From 9edf03718c87a6de447b80e67f83066e3adb32aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Emil Harlan <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 12:24:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Upload New File

 json/ros2d.js | 1206 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1206 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 json/ros2d.js

diff --git a/json/ros2d.js b/json/ros2d.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f61d9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/json/ros2d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1206 @@
+ * @fileOverview
+ * @author Russell Toris -
+ */
+var ROS2D = ROS2D || {
+    /**
+     * @description Library version
+     */
+    REVISION : '0.10.0'
+  };
+  // convert the given global Stage coordinates to ROS coordinates
+  createjs.Stage.prototype.globalToRos = function(x, y) {
+    var rosX = (x - this.x) / this.scaleX;
+    var rosY = (this.y - y) / this.scaleY;
+    return new ROSLIB.Vector3({
+      x : rosX,
+      y : rosY
+    });
+  };
+  // convert the given ROS coordinates to global Stage coordinates
+  createjs.Stage.prototype.rosToGlobal = function(pos) {
+    var x = pos.x * this.scaleX + this.x;
+    var y = pos.y * this.scaleY + this.y;
+    return {
+      x : x,
+      y : y
+    };
+  };
+  // convert a ROS quaternion to theta in degrees
+  createjs.Stage.prototype.rosQuaternionToGlobalTheta = function(orientation) {
+    // See
+    // here we use [x y z] = R * [1 0 0]
+    var q0 = orientation.w;
+    var q1 = orientation.x;
+    var q2 = orientation.y;
+    var q3 = orientation.z;
+    // Canvas rotation is clock wise and in degrees
+    return -Math.atan2(2 * (q0 * q3 + q1 * q2), 1 - 2 * (q2 * q2 + q3 * q3)) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
+  };
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * An image map is a PNG image scaled to fit to the dimensions of a OccupancyGrid.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * message - the occupancy grid map meta data message
+   *   * image - the image URL to load
+   */
+  ROS2D.ImageMap = function(options) {
+    options = options || {};
+    var message = options.message;
+    var image = options.image;
+    // save the metadata we need
+    this.pose = new ROSLIB.Pose({
+      position : message.origin.position,
+      orientation : message.origin.orientation
+    });
+    // set the size
+    this.width = message.width;
+    this.height = message.height;
+    // create the bitmap
+, image);
+    // change Y direction
+    this.y = -this.height * message.resolution;
+    // scale the image
+    this.scaleX = message.resolution;
+    this.scaleY = message.resolution;
+    this.width *= this.scaleX;
+    this.height *= this.scaleY;
+    // set the pose
+    this.x += this.pose.position.x;
+    this.y -= this.pose.position.y;
+  };
+  ROS2D.ImageMap.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A image map is a PNG image scaled to fit to the dimensions of a OccupancyGrid.
+   *
+   * Emits the following events:
+   *   * 'change' - there was an update or change in the map
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle
+   *   * topic (optional) - the map meta data topic to listen to
+   *   * image - the image URL to load
+   *   * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to
+   */
+  ROS2D.ImageMapClient = function(options) {
+    var that = this;
+    options = options || {};
+    var ros = options.ros;
+    var topic = options.topic || '/map';
+    this.image = options.image;
+    this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new createjs.Container();
+    // create an empty shape to start with
+    this.currentImage = new createjs.Shape();
+    // subscribe to the topic
+    var rosTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({
+      ros : ros,
+      name : topic,
+      messageType : 'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid'
+    });
+    rosTopic.subscribe(function(message) {
+      // we only need this once
+      rosTopic.unsubscribe();
+      // create the image
+      that.currentImage = new ROS2D.ImageMap({
+        message : message,
+        image : that.image
+      });
+      that.rootObject.addChild(that.currentImage);
+      // work-around for a bug in easeljs -- needs a second object to render correctly
+      that.rootObject.addChild(new ROS2D.Grid({size:1}));
+      that.emit('change');
+    });
+  };
+  ROS2D.ImageMapClient.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * An OccupancyGrid can convert a ROS occupancy grid message into a createjs Bitmap object.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * message - the occupancy grid message
+   */
+  ROS2D.OccupancyGrid = function(options) {
+    options = options || {};
+    var message = options.message;
+    // internal drawing canvas
+    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+    // save the metadata we need
+    this.pose = new ROSLIB.Pose({
+      position :,
+      orientation :
+    });
+    // set the size
+    this.width =;
+    this.height =;
+    canvas.width = this.width;
+    canvas.height = this.height;
+    var imageData = context.createImageData(this.width, this.height);
+    for ( var row = 0; row < this.height; row++) {
+      for ( var col = 0; col < this.width; col++) {
+        // determine the index into the map data
+        var mapI = col + ((this.height - row - 1) * this.width);
+        // determine the value
+        var data =[mapI];
+        var val;
+        if (data === 100) {
+          val = 0;
+        } else if (data === 0) {
+          val = 255;
+        } else {
+          val = 127;
+        }
+        // determine the index into the image data array
+        var i = (col + (row * this.width)) * 4;
+        // r
+[i] = val;
+        // g
+[++i] = val;
+        // b
+[++i] = val;
+        // a
+[++i] = 255;
+      }
+    }
+    context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+    // create the bitmap
+, canvas);
+    // change Y direction
+    this.y = -this.height *;
+    // scale the image
+    this.scaleX =;
+    this.scaleY =;
+    this.width *= this.scaleX;
+    this.height *= this.scaleY;
+    // set the pose
+    this.x += this.pose.position.x;
+    this.y -= this.pose.position.y;
+  };
+  ROS2D.OccupancyGrid.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A map that listens to a given occupancy grid topic.
+   *
+   * Emits the following events:
+   *   * 'change' - there was an update or change in the map
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle
+   *   * topic (optional) - the map topic to listen to
+   *   * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to
+   *   * continuous (optional) - if the map should be continuously loaded (e.g., for SLAM)
+   */
+  ROS2D.OccupancyGridClient = function(options) {
+    var that = this;
+    options = options || {};
+    var ros = options.ros;
+    var topic = options.topic || '/map';
+    this.continuous = options.continuous;
+    this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new createjs.Container();
+    // current grid that is displayed
+    // create an empty shape to start with, so that the order remains correct.
+    this.currentGrid = new createjs.Shape();
+    this.rootObject.addChild(this.currentGrid);
+    // work-around for a bug in easeljs -- needs a second object to render correctly
+    this.rootObject.addChild(new ROS2D.Grid({size:1}));
+    // subscribe to the topic
+    var rosTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({
+      ros : ros,
+      name : topic,
+      messageType : 'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid',
+      //compression : 'png'
+    });
+    rosTopic.subscribe(function(message) {
+      // check for an old map
+      var index = null;
+      if (that.currentGrid) {
+        index = that.rootObject.getChildIndex(that.currentGrid);
+        that.rootObject.removeChild(that.currentGrid);
+      }
+      that.currentGrid = new ROS2D.OccupancyGrid({
+        message : message
+      });
+      if (index !== null) {
+        that.rootObject.addChildAt(that.currentGrid, index);
+      }
+      else {
+        that.rootObject.addChild(that.currentGrid);
+      }
+      that.emit('change');
+      // check if we should unsubscribe
+      if (!that.continuous) {
+        rosTopic.unsubscribe();
+      }
+    });
+  };
+  ROS2D.OccupancyGridClient.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Jihoon Lee-
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A static map that receives from map_server.
+   *
+   * Emits the following events:
+   *   * 'change' - there was an update or change in the map
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * ros - the ROSLIB.Ros connection handle
+   *   * service (optional) - the map topic to listen to, like '/static_map'
+   *   * rootObject (optional) - the root object to add this marker to
+   */
+  ROS2D.OccupancyGridSrvClient = function(options) {
+    var that = this;
+    options = options || {};
+    var ros = options.ros;
+    var service = options.service || '/static_map';
+    this.rootObject = options.rootObject || new createjs.Container();
+    // current grid that is displayed
+    this.currentGrid = null;
+    // Setting up to the service
+    var rosService = new ROSLIB.Service({
+      ros : ros,
+      name : service,
+      serviceType : 'nav_msgs/GetMap',
+      compression : 'png'
+    });
+    rosService.callService(new ROSLIB.ServiceRequest(),function(response) {
+      // check for an old map
+      if (that.currentGrid) {
+        that.rootObject.removeChild(that.currentGrid);
+      }
+      that.currentGrid = new ROS2D.OccupancyGrid({
+        message :
+      });
+      that.rootObject.addChild(that.currentGrid);
+      that.emit('change', that.currentGrid);
+    });
+  };
+  ROS2D.OccupancyGridSrvClient.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter2.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Bart van Vliet -
+   */
+  /**
+   * An arrow with line and triangular head, based on the navigation arrow.
+   * Aims to the left at 0 rotation, as would be expected.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param {Object} options
+   * @param {Int} [options.size] - The size of the marker
+   * @param {Int} [options.strokeSize] - The size of the outline
+   * @param {String} [options.strokeColor] - The createjs color for the stroke
+   * @param {String} [options.fillColor] - The createjs color for the fill
+   * @param {Bool} [options.pulse] - If the marker should "pulse" over time
+   */
+  ROS2D.ArrowShape = function(options) {
+      var that = this;
+      options = options || {};
+      var size = options.size || 10;
+      var strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3;
+      var strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0);
+      var fillColor = options.fillColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0);
+      var pulse = options.pulse;
+      // draw the arrow
+      var graphics = new createjs.Graphics();
+      var headLen = size / 3.0;
+      var headWidth = headLen * 2.0 / 3.0;
+      graphics.setStrokeStyle(strokeSize);
+      graphics.beginStroke(strokeColor);
+      graphics.moveTo(0, 0);
+      graphics.lineTo(size-headLen, 0);
+      graphics.beginFill(fillColor);
+      graphics.moveTo(size, 0);
+      graphics.lineTo(size-headLen, headWidth / 2.0);
+      graphics.lineTo(size-headLen, -headWidth / 2.0);
+      graphics.closePath();
+      graphics.endFill();
+      graphics.endStroke();
+      // create the shape
+, graphics);
+      // check if we are pulsing
+      if (pulse) {
+          // have the model "pulse"
+          var growCount = 0;
+          var growing = true;
+          createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() {
+              if (growing) {
+                  that.scaleX *= 1.035;
+                  that.scaleY *= 1.035;
+                  growing = (++growCount < 10);
+              } else {
+                  that.scaleX /= 1.035;
+                  that.scaleY /= 1.035;
+                  growing = (--growCount < 0);
+              }
+          });
+      }
+  };
+  ROS2D.ArrowShape.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Raffaello Bonghi -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A Grid object draw in map.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *  * size (optional) - the size of the grid
+   *  * cellSize (optional) - the cell size of map
+   *  * lineWidth (optional) - the width of the lines in the grid
+   */
+   ROS2D.Grid = function(options) {
+      var that = this;
+      options = options || {};
+      var size = options.size || 10;
+      var cellSize = options.cellSize || 0.1;
+      var lineWidth = options.lineWidth || 0.001;
+      // draw the arrow
+      var graphics = new createjs.Graphics();
+      // line width
+      graphics.setStrokeStyle(lineWidth*5);
+      graphics.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0));
+      graphics.beginFill(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0));
+      graphics.moveTo(-size*cellSize, 0);
+      graphics.lineTo(size*cellSize, 0);
+      graphics.moveTo(0, -size*cellSize);
+      graphics.lineTo(0, size*cellSize);
+      graphics.endFill();
+      graphics.endStroke();
+      graphics.setStrokeStyle(lineWidth);
+      graphics.beginStroke(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0));
+      graphics.beginFill(createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0));
+      for (var i = -size; i <= size; i++) {
+          graphics.moveTo(-size*cellSize, i * cellSize);
+          graphics.lineTo(size*cellSize, i * cellSize);
+          graphics.moveTo(i * cellSize, -size*cellSize);
+          graphics.lineTo(i * cellSize, size*cellSize);
+      }
+      graphics.endFill();
+      graphics.endStroke();
+      // create the shape
+, graphics);
+  };
+  ROS2D.Grid.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A navigation arrow is a directed triangle that can be used to display orientation.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * size (optional) - the size of the marker
+   *   * strokeSize (optional) - the size of the outline
+   *   * strokeColor (optional) - the createjs color for the stroke
+   *   * fillColor (optional) - the createjs color for the fill
+   *   * pulse (optional) - if the marker should "pulse" over time
+   */
+  ROS2D.NavigationArrow = function(options) {
+    var that = this;
+    options = options || {};
+    var size = options.size || 10;
+    var strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3;
+    var strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0);
+    var fillColor = options.fillColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0);
+    var pulse = options.pulse;
+    // draw the arrow
+    var graphics = new createjs.Graphics();
+    // line width
+    graphics.setStrokeStyle(strokeSize);
+    graphics.moveTo(-size / 2.0, -size / 2.0);
+    graphics.beginStroke(strokeColor);
+    graphics.beginFill(fillColor);
+    graphics.lineTo(size, 0);
+    graphics.lineTo(-size / 2.0, size / 2.0);
+    graphics.closePath();
+    graphics.endFill();
+    graphics.endStroke();
+    // create the shape
+, graphics);
+    // check if we are pulsing
+    if (pulse) {
+      // have the model "pulse"
+      var growCount = 0;
+      var growing = true;
+      createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() {
+        if (growing) {
+          that.scaleX *= 1.035;
+          that.scaleY *= 1.035;
+          growing = (++growCount < 10);
+        } else {
+          that.scaleX /= 1.035;
+          that.scaleY /= 1.035;
+          growing = (--growCount < 0);
+        }
+      });
+    }
+  };
+  ROS2D.NavigationArrow.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Inigo Gonzalez -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A navigation image that can be used to display orientation.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * size (optional) - the size of the marker
+   *   * image - the image to use as a marker
+   *   * pulse (optional) - if the marker should "pulse" over time
+   */
+  ROS2D.NavigationImage = function(options) {
+    var that = this;
+    options = options || {};
+    var size = options.size || 10;
+    var image_url = options.image;
+    var pulse = options.pulse;
+    var alpha = options.alpha || 1;
+    var originals = {};
+    var paintImage = function(){
+, image);
+      var scale = calculateScale(size);
+      that.alpha = alpha;
+      that.scaleX = scale;
+      that.scaleY = scale;
+      that.regY = that.image.height/2;
+      that.regX = that.image.width/2;
+      originals['rotation'] = that.rotation;
+      Object.defineProperty( that, 'rotation', {
+        get: function(){ return originals['rotation'] + 90; },
+        set: function(value){ originals['rotation'] = value; }
+      });
+      if (pulse) {
+        // have the model "pulse"
+        var growCount = 0;
+        var growing = true;
+        var SCALE_SIZE = 1.020;
+        createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', function() {
+          if (growing) {
+            that.scaleX *= SCALE_SIZE;
+            that.scaleY *= SCALE_SIZE;
+            growing = (++growCount < 10);
+          } else {
+            that.scaleX /= SCALE_SIZE;
+            that.scaleY /= SCALE_SIZE;
+            growing = (--growCount < 0);
+          }
+        });
+      }
+    };
+     var calculateScale = function(_size){
+        return _size / image.width;
+    };
+    var image = new Image();
+    image.onload = paintImage;
+    image.src = image_url;
+  };
+  ROS2D.NavigationImage.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Bitmap.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Bart van Vliet -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A shape to draw a nav_msgs/Path msg
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * path (optional) - the initial path to draw
+   *   * strokeSize (optional) - the size of the outline
+   *   * strokeColor (optional) - the createjs color for the stroke
+   */
+  ROS2D.PathShape = function(options) {
+      options = options || {};
+      var path = options.path;
+      this.strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3;
+      this.strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0);
+      // draw the line
+ = new createjs.Graphics();
+      if (path !== null && typeof path !== 'undefined') {
+[0].pose.position.x / this.scaleX, path.poses[0].pose.position.y / -this.scaleY);
+          for (var i=1; i<path.poses.length; ++i) {
+    [i].pose.position.x / this.scaleX, path.poses[i].pose.position.y / -this.scaleY);
+          }
+      }
+      // create the shape
+  };
+  /**
+   * Set the path to draw
+   *
+   * @param path of type nav_msgs/Path
+   */
+  ROS2D.PathShape.prototype.setPath = function(path) {
+      if (path !== null && typeof path !== 'undefined') {
+[0].pose.position.x / this.scaleX, path.poses[0].pose.position.y / -this.scaleY);
+          for (var i=1; i<path.poses.length; ++i) {
+    [i].pose.position.x / this.scaleX, path.poses[i].pose.position.y / -this.scaleY);
+          }
+      }
+  };
+  ROS2D.PathShape.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Bart van Vliet -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A polygon that can be edited by an end user
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * pose (optional) - the first pose of the trace
+   *   * lineSize (optional) - the width of the lines
+   *   * lineColor (optional) - the createjs color of the lines
+   *   * pointSize (optional) - the size of the points
+   *   * pointColor (optional) - the createjs color of the points
+   *   * fillColor (optional) - the createjs color to fill the polygon
+   *   * lineCallBack (optional) - callback function for mouse interaction with a line
+   *   * pointCallBack (optional) - callback function for mouse interaction with a point
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker = function(options) {
+  //	var that = this;
+      options = options || {};
+      this.lineSize = options.lineSize || 3;
+      this.lineColor = options.lineColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 255, 0.66);
+      this.pointSize = options.pointSize || 10;
+      this.pointColor = options.pointColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(255, 0, 0, 0.66);
+      this.fillColor = options.pointColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 255, 0, 0.33);
+      this.lineCallBack = options.lineCallBack;
+      this.pointCallBack = options.pointCallBack;
+      // Array of point shapes
+  //	this.points = [];
+      this.pointContainer = new createjs.Container();
+      // Array of line shapes
+  //	this.lines = [];
+      this.lineContainer = new createjs.Container();
+      this.fillShape = new createjs.Shape();
+      // Container with all the lines and points
+      this.addChild(this.fillShape);
+      this.addChild(this.lineContainer);
+      this.addChild(this.pointContainer);
+  };
+  /**
+   * Internal use only
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.createLineShape = function(startPoint, endPoint) {
+      var line = new createjs.Shape();
+  //;
+  //;
+  //, startPoint.y);
+  //, endPoint.y);
+      this.editLineShape(line, startPoint, endPoint);
+      var that = this;
+      line.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
+          if (that.lineCallBack !== null && typeof that.lineCallBack !== 'undefined') {
+              that.lineCallBack('mousedown', event, that.lineContainer.getChildIndex(;
+          }
+      });
+      return line;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Internal use only
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.editLineShape = function(line, startPoint, endPoint) {
+, startPoint.y);
+, endPoint.y);
+  };
+  /**
+   * Internal use only
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.createPointShape = function(pos) {
+      var point = new createjs.Shape();
+, 0, this.pointSize);
+      point.x = pos.x;
+      point.y = -pos.y;
+      var that = this;
+      point.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {
+          if (that.pointCallBack !== null && typeof that.pointCallBack !== 'undefined') {
+              that.pointCallBack('mousedown', event, that.pointContainer.getChildIndex(;
+          }
+      });
+      return point;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Adds a point to the polygon
+   *
+   * @param position of type ROSLIB.Vector3
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.addPoint = function(pos) {
+      var point = this.createPointShape(pos);
+      this.pointContainer.addChild(point);
+      var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren();
+      // 0 points -> 1 point, 0 lines
+      // 1 point  -> 2 points, lines: add line between previous and new point, add line between new point and first point
+      // 2 points -> 3 points, 3 lines: change last line, add line between new point and first point
+      // 3 points -> 4 points, 4 lines: change last line, add line between new point and first point
+      // etc
+      if (numPoints < 2) {
+          // Now 1 point
+      }
+      else if (numPoints < 3) {
+          // Now 2 points: add line between previous and new point
+          var line = this.createLineShape(this.pointContainer.getChildAt(numPoints-2), point);
+          this.lineContainer.addChild(line);
+      }
+      if (numPoints > 2) {
+          // Now 3 or more points: change last line
+          this.editLineShape(this.lineContainer.getChildAt(numPoints-2), this.pointContainer.getChildAt(numPoints-2), point);
+      }
+      if (numPoints > 1) {
+          // Now 2 or more points: add line between new point and first point
+          var lineEnd = this.createLineShape(point, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(0));
+          this.lineContainer.addChild(lineEnd);
+      }
+      this.drawFill();
+  };
+  /**
+   * Removes a point from the polygon
+   *
+   * @param obj either an index (integer) or a point shape of the polygon
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.remPoint = function(obj) {
+      var index;
+  //	var point;
+      if (obj instanceof createjs.Shape) {
+          index = this.pointContainer.getChildIndex(obj);
+  //		point = obj;
+      }
+      else {
+          index = obj;
+  //		point = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index);
+      }
+      // 0 points -> 0 points, 0 lines
+      // 1 point  -> 0 points, 0 lines
+      // 2 points -> 1 point,  0 lines: remove all lines
+      // 3 points -> 2 points, 2 lines: change line before point to remove, remove line after point to remove
+      // 4 points -> 3 points, 3 lines: change line before point to remove, remove line after point to remove
+      // etc
+      var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren();
+      if (numPoints < 2) {
+      }
+      else if (numPoints < 3) {
+          // 2 points: remove all lines
+          this.lineContainer.removeAllChildren();
+      }
+      else {
+          // 3 or more points: change line before point to remove, remove line after point to remove
+          this.editLineShape(
+              this.lineContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints),
+              this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints),
+              this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints)
+          );
+          this.lineContainer.removeChildAt(index);
+      }
+      this.pointContainer.removeChildAt(index);
+  //	this.points.splice(index, 1);
+      this.drawFill();
+  };
+  /**
+   * Moves a point of the polygon
+   *
+   * @param obj either an index (integer) or a point shape of the polygon
+   * @param position of type ROSLIB.Vector3
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.movePoint = function(obj, newPos) {
+      var index;
+      var point;
+      if (obj instanceof createjs.Shape) {
+          index = this.pointContainer.getChildIndex(obj);
+          point = obj;
+      }
+      else {
+          index = obj;
+          point = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index);
+      }
+      point.x = newPos.x;
+      point.y = -newPos.y;
+      var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren();
+      if (numPoints > 1) {
+          // line before moved point
+          var line1 = this.lineContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints);
+          this.editLineShape(line1, this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index-1+numPoints)%numPoints), point);
+          // line after moved point
+          var line2 = this.lineContainer.getChildAt(index);
+          this.editLineShape(line2, point, this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints));
+      }
+      this.drawFill();
+  };
+  /**
+   * Splits a line of the polygon: inserts a point at the center of the line
+   *
+   * @param obj either an index (integer) or a line shape of the polygon
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.splitLine = function(obj) {
+      var index;
+      var line;
+      if (obj instanceof createjs.Shape) {
+          index = this.lineContainer.getChildIndex(obj);
+          line = obj;
+      }
+      else {
+          index = obj;
+          line = this.lineContainer.getChildAt(index);
+      }
+      var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren();
+      var xs = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index).x;
+      var ys = this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index).y;
+      var xe = this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints).x;
+      var ye = this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+1)%numPoints).y;
+      var xh = (xs+xe)/2.0;
+      var yh = (ys+ye)/2.0;
+      var pos = new ROSLIB.Vector3({ x:xh, y:-yh });
+      // Add a point in the center of the line to split
+      var point = this.createPointShape(pos);
+      this.pointContainer.addChildAt(point, index+1);
+      ++numPoints;
+      // Add a line between the new point and the end of the line to split
+      var lineNew = this.createLineShape(point, this.pointContainer.getChildAt((index+2)%numPoints));
+      this.lineContainer.addChildAt(lineNew, index+1);
+      // Set the endpoint of the line to split to the new point
+      this.editLineShape(line, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(index), point);
+      this.drawFill();
+  };
+  /**
+   * Internal use only
+   */
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.drawFill = function() {
+      var numPoints = this.pointContainer.getNumChildren();
+      if (numPoints > 2) {
+          var g =;
+          g.clear();
+          g.setStrokeStyle(0);
+          g.moveTo(this.pointContainer.getChildAt(0).x, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(0).y);
+          g.beginStroke();
+          g.beginFill(this.fillColor);
+          for (var i=1; i<numPoints; ++i) {
+              g.lineTo(this.pointContainer.getChildAt(i).x, this.pointContainer.getChildAt(i).y);
+          }
+          g.closePath();
+          g.endFill();
+          g.endStroke();
+      }
+      else {
+      }
+  };
+  ROS2D.PolygonMarker.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Container.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Bart van Vliet -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A trace of poses, handy to see where a robot has been
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * pose (optional) - the first pose of the trace
+   *   * strokeSize (optional) - the size of the outline
+   *   * strokeColor (optional) - the createjs color for the stroke
+   *   * maxPoses (optional) - the maximum number of poses to keep, 0 for infinite
+   *   * minDist (optional) - the minimal distance between poses to use the pose for drawing (default 0.05)
+   */
+  ROS2D.TraceShape = function(options) {
+  //	var that = this;
+      options = options || {};
+      var pose = options.pose;
+      this.strokeSize = options.strokeSize || 3;
+      this.strokeColor = options.strokeColor || createjs.Graphics.getRGB(0, 0, 0);
+      this.maxPoses = options.maxPoses || 100;
+      this.minDist = options.minDist || 0.05;
+      // Store minDist as the square of it
+      this.minDist = this.minDist*this.minDist;
+      // Array of the poses
+      // TODO: do we need this?
+      this.poses = [];
+      // Create the graphics
+ = new createjs.Graphics();
+      // Add first pose if given
+      if (pose !== null && typeof pose !== 'undefined') {
+          this.poses.push(pose);
+      }
+      // Create the shape
+  };
+  /**
+   * Adds a pose to the trace and updates the graphics
+   *
+   * @param pose of type ROSLIB.Pose
+   */
+  ROS2D.TraceShape.prototype.addPose = function(pose) {
+      var last = this.poses.length-1;
+      if (last < 0) {
+          this.poses.push(pose);
+ / this.scaleX, pose.position.y / -this.scaleY);
+      }
+      else {
+          var prevX = this.poses[last].position.x;
+          var prevY = this.poses[last].position.y;
+          var dx = (pose.position.x - prevX);
+          var dy = (pose.position.y - prevY);
+          if (dx*dx + dy*dy > this.minDist) {
+     / this.scaleX, pose.position.y / -this.scaleY);
+              this.poses.push(pose);
+          }
+      }
+      if (this.maxPoses > 0 && this.maxPoses < this.poses.length) {
+          this.popFront();
+      }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Removes front pose and updates the graphics
+   */
+  ROS2D.TraceShape.prototype.popFront = function() {
+      if (this.poses.length > 0) {
+          this.poses.shift();
+          // TODO: shift drawing instructions rather than doing it all over
+[0].position.x / this.scaleX, this.poses[0].position.y / -this.scaleY);
+          for (var i=1; i<this.poses.length; ++i) {
+    [i].position.x / this.scaleX, this.poses[i].position.y / -this.scaleY);
+          }
+      }
+  };
+  ROS2D.TraceShape.prototype.__proto__ = createjs.Shape.prototype;
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Bart van Vliet -
+   */
+  /**
+   * Adds panning to a view
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * rootObject (optional) - the root object to apply panning to
+   */
+  ROS2D.PanView = function(options) {
+      options = options || {};
+      this.rootObject = options.rootObject;
+      // get a handle to the stage
+      if (this.rootObject instanceof createjs.Stage) {
+          this.stage = this.rootObject;
+      }
+      else {
+          this.stage = this.rootObject.getStage();
+      }
+      this.startPos = new ROSLIB.Vector3();
+  };
+  ROS2D.PanView.prototype.startPan = function(startX, startY) {
+      this.startPos.x = startX;
+      this.startPos.y = startY;
+  };
+  ROS2D.PanView.prototype.pan = function(curX, curY) {
+      this.stage.x += curX - this.startPos.x;
+      this.startPos.x = curX;
+      this.stage.y += curY - this.startPos.y;
+      this.startPos.y = curY;
+  };
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Russell Toris -
+   */
+  /**
+   * A Viewer can be used to render an interactive 2D scene to a HTML5 canvas.
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * divID - the ID of the div to place the viewer in
+   *   * width - the initial width, in pixels, of the canvas
+   *   * height - the initial height, in pixels, of the canvas
+   *   * background (optional) - the color to render the background, like '#efefef'
+   */
+  ROS2D.Viewer = function(options) {
+    var that = this;
+    options = options || {};
+    var divID = options.divID;
+    this.width = options.width;
+    this.height = options.height;
+    var background = options.background || '#111111';
+    // create the canvas to render to
+    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+    canvas.width = this.width;
+    canvas.height = this.height;
+ = background;
+    document.getElementById(divID).appendChild(canvas);
+    // create the easel to use
+    this.scene = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
+    // change Y axis center
+    this.scene.y = this.height;
+    // add the renderer to the page
+    document.getElementById(divID).appendChild(canvas);
+    // update at 30fps
+    createjs.Ticker.setFPS(30);
+    createjs.Ticker.addEventListener('tick', this.scene);
+  };
+  /**
+   * Add the given createjs object to the global scene in the viewer.
+   *
+   * @param object - the object to add
+   */
+  ROS2D.Viewer.prototype.addObject = function(object) {
+    this.scene.addChild(object);
+  };
+  /**
+   * Scale the scene to fit the given width and height into the current canvas.
+   *
+   * @param width - the width to scale to in meters
+   * @param height - the height to scale to in meters
+   */
+  ROS2D.Viewer.prototype.scaleToDimensions = function(width, height) {
+    // restore to values before shifting, if ocurred
+    this.scene.x = typeof this.scene.x_prev_shift !== 'undefined' ? this.scene.x_prev_shift : this.scene.x;
+    this.scene.y = typeof this.scene.y_prev_shift !== 'undefined' ? this.scene.y_prev_shift : this.scene.y;
+    // save scene scaling
+    this.scene.scaleX = this.width / width;
+    this.scene.scaleY = this.height / height;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Shift the main view of the canvas by the given amount. This is based on the
+   * ROS coordinate system. That is, Y is opposite that of a traditional canvas.
+   *
+   * @param x - the amount to shift by in the x direction in meters
+   * @param y - the amount to shift by in the y direction in meters
+   */
+  ROS2D.Viewer.prototype.shift = function(x, y) {
+    // save current offset
+    this.scene.x_prev_shift = this.scene.x;
+    this.scene.y_prev_shift = this.scene.y;
+    // shift scene by scaling the desired offset
+    this.scene.x -= (x * this.scene.scaleX);
+    this.scene.y += (y * this.scene.scaleY);
+  };
+  /**
+   * @fileOverview
+   * @author Bart van Vliet -
+   */
+  /**
+   * Adds zooming to a view
+   *
+   * @constructor
+   * @param options - object with following keys:
+   *   * rootObject (optional) - the root object to apply zoom to
+   *   * minScale (optional) - minimum scale to set to preserve precision
+   */
+  ROS2D.ZoomView = function(options) {
+      options = options || {};
+      this.rootObject = options.rootObject;
+      this.minScale = options.minScale || 0.001;
+      // get a handle to the stage
+      if (this.rootObject instanceof createjs.Stage) {
+          this.stage = this.rootObject;
+      }
+      else {
+          this.stage = this.rootObject.getStage();
+      }
+ = new ROSLIB.Vector3();
+      this.startShift = new ROSLIB.Vector3();
+      this.startScale = new ROSLIB.Vector3();
+  };
+  ROS2D.ZoomView.prototype.startZoom = function(centerX, centerY) {
+ = centerX;
+ = centerY;
+      this.startShift.x = this.stage.x;
+      this.startShift.y = this.stage.y;
+      this.startScale.x = this.stage.scaleX;
+      this.startScale.y = this.stage.scaleY;
+  };
+  ROS2D.ZoomView.prototype.zoom = function(zoom) {
+      // Make sure scale doesn't become too small
+      if (this.startScale.x*zoom < this.minScale) {
+          zoom = this.minScale/this.startScale.x;
+      }
+      if (this.startScale.y*zoom < this.minScale) {
+          zoom = this.minScale/this.startScale.y;
+      }
+      this.stage.scaleX = this.startScale.x*zoom;
+      this.stage.scaleY = this.startScale.y*zoom;
+      this.stage.x = this.startShift.x - ( * (this.stage.scaleX/this.startScale.x - 1);
+      this.stage.y = this.startShift.y - ( * (this.stage.scaleY/this.startScale.y - 1);
+  };
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