diff --git a/config/nav2_params.yaml b/config/nav2_params.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6c8f947738254218368e729b7f04ef19bde15b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/nav2_params.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +amcl: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + alpha1: 0.2 + alpha2: 0.2 + alpha3: 0.2 + alpha4: 0.2 + alpha5: 0.2 + base_frame_id: "base_footprint" + beam_skip_distance: 0.5 + beam_skip_error_threshold: 0.9 + beam_skip_threshold: 0.3 + do_beamskip: false + global_frame_id: "map" + lambda_short: 0.1 + laser_likelihood_max_dist: 2.0 + laser_max_range: 100.0 + laser_min_range: -1.0 + laser_model_type: "likelihood_field" + max_beams: 60 + max_particles: 2000 + min_particles: 500 + odom_frame_id: "odom" + pf_err: 0.05 + pf_z: 0.99 + recovery_alpha_fast: 0.0 + recovery_alpha_slow: 0.0 + resample_interval: 1 + robot_model_type: "Differential" + save_pose_rate: 0.5 + sigma_hit: 0.2 + tf_broadcast: true + transform_tolerance: 1.0 + update_min_a: 0.2 + update_min_d: 0.25 + z_hit: 0.5 + z_max: 0.05 + z_rand: 0.5 + z_short: 0.05 + scan_topic: scan + +amcl_map_client: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +amcl_rclcpp_node: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +bt_navigator: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + global_frame: map + robot_base_frame: base_link + odom_topic: /odom + enable_groot_monitoring: True + groot_zmq_publisher_port: 1666 + groot_zmq_server_port: 1667 + default_bt_xml_filename: "navigate_w_replanning_and_recovery.xml" + plugin_lib_names: + - nav2_compute_path_to_pose_action_bt_node + - nav2_follow_path_action_bt_node + - nav2_back_up_action_bt_node + - nav2_spin_action_bt_node + - nav2_wait_action_bt_node + - nav2_clear_costmap_service_bt_node + - nav2_is_stuck_condition_bt_node + - nav2_goal_reached_condition_bt_node + - nav2_goal_updated_condition_bt_node + - nav2_initial_pose_received_condition_bt_node + - nav2_reinitialize_global_localization_service_bt_node + - nav2_rate_controller_bt_node + - nav2_distance_controller_bt_node + - nav2_speed_controller_bt_node + - nav2_truncate_path_action_bt_node + - nav2_goal_updater_node_bt_node + - nav2_recovery_node_bt_node + - nav2_pipeline_sequence_bt_node + - nav2_round_robin_node_bt_node + - nav2_transform_available_condition_bt_node + - nav2_time_expired_condition_bt_node + - nav2_distance_traveled_condition_bt_node + +bt_navigator_rclcpp_node: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +controller_server: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + controller_frequency: 20.0 + min_x_velocity_threshold: 0.001 + min_y_velocity_threshold: 0.5 + min_theta_velocity_threshold: 0.001 + progress_checker_plugin: "progress_checker" + goal_checker_plugin: "goal_checker" + controller_plugins: ["FollowPath"] + + # Progress checker parameters + progress_checker: + plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleProgressChecker" + required_movement_radius: 0.5 + movement_time_allowance: 10.0 + # Goal checker parameters + goal_checker: + plugin: "nav2_controller::SimpleGoalChecker" + xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25 + yaw_goal_tolerance: 0.25 + stateful: True + # DWB parameters + FollowPath: + plugin: "dwb_core::DWBLocalPlanner" + debug_trajectory_details: True + min_vel_x: 0.0 + min_vel_y: 0.0 + max_vel_x: 0.26 + max_vel_y: 0.0 + max_vel_theta: 1.0 + min_speed_xy: 0.0 + max_speed_xy: 0.26 + min_speed_theta: 0.0 + # Add high threshold velocity for turtlebot 3 issue. + # https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3_simulations/issues/75 + acc_lim_x: 2.5 + acc_lim_y: 0.0 + acc_lim_theta: 3.2 + decel_lim_x: -2.5 + decel_lim_y: 0.0 + decel_lim_theta: -3.2 + vx_samples: 20 + vy_samples: 5 + vtheta_samples: 20 + sim_time: 1.7 + linear_granularity: 0.05 + angular_granularity: 0.025 + transform_tolerance: 0.2 + xy_goal_tolerance: 0.25 + trans_stopped_velocity: 0.25 + short_circuit_trajectory_evaluation: True + stateful: True + critics: ["RotateToGoal", "Oscillation", "BaseObstacle", "GoalAlign", "PathAlign", "PathDist", "GoalDist"] + BaseObstacle.scale: 0.02 + PathAlign.scale: 32.0 + PathAlign.forward_point_distance: 0.1 + GoalAlign.scale: 24.0 + GoalAlign.forward_point_distance: 0.1 + PathDist.scale: 32.0 + GoalDist.scale: 24.0 + RotateToGoal.scale: 32.0 + RotateToGoal.slowing_factor: 5.0 + RotateToGoal.lookahead_time: -1.0 + +controller_server_rclcpp_node: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +local_costmap: + local_costmap: + ros__parameters: + update_frequency: 5.0 + publish_frequency: 2.0 + global_frame: odom + robot_base_frame: base_link + use_sim_time: True + rolling_window: true + width: 3 + height: 3 + resolution: 0.05 + robot_radius: 0.22 + plugins: ["voxel_layer", "inflation_layer"] + inflation_layer: + plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer" + cost_scaling_factor: 3.0 + inflation_radius: 0.55 + voxel_layer: + plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::VoxelLayer" + enabled: True + publish_voxel_map: True + origin_z: 0.0 + z_resolution: 0.05 + z_voxels: 16 + max_obstacle_height: 2.0 + mark_threshold: 0 + observation_sources: scan + scan: + topic: /scan + max_obstacle_height: 2.0 + clearing: True + marking: True + data_type: "LaserScan" + static_layer: + map_subscribe_transient_local: True + always_send_full_costmap: True + local_costmap_client: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + local_costmap_rclcpp_node: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +global_costmap: + global_costmap: + ros__parameters: + update_frequency: 1.0 + publish_frequency: 1.0 + global_frame: map + robot_base_frame: base_link + use_sim_time: True + robot_radius: 0.22 + resolution: 0.05 + track_unknown_space: true + plugins: ["static_layer", "obstacle_layer", "inflation_layer"] + obstacle_layer: + plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer" + enabled: True + observation_sources: scan + scan: + topic: /scan + max_obstacle_height: 2.0 + clearing: True + marking: True + data_type: "LaserScan" + static_layer: + plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::StaticLayer" + map_subscribe_transient_local: True + inflation_layer: + plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer" + cost_scaling_factor: 3.0 + inflation_radius: 0.55 + always_send_full_costmap: True + global_costmap_client: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + global_costmap_rclcpp_node: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +map_server: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + yaml_filename: "turtlebot3_world.yaml" + +map_saver: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + save_map_timeout: 5000 + free_thresh_default: 0.25 + occupied_thresh_default: 0.65 + map_subscribe_transient_local: False + +planner_server: + ros__parameters: + expected_planner_frequency: 20.0 + use_sim_time: True + planner_plugins: ["GridBased"] + GridBased: + plugin: "nav2_navfn_planner/NavfnPlanner" + tolerance: 0.5 + use_astar: false + allow_unknown: true + +planner_server_rclcpp_node: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True + +recoveries_server: + ros__parameters: + costmap_topic: local_costmap/costmap_raw + footprint_topic: local_costmap/published_footprint + cycle_frequency: 10.0 + recovery_plugins: ["spin", "back_up", "wait"] + spin: + plugin: "nav2_recoveries/Spin" + back_up: + plugin: "nav2_recoveries/BackUp" + wait: + plugin: "nav2_recoveries/Wait" + global_frame: odom + robot_base_frame: base_link + transform_timeout: 0.1 + use_sim_time: true + simulate_ahead_time: 2.0 + max_rotational_vel: 1.0 + min_rotational_vel: 0.4 + rotational_acc_lim: 3.2 + +robot_state_publisher: + ros__parameters: + use_sim_time: True \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/launch/navigation_launch.py b/launch/navigation_launch.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14be1e43bf0ba85af0d3622c67f25bba103d7973 --- /dev/null +++ b/launch/navigation_launch.py @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +import os + +from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory + +from launch import LaunchDescription +from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument, SetEnvironmentVariable +from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration +from launch_ros.actions import Node +from nav2_common.launch import RewrittenYaml + + +def generate_launch_description(): + # Get the launch directory + bringup_dir = get_package_share_directory('dev_loc') + + namespace = LaunchConfiguration('namespace') + use_sim_time = LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time') + autostart = LaunchConfiguration('autostart') + params_file = LaunchConfiguration('params_file') + default_bt_xml_filename = LaunchConfiguration('default_bt_xml_filename') + map_subscribe_transient_local = LaunchConfiguration('map_subscribe_transient_local') + + lifecycle_nodes = ['controller_server', + 'planner_server', + 'recoveries_server', + 'bt_navigator', + 'waypoint_follower'] + + # Map fully qualified names to relative ones so the node's namespace can be prepended. + # In case of the transforms (tf), currently, there doesn't seem to be a better alternative + # https://github.com/ros/geometry2/issues/32 + # https://github.com/ros/robot_state_publisher/pull/30 + # TODO(orduno) Substitute with `PushNodeRemapping` + # https://github.com/ros2/launch_ros/issues/56 + remappings = [('/tf', 'tf'), + ('/tf_static', 'tf_static')] + + # Create our own temporary YAML files that include substitutions + param_substitutions = { + 'use_sim_time': use_sim_time, + 'default_bt_xml_filename': default_bt_xml_filename, + 'autostart': autostart, + 'map_subscribe_transient_local': map_subscribe_transient_local} + + configured_params = RewrittenYaml( + source_file=params_file, + root_key=namespace, + param_rewrites=param_substitutions, + convert_types=True) + + return LaunchDescription([ + # Set env var to print messages to stdout immediately + SetEnvironmentVariable('RCUTILS_LOGGING_BUFFERED_STREAM', '1'), + + DeclareLaunchArgument( + 'namespace', default_value='', + description='Top-level namespace'), + + DeclareLaunchArgument( + 'use_sim_time', default_value='true', + description='Use simulation (Gazebo) clock if true'), + + DeclareLaunchArgument( + 'autostart', default_value='true', + description='Automatically startup the nav2 stack'), + + DeclareLaunchArgument( + 'params_file', + default_value=os.path.join(bringup_dir, 'config', 'nav2_params.yaml'), + description='Full path to the ROS2 parameters file to use'), + + DeclareLaunchArgument( + 'default_bt_xml_filename', + default_value=os.path.join( + get_package_share_directory('nav2_bt_navigator'), + 'behavior_trees', 'navigate_w_replanning_and_recovery.xml'), + description='Full path to the behavior tree xml file to use'), + + DeclareLaunchArgument( + 'map_subscribe_transient_local', default_value='false', + description='Whether to set the map subscriber QoS to transient local'), + + Node( + package='nav2_controller', + executable='controller_server', + output='screen', + parameters=[configured_params], + remappings=remappings), + + Node( + package='nav2_planner', + executable='planner_server', + name='planner_server', + output='screen', + parameters=[configured_params], + remappings=remappings), + + Node( + package='nav2_recoveries', + executable='recoveries_server', + name='recoveries_server', + output='screen', + parameters=[configured_params], + remappings=remappings), + + Node( + package='nav2_bt_navigator', + executable='bt_navigator', + name='bt_navigator', + output='screen', + parameters=[configured_params], + remappings=remappings), + + Node( + package='nav2_waypoint_follower', + executable='waypoint_follower', + name='waypoint_follower', + output='screen', + parameters=[configured_params], + remappings=remappings), + + Node( + package='nav2_lifecycle_manager', + executable='lifecycle_manager', + name='lifecycle_manager_navigation', + output='screen', + parameters=[{'use_sim_time': use_sim_time}, + {'autostart': autostart}, + {'node_names': lifecycle_nodes}]), + + ])