "child"));
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupForNullPath() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> lookup(instance, null));
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupForEmptyPath() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "");
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupForExistingChild() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child");
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupName() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "name");
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupChildOfLiteral() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> lookup(instance, "child.string-field.non-existing"));
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupNonExistingChild() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class, () -> lookup(instance, "child.non-existing"));
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupBooleanField() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child.boolean-field");
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupFlotField() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child.float-field");
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupIntegerField() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child.integer-field");
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookupStringField() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child.string-field");
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookup1DArrayField() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child.array-1D-float");
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
     public void testLookup2DArrayField() {
         final OptimisationModel model = de.evoal.core.junit.dsl.LanguageHelper.loadFromClasspath("de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol");
-        final Instance instance = model.getInstance();
+        final Instance instance = model.getProblem().getInstance();
         final Object result = lookup(instance, "child.array-2D-int");
@@ -179,5 +179,4 @@ public class LanguageHelperUnitTest {
         Assertions.assertEquals(42, array2[0]);
- */
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol
index 731d710f..a0e767fc 100644
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/LanguageHelperTest.ol
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-import de.evoal.core.api.utils.regressions.definitions;
+import "definitions" from de.evoal.core.api.utils.definitions;
-parent {
+declare 'p' as parent {
 	child := A {
 		'boolean-field' := true;	
 		'float-field' := 1.3;
@@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ parent {
 		'string-field' := "FOOBAR";
 		'array-1D-float' := [4.2, 3.1, 1.0];
 		'array-2D-int' := [
 			[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
 			[ 3, 2, 1],
\ No newline at end of file
+} documenting := [];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/definitions.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/definitions.dl
index fde56c23..0ce286a3 100644
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/definitions.dl
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.core.main/src/test/resources/de/evoal/core/api/utils/definitions.dl
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-module de.evoal.core.api.utils.regressions.definitions {
+module de.evoal.core.api.utils.definitions {
 	type 'parent' {
 		child : instance A;
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/generator/main.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/generator/main.dl
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4485c1..00000000
--- a/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/META-INF/definitions/generator/main.dl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- * In mathematical optimisation, the Ackley function is a non-convex function
- * used as a performance test problem for optimisation algorithms. It was proposed
- * by David Ackley in his 1987 PhD dissertation. ... <a href="">Wikipedia</a>.
- * 
- * <math display="block">
- *   <mrow>
- *     <mi>f</mi>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mi>w</mi>
- *     <mi>r</mi>
- *     <mi>i</mi>
- *     <mi>t</mi>
- *     <msub>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mn>0</mn>
- *     </msub>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     <mo>=</mo>
- *     <mo>−</mo>
- *     <mi>a</mi>
- *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
- *     <mi>e</mi>
- *     <mi>x</mi>
- *     <mi>p</mi>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mo>−</mo>
- *     <mi>b</mi>
- *     <msqrt>
- *       <mrow>
- *         <mfrac>
- *           <mn>1</mn>
- *           <mi>n</mi>
- *         </mfrac>
- *         <mrow>
- *           <munderover>
- *             <mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
- *             <mrow>
- *               <mi>i</mi>
- *               <mo>=</mo>
- *               <mn>1</mn>
- *             </mrow>
- *             <mi>n</mi>
- *           </munderover>
- *         </mrow>
- *         <mi>r</mi>
- *         <mi>e</mi>
- *         <mi>a</mi>
- *         <msub>
- *           <mi>d</mi>
- *           <mi>i</mi>
- *         </msub>
- *       </mrow>
- *     </msqrt>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     <mo>−</mo>
- *     <mi>e</mi>
- *     <mi>x</mi>
- *     <mi>p</mi>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mfrac>
- *       <mn>1</mn>
- *       <mi>n</mi>
- *     </mfrac>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <munderover>
- *         <mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
- *         <mrow>
- *           <mi>i</mi>
- *           <mo>=</mo>
- *           <mn>1</mn>
- *         </mrow>
- *         <mi>n</mi>
- *       </munderover>
- *     </mrow>
- *     <mi>c</mi>
- *     <mi>o</mi>
- *     <mi>s</mi>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mi>c</mi>
- *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
- *     <mi>r</mi>
- *     <mi>e</mi>
- *     <mi>a</mi>
- *     <msub>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *     </msub>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     <mo>+</mo>
- *     <mi>a</mi>
- *     <mo>+</mo>
- *     <mi>e</mi>
- *     <mi>x</mi>
- *     <mi>p</mi>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mn>1</mn>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *   </mrow>
- * </math>
- * 
- * According to this specification, the function only generates a single output
- *   variable out of a n input variables.
- */
-type ackley {
-	/**
-	 * The constant a is set to 20 in the original Ackley function.
-	 */
-	a : float;
-	/**
-	 * The constant b is set to 0.2 in the original Ackley function.
-	 */
-	b : float;
-	/**
-	 * The constant c is set to 2Ï€ in the original Ackley function.
-	 */
-	c : float;
- * In mathematical optimisation, the Rastrigin function is a non-convex function
- * used as a performance test problem for optimisation algorithms. ... <a href="">Wikipedia</a>
- * 
- * <math display="block">
- *   <mrow>
- *     <mi>w</mi>
- *     <mi>r</mi>
- *     <mi>i</mi>
- *     <mi>t</mi>
- *     <msub>
- *       <mi>e</mi>
- *       <mn>0</mn>
- *     </msub>
- *     <mo>=</mo>
- *     <mi>a</mi>
- *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
- *     <mi>n</mi>
- *     <mo>+</mo>
- *     <mrow>
- *       <munderover>
- *         <mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
- *         <mrow>
- *           <mi>i</mi>
- *           <mo>=</mo>
- *           <mn>1</mn>
- *         </mrow>
- *         <mi>n</mi>
- *       </munderover>
- *     </mrow>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mi>r</mi>
- *     <mi>e</mi>
- *     <mi>a</mi>
- *     <msubsup>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *       <mn>2</mn>
- *     </msubsup>
- *     <mo>−</mo>
- *     <mi>A</mi>
- *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
- *     <mi>c</mi>
- *     <mi>o</mi>
- *     <mi>s</mi>
- *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
- *     <mn>2</mn>
- *     <mi>Ï€</mi>
- *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
- *     <mi>r</mi>
- *     <mi>e</mi>
- *     <mi>a</mi>
- *     <msub>
- *       <mi>d</mi>
- *       <mi>i</mi>
- *     </msub>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
- *   </mrow>
- * </math>
- * 
- */
-type rastrigin {
-	/**
-	 * Constant a, which is typically 10.
-	 */
-	a : float;
- * TODO Document me
- */
-type 'weighted-sphere' {	
- * TODO Document me
- */
-type 'rosenbrock' {	
- * Adds constant values for the specified data.
- */
-type constants {
-	/**
-	 * The constant values to append.
-	 */
-	constants : array float;	
-type 'multivariate-normal-distribution' {
-	means : array float;
-	covariance : array array float;
- * Adds normally distributed noise to data. For each data to noise, you can
- *   specify a separate distribution.
- */
-type 'normally-distributed-noise' {
-	/**
-	 * The different distributions to use. Make sure it matches the size of
-	 *   the data the function writes.
-	 */
-	distributions : array instance distribution;
- * A distribution specification.
- */
-type distribution {
-	/**
-	 * The distribution's expected value.
-	 */
-	'μ' : float;
-	/**
-	 * The distribution's standard deviation.
-	 */
-	'σ' : float;	
-type 'constraint-validation' {
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/benchmark.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/benchmark.dl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98aa7491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/benchmark.dl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import "definitions" from de.evoal.core;
+import "definitions" from de.evoal.generator;
+module de.evoal.benchmark {
+	/**
+	 * Known optimisation functions for benchmarking purposes.
+	 */
+	type 'benchmark-function' extends 'optimisation-function' {
+	        benchmark : instance benchmark;	
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/generator.dl b/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/generator.dl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94ed9912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/de.evoal.generator.main/src/main/resources/de/evoal/generator.dl
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+module de.evoal.generator {
+	abstract type benchmark{}
+	/**
+	 * In mathematical optimisation, the Ackley function is a non-convex function
+	 * used as a performance test problem for optimisation algorithms. It was proposed
+	 * by David Ackley in his 1987 PhD dissertation. ... <a href="">Wikipedia</a>.
+	 * 
+	 * <math display="block">
+	 *   <mrow>
+	 *     <mi>f</mi>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mi>w</mi>
+	 *     <mi>r</mi>
+	 *     <mi>i</mi>
+	 *     <mi>t</mi>
+	 *     <msub>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mn>0</mn>
+	 *     </msub>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *     <mo>=</mo>
+	 *     <mo>−</mo>
+	 *     <mi>a</mi>
+	 *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
+	 *     <mi>e</mi>
+	 *     <mi>x</mi>
+	 *     <mi>p</mi>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mo>−</mo>
+	 *     <mi>b</mi>
+	 *     <msqrt>
+	 *       <mrow>
+	 *         <mfrac>
+	 *           <mn>1</mn>
+	 *           <mi>n</mi>
+	 *         </mfrac>
+	 *         <mrow>
+	 *           <munderover>
+	 *             <mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
+	 *             <mrow>
+	 *               <mi>i</mi>
+	 *               <mo>=</mo>
+	 *               <mn>1</mn>
+	 *             </mrow>
+	 *             <mi>n</mi>
+	 *           </munderover>
+	 *         </mrow>
+	 *         <mi>r</mi>
+	 *         <mi>e</mi>
+	 *         <mi>a</mi>
+	 *         <msub>
+	 *           <mi>d</mi>
+	 *           <mi>i</mi>
+	 *         </msub>
+	 *       </mrow>
+	 *     </msqrt>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *     <mo>−</mo>
+	 *     <mi>e</mi>
+	 *     <mi>x</mi>
+	 *     <mi>p</mi>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mfrac>
+	 *       <mn>1</mn>
+	 *       <mi>n</mi>
+	 *     </mfrac>
+	 *     <mrow>
+	 *       <munderover>
+	 *         <mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
+	 *         <mrow>
+	 *           <mi>i</mi>
+	 *           <mo>=</mo>
+	 *           <mn>1</mn>
+	 *         </mrow>
+	 *         <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       </munderover>
+	 *     </mrow>
+	 *     <mi>c</mi>
+	 *     <mi>o</mi>
+	 *     <mi>s</mi>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mi>c</mi>
+	 *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
+	 *     <mi>r</mi>
+	 *     <mi>e</mi>
+	 *     <mi>a</mi>
+	 *     <msub>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *     </msub>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *     <mo>+</mo>
+	 *     <mi>a</mi>
+	 *     <mo>+</mo>
+	 *     <mi>e</mi>
+	 *     <mi>x</mi>
+	 *     <mi>p</mi>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mn>1</mn>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *   </mrow>
+	 * </math>
+	 * 
+	 * According to this specification, the function only generates a single output
+	 *   variable out of a n input variables.
+	 */
+	type ackley extends benchmark {
+		/**
+		 * The constant a is set to 20 in the original Ackley function.
+		 */
+		'a' : float;
+		/**
+		 * The constant b is set to 0.2 in the original Ackley function.
+		 */
+		b : float;
+		/**
+		 * The constant c is set to 2Ï€ in the original Ackley function.
+		 */
+		'c' : float;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * In mathematical optimisation, the Rastrigin function is a non-convex function
+	 * used as a performance test problem for optimisation algorithms. ... <a href="">Wikipedia</a>
+	 * 
+	 * <math display="block">
+	 *   <mrow>
+	 *     <mi>w</mi>
+	 *     <mi>r</mi>
+	 *     <mi>i</mi>
+	 *     <mi>t</mi>
+	 *     <msub>
+	 *       <mi>e</mi>
+	 *       <mn>0</mn>
+	 *     </msub>
+	 *     <mo>=</mo>
+	 *     <mi>a</mi>
+	 *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
+	 *     <mi>n</mi>
+	 *     <mo>+</mo>
+	 *     <mrow>
+	 *       <munderover>
+	 *         <mo movablelimits="false">∑</mo>
+	 *         <mrow>
+	 *           <mi>i</mi>
+	 *           <mo>=</mo>
+	 *           <mn>1</mn>
+	 *         </mrow>
+	 *         <mi>n</mi>
+	 *       </munderover>
+	 *     </mrow>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mi>r</mi>
+	 *     <mi>e</mi>
+	 *     <mi>a</mi>
+	 *     <msubsup>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *       <mn>2</mn>
+	 *     </msubsup>
+	 *     <mo>−</mo>
+	 *     <mi>A</mi>
+	 *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
+	 *     <mi>c</mi>
+	 *     <mi>o</mi>
+	 *     <mi>s</mi>
+	 *     <mo form="prefix" stretchy="false">(</mo>
+	 *     <mn>2</mn>
+	 *     <mi>Ï€</mi>
+	 *     <mo>â‹…</mo>
+	 *     <mi>r</mi>
+	 *     <mi>e</mi>
+	 *     <mi>a</mi>
+	 *     <msub>
+	 *       <mi>d</mi>
+	 *       <mi>i</mi>
+	 *     </msub>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *     <mo form="postfix" stretchy="false">)</mo>
+	 *   </mrow>
+	 * </math>
+	 * 
+	 */
+	type rastrigin extends benchmark {
+		/**
+		 * Constant a, which is typically 10.
+		 */
+		'a' : float;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * TODO Document me
+	 */
+	type 'weighted-sphere' extends benchmark {	
+	}
+	/**
+	 * TODO Document me
+	 */
+	type 'rosenbrock' extends benchmark {	
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Adds constant values for the specified data.
+	 */
+	type constants {
+		/**
+		 * The constant values to append.
+		 */
+		constants : array float;	
+	}
+	type 'multivariate-normal-distribution' {
+		means : array float;
+		covariance : array array float;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Adds normally distributed noise to data. For each data to noise, you can
+	 *   specify a separate distribution.
+	 */
+	type 'normally-distributed-noise' {
+		/**
+		 * The different distributions to use. Make sure it matches the size of
+		 *   the data the function writes.
+		 */
+		distributions : array instance distribution;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * A distribution specification.
+	 */
+	type distribution {
+		/**
+		 * The distribution's expected value.
+		 */
+		'μ' : float;
+		/**
+		 * The distribution's standard deviation.
+		 */
+		'σ' : float;	
+	}
+	type 'constraint-validation' {	
+	}
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